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Copyright 2010 Sheldon Salzberg

Published by Congregation Ohaiv Yisroel


Rabbi Alfred Cohen

Congregation Officers

Leonard Mann ....................................................................President

Gerald From ................................................................Vice President
Morris Meisner ..................................................... Financial Secretary
Ari Markowitz...................................................... Recording Secretary
Marilyn May................................................. Corresponding Secretary
Menachem Ickovitz.................................................................. Gabai
Mordechai Kushner.................................................................. Gabai
Ira Schwartz.................................................................Past President

Board of Trustees

Stuart Cohnen .......................................................... Robert Goldfarb

Willie Goldstein ........................................................ Seymour Kerner
Noreen Mann .......................................................... Sheldon Salzberg

Sisterhood Board

Kathy Perles ..........................................Communications & Treasurer







Rabbi’s Message
Our Shul dinner is a yearly “ritual”, where we join together to
assess and celebrate our congregation’s progress and
achievements. It is now many years since our Shul was
established, and we continue to stress, as we have from the
beginning, three pillars of our faith: Torah, Tefilla, and Chesed –
the study of our heritage, communal and person prayer, and
caring and support for others.

The Jewish religion has multiple facets, and different

people stress varying parts of the religion as being of foremost
importance. The Midrash records that there was once a debate
among the great Rabbis, as to which verse in the Torah captures
the essence of what it means to be Jewish.

Ben Zoma said, the central verse is “Shema Yisrael Hashem

Elokeinu Hashem Echad”—there is only one G-d and we must
worship him.

Ben Nanas said, the verse which embodies the quintessence

of Torah is “Ve-ahavta lere’acha kamocha”—love your fellow man
as you love yourself.

Ben Pazi said, the central characteristic of Judaism is in the

verse, “Es hakeves ha’echad ta’aseh baboker, ve’es hakeves
hasheini ta’aseh bein ha’arbayim”—the first lamb is to be sacrificed
[daily] in the morning and the second lamb is to be brought every



Rav Ploni stood up and said: “The Halacha follows Ben

Pazi”—the ruling is in accordance with the view of Ben Pazi.

This conclusion to the rabbinic debate is surprising, to say

the least. Service of God, service to man—these are values
familiar to us as the cornerstone of religion. But offering a daily
sacrifice? Why did Ben Pazi rate that so highly? And, most
amazing, the assembled Rabbis agreed with him!
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President’s Message

It is my pleasure to welcome you to our Shul’s 31st Annual

Journal Dinner. Like everything else in our Shul, it is the
product of a collaborative effort by many people.

Our Dinner Chairman, Gerald From, has worked tirelessly on

every detail of the dinner from soup to nuts to tablecloths to
location. Our Journal Chairperson, Sheldon Salzberg, has been
busy collecting and collating all the ads – preparing them for
publication. He has been assisted ably by Moshe Foster; Moshe
assumed responsibility for printing the booklet that you see
before you this evening.

Our treasurer, Moish Meisner, has been busily entering and

crediting all the donations and making certain everything is
accounted for.

Most importantly, the Shul membership has responded

generously, with open hearts, greatly enhancing our Kehilla.

I would especially like to acknowledge the leadership and

commitment of Rabbi Cohen. He provides us all with guidance
and inspiration on all manner of issues – both practical and
spiritual – greatly enhancing our Shul.

Tonight, our honorees stand out as individuals who always



serve the Shul’s call for assistance. Avi and Nechama both
grew up here in Monsey and are continuing the long-
standing traditions of their respective families to support
and sustain their local Shuls. Echoing Avi’s work
supervisor describing his work, we too feel the Markowitz’s
contribution is a Kiddush HaShem.

Yeshaya Rotbard helps the Shul in many ways. Organizing

Seudat Shlishit and being Gabbai for the Hashkama Minyan
are two examples of his many services. Yeshaya does all of
this with a kind heart and a friendly smile.

The main point is that all of us comprise one community

that continues to find common ground in order to sustain
our Shul and its place in Klal Yisrael. That is what the
dinner and this evening are all about.

Dr. Leonard Mann, President







Thanks for all your hard work!

