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ABSTRACT The sub.iect of X-ray identification of clay minerals
Since X-riiy iliffniction ]);itt<'rns are clii-potly related to crystal has been reviewed u p to 1950 by a number of writers in
striiotures. X-ray identification is. in i>rincil)ul. l)etter snited to X-ray Identification and Crystal Structures of Clay
the reooK'nition of structural groups and structural varieties than Minerals, edited by the present writer and published
of clieniical species. by the Mineralogical Society of Great Britain. This dis-
Well-formed kaolin, mica, and chlorite structures give rise to
cliaracteristic 7. 10 and 1 4 A sp;icinKS which are relatively easily cusses the principles of identification and gives lists of
identified. Tl.vdrated forms, such as hy<lrated halloysite {r/ = l()A} X - r a y powder data. Clay Mineral Standards, edited by
and montmorillonoids tinder normal conditions (f/= 14A), are K e r r (1950), also contains a section listing X - r a y pow-
recognized either by low-temperature deh.vdration giving charac- der data for clay minerals. D a t a are also to be found in
teristicall.v diminished spacings, or by the format i<.)n of organic
complexes giving characteristically increased sjjacings. This intro- the American Society for Testing Materials card index
duces at once the ijrinciide that X-ray identification may, and of X-ray diffraction data. The present article gives a
generally does, ent.'iil the study of mineral modification liy suitable broad survey of the subject a n d indicates some jireseut
chemical and/or thernuil treatment. trends.
The main requirements in the X-ray technique a r e : (1) Abilit.v
to record long sjiacings up to 2.5A or even higher values; (2) Avell EVALUATION OF STRUCTURAL GROUPS
focused lines with good resolution; (o) absence of background AND SUB-GROUPS
scattering and white radiation anomalies. Of these, (1) and C^)
lie within the control of the investigator, bnt (2) depends partly Use of Basal Reflections. The majority of clay min-
on the material. erals have layer silicate s t r u c t u r e s with a marked basal
The main difficulties of X-ray identification a r e : (1) The mul- cleavage and platy habit. The basal reflections, generally
tiplicity of lines when nniny components are present, and (2)
poorly defined diagrams arising from poor erystallinity and/or designated 001, are usually easily recognized more par-
small size of crystals. The first can be treated experimentally, but ticularly when preferentially orientated aggregates are
the second is inherent in the jjroblem. Rimidification of X-ray employed. These retleetions, if indexed 001, 002, 003, etc.,
di.'igrams is i)ossiblc by sedimentation, acid treatment and thermal give directly the thickness of the s t r u c t u r a l layers. The
treatment and by the use of orientated .specimens. Poor quality u n i t cell of the structure may, and often does, contain
powder diagrams (if not due to poor technique) are of interest
in themselves and may still give valuable information concerning more t h a n one such layer depending on the m a n n e r in
the clay minerals, more particularly when monomineralic or which the layers are stacked on each other. The stacking
mainly monomineralic fractions are used. Line profiles give valu- se(pienee determines the p a r t i c u l a r s t r u c t u r a l variety of
able indications of randomly displaced layers and of interstratified the mineral and generally is less easily determined t h a n
The recognition of chemical species by X-rays is difficult but the layer thickness. The latter determines, in a broad
some progress can be made if pure or nearly pure specimens are sense, the layer type and so suffices to place a niinera]
obtainable. The recognition of di- and tri-octahedral minerals by in a p a r t i c u l a r s t r u c t u r a l group or sub-group.
the tO(50) spacing is well known but the recognition of micas and Tjayer spacings of about 7, 10 and 14A are the ones
chlorites in any greater detail is difficult. A consideration of basal
spacings and basal inten.sities may make more specific identifica- most commonly observed and they are broadly charac-
tion possible. teristic of p a r t i c u l a r kinds of layers.
Ambiguities in their i n t e r p r e t a t i o n can usually be
resolved by (a) knowing the sequence of basal intensities,
The problem of identifying: clay minerals by X - r a y a n d (b) a p p l y i n g auxiliary techniques, such as the use
diflfraction analysis may itsefnlly be considered in rela- of characteristic thermal and chemical properties of the
tion to the scheme of classification, already outlined in minerals, in conjunction with X - r a y examination. I n
Table 1 of the previous paper Structural Mineralogy of addition, it is often useful to use orientated aggregates
Clays to this Conference, in which minerals are sub- which for p l a t y minerals can be obtained by careful
divided successively into chemical categories, s t r u c t u r a l sedimentation onto a glass plate. This greatly enhances
groups a n d sub-groups, chemical species, and s t r u c t u r a l the basal reflections and largely suppresses others, so t h a t
Y'arieties. Since X - r a y diffraction analysis is concerned a n easier interpretation of these reflections is obtained
p r i m a r i l y with structural aspects of clay minerals, it is (XageLsehmidt, 1 9 4 1 ; MacEwan, 1951).
clear t h a t the method is most suited to the recognition The problems involved are generally not difficult if
of s t r u c t u r a l groups and s t r u c t u r a l varieties. Differen- p u r e and sufficiently well-crystallized material is
tiation between chemical species tends to be difficult examined a n d the experimental technique is adequate.
except in cases where the structural varieties are them- B u t clay minerals are frequently neither p u r e nor well-
selves indicative of p a r t i c u l a r chemical species. A p a r t cr.vstallized and the problems encountered may be con-
from this possibility, the recognition of chemical species siderable.
requires consideration of the m a n n e r in which the fine
details of X - r a y diffraction p a t t e r n s dei)en(l on chemical Interpretation of lOA Spacings. Ten-A spacings indi-
constitution. F r o m this standpoint, atoms differ in size cate u n e x p a n d e d mica-type layers or the presence of
and in scattering power. S t r u c t u r a l l y similar minerals h y d r a t e d halloysite. Since the sequence of lines from
of different chemical composition m a y therefore show these is ((uite different they are not likely to be confused.
characteristic differences in lattice p a r a m e t e r s a n d / o r F u r t h e r , micas tend to be preferentially orientated
in the intensities of their X - r a v diffraction effects. parallel to the basal planes while halloysite, owing to its
morphology, shows no such orientation. The most decisive
Header in X-ray Physics, Physics I^al^oratories, The University, test, however, is t h a t h y d r a t e d halloysite readily de-
Peeds, England. Now Research Profes.sor of Mineral Sciences,
Pennsylvania State University, State College, Pennsylvania. h y d r a t e s at 100°C, to a spacing of 7.2 to 7.4A.

