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Powerutils 1.9 help File

Developed by
Prasanta Dasgupta
Jamshedpur, India

What is Powerutils
MSOffice is one of the most used
software in the World of which Excel is
the most popular.
High Excel users will find that they can
save hours each day by intelligently
using powerutils.
The true value of this Addin can only be
realised if the entire Help File is read and

Powerutils 1.9 help File

All rights reserved. No parts of this work may be reproduced in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic, or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems - without the
written permission of the publisher.

Products that are referred to in this document may be either trademarks and/or registered trademarks of the
respective owners. The publisher and the author make no claim to these trademarks.

While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, the publisher and the author assume no
responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of information contained in this
document or from the use of programs and source code that may accompany it. In no event shall the publisher and
the author be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage caused or alleged to have been caused
directly or indirectly by this document.

Jamshedpur, India

Special thanks to:

Thanks to everyone who has used Powerutils and has sent me
Prasanta Dasgupta encouraging emails. Thay have kept my endurance and made me
P-47/12 complete this newv version of Powerutils.
There are many more ideas which I have for programming &
Telco Colony adding to Powerutils 2.0 I just hope I get the time to do it.
Pin 831004
4 Powerutils 1.9 help File

Table of Contents
Foreword 5

Part I Powerutils ver 1.9 7

Part II History of Powerutils 10

Part III Text - Tools 12

Part IV Number - Tools 15

Part V Header Footer 17

Part VI Sheet - Tools 19

Part VII Range - Utils 21

Part VIII Backup Files 25

Part IX Columns & Rows - Utils 27

Part X Fill - Utils 32

Part XI Add - Utils 35

Part XII File utils 37

Part XIII Mathematical Utils 39

Part XIV Print functions 42

Part XV Date Function 44

Part XVI Audit Functions 46

Part XVII Miscellaneous - Utils 48

Part XVIII Favourite Exel Files 51

Part XIX Informations 53

Index 0

Foreword 5


Knowledge is Strength

Read the entire help file so

that you can understand the
true power of Powerutils 1.9.
Saving your valuable time .... Powerutils


Powerutils ver 1.9 7

1 Powerutils ver 1.9

New to this Version 1.9

Powerutils has now become a highly used addin and with this version it has
grown in strength by having 21 more powerful programs added with the aim of
saving your valuable time while working in excel. The total number of
programs are now 99 in this version.

The New programs are:

SRL Description MenuHead

1 Count number of Columns in Selected Range Rows & Columns
2 Convert Formulas appearing as text to real Formulas Range
3 Delete Range Names in File Range
4 Format in India Rupees (Lakhs & Crores) format, it is dynamic. Range
5 Copy Multiple instances of a sheet within a file. Sheet
6 Put Serial Number in Non consecutive rows with data. Fill
7 Break 1st Name & Last Name Misc
8 Covert String Date to Real Date Date
9 Unhide all Sheets in workbook Sheet
10 Convert a set of data into Data table with range. Mathematics
11 Copy Values to empty Cells above Fill
12 Put Bullets in Front of items like in Word with various
items as per specified selection Range
13 Add blank Spaces at end of Text to Make it Specific size Add
14 Create Clickable Index Sheet with all Range names Sheet
15 Refresh Pivot table in all sheet in current workbook Miscellaneous
16 Put External Links in New sheet Audit
17 Find All Errors in worksheet & put in a separate Sheet Audit
18 Filter Data in a Column based on Background Color Column and Rows
19 Filter Data in a Column based on Font Color Column and Rows
20 Move or Copy Rows based on background or font Color Column and Rows
21 Convert a number to Indian Rupees as text =num2text(value) Number

Some of these new programs do not have undo features built in yet so please save
your data before running any program which manipulates your original data.
However most of this programs do not touch your original data but creates new
columns of data. It is strongly advised that you print the help file and read it so that
you properly understand how powerful this Addin is. Also practise a few times to get
the hang of the programs.
8 Powerutils 1.9 help File

New to Version 1.8

There are now 78 Utilities which is 24 more than the earlier version. This software was
distributed in all the Computer Magazine CD's in Aug/Sep 04. Powerutils 1.7 was
featured in IC Chip (Feb04 - page 31) , it was voted as Best Software of the Month in
PC Quest (Feb'04) and also distributed in Think Digit (April'04).

