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Yes, I know there’s a lot of information in here.

Take it slow and allow yourself to use one or two

techniques a day, until you go through them all.
Over time, you will find that there are a few that
really resonate with you and you’ll begin using
these just like brushing your teeth, getting your oil
changed or taking out your trash.
We ARE spiritual bodies having a human
experience, not the other way around. For this
reason, EARTH SCHOOL is hard at times.
The tools in here will help make the road a little
easier and help you live more in the present.
If I had to select 2 tools for you to focus on first, I’d
have to say Forgiveness and Gratitude. With
those two, you can clear out a lot of old stuff and
Live NOW.

PJ Spur
EFT Tool Kit
(Emotional Freedom Technique)
A Collection of Tools

and Techniques

Creating the

You Really Want!

PJ Spur,CHt.
EFT for the Self-Critical Voice

Assess how you feel and assign a number on a scale of 1 to 10,

where 1 = NOT AT ALL and 10 = Intensely Critical Voice

Say the following “Set up Sentences” while Tapping the Karate Chop Point
or Rubbing the Sore Spot in the crease where the Arm joins the Body.

Even though I have this voice and it criticizes me, I deeply and completely love
and accept myself.

Even though I hear this voice and it criticizes me, and I believe it, I deeply and
completely love and accept myself.

Even though I have this voice and I think it’s right about me, I deeply and
completely love and accept myself.

Tap on all 10 Points on the Body AND the Gamut Point:

1.This critical voice.

2. It criticizes me.

3. It tells me I’m no good.

4. It tells me I’m not good enough.

5. This voice criticizes me.

6. I often believe it.

7. It bothers me.

8. It criticizes my life.

9. I believe this voice.

10. This voice that’s critical.

Take a deep breath and continue tapping:

1.This voice speaks as if it is the truth

2.The only truth

3.Do I believe it’s the only truth?

4.It disguises itself as my opinion.

5. It disguises itself as my truth.

6. It’s NOT my truth.

7. It’s NOT my opinion.

8. It’s somebody’s else’s opinion.

9. Who’s opinion is it?

10.Is it a younger part of me? . . Could it be a child’s truth?

Take a deep breath and focus in on how you are feeling.*

Say the following “Set up Sentences” while Tapping the Karate Chop Point
or Rubbing the Sore Spot in the crease where the Arm joins the Body.

Even if this voice is a younger part of me and it’s still in there, I deeply and
completely love and accept myself.

Even if this voice is a frightened little kid, I honor that voice and I deeply and
completely love and accept myself.

Even though I have this voice and I think it’s right about me, I’m open to the
possibility that it’s not telling the whole truth, and I deeply and completely love
and accept myself.

Tap on all 10 Points on the Body:

What if this voice is a younger part of me?

This voice IS a younger part of me.

This voice sounds like my mother.

This voice sounds like my father.

This voice sounds like the criticism I heard when I was growing up.

Maybe I don’t believe it.

Of course, I do.

It’s true.

Maybe it’s not.

Maybe it’s not even my voice.

Take a deep breath.

Place RIGHT HAND over Heart Chakra. Tap the Gamut Point with Two
Fingers of the Left hand while saying:

Perhaps, I don’t believe it.

Perhaps, it’s not true.

Perhaps, it was never true.

Say the following “Set up Sentences” while Tapping the Karate Chop Point
or Rubbing the Sore Spot in the crease where the Arm joins the Body.

Even though I have this voice and it criticizes me, I can choose to let it go and
I love myself.

Even though I hear this voice and it sounds familiar somehow, I can choose to
release it and I love myself.

Even though I hear this voice, I can choose to think and say loving thoughts to
myself and I love myself.

Tap on all 10 Points on the Body:

I choose loving thoughts.

I choose to be grateful for the lessons of my childhood.

I choose loving thoughts.

I choose to be grateful for my life.

I choose loving thoughts.

I choose to be grateful for these clearing techniques.

I choose loving thoughts.

I choose to let all of this go . . . now.

I choose loving thoughts.

I choose peace.

Place RIGHT HAND over Heart Chakra. Tap the Gamut Point with Two
Fingers of the Left hand while saying:

I choose peace.

I choose peace.

I choose peace.

Source: Adapted from an audio with Judy Byrne via Tapping International
Tele-seminar, February 2010.

*While the section that follows is based on clearing thoughts from the “child” part of you, other feelings may come up,
such as a specific memory, or a specific person (other than Mom or Dad). If this happens, you may want to tap on those
specific feelings or memories, in addition to the verbiage shown.
Contact me for help with this EFT Script and other energy clearing techniques.

EFT For Phobias and Fears

Focus in on a phobia or fear and allow yourself to really feel your feeling.
1. Assess the intensity of how you feel on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being a VERY
intense feeling._____ and 1 being no real feeling at all.
2. Tap on the Karate Chop Point, as you say the following Set Up Phrases:

• "Even though I have these fears I cannot control, I deeply and profoundly love
and accept myself."
• "Even though there are things that terrify me, I deeply and profoundly love and
accept myself."
• "Even though I don't want to think about this ever, I deeply and profoundly love
and accept myself."

• If you want to tap a round for, "I don't want to do this at all and it's pointless and
nothing will change anyway and I'll never get over this because I'm such a loser "
then that's what you should be tapping for. Say this 3-5X and then move back up to
3. Say a Reminder Phrase “These Fears” and Tap 5 to 7X on each of the 10 Tapping

Points: (You can say a specific fear…”fear of crowds” for example OR

you can just vent and tap, saying something different (whatever comes to mind) at
each tapping point:

Top of the head

Eyebrow point
Side of the eye
Under the eye
Under the nose
Under the mouth
Under the arm
4. Assess how you feel. What is the number now? __________ If it is not down to 1 or 2, do
another round with “Even though I still have some of these fears/this fear.”
5. Create a new round(s) on any NEW feelings that come up, assigning a number of intensity to
your feeling before you begin. This enables you to measure your progress.

