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1.cConsidering the development opportunities available to you
this year, how have you applied what you learned?
© e ways t at I ave applied w at I learned are t at I¶ve used t e
skills in projects from ot er classes. I learned to use my skills wit
every class in a way t at I could use all t e strategies in my work.
I¶ve used reading strategies in tests, Mat in Science, and Ap
Human Geograp y in Model U.N.
ë.chat strengths do you possess that you can use at a higher
level next year?
© e strengt s t at I possess and can use next year are t at now I
know more about countries, learned ow to t ink solutions to
problems really quick. From algebra I learned ow algebra is used
every day by everyone even I t ey don¶t know it. Now I know t at
t ere are new ways to make art not just by paint and pencils. obstacles must you work through so you can meet all
your goals for this year?
© e obstacles t at I worked t roug t is year to meet my goals are
t at some classes were for me suc as C inese and ap uman geo.
My grades were really down on t ose classes so to fix my
problems I ad to start staying after sc ool until I got t e lesson.
Anot er step t at I ad to do was t at I ad to do work t at I failed
or ad a 70. I also asked for extra credit work.
4.cºiscuss what you have learned during the class and how it will
assist you in achieving further academic and work related
© e t ings t at I ave learned during class and I know t at t ey
will assist me in t e future are t at I learned note taking skills, now
I take notes during classes t at are ard for me. I¶ve also learned
ow to use facts about ot er countries in my ot er classes suc as
if I know somet ing about Spain I could do a project about it in art,
or I could use it in a mat problem, or as a story in Englis .
è.cÀf you could do any assignment over this year, which one
would it be and why? Any regrets?
© e assignment t at I would redo t is year is t e science fair
project. I would c oose t at assignment because I did t at project
at t e last moment and I t ink I didn¶t try my best in it. © e regrets
t at I ave for t at project is t e topic t at I picked because since I
did it two days before t e due date and I still didn¶t ave my
project c osen until t e day before
ÿ.chat are 3 words you would use to describe this class?
© e 3 words t at I would describe t is is are ³©ec nology is
u.cow did your computer skills grow or improve over the course
of the year?
My skills improved over t e year by being able to use t e new
computer skills in ot er classes. I also improved in ig sc ool due
to tec nology class because during my fres men year we usually
focused on researc and projects and t ose computer skills t at I
learned elped me improve my projects. were your greatest challenges or lessons learned?
My greatest c allenge in tec nology were t at sometimes I would
get off tasks and not finis my work on time and I knew t at if I
focused on t e topic or project I would finis even on t at day.

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