Intcvprciaiion of 7A Spacings. A t r u e spacing of 7A is indicated by this test, an a p p r o p r i a t e heat-treatment

(as distinct from a second-order reflection from a 14A test should be applied in confirmation.
spacing) indicates a kaolin-type mineral in the sense Swelling chlorites, however, do exist, as Stephen a n d
used in the preceding paper Stfuctural Mineralofnj of MacEwan (1949) have reported, so that some care will
Claijs in this symposinm. There is nsnally no dif!icnlty still be necessary before a decision can be made t h a t a
in recognizing this t.ype of layer strnctnre. Uncertainties mineral is not a chlorite on the grounds that a swelling
are likely to arise only if a mineral giving a 14A spacing of the lattice is observed.
is also present, for then the 7A line may be a second-
order reflection from the 14A spacing. Diagnosis jiow Interpretation of Xon-integral Basal Reflections.
rests on removing the component giving the 14A line Mixed-layer mineral types are now being recognized
or at least modifying it so that it no longer possesses a with increasing frequency, particularly among soil clays,
14A spacing. If a kaolin-type mineral is i)resent. then (see, for example, a paper by Jackson et al., 1952). Simi-
the 7A line will persist provided it has not also been larities in the layer s t r u c t u r e s of clay minerals make the
afifected by the treatment. An i m p o r t a n t source of error occurrence of mixed structures, such as miea-montmoril-
or u n c e r t a i n t y which must not be forgotten is that some lonites and chlorite-moutmorillonites, easily possible.
minerals having 14A spacings tend to give extremely Such structures are essentially of mica type t h r o u g h o u t
weak odd-order and strong even-order reflections. There- b u t with different cations between layers, so t h a t some
fore a weak 1 4 A line and a strong 7A line does not neces- layers are capable a n d others incapable of swelling. P a r -
sarily mean a snmll amount of a " 1 4 A " mineral and a tiall.v h y d r a t e d halloysite may also come in this category;
predominance of a " 7 A " mineral. The interpretation it a p p e a r s to retain some interlayer water when the
re(|uires a careful evaluation of the p a r t i c u l a r minerals greater p a r t of the mineral is dehydrated. Tllites fall
which are present. cither in this category or on the border line, for the lOA
reflection from illite has a characteristically shaded ap-
Interpreiaiion of 14A Spacings. These are generally pearance in powder photographs which suggests an ad-
due to chlorites, vermicidites and montmorillonoids aiul mixture of mainly lOA spacings with some larger spac-
Ave are to consider how to differentiate between these. ings.
I l e a t t r e a t m e n t in air to 4()0°-5()0°C causes vermic- I t was the a p p a r e n t l y continuous expansion of the first
ulites and montmorillonoids to collapse to a spacing of basal spacing of montmorillonite without corresponding
about 9.5 to 10.5A (the exact value depending on the changes in other orders of reflection Avhich led H e n d r i c k s
interlayer cations) whereas chlorites are unaffected. and Teller (1942) to study the diffraction characteristics
F u r t h e r , at 600-700°C chlorites are modified by p a r t i a l of layer structures having a random sequence of u n e q u a l
dehydration in such a way t h a t the 14A reflection is, layers. The numerical analysis is simplest when it can
indeed, of enhanced intensity. This effect is of p a r t i c u l a r be assumed t h a t all the layers scatter equally biit possess
interest in r e g a r d to iron-bearing chlorites which diiferent spacings. A n example of this kind was studied
normally give a very weak 1 4 A reflection. T r e a t m e n t at by Brindley and Goodyear (1948) in connection with
500-600°C also efifectively removes kaolin components the hydration of halloysite. On the assumption t h a t all
thus concentrating attention on the chlorite problem. the layers scattered equally and had a random distribxi-
On the other hand, since chlorites are soluble in warm tion of 7.2 and 10.0A spacings, a n d from the position of
dilute HCl, they m a y be removed from a mixture so t h a t the first observed spacing, the proportion of h y d r a t e d
a kaolin component can be more easily recognized. layers was determined, and hence the amount of inter-
Kaolin-type minerals, such a chamosite, however, will layer water in partially h y d r a t e d material. A satis-
also be removed by this treatment. factory correlation Avas obtained with the directly meas-
The swelling characteristics of clay minerals also con- ured water content.
stitute a powerful tool. Montmorillonoids swell in A detailed numerical analysis of the positions of re-
glycerol or ethylene glycol to a spacing of 17.7A while flections from mixed-layer s t r u c t u r e s in relation to the
chlorites are nnaifeeted. This 17.7A reflection is also proportion of the two kinds of layer which are inter-
relatively strong thus facilitating the recognition of mixed has been carried out by Brown and MacEwan
small percentages (MacEwan, 1946, has claimed t h a t (1951) on the basis of the simplifying assumption t h a t
1 percent can be detected). The layers of glycerol-mont- the layers scatter equally and differ only in their spac-
morillonoids are more uniformly spaced t h a n those of ings. How nearly this represents the actual state of af-
hydrated montmorillonoids and a clearer succession of fairs will depend on the interlayer material. W h e n this
higher orders is obtained. consists mainly of water molecules, as for example in an
With r e g a r d to vermiculite, W a l k e r (1949) considers inhomogeneously expanded, or hydrated, montmoril-
that they " c a n be positively identified by leaching with lonoid or halloysite, the approximation is a good one,
a solution of an ammonium salt, which causes the dis- but in the case of intermixed mica and chlorite layers it
placement of the 14A line to about l l A even if glycerol will not be quantitatively good though it will probably
is afterAvards added to the sample. " lead to the right qualitative picture.
Walk(>r a d m i r a b h ' summarises the position in his More recently Mering (1949) has given a new and
three-way test which consists in leaching witli an am-
more general analvsis of this problem and has taken into
monium salt solution, or boiling gently for a few minutes
in such a solution, and then adding glycerol to the account the effect of crystal size (i.e. the number of
wa.shed and dried residue. Lines at 11, 14 and 17.7A diffracting layers) and the variation of structure factor
indicate respectively vermiculite, chlorite, and mont- with angle, and has given (Mering, 1950) a n u m b e r of
morillonite. H e recommends, however, t h a t if a chlorite illustrative examples.