New utilities include:-

1. Keep your Favorite Excel File List clicks away.
2. Breaking large Excel Text file greater than 65000 lines to smaller files.
3. Convert Indian Rupees to Text.
4. Renaming Open File.
5. Inserting Blank Rows & Columns after n rows or n columns.
6. Create Hyperlinked Sheet of all Files in a directory .
7. List all Installed Font with the name & user defined sample.
8. Show or Replace All types of errors with anything.
9. Copy Formula without Change of Address.
0. Sort on Cell/Font Color in 2 steps.
.............and many more..............

Achievements of Powerutils 1.7

Powerutils 1.7 features in IC Chip of Feb'04 with a large article on page 31-32.
PC Quest voted it the best software of the month (Feb'04) and it was also
distributed in the mindware CD of Digit (April'04).
Saving your valuable time .... Powerutils


10 Powerutils 1.9 help File

2 History of Powerutils
What is Power Utilities.

Excel is a Powerful Spreadsheet and a reasonably good Database Management Software.

The best part about Excel is its Programming Language Called Visual Basic for Application,
it is a subset of the more Powerful Visual Basic. With this language you can even write
games within Excel. Power utils uses VBA to give you these great Functions.

The birth of this program was 6 years back in 2001 when there were just 10 utilities and it
was named "Backup". This software was well accepted and distributed in PC Quest and
Chip (now Digit) magazine. Over the past year I have developed new Utilities which I felt
was very much needed for day to day working. I have renamed this Addin to PowerUtils to
highlight that this has become a very powerful accessory for all Excel Users. There were 54
Utilities in Version 1.7 and 76 in version 1.8 , 99 in version 1.9 and my target is to make this
utility a great time saver for all excel activities. The main aim of this Addin will be to SAVE
YOUR TIME because it is very precious. I will not add programs which are just informative
because they will not save time but just add numbers to my program which I do not want.

As an accountant, Programming is my hobby so finding enough time to write these Utilities

is taxing and I have to stay awake late into the night many days. There may be few
Programming errors which I hope you will bring to my notice. My email is and phone number is 91(India)-0657-669-3013 (Office). My
website is You can get more information on this site. Visit the
site for latest developments.

Achievements of Powerutils 1.7

Powerutils 1.7 featured in IC Chip of Feb'04 with a large article on page 31-32.
PC Quest voted it the best software of the month (Feb'04) and it was also
distributed in the mindware CD of Think - Digit (April'04).
Saving your valuable time .... Powerutils


12 Powerutils 1.9 help File

3 Text - Tools
Text - Convert to Uppercase ...Suppose you have typed a large amount of
text on any sheet in Lower Case and later on you have to convert it to uppercase. In normal
circumstances you can use Uppercase function for each cell but it will be very time
consuming. Here, first select all the cells whose contents you want to covert to uppercase,
then click and select the Uppercase function in powerutilities. All the text will be converted
to uppercase.

Text - Convert to Lowercase ...First select the range whose Text you want to
convert to lower case, then apply the function. All the Text will be changed to Lower Case.

Text - Convert to Proper Case ...In Proper case the first alphabet of each
word will be capital and the other letters will have lower case. First select the range whose
Text you want to convert to Proper Case, then apply the function. All the Text will be
changed to Proper Case.

Text - Delete N leading characters...Often we find data where the a few fixed characters
are not required. First select the range of data for which you would like to remove a fixed
number of characters from the beginning. Thereafter select this program. You will get a Edit
Box asking for how many characters you want removed from the beginning. Fill any number
and click okay. The number of characters you have asked to be removed is deleted from
each cell. For example suppose you have a data like this
and you would like to remove 121 from the beginning ie. the 1st three characters. Select
the data range use the program and put 3 in the edit box and immediately the 1st 3
characters will be removed and the output would be

Text - Delete N trailing characters...With this function you can remove a fixed number of
characters at the end of each cell from the selected range of data.

Text - Delete all Leading Blank Spaces...With this function you can remove any blank
space appearing at the beginning of cells. First select the range for which you want to
remove the leading blank space then execute this function.

Text - Delete all Trailing Blank Spaces...With this function you can remove any blank
space appearing at the end of cells. First select the range for which you want to remove the
trailing blank space then execute this function.