Pyramid Protection Process

As you envision these 7 steps, face North, raise your hands to
shoulder level and snap your fingers on both hands at each step in
the process

1. Pyramid – Envision North and South Panels around you.

2. Pyramid – Envision East and West Panels around you.

3. Pyramid – Envision the Floor or a Grid under you.

4. Raise your personal frequency or energy level inside the


5. Envision putting mirrors on the outside of the Pyramid.

6. Envision putting an Orb or Bubble of Protection around the


7. Envision putting the Cross of Christ, Buddha, Angels or any

meaningful symbol on top of the Orb of Protection.

Take a deep breath in and out.

You may create this Pyramid of Protection to start your day, to add
protection before going into a public place or to add additional safety
before interacting with people or situations you find unsettling or
troublesome or whom you may not know.

Here is a prayer I use each day (I say it in the shower!) to

keep negative stuff away from me:

“Dear God,

Please protect me in an egg of white, God light, covered by

a blue haze of healing and a violet rubber shell.
This way, everything negative that I encounter hits the egg,
bounces off and goes into the earth, where it is transformed into positive
energy. Amen”

For Example, imagine this:

You’re the Star

White God Light

Blue haze of healing

Violet Rubber Shell

Negative can be people, things they say, stuff you see/hear on TV, etc.

Do your EFT-Self Love – AM Portion to set the tone for your day.

Night Time Protection:

1. Establish boundaries with your Guides: No spirits in the bedroom.

It’s “off limits” for spirit communication, unless it’s an emergency
regarding someone in your family or close circle of friends.

2. Ask your Animal Guide/Protection to stand at your bedroom door.

3. Envision a blue light starting at the top of your bed, going down the
left side, around the bottom, coming back up the right side of the
bed and going over to the left corner. This blue light protects you.

4. Ask your angels (how many is up to you) to guard the corners of

your room, windows, etc.

5. Do EFT–Self-Love –Evening portion or do some EFT around

anything that is bothering you.

6. Ask your guides and angels to bring you helpful dreams and allow
you to get your rest.

7. Listen to a guided meditation to get to sleep.

8. If you are awakened by a spirit, say to them, “Bless me or be

gone.” Universal law says they must leave if you ask them to
leave. Remember, your guides and angels will not wake you
unless your safety is in danger. If it is a relative, ask for a message
or ask them to come back during your waking hours. Our loved
ones and friends who have crossed over will also follow our

EFT For Physical Pain Or A Physical Condition of Any Type

Describe the pain as a number between 1 and 10 (10 = Intense Pain or Dire Condition) and then use this Set
up Phrase: Even though I have this (Pain/Allergy/Cough), I deeply and completely love and accept
myself, and I forgive myself. Repeat 3 X while rubbing Sore Spot or Tapping Karate Chop

Next, Tap “pain in my right hip(or whatever)” 5 to 7 X at each of the 10 tapping points

What is the number now?

Describe the pain: does it have a color or texture? (i.e., sticky and grey in color)

Now use this set up phrase: Even though I have this (color) and (type/adjective) pain hurting my
(body part), I choose to drain it away. Repeat 3 times

Tap “drain away” 5 to 7 times at each of the 10 points (while imagining it draining away)

What is the number now?

How has the color or texture changed? (i.e., thicker and darker in color)

Now use this set up phrase: Even though I have this (color) and (type/adjective) pain hurting my
(body part), I apply heat to it so that it becomes thinner and can drain away easily. Repeat 3X

Tap “apply heat to it” 5 to 7 times at each of the 10 points (while imagining it being heated)

Even though I have this (color) and (type/adjective) pain hurting my ( body part), I now drain away
this remaining pain, easily and effectively. Repeat 3 times

Tap “drain away this pain” 5 to 7 times at each of the 10 points (imagine it draining away)
Take a deep breath and say “Peace” while holding one wrist with the opposite hand.
Other examples of set-up phrases for pain or dis-ease or physical conditions:

Even though this pain is terrible, I don't want to change. I am used to it and don't want to let go.

Even though I think that only the painkiller can provide me relief from terrible pain, taking the
homeopathic pills will prove to be equally effective for me.

Even though my Inflexibility does not want me to change and be well, I deeply and completely love,
forgive and accept myself.

Even though Inflexibility has been staging this scary drama where I suffer a great deal of pain and I
allowed myself to be conned, I deeply and completely love, forgive and accept myself.

Even though my pain and suffering serve me in some way that I don’t even understand, I deeply and
completely love and accept myself.

Even though the doctors have told me this is terminal (inoperable, hopeless, etc), I deeply and
completely love and accept myself.

Even though the doctors have told me this is terminal (inoperable, hopeless, etc), I choose to believe
in the power of healing and have faith in a future for me.

EFT For Self Love – Morning

Tap on the Karate Chop Point, as you say the following

1. I choose to love myself today.

2. And I love and forgive myself.
3. I choose to love myself today.
4. And I choose to love and accept myself.
5. I choose to really love myself today.
6. I choose to treat myself.
7. With self love and self care.
8. I choose to treat myself with self respect.
9. I choose to acknowledge myself.
10. As deserving of love and respect.
11. And I deeply and completely…
12. Love and forgive and accept myself.
13. And anyone else.
14. Who shows up in my life today.

Tap each of the points 5 to 7 times and say the phrase or sentence

Eyebrow point, “I choose to love myself today.”

Side of the eye, “I choose to love myself today.”
Under the eye, “I choose to know I deserve that.”
Under the nose, “And I may have some reasons
Under the mouth, “Why I’m not buying this.
Collarbone, “I may doubt.”
Under the arm, “How lovable I am.”
Top of the head, “I may doubt.”
Eyebrow point, “How deserving I am of love and respect.”
Side of the eye, “And I choose to clear those doubts.”
Under the eye, “Releasing them at a cellular level.”
Under the nose, “They are misunderstandings.”
Under the mouth, “I choose to know that.”
Collarbone, “And besides which.”
Under the arm, “They don’t do anyone any good.”

Top of the head, “No one will benefit.”