The main characteristics of this type of diflPraction Experiiitental Methods. Both photographic a n d Gei-
are: ger counter methods of recording are widely used. It
(i) A iioii-integral series of basal reflections. Succes- must be emphasized that these are alternative methods of
sive reflections do not correspond to intefjral values of n recording X - r a y diff'raetion data and that many factors
in the Braii'<i' reflection law, nk ^ 2d sin 6. Tf d is calcu- which influence the diffracted intensities are common to
lated from the angular position of the first observed both techniques. The effects due to crystal orientation
reflection, tlie value so obtained is a statistical averag-e and to inhomogeneous absorption of X-rays in nuilti-
and does not correspond exactly to the spacin<>' of any component specimens are equally important in both
p a r t i c u l a r layer. methods.
(ii) A variable line breadth. Some reflections appear The Geiger counter spectrometer with continuous auto-
broad and others comparatively sliarp. As a simple ex- matic recording of reflected intensity is p a r t i c u l a r l y
ample we may consider a random m i x t u r e of lOA and useful for obtaining accurate intensity and spacing meas-
15A layers. The first observed reflection will lie between urements. As comjiared with the most accurate photo-
these extremes and be nearer tlie one or the other de- graphic technicpies, absolute measurements of lattice
pending' on the proportion of the two, but for about spacings with the spectrometer may be somewhat less
equal proportions a ratlier broad line at 12 to 13A would accurate (c.f. Wilson, 19.i()) b u t for clay mineral meas-
be expected. I n such an exam]ile. a sharp line at 5A urements, which are mainly at low 6-values, the spec-
would occur, this correspondinji' exactly to the second trometer gives spacing d a t a at least as accurate as the
order of the lOA spacino; and t h i r d order of the 15A best photographic measurements, while the direct record-
s])acino'. This example illustrates also the difficulty of ing of intensity is a considerable advantage over plioto-
attach inj^ a yiarticnlar order to an observed line in such graphic and micro-photometric determinations.
As r e g a r d s sensitivity in the recording of weak reflec-
(iii) Unequal movement of lines when the component
tions, the Geiger counter method is claimed to be as sen-
spacinji's are modified. This is obtained, for example, by
sitive as photographic; recording, but this is probably not
chauo-ing the degree of hydration or by formin'i' an
valid for all forms of the i n s t r u m e n t and it calls for care-
organic complex. The analysis by B r o w n and MacEwan
ful consideration so t h a t weak but valuable reflections
(1951) is invaluable for i n t e r p r e t i n g such effects.
are not overlooked t h r o u g h the use of this very conven-
The interpretation of mixed-layer structures presents ient instrument. The recording spectrometer is especially
a more difficidt x>roblem tlian the recognition of regular useful when it is recpiired to examine a small a n g u l a r
structures. The main experimental requirement is to ob- range of the diff'raetion d i a g r a m for a range of speci-
tain X - r a y diagrams of the p u r e mineral. Then, pro- mens.
vided one of the component layers can be modified by
heat-treatment or by organic or other reagents. Brown Long Spacing Measurements. While the basic layer
and M a c E w a n ' s tabulations should give considerable t y p e s have spacings of about 7, 10 a n d 14 to 15 A, a n d
information r e g a r d i n g the kinds of layers Avhich are giycerol-montmorillonite has a spacing of 17.7 A, a n u m -
present. ber of larger spacings have been recorded in recent years.
Ideally, as MacEwan has explained in this Confer- B r a d l e y (1950) obtained a basal spacing of 25.0 A with
ence, it should be possible by use of a Patterson type the mineral rectorite which contains a regular alternation
analysis, as used in crystal structure determinations, to of pyrophyllite-type and vermiculite-type layers. Alex-
determine the probability of finding after a layer of a n i a n and W e y (1951) recorded a spacing of about 32A
type A a second layer of ty])e A (with characteristic AA from a montmorillonite from Camp Berteanx (Morocco).
separation) or a lav'er of a different type B (with its Caillere, Mathieu-Sicaud, a n d I l e n i n (1950) described a
characteristic separation, A B ) . To c a r r y out an analysis mica-like mineral from AUevard with a spacing of about
of this kind requires a complete knowledge of the varia- 2 2 A . These observations show the importance of extend-
tion of scattered X . r a y intensity with angle and there- ing spacing measurements to values beyond 20A as a
fore it is only possible for p u r e mono-mineralic speci- m a t t e r of routine procedure.
mens. However, it promises to be a very important The study of long spacings from h y d r a t e d Na-mont-
development because it will give information not only of morillonite by Norrish and MacEwan, which arc reported
the kinds of layers which are present in a mixed-layer at this Conference, emphasises still further the impor-
se(pience, but also of the degree of oixlering of Hie layers. tance of developing adecpiate technicpies for long spacing
X-7-ay Powder Cameras for Chnj Miiier(d Studies.
The identification of clay minerals by X - r a y analysis Cameras of comniercdal design for routine X - r a y powder
depends on the use of a satisfactory experimental tech-
analysis are often inadequate for clay-mineral work since
nique. The main requirements are :
tliey cannot be used for spacings as large as 1 7 . 7 A (the
(i) Ability to record long spacings u p to about 2 5 A minimum requirement for clay-mineral analysis) wliile
or even higher values. air scattering of the incident X - r a y beam and sometimes
(ii) AVell focused lines with good resolution, also scattering by faulty collimation restricts still fur-
(iii) Absence of background scattering and white ra- t h e r the measurement of long spacings.
diation anomalies.
The use of powder layers in preference to rods or tubes
Of these, (i) and (iii) lie within the control of the in- of powder is recommended by some workers. ]\IacBwan
vestigator, but (ii) depends p a r t l y on the character of (1946) describes the use of a thin powder layer set edge-
the material. wise to the X - r a y beam, and which may be given a small

\>mm I maum.


