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ars INSPECTION DE PEDAGOGIE “cuss AIEPUBLIOUE DU CAMEROUN it OF CAMEROON Fates toned srcosainrs race cs exsetarmenTs ( INSPECTORATE OF PEDAGOGY IN CHARGE OF TE PROMOTION OF LA PROMOTION DU BILINGUISME CIRCULAR LETTER N' MINESEC/IGE/IP-111. of | Instituting the “Bilingual Game" in Secondary General and Technical Schools and Technical Teacher Training Colleges THE MINISTER OF SECONDARY EDUCATION To + REGIONAL DELEGATES = INSPECTOR COORDONATORS - DIVISIONAL DELEGATES + HEADS OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE INSTITUTIONS Mindful of the Constitution of the Republic of Carneroon that declares French and English our two official languages of equal value; Mindful of the Law to lay down Guidelines on Education thal acknowledges bilinguatisin as a key lo_national integration; Mindful of the wish of the Head of State and the Prime Minister to transform all Cameroonians into truly bilingual citizens; With 2 view to boost learners’ and teachers’ skills to express themselves In both official languag As from the 2009-2010 academic year, a "Bilingual Game” is henceforth instituted in all schools within the Ministry of Secondary Education. The aim of the “Bilingual Game” is to improve the ability of young Cameroonians to master bath official languages. The implementation of the said game, wall take us closer to our main goal: to train bilingual Cameroonians. : The “Bilingual Game” entails that every teacher, Irrespective of the subject taught, uses the other official language during the last ten minutes of the lesson. This final stage of the lesson should be fun, with the teacher acting as @ facilitator. The "Bilingual Game” should be well prepared, ahead of time, by the teacher as he/she will be exclusively using the uther official language. Its specific objectives should be clearty set. ‘Scanné avec CamSeanner PAR ATY PDUCATION Mak Its strategy consists in learning while playing and having (an. ee at students speak the other language as much as possible, ne ae thelr making errors, is an important factor for the success of g . For a better implementation of the “Bilingual game”, It is recommended that audio-visual alds, realia and participatory approaches be uset (Encourage group work and all learners” participation). For more eff Lesa the teacher should constantly update his/her knowledge, be creative and resourceful. I attach great importance to the strict. implementation of these instructions. Copies to: + MINESEC /CAB ~ SEESEC/CAB + $6 IGE 168, Ip DIRECTORS EDUCATION SECRETARIES + REGIONAL DELEGATES + DIVISIONAL DELEGATES + PRINCIPALS + FICHIER + CHRON/ARCHIVES ‘Scanné avec CamSeanner

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