Eyebrow point, “From any lack of self love.”
Side of the eye, “And I won’t benefit from it.
Under the eye, “So why persist in it?”
Under the nose, “Releasing this lack of self love.”
Under the mouth, “Allowing myself to love myself.”
Collarbone, “Allowing myself to know it’s okay to love myself.”
Under the arm, “Allowing myself to know that it’s right to love myself.”
Top of the head, “That I honor the creator.”
Eyebrow point, “By loving the creator’s work.”
Side of the eye, “I am worthy and deserving of love and respect.”
Under the eye, “And maybe there are some times
Under the nose, “Where I make things tough on myself.
Under the mouth, “And that is love.”
Collarbone, “Maybe I believe
Under the arm, “That I’m helping myself.”
Top of the head, “Or protecting myself”
Eyebrow point, “From something I shouldn’t have.”
Side of the eye, “And I choose to release ideas.”
Under the eye, “That causes fear.”
Under the nose, “That blocks me from things.”
Under the mouth, “That I could otherwise really enjoy.”
Collarbone, “Releasing the fears.”
Under the arm, “I choose to know.”
Top of the head, “That I am smart enough.”
Eyebrow point, “To know what’s really good for me.”
Side of the eye, “I have a lot of old ideas.”
Under the eye, “About things that are dangerous.”
Under the nose, “About things that are wrong.”
Under the mouth, “And some of these are unfounded.”
Collarbone, “And they’re based on myths.”
Under the arm, “And I’m releasing those.”
Top of the head, “So I can face the day.”
Eyebrow point, “With an open mind.”

Side of the eye, “And open eyes.”

Under the eye, “And open arms.”
Under the nose, “To allow the best that’s possible.”
Under the mouth, “And what could be more loving for myself?”
Collarbone, “The more I really love myself.”
Under the arm, “The more I’m going to attract.”
Top of the head, “Those things that are really good for me.”
Eyebrow point, “As I really love myself.”
Side of the eye, “I naturally will not attract.”
Under the eye, “Those things that are harmful for me.”
Under the nose, “The more I love myself.”
Under the mouth, “The more good naturally comes to me.”
Collarbone, “And that benefits others too.”
Under the arm, “It’s a win/win situation.”
Top of the head, “So I’m loving myself today.

Take a Deep Breath . . . and EASE into your day . . .

EFT For Self Love – Evening
Tap on the Karate Chop Point, as you say the following
1. I choose to feel love for myself.

2. And I choose to love and accept myself.

3. I choose to feel love for myself.

4. And I choose to love and accept myself.

5. I choose to feel love for myself

6. And clear out

7. The things I’ve been carrying with me.

8. Especially the things that are bothering me.

9. Maybe things have happened today.

10. Either to me

11. Or things that I’ve done

12. That I’m not feeling too good about.

13. And I choose to clear that away.

14. So I can feel love for myself.

15. And I can get a good night’s sleep

16. Which is a wonderful act of self love.

17. So I choose to love myself

18. And I deeply and completely

19. Love and forgive and accept myself

20. And anyone else

21. Who contributes to this

Tap each of the 10 points 5 to7 times, as you say the following:

Eyebrow point, “I choose to love myself.”

Side of eye, “I choose to love myself.”
Under the eye, “And maybe that means forgiving myself.”
Under the nose, “For how I’ve been today.”
Under the mouth, “Maybe I’ve done things.”
Collarbone, “Or thought things,”
Under the arm, “Or said things,”
Top of the head “That I don’t feel too good about.”
Eyebrow point, “And how can I forgive myself?”
Side of the eye, “And why should I forgive myself?”
Under the eye, “If I’ve done something wrong,”


Under the nose, “Shouldn’t I feel badly about it?”

Under the mouth, “Wouldn’t that make me a better person?”
Collarbone, “I choose to release that idea.”
Under the arm, “If there are amends that I need to make,”
Top of the head, “Things I need to do,”
Eyebrow point, “To make things right.”
Side of the eye, “I am going to do so.”
Under the eye. “Because that’s an act of self love.”
Under the nose, “As well as love towards another.”
Under the mouth, “But I can’t suffer enough right now,”
Collarbone, “To do anyone any good.”
Under the arm, “So I choose to love myself.”
Top of the head, “Releasing the blocks to that.”
Eyebrow point, “Releasing any sadness.”
Side of eye, “Releasing any anger.”
Under the eye, “Allowing myself to forgive myself.”
Under the nose, “Because it’s good for me.”
Under the mouth, “And it’s good for the world at large.”
Collarbone, “And maybe I’ve allowed things into my life today.”
Under the arm, “That I’m regretting.”
Top of the head, “Maybe things have happened to me,”
Eyebrow point, “People have done things to me,”
Side of the eye, “Or said things to me,”
Under the eye, “That I don’t feel too good about.”
Under the nose, “And I’ve got to ask myself”
Under the mouth, “What good is it going to do me?”
Collarbone, “To hold onto this now.”
Under the arm, “I’m letting it go.”
Top of the head, “I choose to love myself that much.”
Eyebrow point, “I choose to love myself enough,”
Side of the eye, “To be at peace now.”


Under the eye, “To give myself peaceful mind.”

Under the nose, “Relaxing.”
Under the mouth, “Giving myself peace.”
Collarbone, “Loving myself.”
Under the arm, “Because I deserve that.”
Top of the head, “In body, mind and spirit.”
Now, take a deep breath. Focus on how relaxed you feel. Keep a little notepad by your bed
and if you think of something important before going to sleep, write it down.

If you wake up in the middle of the night and think of something, write it down. It is an act of self
love for us to keep reminding ourselves of this important thing we have to do. That’s why we do
it! After years and years of doing this, we think about these things and obsess over them.

It is ALSO an act of self love to write it down, so you can let it go for now. So next time, you start
to obsess, WRITE IT DOWN! Or, ask your Higher Self to remind you later. Sweet dreams. . .
The Three Thumps
PERFORM DAILY TO: - Boost Your Immune System

-Stimulate Your Life Energy -Increase Strength & Vitality

Here an adaptation of "The Three Thumps," part of Donna Eden's Five-Minute Daily
Routine in her book, "Energy Medicine." This quick exercise is beneficial to all of
us. You can practice it in the morning and for a quick pick-me-up whenever you
feel your energy "slump." It is especially important for anyone who has an
autoimmune disease—the thymus plays a vital role in the body's immune system.