F K U K E 2. Semi-focusing, multi-exposure camera for clay-min-

eral analysis (Brindley and Crooke). This camera takes four pow-
der specimens wdiich are tightly pressed into cavities in perspex or
glass holders, preferably from the back surface to minimize orien-
tation of flaky minerals in the front surface. The reflections from
the four jiowders are separated by three aluminium baffles and are
recorded on a film held on the outer surface of the camera by a
black rid)ber band. Four X-ray beams are selected by a slit system
at Si and trimmed by adjustable knife edges at S2. M is a lithium
fluoride monochromat<)r.
The camera is of massive construction so that the side plates, A
(c) VERTICAL SECTION (d) SPECIMEN HOLDER and B, can be removed without disturbing the curvature of the film
FiGlKE ] . Semi-focusiiiK powder camera for clay mineral anal- The powder diagrams show the 7, 10, and 1 4 A lines from kaolin,
ysis (Brindley and Robinson). Thi.s consists of a brass cylinder, mica, and chlorite components, and illustrate the results obtained
C, soldered to a massive base, B, having additional thickness at the when the camera is set to focus in the range from .5-20A.
centre to take the conical joint, J, within which rests the specimen
holder. The outer wall of the cylinder and the conical joint are The increasing diffuseness of the mica line in passing from the
accurately eo-axial. The powder is pressed into a shallow cavity in sandstone to the shale is readily seen.
a small glass plate, G, which is held by a spring against the vertical
face of the right-angled piece, R. This vertical surface is adjusted F i g u r e 2 shows a camera designed and used by B r i n d l e y
to lie accvirately on the axis of the camera, so that the i)owder and Crooke, with which four powders can be examined
surface is aTitomatically set on the axis. A tine slit, Si. allows an
X-ray beam having a divergence of about i ° to fall on the jiowder simultaneously and separately. The principle is closely
surface ; Ss is a trimming slit. The film is held on the outer surface similar to t h a t discussed bj^ de Wolff (1948), b u t is modi-
of C by a slightly stretched, black rubber band, I>. The reflected fied so t h a t surface reflection r a t h e r t h a n transmission
X-rays reach the film through the aperture. A, and to avoid weaken- recording is obtained.
ing thereby the cylinder C, a stop, H. is inserted having knife-edges
which cut into the direct beam above and below the equatorial Since clay minerals give few, if any, reflections at
plane. The film holder is made light-tight by thin aluminium foil, 2 ^ > 9 0 ° , it is unnecessary to extend the recording r a n g e
F , or thin nickel foil when CuKa radiation is emi)loyed. The angu- far beyond this angle. B y c u t t i n g off the higher angles,
lar setting of the i)0wdcr surface is determined by a pointer, P,
moving over a graduated scale, Q. Diagrams ( a ) , (b) and (c) are as in the cameras shown in flgures 1 and 2, it is possible
drawn on the same scale, the external diameter of the cylinder C to use large-diameter i n s t r u m e n t s (20 cm diameter is
being 20.0 cm; diagram (d) is on twice this scale. used by the w r i t e r ) and at the same time place the speci-
men relatively close to the X - r a y source. This a r r a n g e -
a n g u l a r oscillation. The present writer has employed for ment, combined with the use of surface reflection and
m a n y years flat powder layers set at an a p p r o p r i a t e an- p a r t i a l focusing, enables high resolution diagrams to be
gle to the incident X - r a y beam, a method which gives obtained without excessively long exposure times.
p a r t i a l focusing of the reflected beams over a useful The spectrometer also uses flat powder layers with the
range of angles. F i g u r e 1 shows the type of camera used additional a d v a n t a g e that the reflections are always re-
by B r i n d l e y and Robinson (1946) in their study of the corded u n d e r conditions of s h a r p focusing. The amount
s t r u c t u r e of kaolinite. AA^th the powder plate set at an of powder required by the spectrometer is considerable,
angle n~'^° to the incident X - r a y beam a n d with C u K a especially if the material has to be hand-picked u n d e r a
radiation, spaeings r a n g i n g from about 4A to 20A, or microscope and f u r t h e r purified by sedimentation or
beyond, can be sharply recorded; with a==9° or 12°, a other methods. W i t h photographic recording, layers of
range from about 7A down to about 1 . 5 A is obtained. smaller extent suffice; the w r i t e r commonly employs a
powder cavity of about 5 by 3 by 0.5 mm but when little hand, the replacement of Si by Al in tetrahedral coordi-
material is available, a thin layer about 5 by 1 mm (or nation and of Al by Mg in octahedral coordination can-
even smaller dimensions) on a glass plate may be used. not be ascertained by intensity measurements, but some
progress can be made by using climensional arguments.
WMie Eadiafion Effects and Use of Monochromators. These concepts have been partially applied to the mont-
Clearer powder diagrams are obtained by nising crystal- morillonoids by MacEwan (1951), to the micas by Brown
monochromatized radiation in preference to filtered (1951), and to the chlorites by von Engelhardt (1942),
radiation. Curved crystal monochromators, usually of and Bannister and \Yhittard (1945).
quartz, combined with cameras of a focusing type give
sharply focused patterns against a low background in- A more systematic approach to the problem is required,
tensity. Plane monochromators may be used with powder however, and a first step in this direction has been made
specimens, of flat or rod type, mounted at the centre of by Brindley and MacEwan (1953) in which formulae are
a circular camera. For clay-mineral investigations, syn- derived relating layer dimensions, more particularly the
thetic lithium fluoride is probably the most generally hi)— parameter, to the substitutions of atoms in tetrahe-
suitable niouochromator. It is a very strong reflector and dral and octahedral positions. A brief survey is given in
is completely stable under atmospheric conditions. the preceding paper by the writer in this symposium,
Structural Mineralogy of Clays. The formulae are gen-
The Mriter has found when using filtered radiation eral and are intended to be applicable to all layer sili-
that the peak of the white radiation reflected from the cates. Ccmiparison of observed parameters with calcu-
very strong (10.1) quartz reflection appears in a position lated values shows a close over-all agreement, but some
corresponding to CuKa radiation reflected from a spac- exceptions occur, notably among the micas. This leads to
ing of about n to 12A. In consequence, clay materials the question whether the interlayer cations, which have
containing appreciable quartz can produce this spurious been omitted from these calculations, may play an ap-
reflection in the region where basal reflections from clay preciable part in determining the layer parameters.
minerals are found. Such anomalies are eliminated by The relations between lattice parameters and composi-
using crystal-monochromatized radiation. tion given by MacEwan, Brown, von Engelhardt, and
It is necessary to remember, however that many crystal Bannister and Whittard, were each obtained on the basis
monochromators reflect not only the characteristic wave- of a more restricted argument and therefore ma.v be more
length A, from the X-ray tube, but also the harmonics of exactly applicable within the domain considered by eaoh
wavelengths I '2, A/3, . . . in the second, third, and higher of them.
orders, which are selected by the monochromator from
the general radiation. The following may be cited as an Di- and Tri-octaJiedral Minerals. An early attempt to
illustration of what ma.v happen. The writer, examining identifv chemical species by X-ray diffraction was made
strong basal reflections from a chlorite using a lithium by Nagelschmidt (1937) who showed that the (060)
fluoride monochromator set for CuKa radiation, recorded spacing of dioctahedral micas was about 1.50A and of
additional weak reflections apparently corresponding to trioctahedral micas about 1.53 to 1.55 A. This important
odd orders of a 28A spacing. \ o trace of these reflections distinction has been confirmed by much subsequent work
was obtained with the usual filtered radiation. It even- both with the micas and with other mineral groups, and
tually became apparent that these additional reflections constitutes the first stage in attempting to identify a
were due to ?i(CuKa)/2 radiation. Such effects are largely particular chemical species.
eliminated by using fluorite or diamond as a monochro- Kaolin-type Minerals. This term covers all minerals
mator since the second and higher order reflections from with the same kind of layer structure, namely, the kaolin
these crystals are of negligible intensity compared with minerals proper, the serpentine minerals, chamosite,
the first orders. amesite, etc.
Among these minerals, the problem of identification
DIFFERENTIATION OF CHEMICAL SPECIES is relatively simple because isomorphous substitution of
Use of Spacing and Tntrnsiti/ Measurements. This is atoms occurs to only a small extent. Thus the kaolin
the most difficult x)hase in the identification of minerals minerals proper have essentially aluminum atoms and
by means of X-rays, but under favourable circiimstances the serpentine minerals essentially magnesium atoms in
considerable progress can be made. The y^roblem to be octahedral positions. Chamosite appears to be the only
considered is how the X-ray diagram of a particular widely occu.rring ferrous iron member; its composition
mineral structure varies with its composition. It has is slightly more variable. Other kaolin-type minerals
already been stated that it is princix)ally the sizes and such as amesite, cronstedtite, garnierite, and greenalite
the scattering powers of the atcmis which are involved, are relatively rare. The powder diagrams are sufficiently
and that lattice dimensions and reflected intensities are distinct for there to be little real difficulty in making a
the observable parameters. This means that atoms of broad separation.
similar atomic number, and therefore with similar 3Iicas, Chlorites and Memtmorillonoids. Among these
scattering factors, must be differentiated primarily by minerals extensive isomorphous substitution of atoms oc-
dimensional considerations, and atoms of different elec- curs and the designation of the chemical species depends
tronic contents but similar sizes must be differentiated by principally on the nature and extent of the substitutions.
intensity considerations. Thus in ferro-magnesian min- In addition to the work already cited on the recognition
erals, the F e : Mg ratio will often be determined more of these mineral species by lattice spacing and intensity
sensitively by intensity observations than by spacing measurements, a short account may be given of a critical
measurements, though both may be useful. On the other test carried out bv F. H. Gillerv in the writer's labora-