Text - Delete all Leading & Trailing Blank Spaces...With this function you can remove
any blank space appearing at the beginning and end of cells. First select the range for
Text - Tools 13

which you want to remove the blank space then execute this function.
Saving your valuable time .... Powerutils


Number - Tools 15

4 Number - Tools
Number - Convert text number to numbers Sometimes when you download
data from another System like ERP package, the numbers which appear are really not
numbers but are text. You can check this with another function under "Miscellaneous"
Check for cell content is number. If you find that the data is Text and you want it to be a
number then just select the range and use this function to make the text numbers to real
numbers. Also if a number is prefixed with a ' then also it is a text number and this program
will remove the " ' " and make it a number. There may be cases where a zero before will get
removed when you convert a text like "05144" to number it will obviously become 5144.

Convert Numbers to text numbers by adding '. With this function you can
convert any number to text by prefixing it with a '. This is specially required in queries and
lookup formulas in Excel. First select the Range whose numbers you want to convert to text
then use this function to add a ' (apostrophe) in front.

Shift "-" from end to front When you download Data from other Software like
ERP packages or Financial packages, the negative numbers are formatted in such a way
that when the data is opened in Excel, the negative numbers have the "-" (minus) sign at
the end. This results in the number becoming a Text and cannot be further used in
mathematical calculations unless you move the "-" from the end to the front. Manually doing
it for a large database is mind boggling. However with this function just select the range
within which such erroneous data is there and select this function. In a Jiffy the data will be
corrected to show the negative figures.

Select Cell with highest Value in selected Range If you want to find the Cell with the
largest value in a range just use this function.

Select Cell with Lowest Value in selected range If you want to find the Cell with the
lowest value in a range just use this function.

Convert Indian Rupees to Text With this function, any number signifying Indian Currency
in numeric form can be converted to the text form and the data will be placed in the right
hand column eg 1235.25 will be Rs. One thousand two hundred thirty five and twenty five

Convert Indian Rupees to Text formula This is the dynamic formula for converting any
number signifying Indian Currency in numeric form to text form. Use the formula
=num2text(Cell address or number) . This can be directly used in any cell referencing the
number appearing in another cell. for example.
4512789 =num2text(B8) (This is the formula within cell reference)
Rupees Forty Five Lakhs Twelve Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty Nine and Paise Zero
Saving your valuable time .... Powerutils


Header Footer 17

5 Header Footer
Put Header & Footer Putting the sheet name, date, time file name in a header / footer for
a sheet is pretty easy. But suppose you had to also put the File Path (file is from a Network
PC) and also put all these data formatted for 9 point font in 20 sheets in a file then what???
Use this function and put what you want, in whatever font size in all the sheets of the file in

Delete all Headers and Footers in Current Sheet Use this function to delete
Headers and Footers Current Sheet.

Delete all Headers and Footers in all Sheets. Use this function to delete Headers and
Footers from Multiple Sheets.
Saving your valuable time .... Powerutils


Sheet - Tools 19

6 Sheet - Tools
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam velit risus, placerat et, rutrum nec,
condimentum at, leo. Aliquam in augue a magna semper pellentesque. Suspendisse augue. Nullam
est nibh, molestie eget, tempor ut, consectetuer ac, pede. Vestibulum sodales hendrerit augue.
Suspendisse id mi. Aenean leo diam, sollicitudin adipiscing, posuere quis, venenatis sed, metus.
Integer et nunc. Sed viverra dolor quis justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Duis elementum. Nullam a arcu. Vivamus sagittis imperdiet odio. Nam nonummy. Phasellus
ullamcorper velit vehicula lorem. Aliquam eu ligula. Maecenas rhoncus. In elementum eros at elit.
Quisque leo dolor, rutrum sit amet, fringilla in, tincidunt et, nisi.
Donec ut eros faucibus lorem lobortis sodales. Nam vitae lectus id lectus tincidunt ornare. Aliquam
sodales suscipit velit. Nullam leo erat, iaculis vehicula, dignissim vel, rhoncus id, velit. Nulla facilisi.
Fusce tortor lorem, mollis sed, scelerisque eget, faucibus sed, dui. Quisque eu nisi. Etiam sed erat id
lorem placerat feugiat. Pellentesque vitae orci at odio porta pretium. Cras quis tellus eu pede auctor
iaculis. Donec suscipit venenatis mi.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed congue feugiat tellus. Praesent ac nunc non nisi eleifend cursus. Sed nisi
massa, mattis eu, elementum ac, luctus a, lacus. Nunc luctus malesuada ipsum. Morbi aliquam,
massa eget gravida fermentum, eros nisi volutpat neque, nec placerat nisi nunc non mi. Quisque
tincidunt quam nec nibh sagittis eleifend. Duis malesuada dignissim ante. Aliquam erat volutpat.
Proin risus lectus, pharetra vel, mollis sit amet, suscipit ac, sapien. Fusce egestas. Curabitur ut tortor
id massa egestas ullamcorper. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes,
nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec fermentum. Curabitur ut ligula ac ante scelerisque consectetuer.
Nullam at turpis quis nisl eleifend aliquam. Sed odio sapien, semper eget, rutrum a, tempor in, nibh.
Saving your valuable time .... Powerutils