1) Thump K-27 Points

These are the end points of the kidney

meridians, the pathways of energy that begin
under the ball of each foot, travel up the
inside of the leg, up the front of the body,
and end at the collarbone. The K-27 points
are just under the clavicle, or collarbone. To
find them, place your fingertips on the U-
shaped notch at the top of the breastbone,
right about where a man knots his tie. Then
move your fingers out to each side and down
about an inch. Most people have small
depressions there. Stimulating these points
clears reversals, which is important before beginning any energy
intervention. It gets the energy flowing in a forward direction and jump-
starts the energy system so we feel more alert and energetic.

If you cross your hands while thumping on the K-27 points, this has the
added benefit of emulating the body's energies crossing at the neck. Keep
thumping the K-27 points while taking three deep breaths (in through the
nose and out through the mouth).

2) Thump the Thymus Gland

According to Dr. John Diamond, author of Life Energy, the thymus gland
controls the life energy of the body. The Greek word thymos actually means
"life energy!" This gland lies just beneath the upper part of the breastbone
in the middle of the chest, and it plays a vital role in the body's immune
system. Think of all the energy Tarzan had after he thumped his chest!

Repeat the affirmation "My life energy is high. I am full of love," while
thumping the thymus gland and taking three deep breaths.

3) Thump the Spleen Neurolymphatic Points

These points are part of the lymph system, which aids the immune system
by removing toxins from the body.

The spleen neurolymphatic points are the depression between the 7th and
8th rib, just below the level of the breastbone (sternum). Find the points by
moving your hand beneath your breasts, straight under the nipples, then
move them down over the next rib. (These points are not under the
ribcage, that's going down too far).

Thumping the Spleen Neurolymphatic Reflex Points removes toxins, fights

infection, modulates blood chemistry and hormones, counters dizziness and
stress, and helps metabolize food.

If these points are really sore, stimulate them by rubbing and the soreness
should disappear in a few days. These points can be stimulated while taking
three deep breaths, and even longer --- for two or three minutes at a time.
(If the points are sore, it means you need this action, so continue doing this


EFT Choices Trio - Grief

Utilize EFT and its ease and simplicity in “zapping” the negative feelings from your life,
AND integrate positive affirmations. With this EFT technique, you can replace negative
feelings or habits with positive ones. The words are examples…you may use your own.
1. Assess the intensity of how you feel on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the most
intense feeling._____
2. Say 3 or More Set Up Phrases while Tapping the Karate Chop point:
"Even though I feel really sad, I deeply and completely love and accept myself."

"Even though I feel a deep sense of loss and longing, I deeply and completely love and
accept myself."

"Even though I miss my loved one, I deeply and completely love and accept myself."

“Even though I miss my old life and know it’ll never be the same, I and completely love
and accept myself."

"Even though I feel I’ll never recover, I deeply and completely love and accept myself."

3. For Round 1, Tap each of the 10 Tapping Points and Say the Reminder Phrase
at each point:
“I miss my loved one” (can also insert Name of loved one)
OR “I miss what I used to have “ OR “I miss my old life”

1 Top of head: 7 Collarbone:

2 Eyebrow: 8 Under Arm:
3 Side of Eye: 9 Under Rib:
4 Under Eye: 10 Wrist
5 Under Nose:
6 Chin:

4. For Round 2, Tap each of the 10 Tapping Points and Say one of the
Choices Phrases at each point:

“I choose to release this sense of loss”

1 Top of head: 6 Chin:

2 Eyebrow: 7 Collarbone:
3 Side of Eye: 8 Under Arm:
4 Under Eye: 9 Under Rib:
5 Under Nose: 10 Wrist

5. For Round 3, Tap each of the 10Tapping Points and ALTERNATE Saying
one of the Choices Phrases with one of the Negative Phrases at each point:

“I miss my loved one” “I choose to release this sense of loss”

1 Top of head: 6 Chin:

2 Eyebrow: 7 Collarbone:
3 Side of Eye: 8 Under Arm:
4 Under Eye: 9 Under Rib:
5 Under Nose: 10 Wrist

Remember to END with a Positive statement.

Now, assess how you feel. What is the number now? _____________

The goal is to reduce the number to 1 or 2.

If necessary, do more tapping. If new feelings come up, do a complete round on the
new feeling(s)

“The common meaning of gratitude is to be thankful for benefits received. While this is important, I
feel that the energy of gratitude is one of the most powerful attracting forces in the universe. A heart
filled with Thanksgiving, even when appearances tell us that we are mired in scarcity, conflict, and
affliction, moves us to a higher frequency in consciousness and we soon witness reality shining
through the illusion."

- John Randolph Price

A gratitude journal helps you focus on what is really precious to you in your life and tells the Universe
“More please!”

Many times, we find it hard to move forward or feel “stuck” because of past hurts we are carrying.
Forgiveness can really help with clearing these hurts. Remember, the forgiveness is for you, not the
guilty party. Not forgiving someone for something, thinking that you are holding them accountable
and punishing them is like drinking the poison yourself and thinking the other person will die.

Use EFT for Forgiveness to work through the forgiveness issues in your life. Writing a letter to the
offending party is also effective. Just don’t mail the letter! If the person is deceased, you can also go
into meditation and visualize yourself speaking with the person, one last time.

Use EFT and Ho’oponopono for another version of forgiveness.

Keeping a journal (which can be a spiral notebook, a pad of paper or a fancy, leather-bound volume)
helps you vent your feelings and track your progress. Writing is a great way to get out issues. You
might also see patterns and issues to tap on. When we let thoughts go around and around in our
heads, we don’t heal and release these feelings. Writing it down helps you to heal.

Positive Affirmations and Positive Thoughts

The more you can focus on what you DO want instead of what you DON’T want, the more you will
attract those things into your life. One way to accomplish this is to use EFT Choices Trio. With this
method, you can vent about what’s bothering you and then give voice to what you want to feel.

This is the basic strategy behind the EFT For Self Love – Morning and Evening Routine.

If you want more in your life to be grateful for, focus on the appreciation
you already feel for what and who you have in your life.