SISSiOj. SFeO.aHjO) 5(Al203.Si02-2Fe0.2H20) mation of three chlorites is indicated by shaded areas

and their chemical compositions by closed circles. The
agreement is sufficiently good to show the potentialities
of the X - r a y method. It is evident that the F e ^ y J I g ratio
has been determined more reliably than the A l ' V ^ i
ratio. This is not surprising, because the basal spacing
w-ill probably depend p a r t l y on the substitutions in the
octahedral layers. I t should be observed, however, t h a t
X determines not only the AP'^'/Si ratio but also the
resultant charges in the layers and this may well be the
dominant factor in determining the basal spacing of a
The residts shown in figure 3 justify a restrained
optimism as regai-ds the evalnation of the chemical
species of a layer mineral p u r e l y by X - r a y methods.
The main requirement is the accurate determination of
the basal spacing and basal intensities and this implies
t h a t these reflections .shall not be masked by reflections
from other minerals in a mixture. Herein lies the main
expei'imental difficulty. I n the case of a mica, the lOA
and 5A reflections are unlikely to be masked, but in the
2(2S.02 .3Mg0.2H20) 3(AI 0,. Si02.2Mg0.2 HO)
case of a chlorite t h e 7A a n d 3.5A reflections correspond
FlGUKE 3. X-rny identific-rttion of chlorite species. Black circles very closely w-ith reflections frcmi kaolin-type minerals,
represent the chemical analyses of three chlorites, and the open a point which has already been discussed above. The
circles their evalnation by i)nrely X-ray methods ; the shaded areas
indicate the estimated nncertainties in the X-ray evaluations. kaolin reflections can be suppressed by heating the ma-
(Brindley and (Jiilery) terial to about 450° to 550°C., b u t such t r e a t m e n t may
modif.v the chlorite intensities a n d vitiate their use for
tory to identify mispecdfied ehlorites solely by X - r a y determining the F e / M g ratio.
analysi.s. The writer has recently encountered the problem of
determining the n a t u r e of a chlorite wdiich is very fine
A Detailed Te.-it of Chlorite Identification hy X-rays. grained, particle size 1 micron or less, which a p p e a r s to
The following" methods and assumptions were u s e d : be closely intergrown with a kaolin mineral. It has not
(i) The octahedral positions were assumed to be fully been possible so far to separate these minerals a n d the
occupied and the distribution of atoms to be the same identity of the chlorite remains unknown.
in the two octahedral layers of the chlorite structure.
The intensities of the first five basal reflections were then IDENTIFICATION OF MINERAL VARIETIES
calculated w'ith the assumption t h a t Al and Si in tetra-
hedral positions scatter equally, that Mg' and Al in octa- S t r u c t u r a l varieties of each chemical species differ
hedral positions scatter equally, and similarly F e a n d principally in the stacking sequence of the layers. Such
Cr. The basal intensities can then be used to determine differences influence the finer points of the X - r a y diffrac-
the ratio of the heavily scatterino- atoms (mainly Ve) to tion diagrams. Their recognition t u r n s on the n u m b e r
the lightly scattering- atoms (maiidy Mg- and Al) in the and kind of components in a material. The varieties of
octahedral positions. some chemical species are more easily recognized t h a n
(ii) The proportion of Al to Si in t e t r a h e d r a l posi- those of other species.
tions was determined from the curve relating basal spac- T h u s the kaolin varieties, kaolinite, diekite, nacrite,
ing to this ratio (Bannister a n d W h i t t a r d , 1945; Brind- halloysite, a n d the characteristically disordered form of
ley and Kobinson, 1951). kaolin mineral found in fireclays, are relatively easy to
A simplified general formula for chlorites ean be recognize, provided the powder diagram is not too
written: heavily overcrowded with other reflections. The writer
has been able to recognize kaolinite and diekite together
(Mgv Fe«--.^, Al,vi) (Si4-.A1,"X),„) (OII)s wdien quartz was the only contaminant. A small percen-
A n i m p o r t a n t assum])tion here is t h a t the iron is tage of halloysite along with kaolinite would not be
wholly ferrous, which is largely t r u e for m a n y chlorites. easily detected. The extent of the disorder in a kao-
On this basis, .r can be found from the basal spacing linite would not be easily estimated in the presence of
curve and the ratio of Pe+* to (Mg + A F ^ ) , viz. mica, quartz, feldspars, and possibly other impurities.
(6- X ~-y)/(x -\- y), from the basal intensities. Thus x The s t r u c t u r a l varieties of the micas have been studied
and y can both be evaluated. If Alx'^'' is partially re- especially by Hendricks a n d Jefferson (1939) using
placed by Fe+**, an additional variable is introduced single crystals. The charaeteri.stics of these varieties are
which cannot be evaluated at present purely from X - r a y not easily seen in powder diagrams, but Grim and B r a d -
data. ley (1951) have shown t h a t if mica is the dominant
I n figure 3 are shown the final resnlts obtained for mineral in a sample, then there are characteristic lines
three chlorites. Using the well-known diagram of W i n - in the powder diagrams which enable some varieties,
chell (1936) showing the compositional and optical at least, to be recognized. This calls for careful and de-
ranges of members of the chlorite group, the X-ray esti- tailed study.