Sheldon Salzberg, Chair
Chani Max
Hillel Max
Kathy Perles
Motti Yaniv
Moishe Meisner

Gerald From, Chair
Ben Brawer
Chana Cattan
Yossi Cattan
Paula From
Rob Goldfarb
James Katz
Noreen Mann
Marilyn May
Debbie Ohana
Shimon Ohana
Rachelle Salzberg
Seth Yedwab!



Nechama and Ari

Guests of Honor

Ari and Nechama Markowitz have lived in Monsey nearly their

entire lives and have played important roles in the shul since
moving to the Blueberry Hill community six years ago—Ari as a
chazzan and recording secretary of the Shul Board and Nechama
working on various print and publicity projects. The Markowitzes
attribute their shul and the community involvement to their parents
who have always been extremely involved in their respective shuls,
from serving as executive board members, to Sisterhood president,
to gabbaim.

Ari is a graduate of Queens College and Yeshiva University’s

Wurzweiler School of Social Work and serves as assistant
administrator at The Jewish Home at Rockleigh in Bergen County.
He has enjoyed music for as long as he can remember, learning
early on from his grandfather, a professional chazzan. As a child,
Ari was a member of the Tzlil V’Zemer Boys Choir and has co-
produced and written lyrics for an album entitled Shaleim. An
accomplished pianist and singer, Ari’s vocal talents can be heard
regularly on Shabbosim as a chazzan for the shul. He has been
named a finalist for The Leo Brody Jewish Communal Service

Nechama attended Stern College for Women and the Fashion

Institute of Technology and works as a graphic designer. She has a
passion for the fine arts one of her paintings was recently on
display at The Rockland Center for the Arts Members Gallery Show.
The Markowitzes are the proud parents of their son, Ezra.



Nechama and Ari

Guests of Honor

Ari and Nechama Markowitz have lived in Monsey nearly their

entire lives and have played important roles in the shul since
moving to the Blueberry Hill community six years ago—Ari as a
chazzan and recording secretary of the Shul Board and Nechama
working on various print and publicity projects. The Markowitzes
attribute their shul and the community involvement to their parents
who have always been extremely involved in their respective shuls,
from serving as executive board members, to Sisterhood president,
to gabbaim.

Ari is a graduate of Queens College and Yeshiva University’s

Wurzweiler School of Social Work and serves as assistant
administrator at The Jewish Home at Rockleigh in Bergen County.
He has enjoyed music for as long as he can remember, learning
early on from his grandfather, a professional chazzan. As a child,
Ari was a member of the Tzlil V’Zemer Boys Choir and has co-
produced and written lyrics for an album entitled Shaleim. An
accomplished pianist and singer, Ari’s vocal talents can be heard
regularly on Shabbosim as a chazzan for the shul. He has been
named a finalist for The Leo Brody Jewish Communal Service

Nechama attended Stern College for Women and the Fashion

Institute of Technology and works as a graphic designer. She has a
passion for the fine arts one of her paintings was recently on
display at The Rockland Center for the Arts Members Gallery Show.
The Markowitzes are the proud parents of their son, Ezra.



Yeshaya Rotbard

Adodat Hakodesh

A native of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Yeshaya Rotbard has lived

in the Monsey area since 1980 and has been affiliated with
Ohaiv Yisroel for more than 25 years. Mr. Rotbard’s
dedication to the shul is on display—serving as gabbai every
Shabbat at the hashkama minyan and organizing Shalosh
Seudot every Shabbat.

Over the past 30 years Mr. Rotbard has been deeply involved
in the Jewish community, working with the Jewish Education
Program (JEP) of Rockland, Feldheim Publishers, and
teaching English studies in yeshivas in and around Rockland
County. His passion for writing, for poetry, and for music has
led to several publications: a text on Pirkei Avos entitled
Successful Jewish Living; a volume of poetry, The Calligraphy
of Clouds (and two soon-to-be-published volumes); as well as
compositions of numerous songs and niggunim.