Range - Utils 21

7 Range - Utils
Format in India Rs lakhs format
This program will be useful for Indian Accountants when they want to format their
Financial Reports and want to forma the currency to truly reflect Indian Rupees with
the commas at the correct places. The format put is dynamic and in case the amount
is changed the format will correctly change.

Convert Formulas appearing as text to real Formulas

After downloading data from ERP package like SAP, if a column is inserted and a
formula is put, the formula keeps appearing as text.
Cost Expense
ctr s Cumulative Category
0 500125 +D2 Mfg
1 125135 +D3+F2 Mfg
2 258645 +D3+F2 Mfg
Just select the first cell and use the program. Once the cell is correctly formatted
copy it to the other cells.

Put Bullets in front of items

In word you have the option to put bullets in front of a list eg
Activity List
Ø Get Names
Ø Get subscription
Ø Update in Excel
Ø Deposit in Bank

In Excel first type the list and use the program. You will get various characters you
can use before the text and the output would look like this.

Activity List
4 Get Names
4 Get subscription
4 Update in Excel
4 Deposit in Bank
It nearly resembles the Word version.

Replace #NA with anything in Value Cells After using certain excel functions like
Vlookup, Hlookup you may get error #NA. Unless you remove them you cannot get sum
totals. If you have converted these formulas to Values then use this function to quickly
replace the #NA 's with anything you like. However if you have not converted to values the
range then use the next function which will also work with formulas and values but will be a
lot slower in replacement.
22 Powerutils 1.9 help File

Replace #NA with anything in Formula and Value Cells (Slow) Similar to above
Function but when the data range containing the #NA has not been converted to Values
then use this function. However this function will take more time so please be patient.

Replace Errors with anything With this Function you can replace all type of
errors with any thing you want. You will get a Form where you can select the error type you
want to replace and also with what value. Fill up the necessary data and run the program.
You may also use this program to only find out which cells have errors. The various options
available are:-

Apply Formula to all cells in selection. I would rate this within top 5 utility. If you have a
large spreadsheet with large data and you want to apply a formula to many cells at one go
then this will take seconds with this program. Suppose you want to multiply each cell by 8
and divide by 12 then just select this program and in the edit box type *8/12 and click okay.
In a jiffy all the cells selected will be multiplied by 8 and divided by 12. Similarly suppose
you want to multiple the figures in a range by the contents of a cell say "c1" then in the edit
box type *c1. You will appreciate this function when you use it as it results in massive time
savings of yours.

Apply Rounding to all cells in selection. This too is a very useful program.
Assuming you have made a lot of complicated calculations but you did not use the
Rounding function which can result in dreadful errors, then use this program to round off all
the cell formulas to any number of decimal points you desire.

Copy Formulas without Change of Reference. Suppose you have typed a complicated
formula in any cell and you want to copy the same formula to another cell without changing
the cell reference then use this function.

Join Cells with anything you want. Suppose you have 2 or more columns of data which
you want to join with some specific separator say "space" or "-". Just select the column
Range and select this function. you will be asked the separator type either a blank, "-" or
Range - Utils 23

any other character and click okay. All the columns will be joined with the separator in
between, the data will now sit in the extreme left column.

