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Open letter to Google.

Hello Google:

I recently had an interview with you guys. The interviewer was good, prepared and
professional; it is the recruiter Smriti Khanna that pissed me off.

This woman cannot write a coherent English sentence, does not answer question and
basically acts like a bitch. She did not once bother to call and speak to me; just sent me

The emails that she sent were like a 10-year old kid’s chat log or cut and paste. When I
asker her a simple question, she did not bother to reply.

Apparently writing two sentences from scratch require a few brain cycles that she did
either did not have or did not want to waste at work.

What do you expect when someone does all her education at an Indian correspondence

Google, you should hire recruiters that present the company in a good light. Sure, good
recruiters are expensive, but they are the ones that bring in talent to the company; bad
ones like Smriti Khanna do more harm than good.

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