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C1 Maths Revision

Algebra and Functions (Chapter 1)

Laws Of Indices 1
za x zb = zab /x x 1/y = 1/xy
za ÷ zb = za-b a
/y + b/y = a+b/y
(za)b = zaxb a
z-a = 1/(za) /y ÷ b/z = a/y x z/b
za/b = b√(za) the bth root of z

Cannot rationalise surds; they give infinitely long decimal
fractions. √prime number is a surd
√(ab) = √a x √b
√(a/b) = (√a)/(√b)
Rationalising the denominator of surds
√(1/a), multiply top and bottom by √a
1/(a + √b), multiply top and bottom by (a-√b)
1/(a - √b), multiply top and bottom by (a+√b)

Quadratic Functions (Chapter 2)

Completing the Square E.g. x2 + 8x + 10 = 0
x2 + 8x (x+4)2 – 16 +10 = 0
x2 + bx = (x + 0.5b)2 – (0.5b)2 (x+4)2 = 6
= (x + 4)2 – 42 (x+4) = ±√6
= (x + 4)2 – 16 x = √6 – 4, -√6 - 4

The Quadratic Formula

x= -b±√(b2 – 4ac)

Laurence Gardner
C1 Maths Revision

Sketching Quadratic Graphs

1. When a>0, graph is ‘u’ shaped
When a<0, graph is ‘n’ (upside down ‘u’) shaped
2. Put ‘0’ into ‘x’ & ‘y’ values for axis-crossing points
3. Consider the general shape by discriminating
a. ‘b2-4ac’ is the discriminate
b. If answer >0, there are 2 different roots
c. If answer =0, there are 2 equal roots
d. If answer <0, there are no real roots

Equations and Inequalities (Chapter 3)

Linear Sim’ Equations Elimination (you should know this)
E.g. solve the equations
2x + 3y = 8 3x – y = 23
Make one of x/y equal the other, then add/subtract equations
I.e. “2x + 3y = 8” + “9x – 3y = 69”
= “11x = 77” = “x = 7, y = -2”

Linear Equation Substitution

E.g. solve these equations
2x – y = 1 4x + 2y = -30
Rearrange one to make either x= or y=, then substitute the letter
with the equation
2x – 1 = -30
4x + 2(2x – 1) = -30
4x + 4x – 2 = -30
8x = -28
x = -3.5, y = -8

Linear/Quadratic Equation Substitution

E.g. solve these equations

Laurence Gardner
C1 Maths Revision

x + 2y = 3 x2 + 3xy = 10
Rearrange the linear
x = 3 – 2y
Substitute it into the quadratic
(3-2y)(3-2y) + 3y(3-2y) = 10
4y2 – 12y + 9 + 9y – 6y2 = 10
-2y2 -3y +9 = 10
-2y2 -3y -1 = 0
2y2 + 3y + 1 = 0
(2y + 1)(y + 1) = 0
y = -0.5, -1
x = 4, 5

Linear Inequalities
Multiply by -2
*N.b. multiplying/dividing by a negative switches the inequality

Quadratic Inequalities
Basically, you just have to solve the quadratic, and then put in
the inequality
Make sure you check if ax2 + bx + c <0 or >0
u shaped >0 spreads out to infinity outside x coordinates
n shaped <0 spreads out to infinity outside x coordinates
u shaped <0 lies in-between x coordinates
n shaped >0 lies in-between x coordinates

Sketching Curves (Chapter 4)

Sketching Cubic Curves

Laurence Gardner
C1 Maths Revision

Substitute values in for x & y to find where the curve meets axis
Pick large random y values see which edge extends to -∞ and ∞
If x is positive, then -∞ is on the left, ∞ is on the right (I think)
When x = 0, y = 1 x -3 x -7 = 21 so y- crossing point is 21
When y = 0, x = 7, 3, -1 so these are your x crossing points

Sketching y = x3 Curves
Just put values into the equation
Notes (You can work this out for yourself if you have to)
y = -x3 flips the curve along the y-axis
y = (x+1)3 moves the curve left 1, it intersects at -1 instead of 0

Sketching y = k/x Curves

E.g. Sketch the curve y = 1/x as is asymptotes
(Approaches but never reaches a line, in this case x & y axis)
y = k/x, k>0 y = k/x, k<0