Start by addressing the genuine mood or feeling state you feel right now,
then move into appreciation and gratitude.

Tap on Karate chop point:

Even though I feel a little down right now, I choose to focus on positive emotions…
Even though I don’t feel very positive right now, I accept who I am and how I feel…
Even though I’m wallowing in self pity right now, I accept all of me and how I feel.

EYEBROW: I’m always afraid of what might happen

SIDE OF EYE: What if something bad happens to me?
UNDER EYE: I feel the fear in my vibration every day
UNDER NOSE: I can feel the fear no matter what I do
CHIN: I don’t feel safe unless I’m feeling worried
COLLARBONE: I’m afraid to let go of my fear
UNDER ARM: I don’t know how to feel any other way
HEAD: What if I can’t let go of my fear?

EYEBROW: I keep focusing on the negative.

SIDE OF EYE: Maybe I don't want to be positive.
UNDER EYE: I feel frustrated about so many things.
UNDER NOSE: It's hard to change my focus.
CHIN: I keep focusing on the negative.
COLLARBONE: I feel so overwhelmed.
UNDER ARM: It's hard to change my focus.
HEAD: I don't know if I want to be grateful...

After you have used EFT to relieve the sensation of chronic fear in your mind and body AND
your focus on the negative, move towards more positive and appreciative thoughts and statements:

EYEBROW: I have decided to notice what I appreciate.

SIDE OF EYE: I'm ready to change my focus right now.
UNDER EYE: I appreciate how much I feel grateful for in my life.
UNDER NOSE: I choose to notice the many blessings in my life.
CHIN: I appreciate who I am and the miracles in my life.
COLLARBONE: I have so much abundance right now, and I look forward to more.
UNDER ARM: I appreciate all the abundance flowing into my life.
HEAD: I appreciate who I am and how I feel.

EYEBROW: I love feeling grateful
SIDE OF EYE: I choose to feel good no matter what
UNDER EYE: I feel appreciation for being alive
UNDER NOSE: I love who I am and how I feel
CHIN: I’m grateful for my life
COLLARBONE: I appreciate so much in my life
UNDER ARM: I’m grateful for the clarity in my life
HEAD: I love feeling so joyful

EYEBROW: I love feeling good

SIDE OF EYE: I appreciate feeling so grateful
UNDER EYE: I appreciate who I am
UNDER NOSE: I love who I am becoming
CHIN: I’m grateful for all my feelings
COLLARBONE: I appreciate the guidance I am getting
UNDER ARM: I’m grateful for who I am
HEAD: I love feeling such joy

After this marathon of gratitude tapping, measure how you feel afterwards. You can then tap on any
new issues that pop up. These are the “yes, but . . .” feelings.

So, here’s all you need to attract success and abundance into your life:

(1) Law of Attraction (Like the Law of Gravity, you don’t have to understand it!)
(2) EFT (Use to zap and release negative feelings and issues in your life)
(3) An Attitude of Gratitude (Brings more of what you love into your life!)

The Gratitude List involves writing down on paper, once a day, all that you feel grateful for. Write it
out any time of day that feels right to you. If you write your list at night, it may keep you up because
some folks have a hard time settling down afterwards.

The Gratitude Walk is the act of reciting your gratitude list out loud, while you are walking outside in
nature, swinging your arms, breathing deeply and thanking the Universe for all the blessings in your
life. Both of these methods are thrilling. And don't forget to express your appreciation directly to
others. Doing so changes lives!

Source: Carol Look © 2006 Attracting Abundance Newsletter #33


EFT For Forgiveness in 4 Parts

"As long as you don't forgive, who and whatever it is will
occupy rent-free space in your mind."(or heart)
--Isabelle Holland

1. Forgive the offender for committing the act.

Say the “Set Up Sentence” 3X while rubbing the “Sore Spot” (Purple) (or tapping the Karate Chop Point)

Even though ______________________ _____________________________________, I forgive him/her…he/she was

doing the best he/she could do.

Tap 7-10 times on each of the 10 points on the face and body, while repeating the Reminder Phrase: “he hurt me”
(for example . . . use your own words)

2. Forgive the offender for the harm their act has caused you.
Say 3X while rubbing the “Sore Spot” (or tapping the Karate Chop Point)

Even though what happened has caused me problems for ________years, that’s ok, I forgive him/her.

Tap 7-10 times on each of the 10 points on the face and body, while repeating the Reminder Phrase: “problems for 15
years” (for example . . . use your own words)

3. Forgive yourself for your reaction to the act.


Say 3X while rubbing the “Sore Spot”

Even though I ______________________________________________________________________,

that’s okay, I was only reacting like most kids would. I forgive myself for ___________________

Tap 7-10 times on each of the 10 points on the face and body, while repeating the Reminder Phrase: “lying” or “hiding
from people” or “refusing to make friends with anyone” (for example…use your own words)

4. Forgive yourself for allowing your response to add to the problem.

Say 3X while rubbing the “Sore Spot” (or tapping the Karate Chop Point)

I forgive myself for allowing this _______________________ to interfere with my enjoyment of life for the last
__________ years. I’ve been doing the best I could do.

Tap 7-10 times on each of the 10 points on the face and body, while repeating the Reminder Phrase: “I forgive myself”
(for example, saying something else may be right for you) Review how you feel. You may want to repeat some
portions, or just tap on new feelings that come up.

