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A |  is the leafy roof tall trees form.

 is the second layer under the
canopy formed by shorter trees and vines.

A rainforest biome, part of the tropical climate region, is

classified by its lush, thick, diverse vegetation, abundant rainfall
(125-660 cm. yearly), and high humidity (77%-88%), that͛s due to
the fact little sunlight penetrates the vegetation. Rainforests are
located near the equator and cover less than 6% of Earth. They can
be found in Central America, central Africa, southern Asia, Australia,
and the most famous rainforest, the Amazon Rainforest is located in
South America. Normally, the temperature in a rainforest ranges
from about 68Œ@ (20ŒC) to 93Œ@ (34ŒC). Plants and animals thrive in
the rainforest because of its mild-temperature and high rainfall. The
vast, diverse plant life in the rainforest produces about 40% of
Earth͛s oxygen. Scientists estimate more than half of the world͛s
plant and animal life live in the rain forest. In South America,
scientists counted about 300 different plant species in one hectare.
70% of the plants in the rainforest are trees. In one hectare,
scientists counted about 70 different animal species. The largest
groups of animals are insects such as butterflies, ants, stick insects,
and mosquitoes. Also, reptiles, such as snakes, alligators, lizards,
turtles, and crocodiles, and amphibians, such as newts, frogs,
salamanders, toads, and caecilians can be found in the rainforest.
The desert, part of the dry climate region, is classified as an arid
land that receives little precipitation (less than 25 cm. a year), has
few animals, and has little or no vegetation. It takes up 20% of earth
can be found in southwest North America, South America, north
Africa, Australia, and central Asia. There are two types of deserts:
the Hot and Dry deserts and the Cold deserts. Most Hot and Dry
deserts are located near the northern tropic or southern tropic. A
Hot and Dry has little vegetation. Any plants you͛ll find will be
wither ground-hugging shrubs or short woody trees such as the
Turpentine Bush, Brittle Bush, and Prickly Pears. The plants have
adapted to stand hot weather and store water for long periods of
time. The animals have burrow underground because it is too hot.
They come out at night when it is a little cooler. Some animals are
Borrowers, Mourning Wheatears, and Horned Vipers. During the
fall and spring, temperatures range from 20ŒC (68Œ@) to 25ŒC (77Œ@).
During the summer, temperatures range from 43.5ŒC (110.3Œ@) to
49ŒC (120.2Œ@). The precipitation usually occurs in the winter. In a
year, Hot and Dry Deserts get less than 15 cm. in a year. A cold
desert is very different. A cold desert is near the arctic part of the
world. Their plants are scattered, but not exactly rare. The
deciduous plants all contain spiny leaves. A common plant is the
sage brush. The animals burrow in the cold desert, as well, but to
keep warm. Some animals are antelope, Jack Rabbits, Kangaroo
Rabbits, and Ground Squirrels. In the winter, temperatures are in
between -2ŒC (28.4Œ@) and 4ŒC (39.2Œ@). @or the rest of the year,
temperatures are in between 21ŒC (69.8Œ@) and 26ŒC (78.8Œ@).
There is a lot of snow and it rains during the spring. They receive 15-
26 cm. of precipitation in a year.

Cold Desert

Hot and Dry Desert

Grasslands, part of the Temperate Marine climate region, are full
of large terrains of grasses, herbs, and flowers. They can be found in
North America, Argentina (South America), Ukraine, Siberia, and
southern Africa. Some common animals are coyotes, eagles, wild
turkeys, bobcats, bison, dung beetles, chickens, wolves, and geese.
The vegetation is mainly grass that has adapted to the varying
precipitation. There are very few trees because there are fires that
prevent forests from growing. Since the grass grows the from the
bottom, not top, even when the top is burnt, it can still grow back.
The amount of rainfall in a year can range from 20- 60 cm in a year,
depending on the grassland͛s location. In the summer, the
temperature can go as high as 21.1ŒC (70Œ@), and in the winter, the
temperature can go as low as -40ŒC (-40Œ@).

A savannah, part of the tropical climate region, is scattered with

shrubs and trees. The trees are scattered because not enough rain
fall to support a forest. They can be found in east Africa, Tanzania,
Brazil Colombia, and Venezuela. The plats in savannahs have
adapted and have the ability grow in environments of long drought.
One of these is the acacia trees. Many animals are herbivores, such
as zebras and giraffes, who feed on the grass, and the others are
carnivores, such as lions, who feed on the herbivores. In the wet
season, 15- 25 in. of rain falls, and in the dry season, about 4 in of
rain fall. Annually, it͛s about 21.11ŒC (70Œ@).


The deciduous forest, part of the temperate marine climate
region, is a forest that consists of trees that lose their leaves each
year. The Deciduous @orest can be found in Chile, southwest Russia,
and Japan. There are five different zones in the deciduous forest:
the Tree Stratum Zone (60-100 feet, trees such as elm, oak, walnut,
basswood, linden, and beech), the Small Tree and Sapling Zone
(young, short trees), the Shrub Zone (shrubs such as
rhododendrons, azaleas, huckleberries, and mountain laurel), the
Herb Zone (short plants like herbal plants), and the Ground Zone
(plants like lichen, ground moss, and true moss). The animals
hibernate in the winter and use the trees for food, water, and
shelter. Some are white-tailed deer and black bears. Annually, the
average temperature is 50Œ@ (10ŒC) and the deciduous forest
receives 30-60 in.
The Coniferous forest, part of the temperate continental climate
region, is a forest of conifers, trees that produces its seeds in cones
(like pine, fir, spruce, and hemlock). The trees have adapted with a
thick, waxy layer that covers their leaves to conserve water. They
can be found in Alaska, Canada, northern Europe, and north Asia.
The animals hibernate during the summer. The animal population is
mainly herbivores (like squirrel, deer elk, and moose), but there are
carnivores, too (like wolves, bears, and lynxes). In a year, 14-30 in.
of rain fall. In the summer, the average temperature is 14ŒC (57Œ@).
In the winter, the average temperature is -10ŒC (14Œ@).

The arctic tundra, part of the polar climate area, is a vast,

treeless, cold land. The ground is permanently frozen 25-100 cm.
deep. This is called permafrost. The tundra can be found in North
America, Scandinavia, and Russia. There are about 1700 different
species of vegetation such as lichen, moss, shrubs, grasses, and
sedges. There are no trees except very small birches and willows.
There are 48 species of animals such as caribou, lemmings, shrews,
hares, rodents, wolves, foxes, bears, deer, wolves, rabbits, and
insects such as mosquitoes, black flies, and deer flies. Average
annual temperatures are -56ŒC (-70Œ@) and in a year there͛s about
6-10 in. of precipitation (mainly snow).

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