Delete all Comments in Cells in Selected Range. Cell Comments are very useful for
remembering the calculations or the source of data for the cell. Over a period of time these
become redundant and is a confusion creator. To quickly delete all the comments in the
selected range use this util. There is no Undo Feature currently, so please save your file
before using this util.

Delete all Range names in Current WorkBook

With this program you can delete all range names which are there in the current workbook.

Reverse data in selected Range Similar to transpose but it reverses the data of
the selected range. Please Save your file before trying this function, just in case it gives
results which you had not in mind.
Saving your valuable time .... Powerutils


Backup Files 25

8 Backup Files

Backup Open Files With this utility you can Save files in its original place as well
as a backup place. Not only that, you can save all the open files at one go in their own
original place as well as in the backup path.
Saving your valuable time .... Powerutils


Columns & Rows - Utils 27

9 Columns & Rows - Utils

Delete all Duplicates in Selected column This function will only work on one
columns at a time. With this function you can eliminate all duplicate data. The first instance
of the data will be preserved and subsequent occurrence of the same data will be erased.
Since this function involves a lot of searching and erasing it will take a lot of time for a large
database. Please save your file before running this program. Please note that the data
need not be sorted on the key column for this function to work.

Colour all Duplicates in Selected column This function will only work on one
columns at a time. With this function you can colour all duplicates of data. Since this
function involves a lot of searching and erasing it will take a lot of time for a large database.
Please save your file before running this program. Please note that the data need not be
sorted on the key column for this function to work.

Count all Duplicates In Selected Columns This function will only work on one column at
a time. With this function you can count all duplicates of data. Since this function involves a
lot of searching and erasing it will take a lot of time for a large database. Please save your
file before running this program. Please note that the data need not be sorted on the key
column for this function to work.

Count all Unique Items in Selected Columns This will Count the Unique
Number of items in the selected Column.

Delete all Blank Rows in selection. In a large worksheet if you want to delete all the blank
rows in a selected range then use this function.

Delete all Blank Columns in selection. In a large worksheet if you want to

delete all the blank columns then use this function.

Insert "N" rows after every Row. With this program you can insert as many rows
as you desire in between each row of data for the selected range. For Example you have
data from Row 3 to 1000 containing Part Number wise Rate and Issue value. If you want to
insert 2 rows between each row then just select this function after having selected the
range of data, you will given a edit box with 1 as default, just type 2 and click okay. You will
find 2 rows inserted between each row.

Insert "N" columns after every Column. It is same as inserting rows as above
but in this case you can insert as many columns between the data range as you want after
each column.

Insert row on Change of Key field. In a large database if you want to insert rows where
there is a change in the key column then use this function. The Database should be sorted
on this key column.
Count Number of Columns in selected Range Useful at the time of using vlookup formula
when we need to calculated the number of columns in between two columns say between
b4 & ca4 then use this program to quickly get the figure.

Put Background Color Index Number in New Column. This utility will help you indirectly
in sorting a database on the background color of a specified column. First select the column
28 Powerutils 1.9 help File

whose background has been formatted with different colors. Then use this utility. You will
find a new column with the color index of the left side column in it, thereafter sort the
database on this column.

Put Font Color Index Number in New Column. This utility will help you indirectly in sorting
a database on the font color of a specified column. First select the column whose font has
been formatted with different colors. Then use this utility. You will find a new column with
the font color index of the left side column in it, thereafter sort the database on this column.

Filter Data in a Column based on Background Color.

This is a very powerful program. You can filter a large database based on a
specified background color in one specific column only. First start the program which
will present you with a Dialog box.

In the first selection box select the column on whose background colour you want to
filter. Select the entire data range except the headings. In the second selection box
select any cell in the column based on whose background colour you want to filter
the data. In case you want to select more than one colour then press Ctrl and click
the next cell with different colour.
There are two options, you can hide those rows with the colours selected or hide the
rows which do not contain the colours selected.

Filter Data in a Column based on Font Color

You can filter a large database based on a specified background color in one
specific column only. First start the program which will present you with a Dialog
Columns & Rows - Utils 29

In the first selection box select the column on whose colour you want to filter. Select
the entire data range except the headings. In the second selection box select any
cell in the column based on whose font colour you want to filter the data. In case you
want to select more than one colour then press Ctrl and click the next cell with
different font colour.
There are two options, you can hide those rows with the colours selected or hide the
rows which do not contain the colours selected.