The s t r u c t u r a l varieties of chlorites have been studied introduces no change i n near-neighbour relations be-
so far only by single-crystal methods (Brindley, Ough- tween adjacent layers.
ton, and Robinson, 1950) and it is doubtful if powder Two effects follow from the random 7>-axis displace-
diagrams will yield sufficient detail for their recognition ment of layers. I n the first place, reflections with
in a finely divided form. I t is, however, certain t h a t if A' ^ 0, 3, 6 . . . remain unaffected, but reflections of type
chlorites are ground to a fine powder mechanically, then (hkl) with k y^ 'An disappear. The two-dimensional regu-
the distortions introduced will make it impossible to l a r i t y of the layers remains, however, so t h a t bands,
recognize the original s t r u c t u r a l variety. similar to those produced by halloysite a n d montmoril-
lonite, occur when /,• ^ 3 ; ( . These bands are usually much
RECOGNITION OF DISORDERED LAYER SEQUENCES weaker t h a n the strong (/(A7) reflections with k =^ 3n
Ordered a n d disordered layer sequences occur in all a n d in consequence are not easily seen. The strongest
the s t r u c t u r a l sub-groups and give rise to characteristic b a n d produced by all layers of the type found in clay
diffraction ctfects; the more pronounced the disorder, minerals is the (02, 11, IT)/, band, the three components
the more prominent are the etfects which arc produced. of which completely overlap. The maxinmm of this b a n d
I n powder diagrams, asymmetrical b a n d s of scattered corresponds closely with a lattice spacing of h„/2 and
X - r a y intensity are obtained in place of symmetrical occurs therefore at about d r= 4.5 — 4.6 A. This typo
lines. The bands usually correspond to a group of lines of disorder is recognized p a r t l y by the smaller n u m b e r
r a t h e r t h a n to a single line, b u t the position of a max- of reflections as compared with a fully ordered mineral,
imum intensity near the low-angle limit of a band (the namely those with k = 3n, a n d p a r t l y by the very char-
most noticeable feature a n d the one which is usually acteristic intensity profile of the (02, 11, I T ) / band.
measured a n d recorded in tables of lattice spacings), V e r y little quantitative work has y e t been done on
corresponds closely with a p a r t i c n l a r line in the diffrac- the determination of the degree of disorder. The k i n d
tion p a t t e r n of the ordered mineral. of effects to be expected with increasing disorder are
The most pronounced effects due to disordered layer se- (i) a fading out and a broadening of the (hkl) reflec-
quences arise with minerals such as halloysite and mont- tions with k j ^ 3«, (ii) the development of the 02 band,
morillonite where the layers a p p e a r to be displaced paral- with a modulation of the intensity distribution corre-
lel to both the (/- and the 5-axis so t h a t the only reflections sponding to the p a r t i a l order in the structure.
obtained, other t h a n the basal (001) reflections, are the I n practice, with a range of kaolin minerals, for
two-dimensional (hk) bands. The positions of maximum example, it is possible to place them in a sequence of in-
intensity near the low-angle limits can be indexed ap- creasing disorder, but a more detailed analysis of this
proximately as (hkO) a n d the entire sequence of re- question still requires to be developed.
flections then appears to correspond to an orthorhombic
or orthohexagonal cell. This, however, is an incorrect SUMMARY
description of the lattice. The band of intensity extend-
This contribution has endeavoured t o outline the prin-
ing to higher angles from each (hkO) position corres-
ciples of X - r a y identification of clay minerals without
ponds closely to an (hkl) sequence with the h a n d k reproducing lists of spacing data, which can be found
indices having fixed integral values a n d I taking values elsewhere. The identification problem has been broken
extending continuously from I = 0. The reason why the down into stages corresponding with the classification
position of maximum intensity corresponds only approxi- of clay minerals described in the previous p a p e r Struc-
mately with an (hkO) designation depends p a r t l y on tural Mineralogy of Clays contributed by the w r i t e r to
the variation of s t r u c t u r e factor with angle a n d p a r t l y this symposium. I t is shown t h a t the basal reflections are
on the fact t h a t each a n g u l a r position in a band recorded largely sufficient to determine the s t r u c t u r a l g r o u p and
in a powder diagram corresponds to a small range of sub-group of a clay mineral. The determination of chem-
I values. ical species is inherently more difficult to c a r r y t h r o u g h
Theoretical t r e a t m e n t s of diffraction by small, two- by purely X - r a y methods. F r o m an X - r a y and s t r u c t u r a l
dimensional crystal lattices have been given by W a r r e n standpoint, atoms differ in size a n d in scattering power.
(1941), by Wilson (1949), a n d by B r i n d l e y and Mering Therefore in determining chemical species, attention
(1951). B y making certain reasonable assumptions, W a r - must be paid to details of lattice spacings and diffracted
ren was able to arrive at explicit formulae for the dis- intensities. A critical test of the identification of three
tribution of intensity in the ditfraction bands which chlorites is described a n d it is concluded that in favour-
Brindley a n d Robinson (1948) have shown give good able cases the possibility of identifying species by X - r a y
agreement with observed d a t a for halloysite. Brindley analysis can be regarded with restrained optimism. The
and Mering analysed the problem in r a t h e r more detail problems of recognizing s t r u c t u r a l varieties are briefly
b u t the final conclusions were t h a t W a r r e n ' s approxi- outlined a n d the potentialities indicated. Sometimes the
mations were, in most cases, amply good enough. recognition of a p a r t i c u l a r s t r u c t u r a l variety determines
at the same time the chemical species.
There is more difficulty in recognizing the one-dimen-
sional disorder which often takes the form of layer dis- Disorder in clay minerals is of two kinds, namely dis-
placements parallel to the &-axis by amounts of nh„/H. order due to mixed-layer sequences a n d disorder d u e to
Displacements by this simple fraction of a unit cell side layer displacements. The characteristic diffraction phe-
occur in the kaolin- a n d chlorite-type structures be- nomena arising from these disorders a r e discussed a n d
cause, in the hydroxjd sheets of these layers, the ( O H ) the possibilities of studying them in detail are considered.
radicals are situated at intervals of ?)o/3 parallel to the Questions of X - r a y technique are treated briefly with
Z;-axis a n d in consequence a displacement by nho/S special reference to the measurement of long spacings