EFT and Ho’oponopono
Say 3X and Tap KC Point with dominant hand
KC: Even though I have something within me that
caused this situation, I deeply and completely love
and accept myself and this opportunity to heal.
Tap 10 Points:
TH: Whatever is in me that brought this into my life
EB: I see that I brought this into my life
SE: I am sorry
UE: I forgive myself
UN: I forgive the other person
CH: I am grateful for this
CB: I allow myself to heal
UA: I love myself
RIB: I choose to expand this love to everyone
involved Wrist: I send peace and love to everyone


EFT Choices Trio

1. Assess the intensity of how you feel on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the most intense feeling.

2. Say the Set Up Phrase 3 X while rubbing the Sore Spot or Tapping the Karate Chop point:
"Even though I feel really angry at Jack, I choose to feel calm and confident about what happened"

3. For Round 1, Tap each of the 10 Tapping Points and say the Reminder Phrase at each point:

1 Top of head: 6 Chin:

2 Eyebrow: 7 Collarbone:
3 Side of Eye: 8 Under Arm:
4 Under Eye: “I’m angry” 9 Rib:
5 Under Nose: 10 Wrist

4. For Round 2, tap each of the 10 Tapping Points and say the Choices Phrase at each point:

1 Top of head:
2 Eyebrow:
3 Side of Eye:
4 Under Eye:
5 Under Nose: “I choose to feel calm and confident”
6 Chin:
7 Collarbone:
8 Under Arm:
9 Rib:
10 Wrist

For Round 3, tap each of the 10 Tapping Points and alternate saying the Choices Phrase with
the Negative Phrase at each point:

1 Top of head: “I’m angry”

2 Eyebrow: “I choose to feel calm and confident”
3 Side of Eye: “I’m angry”
4 Under Eye: “I choose to feel calm and confident”
5 Under Nose: “I’m angry”
6 Chin: “I choose to feel calm and confident”
7 Collarbone: “I’m angry”
8 Under Arm: “I choose to feel calm and confident”
9 Rib: “I’m angry”
10 Wrist: “I choose to feel calm and confident”

Assess how you feel. If it is higher than 1 or 2, you may want to do another round. You always
want to end on a Positive Choice!

Refusal Technique – Basic EFT
(Note: While this template deals with “anxiety,” you can modify this to deal with ANY issue, problem or pain.)

Tap Karate Chop Point and say 1 of these Sentences 3X or Each One 1X:

Even though I’ve been anxious for good reasons, and you keep wanting me to let go of
it, I accept who I am and how I feel about it…

Even though my anxiety serves some purpose for me, I just haven’t figured it out yet, I
accept who I am and how I feel about holding on to it…

Even though you make me feel wrong for having anxiety, I accept who I am and how I
react to situations in my life.

Eyebrow: I refuse to give up my anxiety

Side of eye: It’s done a lot for me in my life
Under Eye: I don’t want to give it up
Nose: I refuse to stop being anxious
Chin: I am so used to being anxious
Collarbone: I refuse to give it up
Under Arm: I refuse, so there!
Head: I have decided to stay anxious
Eyebrow: Being anxious feels normal
Side of eye: I refuse to give it up
Under Eye: It feels good to rebel
Nose: I’m scared to release it
Chin: Who will I be without it?
Collarbone: I refuse to get rid of my anxiety
Under Arm: I refuse, so stop focusing on it
Head: I have decided to refuse to let go of my anxiety

Karate chop point: Even though everyone wants me to be calm and

peaceful, I choose to love and accept who I am with my anxiety…Even
though being “anxious” is who I really am, I accept who I am and how I
feel…Even though everyone wants to make me feel a different way, I
accept my feelings and my thoughts.

Eyebrow: I refuse to change

Side of eye: I’m not going to give up this anxiety

Under Eye: I don’t know how to give it up

Nose: I refuse to let go of my anxiety

Chin: I need to be anxious

Collarbone: I refuse to give it up

Under Arm: I don’t know how anyway

Head: Stop trying to make me be different.

After giving yourself some air time, so to speak, to refuse to change, and giving a voice
to the threat of changing, there is more room for you to actually consider changing!!

Eyebrow: I’m not ready to change YET

Side of eye: I’m not going to change

Under Eye: I’m willing to consider giving this up

Nose: I refuse to let go of my anxiety

Chin: Maybe I don’t need to be anxious

Collarbone: What if it’s time to release the anxiety

Under Arm: I will consider it in my own time

Head: I am going to make my own choices

Saying “I refuse to give up this anxiety” may sound strange to you, but doing so allows you to
explore more options for feeling safe and peaceful to enter your consciousness. It doesn’t mean
that you are in fact refusing, it just stirs up your feelings about the position of feeling safe
without your issue or problem. It also brings in a lighter side of the problem or issue, which helps
you relax and allow the EFT to be even more effective for you.

Source: Carol Look, EFT Newsletter © 2006

Tips for Success with EFT:
1. Make sure you are well hydrated. If you have been tapping and don’t feel you are
moving or shifting, drink some water. Also, drink plenty of water through-out the
day. Just like a massage or any other energy clearing work, EFT moves toxins and
debris from your body. The kidneys and lymph system helps with this and water is
essential to this process.

2. Tap on BOTH SIDES of the body. Not necessary, but if you feel led to do so, it will
move even more debris out of your system.

3. Tap your Karate Chop Points together for 15 to 20 seconds to reverse your body’s
polarity. Just like you can put batteries upside down in a device and the device won’t
work, your body can become “reversed.” Try it before every session.

4. Don’t worry if you are tapping on the EXACT spot. If you are in the general area, you
will be stimulating the point.

5. Be specific. The more specific you can be about your feeling, the better. Make
notes, as you go along, about other feelings that come up. Some people call this
“peeling the onion.” There are layers to our pain and hurt, just as there are layers to
our lives.

6. Set a clear intention before you begin. This acts to “set you up for success,” by
asserting what you want to accomplish. The “power of why” is also important. Why is
it important for you to release your fear, doubt, or limiting belief? How will you and
your life be different?

7. Remember to do a “Refusal” round if the issue is deeply rooted. (Last section.)

8. If you feel “stuck,” place your RIGHT hand over your heart and Tap on the Gamut
Point on THAT hand with your LEFT hand. Tap 10 to 20 times, and breathe deeply.

9. Be persistent. Persistence is a key to success with EFT. Just keep tapping and tap on
everything and you’ll see results.

10. Breathe. After a round of EFT, take a deep breath and assess how you feel. If you
have put a number to the intensity of your feeling, ask “what is it now?” Doing so
gives you a measuring device for the work you are doing.

11. Tap and Vent. Just tap on the 10 points and vent or whine about whatever or
whomever is bothering you. Tap until you feel better, start laughing or run out of
things to say.

12. If you have questions, e-mail me. Whether I’ve encountered it myself or with a
client, I may know how to address the very problem you are struggling with!

