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Жыве Беларусь!
(Long Live Belarus!)

Unofficial National Anthem of Belarus (1991-1995)

Ausgabe für Klavier mit eine Singstimme

(Score for Piano and Voice)

Begleitung von Der Klaviermusiker

Transcribed by Der Klaviermusiker
Жыве Беларусь!
Леанід Пранчак Дзяржаўны гімн Беларусі (1991-2002) Васіль Раінчык

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Жы ве Бе ла русь! Ве ру, буд зе жыць заў сё ды! Сьвят ло Па го ні буд зе

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Zhy ve Be la rus'! Ve ru, bud ze zhyts' zau syo dy! S'vyat lo Pa ho ni bud ze

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сэр цы наш ы ак рыл яць. Жы ве! Жы ве! Hаш Край ма гут ны і сва

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ser tsy nash y ak ryl yats'. Zhy ve! Zhy ve! Nash Kray ma hut ny i sva

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бод ны, Нес ка ро на я ні кім i сьвя та я Зям ля. Бе ла русь! Бе ла

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bod ny, Nes ka ro na ya ni kim i s'vya ta ya Zyam lya. Be la rus'! Be la

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русь! хай ця бе мі нуць у се ня го ды. Век у шчась ці жы ві, ты Рад

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rus'! Khay tsya be mi nuts' u se nya ho dy. Vek u schas' tsi zhy vi, ty Rad

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26 1.-2. ritardando

зі ма ма я! (2.) Жы (3.) рус кі На род!

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zi ma ma ya! Zhy rus ki Na rod!

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2. Жыве Беларусь! Zhyve Belarus'!
Hашай волі абуджэньне. Nashay voli abudzhen'nye.
Краіна-маці, Kraina-matsi,
Tы прызнаньне шчырае прымі. Ty pryznan'nye schyraye prymi.
Жыве! Жыве! Zhyve! Zhyve!
Гучыць узьнёсла бласлаўленьне — Huchyts' uz'nyosla blaslaulen'nye —
Беларускі горды дух увасстаў з даўніны. Belaruski hordy dukh uvasstau z dauniny.
Беларусь, Беларусь, Belarus', Belarus',
Mы тваё вітаем Адраджэньне My tvayo vitayem Adradzhen'nye
Будзеш вечна вольнай ты, будзем вольнымі мы. Budzesh vechna vol'nay ty, budzem vol'nymi my.

3. Жыве Беларусь! Zhyve Belarus'!

Hас нядоля не здалела. Nas nyadolya ne zdalela.
Магутны Божа, Mahutny Bozha,
Беражы Айчыну з году ў год. Berazhy Aychynu z hodu u hod.
Жыве! Жыве! Zhyve! Zhyve!
Як непагасны сымбаль веры, Yak nepahasny symbal' very,
Будзеш вечна на зямлі паспаліты наш Род. Budzesh vechna na zyamli paspality nash Rod.
Беларусь, Беларусь, Belarus', Belarus',
Пад штандарам бел-чырвона-белым Pad shtandaram bel-chyrvona-belym
Век у шчасьці жыві Беларускі Народ! Vek u schas'tsi zhyvi Belaruski Narod!

The song “Жыве Беларусь” (Zhyve Belarus/Long Live Belarus) was an unofficial
anthem of Belarus from 1991-1995.

The phrase, which is also the incipit, translates to English as “Long Live Belarus!” It
originated from the uprising of 1863-1864, however, the height of this phrase’s use
was during 1917 when the Belarusian People’s Republic came into existence. Though
nominally a German puppet state, that same year the All-Belarusian Congress
displayed the red-white-red national flag, the Pahonia, and the phrase, “Long Live
Belarus”. Throughout this period various versions of the phrase existed. These

1. Няхай жыве вольная Беларусь!

(Nyakhay zhyve vol’naya Belarus’! – Long Live Free Belarus!)
2. Няхай жыве Беларуская Народная Рэспубліка!
(Nyakhay zhyve Belaruskaya Narodnaya Respublika! – Long live the
Belarusian People’s Republic!)
3. Хай жыве вольная, незалежная Народная Беларуская Рэспубліка ў яе
этнаграфічных межах!
(Khay zhyve vol’naya, nezalezhnaya Narodnaya Belaruskaya Respublika u yae
etnahrafichnykh mezhakh! - Long live the free, independent, People’s
Republic of Belarus within its ethnic borders!)

A postcard containing the Pahonia

Coat of Arms and a variation of the
phrase, Няхай жыве Беларуская
Народная Рэспубліка!

When the Soviets invaded consolidated their hold on Belarus in 1920, the People’s
Republic was removed from the world map and its government went into exile. Such
slogans were banned by the Soviet government.
Fast forward to the 1990s, Vasil’ Rainchyk and Leanid Pranchak composed this hymn with
the hopes that one day, it would be the national anthem of a free Belarus. It quickly gained
popularity among the Belarusian diaspora all around the world who hoped for a free
Belarusian nation to return some day. It did happen when the Soviet Union broke up in
1991, and soon enough, Жыве Беларусь quickly gained status as an “unofficial” national
anthem. However this would only last until 1995 as president Alexander Lukashenko
reverted the state symbols back to the Soviet times albeit removing references to
communism, and this song too was no exception.

Today, the hymn serves as a protest song and an anthem for the Belarusians in and out of
Belarus who oppose Lukashenko, as well as to fight for freedom and democracy to return
to their land, that one day, Belarus may be a rightful nation again with their unique
symbols, and that includes this patriotic hymn, Жыве Беларусь.

The Pahonia.

The composer and the lyricist:

Vasil’ Rainchyk (left) and Leanid Pranchak (right).

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