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Living Life on Cruise Control

When people live their lives on cruise
control – as so many people do – it reminds
me of a broken record. (I’m really showing
my age here. This example wouldn’t work so
well if I said on a CD or mp3.)

These days it seems like people wake up in

the morning, get dressed, and drive to work
taking the same route. When they get there
they do mostly the same work day after day. At the end of the day they revisit their to-
do-list checking off what got done and transferring the items that didn’t get done to
tomorrow’s to-do-list.

Does this sound like you? If so, you’re surely not alone. This is the life of many who feel
a sense of overwhelm, lack of purpose, lack of motivation, and who live a stressed out
life. Why in the world, you ask, would this behavior be stressful when they are doing the
same thing day in and day out?

Well, that’s a very interesting question. The way I see it is people are not stressed by
the work they do, they feel stressed by all the things going on in other areas of their life.
They completely disregard the impact of that stress. What happens then? The stress
results in negativity and anger, and that becomes their new status quo.

Where does this put them? In a state of overwhelm with no boundaries between work
and the rest of their life, and generally creating and settling for poor relationships with
the people in their life.

Do you really think you were put on this wonderful earth to live the way you’re
feeling now? I think not! There is so much more richness to be had. I encourage you while
you still can to get out of cruise control, slow down and actually stop and take a little
time for yourself.
Taking time with yourself might sound odd, but as you do it, you will find it feels like
a breath of fresh air. You get in touch with what’s going on in your life, what’s working
in your life, and what’s not. As you stay in that moment, clarity will come to you. You’ll
make better choices, take different actions, feel more in control, and have more calm in
your life.

Tips while being with yourself.

1. Find a quiet and comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed. The time can be
as short as 10 minutes at a time. So even if you think you don’t have time, make the
time. Don’t expect anybody to take care of you as well as you can take care of
2. Notice how you’re breathing, and adjust to a deep and slow rhythm.
3. Close your eyes, clear your head, and stop your self-talk. Just put it away for the
time being.
4. As your conscious mind is at rest, this creates space for your thoughts and ideas in
your subconscious mind to be exposed. Many thoughts will come up. As they do
acknowledge them. If common ideas and thoughts come up, clear those out of your
head to make space for new thoughts and ideas.
5. As new thoughts of ideas come up make sure you stop and write each one of them
down on a piece of paper.
6. Try on a new idea and notice what happens. Reflect and learn about any new
actions you take. It’s not all about the doing; it’s about learning what works and what
doesn’t work as you take new actions.
7. Rinse and repeat. Take the time every week to spend with yourself. As you get into
this new habit you’ll notice changes in youself for the better.

Are you ready to give it a try? Good for you!

Can you relate to this topic? If so, please share your comments, concerns and questions
in the section below. I’d love to hear from you. If you prefer, you can email your private
questions to me directly at I’m here to help.

Here’s to your best life!

Curt Gorlick, The Life Choice Strategist
Curt Gorlick, The Life Choice Strategist, an expert coach and public speaker on mindset
and successful life skill strategies helps baby boomers navigate smoothly through their
ordinary and extraordinary life struggles, guiding them into the life and relationships they
want. Having experienced living life in anger, overwhelm, and frustration, Curt knows
first-hand how to Break the Barriers to Happiness. Get your FREE report, “Tips From
Break The Barriers To Happiness” at

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