and elimination of spnrious effects arising from the use

of filtered radiation and of certain crystal niono-

Finally 1 wisli to record m y deep appreciation of the

invitation to a t t e n d the F i r s t National Conference on
Clays in the United States, and m y pleasure at the op-
portunities it has provided of visitinfr m a n y people
and laboratories in this country. 1 wish also to express
my best wishes for the success of the Clay Minerals
Group which has been initiated at this Conference, and
the hope that despite the distance s e p a r a t i n g E u r o p e and
i\merica, there will be useful collaboration between the
newly founded United States group and the groups now
actively functioning in Belgium, B r i t a i n , P r a n c e , and
T. F. Buehrer:
How accurately can one determine the proportion of the various
minerals present in a colloidal clay of a soil, and by what factors
would such estimates be complicated?
G. W. Brindley:
The method for (pmntitative mineralogical analysis by means of
X-rays is the well known one of adding a standardizing substance
in known proportion and comparing the ratios of the intensities of
diffraction lines from the different minerals with the intensities of
lines from the standard substance. The choice of standard substance 0-2 -
depend.s to some extent on the problems to be undertaken ; the dif-
fraction pattern of the standard should interfere as little as pos-
sible with those of the components to be measured. In the case of
clay-miueral mixtures, it is not easy to find a standard which
meets this requirement satisfactorily, but the writer and K. H.
Crooke in work not yet fully published have found ferric ammo-
nium sulfate to be a useful substance.
The accuracy obtainable is usually not very high l)ut the use of
self-recording counter spectrometers in place of photographic tech-
niques increases consideraldy both the accuracy and the con-
venience of the X-ray method.
The principle of the method is to compare suitable reflections
from a range of minerals such as kaolinite, mica, montmorillonite,
chlorite, etc., with a suitable reflection or reflections from the
standard substaTice in binary mixtures of known proportions. In a
mnlti-com])onent mixture, the intensity ratios will be related in the 0-5
same way to the composition ratios provided the particle sizes of
all the components are sufficiently flne. This proviso raises difficult
problems both theoretically and experimentally if the particles are
so coarse that they absorb individually an appreciable percentage
of the incident X-radiation. This, bowever, is not likely to arise
with the clay fra(-tion of a soil.
A more serious difficulty arises in connection with the standard
intensity ratios. Such ratios can, of course, be established for 07
particular .specimens of kaolinite, mica, montmorillonite, etc., in
relation to a chosen standard. The question is whether the minerals
to be estimated reflect X-rays exactly as the kaolinite, etc., u.sed in
making uj) the standardizing mixtures. This depends on the FIGURE 4. Ten-A and 1 2 . 4 A spacings: dioctahedral mica layers
"erystallinity" of the minerals involved and also on their precise From Brown and MacEujan 19'>J.
chemical composition.
A further source of uncertainty arises from the easy orientation conditions, in order that the many elusive factors which may influ-
of flaky minerals. The most convenient reflections for intensity ence intensity measurements can l)e given an opportunity to reveal
measurements are often the basal, 001, reflections and these are themselves. Measurements carried out with small variation of the
the reflections most susceptible to orientation effects. experimental conditions may show a high degree of consistency
The second p a r t of Dr. Buehrer's question is therefore more among themselves that is quite misleading as regards the accuracy
easily answered than the first part. The accuracy obtainable de- of the determination.
pends so much on circumstances that a simple, direct answer is
scarcely possible. I could, however, hazard a guess that a crystal- M. E. King:
line component present to the extent of .50 percent by weight in a Another factor beside orientation, which introduces uncertainties
mixture might well be estimated to within ± .") percent, i.e., an in estimating a given crystalline component in a mixture, is the
accuracy of 10 percent in the determined value. Kut a component presence of substances which highly absorb X-rays, such as calcite.
present "to the extent of only ~> percent might be estimated with an
uncertainty of ± 2 i percent, i.e, about 50 percent in the determined In one sample X-ray analysis indicated that quartz was present
value. in an amount of about 15 to 20 percent, whereas microscopical
I feel that X-ray metliods for quantitative determinations should analysis indicated about (>0 to 05 percent quartz. After the calcite
be applied with considerable circumspection and that it is a wise was removed, the results obtained by means of X-rays and micro-
precaution always to vary as widely as possible the experimental scope were in agreement.

03 <» QQ CD the clue we were .seeking. Ideally, we want some direct method of
proceeding from the measured spacings and their intensities to the
tyi)es (ff laxers present and their proportions.
In the case where the silicate layers present are of similar
nature, and are separated by interlamellar material of relatively
small scattering jjower, the problem simplifies itself into the de-
termination of the inter-layer spacings present, and Ibe proportiims
in which they are present. This can be done, as Mering (1949) has
pointed out, by calculating the fourier transform of a modified curve
of scattered intensity from the base, as a function of reciprocal
spacing (or, nearly, of angle).
Unfortunately, this curve is very difficult to obtain in practice,
because the scattered intensity is very low in certain regions, and
is liable to be interfered with by non-basal reflections from the
same mineral, and b.v reflections from other minerals. We have
foimd that, where the pattern is one of fairly sharp di.screte lines,
quite a lot of information can be obtained by calculating the much
simpler function :
— COS 2 TT [Ir R,
where Ir~ integrated intensit.v of cth line; F ; = scattering
function for a single layer (this is a function of /j.) ; ^r = recip-
rocal spacing corresponding to rth line; i? = interlayer separation
in A.
This is a very simple summation, having only as many terms ;is
there are lines. The resulting function of 7?. when plotted, should
show peaks corresponding to the interlayer distances present, their
heights giving the proportions in which they occur. The function
may be regarded either as a simplified fourier transform, or as a
Patterson function with non-rational indices, i.e., with infinite
unit cell.
Often, owing to the i)aucity of observations, the series is arbi-
FiGi'EE 5. Calculated series for mixtures of lOA and 1 2 . 4 A trarily cut off at a certain term. This gives rise to diffraction, i.e.,
spaciiis's with mica-type layers. The number attached to each curve to spurious peaks, as w'ith an ordinary Patterson summation, and
fiives the proportion of the higher sijaeing. The ordinates of these the remedy is the same, to smooth the series by arbitrarily reduc-
curves are proportional to the probability of findins: a layer at a ing the higher-order terms, i.e., by multiplying the intensities by
gi\en tlistant'e from any layer chosen as origin : the (arbitrary) a function which diminishes with increasing /i. This broadens the
zero level is not shown. The letters indicate the significance of the peaks, making exact spacing measurements difficult, so it may he
peaks, A meaning a lOA spacing, and B a 12.4A spacing; thus convenient to calcuhite both the smoothed and the unsmoothed
AAB is a peak which arises from two spacings of the first type plus series. The second will give the accurate spacing values, and any
one of the second (in any order). The meaning of the dotted curve peaks not common to the two series will be rejected. There are
is e-xplained in the text. From MncKtrnn, Xntiire, v. 171. other refinements and snags, which cannot be described in detail
Figures 4 and 5 show what can be done, even with very restricted
G. W. Brindley: information. Figure 4 gives the diffraction to be expected from
The effect of strongly absorbing constituents in a composite mixed-layer structures containing mica-type layers with sepa-
powder is (piite complex and has been discussed by several writers rations of 10 and 12.4A, in the proportions shown. These curves
(Brindley, 1945; Wolff. 1937; Wilchinsky, 1951'). Mention may are calculated by Brown and Ma_cEwan (1950), and do not go
also be made of the effect of an amorphous skin on crystalline beyond /x = .'-(5, i.e., d = 2.8 A (ij. being arbitrarily defined as
particles. Such a skin diminishes the reflected intensity both by its 100/^/), there being only three i>eaks in this region, one of them
non-<'rystalline character and by its absorption. Such an effect has rather diffuse. Figure 5 shows the smoothed summation from these
been demonstrated quantitatively by Xagelschmidt et al. (1952). three peaks. For comparison, an unsmoothed summation corre-
sponding to the last of the three curves is also shown, in dotted
D. M. C. MacEwan:
It is easy to see that the initial ])ortion of the summiitions
A problem which quite commonly turns up in dealing with X-ray gives lis very adequate information about the .spacings present,
diffraction by clay minerals is that of random interstratification. and their proportions. Taking the / = 0.7 curves as an example,
This consists in the interleaving of diff'erent layers, in a manner we see from the dotted curve that the spacings present are 10 A
which may be either regular or random. The layers may be either at 12.4 A. The heights of these peaks are in the ratio of .'54:66.
of different structural types, e.g., kaolinite and montmorillonite, ov which is near enough to the true value of .'50:70. There is some
may consist of layers of the same structural type, but with different difliculty in determining the true zero level from which to measure
thicknesses of interlamellar material, water or organic molecules— these heights, but this cannot be discussed in detail here. Com-
e.g., partially hydrated halloysite (Brindley and Goodyear 1948), l)arison of the dotted and full curves shows that peaks at 4 A.
partially expanded montmorillonite, chlorite, and swelling chlorite 6.5 A, 15.5 A and 19 A, may be rejected as being the result of
(Stephen and MacEwan 1951). diftraetion. Thus only two spacings are present.
The basal series of reflections from such material may contain The other peaks at larger values of 7i* result from second nearest
broad bands, but quite often it consists of lines which are not very neighbors, third nearest neighbors, etc.. and from them we may, in
noticeably less sharp than those from other fine-grained material, principle, determine whether the mixture of layers is completely
but which do not form a rational series of orders, i.e., a series with random, ordered, or partially ordered. Thus, if we had a regular
sjiaciugs in the ratios 1 : i : J : . . . . Whenever such an irrational alternation of layers. ABAB . . . . we should get a large AB peak,
series is present, we may suspect random interstratification. but no .4.4 and no BB. If we had a complete segregation of the
We are then confronted with the problem of finding out what two types, we should get AA and BB, but no AB. A little consid-
such a non-rational series of lines means. Sometimes they may be eration will show that, with a completely random mixture of layers,
modified, e.g., by removing water, or by saturating the material we would expect the heights of AA, AB, and BB to be in the ratio
with glycerol or glycol; and the modifications in the pattern of 9 : 4 2 : 4 9 with .30 percent A. This is clearly very close to what is
lines may give us a clue to what was originally present. This can- found, so we may say that the mixture is essentially a random one.
not always be done however, nor is it always sufficient to give us and this of course is the correct answer.

