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It has been a while since we have seen a female leader doing a greater good for our

community. Knowing the fact that 51% of the world population are women, only 8
percent of the countries have elected female leaders. There are several reasons to why
there aren’t many female leaders in the world but a lot of theories and questions have
been asked and presented whether women have the capability of leading a nation. For a
really long time men have been dominating to be the leader of a country. The concept of
a female being a leader was adapted in very recent times. Only in the 21st century we are
seeing that women have stepped forward
to ruling a country. This may have been for the restrictions and rights on women they
have faced before modern times. Nonetheless it is seen that women are a great power of
our world and at times they have overcome men in leading a country or a state.
For thousands of years starting from 5th-4th century BC, democracy existed in some
parts of the world. All this time it was seen that men were the clever and to be respected
people and women were treated more like servants and slaves. Throughout all these
centuries women were not even counted as voters and did not get to vote. It wasn’t until
the late 19th century that women were finally allowed to vote and run for office. The
British colony of New Zealand became the first self-governing nation to extend the right
to vote to all adult women but still didn’t enable them to run for parliament until South
Australia gave the rights to women to vote and stand for the election. That was the first
time since ancient ages that women were finally recognized as legitimate people who
have equal rights to choose and be the leader of a country.

women are an integral part of the economic process of a country within

and outside their homes, in the formal and informal sectors in urban
and rural areas. Therefore, women's participation in Public Service
and contribution to a nations economy is very important, Female
workers are more likely to be full-time workers.

Empowerment of women has emerged as an important issue in recent times. The

economic empowerment of women is being regarded these days as a Sine-quo-non of
progress for a country; hence, the issue of economic empowerment of women is of
paramount importance to political thinkers, social scientists and reformers. The Self Help
Groups have paved the way for economic independence of rural women. The members of
SHGs are involved in Micro – Entrepreneurships. Through that, they are becoming
economically independent and providing employment opportunities to others.
Economic empowerment of women leads to development of family and community.
The emergence of women entrepreneurs and their contribution to the national economy is
quite visible in India. The number of women entrepreneurs has grown over a period of
time, especially in the 1990s. Women entrepreneurs need to be lauded for their increased
utilization of modern technology, increased investments, finding a niche in the export
market, creating a sizable employment for others and setting the trend for other women
entrepreneurs in the organized sector. While women entrepreneurs have demonstrated
their potential, the fact remains that they are capable of contributing much more than
what they already are. Women entrepreneurs create new jobs for themselves and others
as well.

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