29 PJ Spur, Cht.

Notes- Energy Empath Class

1. I can ask my Higher Self to clear me of negativity, excess energy, hooks, etc.

2. To stop negative energy, imagine a line going from My Heart Chakra to the other
Person’s Heart Chakra. Put a filter in between Me and the other Person, kind of like
a coffee filter.

3. If a person is taking your energy, ask Their Higher Self to give them MORE energy.

4. For my daily “Shield”

a. Imagine a white egg of white God light.

b. Imagine a 2nd egg of white God light.

c. Then imagine a Purple, Shiny egg on top of these.

d. Put a hole in the top for guidance.

e. Put a hole in the bottom for grounding.

f. Program My Shield to keep out:

i. Negative Entities

ii. Negative Intentions

iii. Marketing that would try to sell me MORE STUFF

iv. Even positive thoughts that are not for My Highest Good


vi. Ground Me

g. Say “Shields Up” when you want to re-establish this Shield

5. For removing Entities, imagine a net. Throw it on the entity and pull it off. Allow it to
fly into Outer Space.
6. If you sense Negative Energy or Negative Emotions,
CROSS YOUR ARMS over your Heart & Solar Plexus to
further protect yourself.

7. Stand at an angle from anyone who is talking to you. Do

not face them head on. If you are forced to face them, put
up SHIELDS and cross arms.

8. If you feel any “hooks,” just imagine them disintegrating

into powder and being washed away. Allow yourself to
“see” this happening. Take a deep breath and resume
your day.


Remember: It’s usually easier to say, “Gotta go right now,” and leave a situation than have
to “clean up” later from a really negative person or their negative story telling.

The Spiritual Waterfall

The Spiritual Waterfall technique is used to cleanse your energy bodies of
loose negative energy and debris. It can also be used anytime you are around
other people and start to feel that your auric field is picking up a lot of negative
or dirty energy.

1) To do this technique, simply imagine yourself under a waterfall of white energy

that completely covers your auric field and flows through every cell of your body.
It can be useful to do this in the shower while you are feeling physical water
running over your body

2) Visualize it cleansing all of the negative and dirty energy from your body and
your energy field and see it draining down deep into the earth

3) Continue until your energy field is clean and bright

4) Optionally, use other colors for different effects:

• Pale blue for cooling and calming,

• Pale green for deeper cleansing,
• Pale pink for soothing and feelings of love,
• Pale red for prosperity and business opportunities,
• Pale orange for fun

The power of this simple technique should not be underestimated! As energy Empaths,
we pick up negative energy from our environment and other people every single day. By
"negative energy" we mean low frequency energetic debris. Heavy debris in your energy
field lowers your overall frequency significantly - which also reduces your consciousness
and leads to more negative emotions and behaviors. Cleaning this energy out instantly
increases your energetic frequency and thus raises your consciousness. This evokes
more positive feelings and makes it easier for you to choose thoughts and behaviors
that are aligned with divine principle!

Use this technique multiple times every day, and before you go to bed.


Cord Cutting with the Angels

Etheric Cord Cutting

When we have fear-based attachments to a person or an object, we form spiritual

leashes to keep the person or object from leaving or changing. These leashes look like
surgical tubing, and they grow larger as a function of the length and intensity of the
relationship. So, the largest cords are to parents, siblings, and other longtime, intense

The cords are hollow tubes, and energy runs back and forth between the attached
persons. These are fear-based cords, which are always unhealthy and based upon
dysfunction. They have nothing to do with the love or the healthy part of the relation-
ship. Cutting cords isn't abandoning or divorcing a person; it's releasing the unhealthy
part of the relationship. Etheric cords are also unrelated to the silver cord, which
attaches the soul to the body. The love and silver cord can't be accidentally severed.

Let's say that you have a cord attached to a friend or relative who's feeling depressed or
needy. That person will begin draining energy from you, like siphoning fuel at a gas
station. You'll feel tired without knowing why. No amount of caffeine, exercise, or sleep
will be able to revive your energy if the source is etheric-cord draining. I firmly believe
that chronic fatigue syndrome stems from people being drained of energy through etheric
cords. Many people I've worked with have regained their energy levels just through using
this simple method of cutting cords.

If the person you're etherically attached to becomes angry, their anger energy will come
tumbling through the etheric cords, straight into your body and chakras. This can result
in physical pain that seems to have no cause, and which is unresponsive to treatment.

People who are professional helpers, such as teachers, counselors, and healers, often
have a lot of cords attached to their students and patients. (The same is true with
individuals who are always helping needy friends and relatives.)
So it's important to cut cords after every session of helping someone, or whenever you
feel physical pain or lethargy without any apparent reason. Cords can grow back if the
relationship resumes with fear mingled in it. New cords are thinner, though, so less
energy can be drained from you or tossed at you.


Cord Cutting with Archangel Michael

Michael carries a sword that cuts all attachments to negativity. Simply think the thought,
“Archangel Michael, I call upon you now. Please cut the cords of fear that are draining
my energy and vitality.” Sit quietly while he cuts your cords. He'll send healing energy
through the severed cords to both you and the other person.

Sensitive people will feel bodily and air-pressure changes as Michael cuts the cords,
followed by increased energy and a reduction or cessation of pain.

Cutting Stubborn Cords

Michael can only cut cords if you're willing to let go of old resentments that are
associated with the person to whom you're attached. If you're holding on to anger or
unforgiveness, the cord won't cut. In these cases, as you use the method described above
where you call upon Michael, also add the following as you think about the person: I am
willing to trade all pain for peace. I ask for peace to replace any pain now.

Cutting Specific Cords

In addition to the two methods above, I recommend going through this step. Think of
these specific individuals one by one and hold the intention of cutting cords of fear
associated with them: mother; father; siblings; and past or present lovers. These are the
specific relationships that most often yield cords associated with physical pain.


You can use this method on yourself or another. Make sure that your back isn't touching
anything, such as a chair. Lean forward or lie on your side or front.

Call upon Archangels Raphael and Michael to surround you, and then breathe in and out
very deeply. Sometimes when people are angry at themselves or someone else, they send
anger energy that can harden into a form that imbeds itself inside of bodies. At times,
we curse ourselves or another, unconsciously or consciously.