Sketching Curves To Find Points Of Intersection

E.g. find where y=x(x - 3) and y=x2(1-x) intersect

Laurence Gardner
C1 Maths Revision

Just draw both curves on a graph, quadratic and cubic

See where the lines meet
Algebraically, make one equal the other
x(x - 3) = x2(1-x)
x2 – 3x = x2 – x3
-3x = -x3
-3x + x3 = 0
x (x2 - 3) = 0
x (x + √3) (x – √3) = 0
x = -√3, 0, √3
Then, you can just run x through the equation to get the
respected y coordinates
y=3(1+√3), 0, 3(1 – √3)
y=3 + 3√3, 0, 3 – 3√3
(-√3, 3 + 3√3) (0, 0) (√3, 3 -3√3)

Transforming Graphs
f (x+a) changes the x coordinate by –a
f (x) + a changes the y coordinate by a
f (ax) stretches the graph out from the y-axis by 1/a
(a=2, x coordinates halve, y remain unchanged)
f a(x) stretches the graph out from the x-axis by a
(a=2, y coordinates double, x remain unchanged)

Coordinate Geometry In The (x,y) Plane (Chapter 5)

Straight Lines can be written as…
y = mx + c or ax + by + c = 0
y = mx + c
m is the gradient, (no. of squares that go up for every 1 across)
c is the y intercept

You Can Work out the Gradient of a Line Between 2 Points

m = y2 – y1 or difference in y

Laurence Gardner
C1 Maths Revision

x2 – x1 difference in x

E.g. the line joining (3, -4) to (-g, 2g) has a gradient -3. Work out
the value of g.
2g – (-4) = -3 2g + 4 = -3(-g – 3) 2g = 3g + 5
-g – 3

g = -5

Working Out Formula Of A Line That Passes Through (x1 , y1)

With Gradient m
You can do this with the formula y – y1 = m(x – x1)

E.g. find the equation of the line with gradient 5 that passes
through (3, 2).
y – 2 = 5(x – 3) y – 2 = 5x – 15 y = 5x – 13

Working Out Formula Of A Line That Passes Through (x1 , y1)

and (x2 , y2)
You can do this with the formula y – y1 = x – x1
y2 – y1 x2 – x1

E.g. Find the equation of the line that passes through (5, 7) and
(3, -1).

y–7 = x–5 y–7 = x–5 y – 7 = -8x + 40

-1 – 7 3 – 5 -8 -2 -2

y – 7 = 4x – 20 y = 4x – 13

Perpendicular Gradients
A line perpedicular to gradient m has a gradient of -1/m

Laurence Gardner
C1 Maths Revision

If two lines are perpendiculat, the product of their gradients is -1

E.g. Work out the gradient of the perpendicular line to -2/3

-1 ÷ -2/3 = 1.5

E.g. Prove that y = -1/7x and y = 7x are perpendicular

-1/7 x 7 = -1, the product of the gradients is -1

Distance Between Two Points

√((Difference in y)2 + (Difference in x)2)
E.g. Work out the distance between the origin and (3, 4)
√(9 + 16) = 5

Sequences and Series Chapter 6

A sequence can be defined by it’s nth term
Each number in a sequence is called a term
When you know the formula for the nth term, you can work out
any term
E.g. Un = 3n – 1
-1, 2, 5, 8, … , 299

Recurrence Formula
You can describe it as ‘add 3 to the previous term’
Or, you can describe it using the reccurance formula
Uk + 1 = Uk + 3 (k ≥ 1) with U1 = 5
(You have to give U1, as the sequence could start anywhere)

E.g. Find the reccurance formula for Un = n + 2

You can work out the first few values to see a pattern
U1 = 3
U2 = 4
U3 = 5
Pretty obvious, Un+1 = Un + 1, U1=3

Arithmetic Sequence
A sequence that increases by a constant amount each term

Laurence Gardner
C1 Maths Revision

E.g. Un+1 = Un + C, C is a constant

You can work out what the nth term of an arithmetic sequence is
through this formula, where n is the term, a is the first term (U1)
and d is the common difference
Un = a + (n – 1)d

E.g. Work out the 135th term of the term 5, 9, 13, 17

U135 = 5 + (134)4 = 5 + 536 = 541

Arithmitic Series
Arithmitic series are formed by adding together the terms of an
Arithmitic sequence. U1 + U2 + U3 + … + Un