These tiummatiou.s are very sensitive to tlic value of iir but are G. W. Brindley:
relatively little affected eveu by iiuite lartje cbanses in Ir \ Fi ] -'. If one could follow the fluctuation of density along the diffraction
Thus we may expect that they will fjive the correct answer even lines in reciproc.-il sp.ace, then one would know there was some
when there is some uncertainty about the nature of the layers, and degree <if order in the way in which the plates were stacked.
therefore about the values of Fi.
H. F. Coffer:
When is orientation of d a y particles in a sample desirable and Alexanian, C , and Wey, R., 19.jl, Sur Texistence d'uue r.aie
when is it not'.' intense a 'A2X environ dans le diagrainme de rayons X de pla-
(piettes de montinorillonite orientee: Acad. Sci. Paris comptes
G. W. Brindley: remlus. v. '2H'2. ])\). IS.").")-,"*!).
Orientation is desirable when you want to brin;;- out the basal Kannister, F . A., and Whittard, W. F., 194."), A magnesian
reflections, particularly those at hisher anvil's, so that they can be chamosite from the Wenhick limestone of Wickwar, Gloucester-
differentiated with certainty from other reflections. On the other shire : Jlineralog. Mag., v. 27, iip. 90-111.
hand if you want to compare the intensities of the reflections ill F>radley, AV. F., 19.">(), The alternating layer sequence of rec-
order to check on a structure analysis, then, of course, you wish torite : Am. Mineralogist, v. So, pp. .j90-.j9r).
to measure the intensities without the coin]dications introduced by Rrindley. G. W., 194.">, The effect of grain or iiarticle size on
orientation. In a recent structure analysis of aniesitc (I'rindley X-ray reflection from mixed powders and alloys, considered in
et al. I'.tol ) both single-crystal and powder analyses were employed. relation to the (luantitative determination of crystalline subst.ances
In order to interpret the powder intensities it was necessary to by X-ra,v methods: London, Edinburgh, and Dublin I*liilos. i l a g .
incorporate an orientation factt)r. and .lour. Sci., v. 'Mi, 7th ser., pp. H17-.H(i9.
Brindley, (i. W., Editor. 19.")1, X-ray identificati<ui and crystal
T. F. Bates: fttructures of clay minerals: ^^45 pp., ilineralog. Soc, L(nidon.
I believe that electriui diffraction will very soon be an important (Clay ^linerals Group).
means of studying the clay minerals, particularly the diffraction Rrindley, (i. \V., and MacEwan, D.M.C, 195.'!, Ceramics—a
from single crystals. This can be done liy usins the I'hilips electron symposium: British Ceramic Soc. Trans., pp. 15-.59.
microscope, the new electron dift'raction attachment RCA instru- Brindley, G. \V., and Goodyear, J., 1948. X-ray studies of hal-
ment, or possibly by micro-manipulation and hand-picking some of loysite and metahalloysite. P a r t I I . The transition of halloysite
these tiny microscopically visible crystals and placing them in the to metahalloysite in relation to relative humiditv; Mineralog.
KC'A electron-diffraction unit so that one knows that he deals with Mag., v. 28, pp. 407-422.
a single crystal. lirindley, (!. W., and Mering, .!., 1951, Diffractions des rayons
X par les structures en couches de Desordonnees. I : Acta Crystal-
D. M. C. MacEwan: lograpliica, v. 4, pp. 441-447.
The electron-dift'raction patterns of highly oriented and extremely Brindley, G. W., Oughton, B. M., and Robinson, K., 19.50, Poly-
thin films of clay with the electron beam passing normally through morphism of the ehlorites. I. Ordered structures : Acta Crystallo-
them are particularly useful. Such a pattern includes only the (hJc) graphica, v. 3, pp. 408-416.
or the (hW) lines. If X-rays give diff'use (hk) bands, then electron Brindley, G. W., Oughton, B. M., and Youell, R. F., 1951, The
diffraction will give sharp lines, because with electron diffraction crystal structure of amesite and its thermal decomposition : Acta
only the initial part of the band is observed. If X-rays give a series Crystallograi)hica, v. 4, pp. 5.52-557.
of lines with (hkO), (hkl), and others, then, in general, electron Brindley, G. W., and Robinson, K., 1946, The .structure of
diffraction will only give the (hkO). That means that the jiattern is kaolinite : Mineralog. Mag., v. 27, pp. 242-253.
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