Mr. Rotbard is the proud father of Meir, Shulamis (married to

Shlomo Jackson), Dovid (married to Mara Warren), Chanie
(married to Hillel Max), Yossi, Moishy (recently married to
Yocheved Hiller), Yaakov, Akiva and Aviva, and nine




Thank you

Yeshaya Rotbard

For your efforts on behalf of

the Shul and the Hashkama

Members of the





You are very deserving
of this & many other




In honor of

Rabbi Alfred Cohen

Mr. Yitzchak Friedland
Rabbi Yoseif Yechiel Gruenebaum
Rabbi Larry Katz
Rabbi Dr. Ira Schwartz
Mr. Dovid Wiener

and the entire Kehilla of Congregation Ohaiv

Yisroel, partners in our kiruv activities of the
Rockland Jewish Community.
We thank you for your ongoing friendship,
support, and hospitality.
May Hashem give all the Magidei Shiur and the
Kehilla the kochos to continue to be Marbitz

The Jewish Education Program of Rockland

Yehuda Schwab Yeshaya Rotbard Naomi Greenwald





Nechama and Ari Markowitz

Yeshaya Rotbard

and always for

Rabbi Cohen

because of all the acts and kindnesses

which make us a community and Makom
Kodesh - Thank you




Rebbetzin Cohen,

Thank you for allowing Rabbi

Cohen to share his knowledge and
wisdom with us.

Rabbi Cohen,

Thank you for Wednesday nights.

Toby & Abraham Kalker





It is a pleasure to learn
with you every




In honor of

Rabbi & Mrs. Cohen!

with Hakaras Hatov for all that
you do

Best wishes to

Nechama and Ari

Yeshaya Rotbard

Jeanie & Mark Adler




Todah to the Honorees, our

WONDERFUL Rav, and our
Mentsch President




Congratulations to

Nechama and Ari

and to

Yeshaya Rotbard
for all your devotion to our
Congregation and may you have a lot
of !"# from all the hard work you've
done so far.





In honor of our children

Nechama and Ari

Abba & Imma Cohnen



Mazel Tov

Nechama and Ari

on an honor well-deserved




In recognition of the many years

of dedicated service that our
good friend

Mr. Yeshaya Rotbard

has rendered to Congregation

Ohaiv Yisroel and to the
community at large.

Yitzchak & Charlotte Friedland



In honor of

Rabbi Cohen
Our Rav for all Seasons
Thank you for your friendship,
advices and counsel

Mazel Tov to our Honorees

Nechama and Ari Markowitz


Yeshaya Rotbard




Best wishes to all the





With sincere appreciation to the

Rabbi and the membership for all
you mean to our family.

Mazel Tov

Reb Shaya

Family Markowitz.




In honor of our dear father and grandfather

Zady, Abba Rotbard

We are very proud of you and all you have

accomplished! May ‘! give you the strength
to continue your dedication and
commitment to the Shul for the benefit of
the "## !

Mazal Tov!





With much Hakoras Hatov to

Rav and Rebetzin A. Cohen 4<<+!,'!

Best wishes to

Nechama and Ari Markowitz




Congratulations to the
Guests of Honor

Nechama and Ari Markowitz


I assume this means
You'll daven Ma'ariv for us, right?

Penina & Mordechai Kushner



Thank you for your service

to the community.




Mazel Tov and Yasher

Koach to Tonight's
Thank you for all that
you've done and
continue to do which
helps make our Shul




With appreciation to

Rabbi Cohen,
Lenny Mann,
Gerry From,
all the Shul Officers

and to our families

who are always so supportive
of us.




With love and admiration to

Nechama and Ari

A couple who complement each other
Your incredible talents of art and music
are used to beautify your performance
of mitzvos and to do
on this wonderful honor.

Ima and Abba

Carmella and Avi



With much appreciation

The worthy Askanim
For your devoted Avodas Hakodesh
On behalf of the Tzibbur
and to
Rabbi & Mrs. Alfred Cohen
For your dedicated and inspired
of the congregation

Bevirchas Kol Tuv

Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Mayer

Eli & Feige Mayer



Mazal Tov to our "surrogate"


Ari and Nechama

on this well-deserved honor.

May Hashem bless them with

many, many years of good
health, ,-# and$(3".

Meyer & Rosalind Myerowitz




Mazel Tov to Abba a.k.a

"Yeshaya Rotbard"
for all your years of devotion and
commitment to the Shul and the early
minyan. May you have the energy to
be of service the community for many
more years.





With great appreciation and

admiration to all the Honorees

Rachelle & Sheldon Salzberg



Mazel Tov to the Honorees for

Nourishing our Kehilla

Both Body and Soul




Best Wishes to
all our Guest of Honor

Sara & Marty Shapiro



Mazal Tov to the honorees on this

well-deserved honor

Thank you for your dedication to

our community




Congratulations to the Honorees

Nechama and Ari Markowitz

Guests of Honor

Yeshaya Rotbard
Avodas Hakodesh Award
on this well deserved honor!