Move or Copy Rows based on background or font Color

You must know how to correctly use this program to fully utilize its full potential. This
program will be useful when you have a large database in which you have coloured
a few cells based on certain criteria you have decided. Now suppose you want to
either copy or move those coloured rows to a new sheet, this program will do it in
First off all select the entire data range with or without the header row. Thereafter
select this program. You will get a Dialog Box like this. Check Spelling
30 Powerutils 1.9 help File

In case in your data range selection the first row is the Header row then according
select the radio box accordingly. Now the cells you have coloured, have their
background colour been changed or the font color. Select the correct radio button
accordingly. Now in the Edit box just select any one cell whose colour you have
changed. Now you have two choice: copy the coloured rows to a new sheet or move
the data to a new sheet. Please note there is no undo feature. However this program
can cause problems to your database if you move some of the data to new sheet
and these cells were referenced by the other cells in the original sheet. It is advised
to first save the worksheet before moving any data.
Saving your valuable time .... Powerutils


32 Powerutils 1.9 help File

10 Fill - Utils
Fill empty cells with user selection This will fill the selected range with whatever
value you enter. For example you have a worksheet with the Salary of 1000 employees
under various heads and few of the cells are blank . Suppose you have a worksheet with a
data like this.
Srl No Name Payment
1 U N Singh 234
2 M Lall 300
3 L K Mahato
4 D N Shukla 125
5 N K Acharya
6 D Das
7 A Mahato 256
8 G Tiwary 512
9 T Singh
10 R Behera 122

Now you want to put the word Nil wherever there is not payment. First select the correct
range then use this program. The program will take a confirmation that the range selected
is correct & small then give a Edit Box where you type in the Characters you want to fill
with. In this case we will use "Nil". Once the program runs the output will be like this.
Srl No Name Payment
1 U N Singh 234
2 M Lall 300
3 L K Mahato Nil
4 D N Shukla 125
5 N K Acharya Nil
6 D Das Nil
7 A Mahato 256
8 G Tiwary 512
9 T Singh Nil
10 R Behera 122

Copy Values to empty Cells below This program is specially useful after using the
Sub Total function in Excel. After you do a Sub total based on the Key column and the
totals of specified columns are obtained, you will find some Text data not appearing in the
sub total rows which might be critical for your working. Use this function to copy the data
down to blank rows ."

Copy Values to empty Cells above This program is similar to the above one. but in
this case the data is copied to blank cells above.

Quick numbering of rows This may not be a great time saver but it can reduce
an element of irritation from your head. Suppose you have to Number a column of data
from say 1 to 300. Just select the starting cell and select this program. It will ask you for the
starting serial number and ending serial number and it will put the serial numbers down the
Fill - Utils 33

Quick numbering of Columns This is similar to above utility, suppose you have to Number
a row of data from say 1 to 125. Just select the starting cell and select this program. It will
ask you for the starting serial number and ending serial number and it will put the serial
numbers across the row. This utility can be used for finding the offset column number for
Vlookup formula....think about it.
Put Serial Number in Non consecutive rows with data.
A very useful program which can put consecutive serial numbers in a data base
which has gaps in between and at the same time the gaps are uneven.
Suppose you have a data like this


To put serial numbers against each of them use this program to get an output like
this. You can even start fro any number other than one.
1 Book

2 Chair
3 Copy

4 Carbon
Saving your valuable time .... Powerutils


Add - Utils 35

11 Add - Utils
Add Text at beginning of each cell This program is again within the top 10. Suppose you
have a large amount of data and you want to prefix this data with some other text, then use
this function. For example you have employee Ticket Number list of 10,000. Suddenly you
are asked to prefix all the ticket number with the Alphabet "A" for inputting into the
mainframe. Just select the range of ticket number and select this function. It will ask you
what to prefix and in a flash the alphabet "A" will be added in the beginning of each data.

Add Text at end of each cell This is same as the earlier Program but in this case the Text
you decide will be added to the end of each data.