You can do a cheeky bit of rearranging the Un = a + (n – 1)d

equation depending on the question
E.g. For the arethmitic series 5 + 9 + 13 + 17 + 21 + … + 805,
how many terms are there
Un = a + (n – 1)d
805 = 5 + (n – 1)4
805 = 5 + 4n – 4
805 = 1 +4n
4n = 804
n = 201 There are 201 terms

Finding The Sum Of An Arethmetic Series

In general, Sn = a + (a + d) + (a + 2d) + … + (a + (n – 1)d)
So 2Sn = n[2a + (n – 1)d]
And, finally, Sn = n/2[2a + (n – 1)d]
E.g. Sum of 1,3,5,7,9,11
Sn = n/2[a + L]
Sn = 6/2[2 + (6 – 1)2]
L being the last number in
Sn = 3[2 + 10]
the series, also works to
Sn = 3 x 12
find the sum
Sn = 36

∑ The Sum Of
You can use ∑ to signify the sum of

Laurence Gardner
C1 Maths Revision

E.g. ∑ = U1 + U2 + U3 + … + U10
r = 15
∑ (10 – 2r) means (10 – 10) + (10 – 12) + … + (10 – 30)

Differentiation (Chapter 7)
The gradient of a curve at a point is the same as the gradient of
the tangent to that curve

Here’s a fun question, not really related though

m = y2 – y1
Find the gradient of the line between…
x2 – x1
B (x,x2) and C (x + h, (x + h)2)
(x + h)2 – x2 x2 + 2xh + h2 – x2 2x + h
x+h–x h

Anyway, back to the point…

To find out the gradient at a curve, you can use the
differentiation equation [which can be shown as dy/dxor f’(x)]
and which is is nxn–1 n being the number that x is powered by.

E.g. Find the gradient of the tangent to the curve y = x2 at (1, 1)

f’(x) = 2x, just put the x value into the equation and we know
that the gradient is 2.

Same goes for equations such as y = x3 + x2 + 4x + 9 at point (-

1, 5). Derivative is 3x2 + 2x + 4 + 0 (You can cancel out the 9, it
just moves the equation up and down, doesn’t change x
coordinates or gradient) and pop x-coordinate into equation, so
you get 3 – 2 + 4 = 5

Second Order Derivative

Written as either ddy/dxxor f’’(x). Just differentiate it twice

derivative of y with respect to x

derivative of y with respect to x

Laurence Gardner
C1 Maths Revision

Normal To The Point Of A Curve

Just find the negitive reciprical of the derivative. That should do

Intergration (Chapter 8)
Basically, you just reverse intergrate, in that dy/dx = x4 , y = 1/5x5
You can use the equation: If dy/dx = xn, then y = 1/n+1 xn+1 + c

Remember that the number on the end that would normally

become non-existant in differentiation:
E.g. [f(x) = x2 + 3] [f’(x) = 2x]

So you have to add a c (constant) to the end of an intergrated


∫ Symbol
Intergration is denoted as ∫xndx with ∫ meaning intergrate, xn
telling you the equation to intergrate and dx telling you which
letter is the variable you have to intergrate with respect to

E.g. ∫(x3 + 2x + 3)dx

y = ¼x4 + x2 + 3x + c

You Have To Simplify Expressions Before You Can Intergrate


Laurence Gardner
C1 Maths Revision

First, put everything in the form axb

Then, you can simply differentiate the equation

Ta Da! (Note: see C1 Page 127 if you don’t understand)

Finding The Value Of Constant C

If you are given a point on the line, you can what c needs to be
by placing the x and y values of the point into your brand-new
equation. Here’s one I prepared earlier…

E.g. If f(x) passes through (1, 4) and f’x is 2x, what is the
equation for f(x).
y = f(x) = x2 + c
4 = 12 + c
1=1+3 f(x) = x2 + 3
Formulae You Need To Remember
These aren’t included in the formulae booklets

The Quadratic Formula

Laurence Gardner
C1 Maths Revision

x= -b±√(b2 – 4ac)

f’(x) = dy/dx = nxn–1

∫(x)dx = 1/n+1 xn+1 + c

Laurence Gardner

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