Our thanks to

Rabbi Alfred and Miriam Cohen

for all you do for the Kehilah.

Lynn and Dov Silverberg

Avi, Gabrielle, Noah Chaim and
Benyomin Zev Silverberg
Zvi and Dina Silverberg
Menachem Silverberg
Aryeh Silverberg



Congratulations to all the

worthy honorees.





Mazal Tov

Ari and Nechama





In honor of all those that

provide for the upkeep of

Ohaiv Yisroel of Bluebery Hill





In honor of

Stu and Kathy Perles

Whose friendship we value
And who personify in all areas




Mazal Tov to the Honorees

welcome to our new

Ella Sofie
(Mindel Zissel)





Our Guests of Honor

Nechama and Ari Markowitz

And the Avodas Hakodesh Awardee

Shaya Rothbard

Etta and Izzy Zimerman

Mazel Tov to all the honorees from Steven Zimerman


22 Main Street, Monsey







Nechama and Ari!

Yada yadayada...
The neighbors next door

Giddy up!



Mazel Tov

Nechama and Ari



Karen and Moshe Foster



Congratulations to the Honorees

Nechama and Ari Markowitz


Yeshaya Rotbard
for this well deserved honor

Thank you

Rabbi Cohen
for your efforts on behalf of our community.

Regina & Ernest Frenkel


to all the honorees

Dovid & Leah Itzkowitz




the Markowitz Family


Shaya Rotbard

Miriam & Yudi Itzkowitz

We extend our sincere appreciation to Rabbi Cohen for

his many years of tireless devotion to the Shul and to the
entire Jewish community and best wishes for his
continued good health.

Mazel Tov to the honorees. May you continue to work for

the Shul and other worthy Jewish causes and to provide
Nachas to and obtain Nachas from your families for
many years to come.

Ada & Jim Katz



Mazel Tov to our guests of honor

Nechama and Ari Markowitz

May you continue your dedication to
Congregation Ohaiv Yisroel

Mazel Tov to

Yeshaya Rotbard
for his dedication and
Avodas Hadoesh Award

Seymour & Roslyn Kerner

Mazel Tov to the Honorees

Aryeh & Sandra Lazarus & Family



In honor of

Rabbi and Mrs. Cohen


Mazel tov to the Honorees!

Dorothy Perles
Kathy & Stu Perles

Mazal Tov and Best Wishes to all


Michael & Marcia Salzman



Congratulations to all of tonight's honorees and a

special Yasher Koach to

Rabbi and Reb. Alfred Cohen

Esther & Yonathan Simons

In honor of

Rabbi and Rebetzin Alfred Cohen

and all the honorees

May Congregation Ohaiv Yisroel continue to be a

great benefit to the neighborhood,
with best wishes

Ruth Simons



Best Wishes from

Mazel Tov

Nechama and Ari!

We are so proud of you!!

Shani and Avi Brick

The Kizelniks

Mazal Tov
Nechama and Ari Markowitz
Yeshaya Rotbard
on this wonderful honor! Congratulations to the
Your hard work and dedication to our honorees
Shul have been an inspiration to us.
May HaShem grant you continued
Nachas from your families Charles Cohen
Shulamith and Ruvain Chait


With gratitude to
We wish the whole
Yeshaya Kehila health, wealth
and kol-tuv.
who has
demonstrated selfless May Hashem bless all
devotion to his fellow the Jewish people,
‫מתפללים‬. wherever they are,
and bring Mahiach
Thank you and very, very soon.
Mazal Tov
Michael and Ilanit
Marcia & Mordechai Fisher


Mazal Tov to all the

honorees and thank
you to

Rabbi and Mrs. Cohen

for always being
available to our family.

Michael and Merys

Mechlin and family





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A special thank you to the

honorees for all that they do
for the Shul. Complements of
Pinchas Swiatycki
Menachem Ickovitz

Greetings to the Honorees

Not yet prepared

Congregation Ohaiv Yisroel

acknowledges other
donations and contributions
to the Shul

Allstate Insur - John P Dineen

Yosi Dahan
Ezra & Rose Lazarus
Joel Pachman
Zishe's Home Made Bakery

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