Add leading Zeros to Numbers (will become Text) There are times when the number of
characters in a numeric column must be of same size. This is specially true for bank related
data. E.g. 123.34 and 12355.56 must be of same size i.e.. 00123.34 and 12355.56. This
program will help you do this, but mind you, the numbers will now become text.

Add Blank spaces at the end of data to make it of specific length

This program is very useful when the data in a column need to be of specific length and if
necessary blank spaces need to be added at the end. This program will do just that but it
will also convert numbers to text after giving you a warning. Please always save your file
before trying anything new.
Saving your valuable time .... Powerutils


File utils 37

12 File utils
Break Large Excel (text) Files. If you download large database from any ERP package
like SAP, Oracle etc where the number of rows is greater than 65536 then it becomes very
difficult to get the data into Excel for data manipulation or summarizing. With this utility, the
file will be broken into multiple smaller files to filenames suffixed with 1,2.... Please not that
only text excel files can be broken ..not normal xls files. Also the original file will remain

Rename Current Open File. This can a big time saver. Suppose you are working on a file
and you want to rename it to something more appropriate then use this utility. It will give
you a edit box with the current file name, change it to the name you want and click okay.
The file name will be changed in a second flat, the old file being replaced with the new file

Create Hyperlinked Index of all files in a Directory. Suppose you a directory of many
excel files and you want to create a index file so that you can write comments about each
of them then use this util. The index's will be hyperlinked ie. clicking the file name will open
the file itself. With this util you can create a summary of all files in a directory along with all
details of the files which will help someone new to easily locate the correct file.
Saving your valuable time .... Powerutils


Mathematical Utils 39

13 Mathematical Utils
Sum cells based on Cell Background color. If you have marked the background color of
Cells containing numbers in various colors based on some criteria and you want sum the
values of these cells for each separate color then this util will help you.

Sum cells based on Cell Font color. If you have marked the font color of Cells containing
numbers in various colors based on some criteria and you want sum the values of these
cells for each separate color then this util will help you.

Count cells based on Cell Background color. If you have marked the background color of
Cells containing numbers in various colors based on some criteria and you want to count
the number of these cells for each separate color then this util will help you.

Count cells based on Cell Font color. If you have marked the font color of Cells
containing numbers in various colors based on some criteria and you want to count the
number of these cells for each separate color then this util will help you.

Statistical data: Count the number of data in a selected area in between a minimum &
maximum value.
Suppose you have a data range like this.
3 8 17
34 13 19
12 17 22
16 19 13
18 21 17
12 12 9
15 14 12
19 15 17
Now you want to know the count for all data between 20 & 30. Do the following. First type
the following
Min Max Number
20 30
Now go to the cell where you want the count ie. under Number and call this program. You
will get a screen like this.
40 Powerutils 1.9 help File

In the 1st edit select the range of data where the data has to be searched. In the 2nd edit
box select the cell containing the Min value (Do not use values, only cell reference is
allowed). In the 3rd edit box put the cell reference of max value and then click Put Formula.
and the formula put will be =rangedata(Sheet1!$A$1:$C$8,Sheet1!A11,Sheet1!B11) and its value
will be 3.
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42 Powerutils 1.9 help File

14 Print functions
Set Selected Range as Print Range. This saves you quite a few key-strokes. Select the
range you want as the print range then use this utility to mark this as the default print area
for that sheet.

Delete print area in selected sheet This will delete the print range set for the sheet.
Will be available in Next version. Contact the author.
Range - Copy Formulas without change of reference "With this program you
can copy a range of formulas to another place without changing the cell reference.
Suppose you have put a formula in cell ""A12 "" which is ""=sum(a1..a11)"" then you can
use this program to copy the formula to say cell a15 and it would still have the same
formula. You can copy a range of formula but the destination select the upper left top
corner. Will be available in Next version. Contact the author."
Range - Join Cells with "This again would be within the top 10 program. With
this program you can join multiple column of data with a specified character in middle, all
the joined character would now appear in the extreme left column."

Delete Print Area in Selected Sheet. Use this util to blank out the selected print range so
that Excel can select the print range automatically.