Be willing to let go of and lift any anger energy from your body. Release any daggers,
arrows, swords, or other sharp or painful objects from your back or other areas. As these
daggers and other objects now lift from your body, you may be surprised to learn who
sent them to you. Be willing to send those people your forgiveness, to the best of your
ability, as a way to heal yourself even further. Keep lifting the objects out of your entire
body, letting go of them completely. All curses will now be lifted completely, in all
directions of time.

Raphael will now cover you in a liquid green healing gel, which immediately heals away
any former incisions. As you heal, Michael covers you in a shield of purple rubber, which
ensures that any further attacks bounce away from you. As they do so, they're
transmuted into love and returned to the sender, in order to heal that person.

You're now completely cleared and protected. Thank Raphael and Michael for your

Source: Doreen Virtue ---Angels Medicine


Turnarounds -“The Work” by Byron Katie

If you are critical of another person (As in the first example below, “Paul doesn’t understand me.”) OR you feel
called to give someone advice (As in “I think ___________ should __________) take a minute and see what
you are projecting on that person. Any “should” or “shouldn’t” is fair game. Any critical statement can be
turned around to the opposite, to the other, and to the self (and sometimes to “my thinking,” when that feels
appropriate). Find a minimum of three genuine, specific examples of how each turnaround is true in your life,
and then allow yourself the time and presence to feel them deeply.

For example, ”Paul doesn’t understand me”

turns around to ”Paul does understand me.”

Be still and witness as your mind reveals to you examples of how this turnaround is true. Those examples
might look like:

a. He understands that when I’m angry I always get over it.

b. He understood me last week when he laughed at the joke I was telling him.

c. He understood me yesterday when I told him I really needed to get away with friends.
He even stayed home with the kids.

Another turnaround is “I don’t understand me.” Again, find at least three genuine, specific examples of times
that you have not understood yourself.

A third turnaround is ”I don’t understand Paul.” Relax, close your eyes, and with an open mind witness as the
images and feelings within you begin to show you, example by example, of where you have not understood
Paul. Be very gentle and thorough.

Each turnaround is an opportunity to experience the opposite of what you originally believed.

More Examples of Turn Arounds:

1.Out for lunch with younger daughter, Susan, and she didn’t like her pizza. Said it tasted “weird.” She sent it
back and got a cheese pizza. It bothered me that she did this. Why can’t she just eat the pizza she got?

I used the simple sentence:

_________________________________ should/shouldn’t _____________________________

Susan shouldn’t send her pizza back.

Susan should send her pizza back.

I should send my pizza back.

I should get what I want.

It’s OK for me to order/get what I want.

It’s OK for me to change my mind about what I want.

Pretty revealing, in terms of the whole “put your order in with the Universe” idea, which I always struggle with.
Feelings of “not deserving what I want” or “what if I screw up and order the wrong thing?” usually come up. I
feel a huge shift on this.

2. I called my Husband. He doesn’t answer. He never answers his cell phone! I get really pissed.

I used the simple sentence:

_________________________________ does/doesn’t _____________________________

He doesn’t answer my calls

He does answer my calls. (You probably can think of 3 examples for this)

I do answer his calls.

I do answer my own calls.

Do I hear my own calls? How do I fail to hear my own calls? Cries for help? Messages from my body?

Do I dismiss my own needs?

How do I dismiss myself?

This helped me see how I often dismiss my needs and wants and put others first. So, I really resent it when
people don’t respond to my “calls,” because I don’t respond to MY own messages, intuition, etc.

3. I sit by a coffeemaker in my office and am expected to make coffee for the 5 people I support. There are
about 15 other people who use the coffeemaker and NONE OF THEM EVER MAKES COFFEE!!! I am SO

I used the simple sentence:

_________________________________ should/shouldn’t _____________________________

They should refill the coffee!

They shouldn’t refill the coffee.

I should refill the coffee.

I should refill myself.

I should replenish myself.

I should allow myself time to rest, recharge, replenish.

It’s OK to rest, recharge and replenish myself!


4. My sister invited our other sister to a play in San Antonio. They didn’t invite me. I feel really hurt and left

I used the simple sentence:

_________________________________ should/shouldn’t _____________________________

They should invite/include me.

They shouldn’t include me. (I could also come up with 3 examples of times they DID invite me)

I should include them.

I should include myself.
What am I doing/creating/being/having that is NOT including ME on some level?

How am I leaving myself out of invitations to do/create/be/have what I want?

5. This morning, I was running out the door and went back to say something to Luke. He said, “Baby, I’m
trying to get ready here and you keep interrupting me!”

Well, I fumed to the car and thought to myself, “He doesn’t have time for me!” Then, as soon as it came in, I
thought of “The Work” and did my turnaround:

Luke doesn’t have time for me.

Luke DOES have time for me. (Can you think of 2-3 times when this WAS True?)
I don’t have time for Luke.
I DO have time for Luke (Again, think of examples)
I don’t have time for myself. Ooooooh!
How am I not honoring myself? What comes up when I ask this question? (Think of 2 or 3 examples)

Remember: A projection is ALWAYS about ME! Never about the other person. The other person is
a MIRROR who only projects the hurt, anger, fear, etc., that I am feeling. This is how MY SOUL communicates with me.

Here’s a personal comment from Byron Katie:

“As I began living my turnarounds, I noticed that I was everything I called you. You were merely my
projection. Now, instead of trying to change the world around me (this didn't work), I can put the thoughts on
paper, investigate them, turn them around, and find that I am the very thing I thought you were. In the
moment I see you as selfish, I am selfish (deciding how you should be). In the moment I see you as unkind, I
am unkind. If I believe you should stop waging war, I am waging war on you (or myself!) in my mind.”

The turnarounds are your prescription for happiness. Live the medicine you have been prescribing for
others. The world is waiting for just one person to live it. You're the one.

So the next time you want to give advice to someone, the next time you think someone else SHOULD or
SHOULDN”T do something, do a turnaround! Take time to TURNAROUND each situation and mine for pure

For more information, go to:


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