Delete Print Area in all Sheets in Current Workbook. Use this util to blank out the
selected print range in all the worksheets in the current file so that Excel can select the print
range automatically.
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44 Powerutils 1.9 help File

15 Date Function
Convert Date typed as string to real date
If you have dates which have been wrongly entered in a wrong format then it appears as text. There
could be various ways it could have been entered like
14 8 2008
8 28 2008
All three are different. formats. Now select the column & start the program. You will get a screen like

Now select the exact format in which your data is and let this program convert to real dates. Be very
precise in the selection and also ensure that all the data is having the same format.
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46 Powerutils 1.9 help File

16 Audit Functions
Find All Error in File
The program dialog box will give you a broad idea what this program can do.

Auditors would love this program as with a few clicks of the mouse they would be able to find all
errors in a file. The program itself selects the entire used range in the sheet. Decide whether you
want to find errors in current sheet only or all the sheets. Also select the type of errors you want to
look up. You cam select all by one click. The Undo function is also available. But it is always safer to
save your file before you try a program, better safe than cry later on & curse me.

List all External Links in a new sheet

Using this program you get a list of all files to which the current file is linked. This data will be
generated in a new sheet.
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48 Powerutils 1.9 help File

17 Miscellaneous - Utils

Copy & Paste Special to Values. A simple program which we normally do by pressing
<ctrl>+c to copy then edit pastespecial values enter. For using this util, first select the range
you want converted to values, then click this util. You will save around 3 keystrokes. The
short-cut is Ctrl+Shift+e

Check whether Cell Content is a Number. How many times you have used Vlookup or
Hlookup formulas only to get a #na. Then you check whether both the key column data are
either numeric or text then proceed. Use this util to quickly find out whether the number in
the cell is a real number or a text number.

Break 1st Name & Last Name.

This Program will help you split a column containing Names into its First & Surname
or First, Middle & Surname. First select the range of data and start the program. You
will get a screen like below. Select according to your requirement.

Refresh all Pivot Tables in Current Workbook

With one click you can refresh all the Pivot Tables in the current files. This is more useful
where the number o Pivot tables are many.

Count Number of Characters in Cell. This will tell you the number of
characters in the correct cell. This util can be used for numbers and text.

Color Cells which are numbers. Select the range then use this util to color all numbers in
cells in the color of your choice. It will select only whole numbers in cells which are numeric.

Color Cells which are Text. Select the range then use this util to color all text in cells in the
color of your choice. It will select numbers in cells which are really Text.

Color Cells which contain formulas. Select the range then use this util to color all cells
containing Formulas, in the color of your choice.
Miscellaneous - Utils 49

Color Cells which contain Comments. Select the range then use this util to color all cells
containing Comments, in the color of your choice.

List all Installed Fonts with Sample. This is a very useful utils. How often you have wished
that you could get a visual idea of which font will give the perfect look to the Text of your
choice. This util will do just that. Once you start the util, it will ask you to type any text of
your choice (a default is given), now click okay and you will find a new file being created
with the text chosen and with all available fonts in your system. It will create 150 fonts per
sheet. Please try to use this program with minimum number of Applications Running as it
hogs a lot of memory for each font being depicted.
Saving your valuable time .... Powerutils


Favourite Exel Files 51

18 Favourite Exel Files

Favorite Excel File
Use this program to keep import excel files clicks away.
Saving your valuable time .... Powerutils


Informations 53

19 Informations
To Stop any Running program Press <CTRL> and Break.
Note: As a precaution always save your file before you use any utilities. Even though
these have been tested thoroughly by me, my friends as well as new friends acquired
over email since release of Powerutils 1.8; the actual configuration of your PC may
make a util to fail and hang your system. In this case you may loose data. Utils
normally misbehave when the memory is very low. Specially be careful when applying
the utils to large data as a lot of memory is set aside for "undo" facility now available
in most of the utils. A few utils do not have Undo since the original status can be
obtained by the use of some other program.
In case you find errors please write to me with a picture of the error message. To copy
the error message press <alt> print screen together to copy to clipboard then edit
paste in the email.
These Utils are best suited for MSOffice 2000 & higher a few might give errors with
Office 97 and below. Click the link below to mail me your feelings and also any ideas
you have for incorporation in the next version.

My Email is

Powerutils 2.0 will have major improvements with at least 120 utils so keep a
lookup in my website to get the details.

54 Powerutils 1.9 help File

Please read and try all the utilities


Work on Next version is on. Find

out updates on my website

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