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by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

May 12, 2010

Both Humanity and the Earth are in

the midst of the most intensified
purging we have ever endured. At the
same time, we are going through the most extreme acceleration of energy, vibration,
and consciousness we have ever experienced. This dual activity is vital to our
Ascension process, but it is wreaking havoc on our physical bodies and the body of
Mother Earth.

The inordinate stress we are feeling in our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional
bodies is the result of the overwhelmingly toxic substances that are being dumped into
our environment. Our food, water, air, and even our homes are filled with toxic
chemicals that are causing all kinds of designer diseases, depression, anxiety, panic
attacks, obesity, diabetes, cancer, autism, respiratory afflictions, and myriad other
maladies in our bodies. These toxic chemicals also trigger mental imbalances which are
causing much of the violence, rage, fear, mental confusion, and irrational behavior
people are demonstrating around the world.

Just this week there was a government report that revealed there are 80,000 chemicals
used in our food, water, and other areas of our lives. Of those 80,000 chemicals the
FDA has thoroughly tested only 200 of them. Of the 200 chemicals tested five of them
were determined to be powerful carcinogens. Just imagine! It is no wonder people
everywhere are being inundated with mental, emotional, and physical challenges that
often seem beyond their ability to cope.

There are many things we can do to try and avert some of these toxins such as eating
fresh organic food and drinking pure water, but that is not going to be enough to reclaim
vibrant health. In order to do that, we are going to have to transcend these
environmental pollutants.

As a result of these physical challenges millions of people are asking for Divine
Intervention to help them heal their bodies. In response to these sincere heart-calls the
floodgates of Heaven have opened, and our Father-Mother God have given the Beings
of Light permission to assist us in new and profound ways.
It is difficult for us to fathom with our finite minds the magnitude of what this gift of
Divine Grace truly means, but during this Cosmic Moment Humanity is able to receive
from On High unprecedented assistance with the healing of our Earthly bodies. All we
have to do is ask for this Divine Assistance.

The wonderful thing about this gift of Divine Grace is that all Life is interrelated,
interconnected, and interdependent. That means that when we invoke healing for
ourselves and our loved ones, that Healing Light
will be available for every man, woman, and
child on Earth. Since Humanity’s thoughts,
words, feelings, and actions are reflected in the
elements of Earth, as we heal ourselves we will
also heal the body of Mother Earth. This
collective effort will help to calm the natural
disasters that are manifesting around the world,
and it will lift the Earth and all Life evolving upon
her into higher frequencies of the 5th Dimension.

The 5th-Dimensional frequencies of Light

transcend the dense toxins and pollutants that
are causing the majority of our problems. From this higher perspective, we can blaze
the Violet Flame into the toxins and transmute their adverse affects, without having to
experience the diseases and disorders they are causing in our bodies at this time. This
may be difficult to comprehend, but know that God’s Healing Light is infinitely powerful.

For this specific facet of the unfolding Divine Plan, our Father-Mother God have invoked
the Beings of Light from the Etheric Temples of Healing and Music. They have asked
them to intervene in the healing process of anyone who asks for help with the healing of
his or her Earthly bodies. The Beings of Light who are associated with these Etheric
Temples are Beloved Mother Mary and the Ascended Master Hilarion. The Sacred Fire
that blazes on the altars in these Temples is the most powerful frequency of Healing
Light available to Humanity at this time. It is the 5th-Dimensional Flame of Healing
Through the Power of Infinite Transmutation.

This is a resplendent emerald green and violet Flame. As the emerald green Flame of
Healing restores and transforms our bodies, the Violet Flame of Infinite Transmutation
transmutes into Light the cause, core, effect, record, and memory of whatever caused
the maladies in our bodies in the first place.

Mother Mary and Hilarion have at their beck and call Legions of Healing Angels who
serve within the Etheric Temples of Healing and Music. These selfless Healing Angels
help Humanity to effectively utilize the Flame of Healing Through the Power of Infinite
Transmutation. Because of the urgency of the hour, Mother Mary and Hilarion have
asked the Healing Angels to respond to the clarion call of the I AM Presence of every
man, woman, and child on Earth. In deep humility
and gratitude, these Healing Angels have
volunteered to enter, and to remain within, the
energy fields of ALL Humanity while we go through
the difficult process of transforming the diseased
and mutated cells of our Earthly bodies from carbon-
based cells into crystalline-based cells of pure Light.
Within our crystalline-based cells of pure Light the
maladies of aging, disease, degeneration, pain, and
suffering cannot exist.

You do not have to fully understand what all of that

means in order to benefit from the Gift of Healing
that is being given to Humanity now by our Father-
Mother God. All you need to do is ask your I AM
Presence to take command of your physical, etheric,
mental, and emotional bodies during this activity of
Healing Light. Your I AM Presence will allow the Healing to occur within your Earthly
Bodies in perfect alignment with your Divine Plan and your highest good. Once you
have asked your I AM Presence to take full dominion of your bodies, be at peace and
be open and receptive to this Healing Activity of Light that is being offered to Humanity
by our Father-Mother God in response to our I AM Presences’ heart call.

Beloved Mother Mary and Ascended Master Hilarion have given us several very
powerful activities of Light to assist with this opportunity for Healing our physical bodies
and transcending the adverse influences of the chemicals being added to our food,
water, and environment. In order to make as much of this Sacred Knowledge as
possible easily available to anyone who is interested, we have produced a 75 minute
CD titled, “A New Order of Healing.” There are several tracks on the CD so that you
can pick and choose which of these powerful Healing exercises and invocations you
would like to use, at any particular time.

These Gifts of Light from the Heavenly Realms are a godsend to help us heal our
bodies. The Divine Intent of this priceless information is not to replace our medical
treatment, but rather to work with any treatment we have chosen that will enhance and
empower our healing process.
This CD is being distributed all over the world, which will allow us to join in
consciousness with other Lightworkers who are invoking the Healing Light of God.
When there are thousands of us participating in the activities of Light on this CD on
behalf of ourselves, our loved ones, Humanity, and Mother Earth, our bodies and the
body of Mother Earth will respond in wondrous ways. Our collective efforts will be
amplified a thousand times a thousand fold by the Company of Heaven.

For those of you who may not be interested in ordering the CD I am going to include
one of the invocations, so you too can experience the powerful gift of the Flame of
Healing Through the Power of Infinite Transmutation.

A Healing Invocation

Beloved Presence of God, I AM, through the Divinity blazing in every heart I invoke the
Legions of Light associated with the Flame of Healing through the Power of Infinite

This emerald green Flame with a violet radiance, is the most powerful frequency of
Healing available in the 5th Dimension. It transcends everything less than purity and
vibrant health, and it is the Force of Healing for the New Earth.

Legions of Light, blaze forth the most intensified activity of this Healing Flame that
Cosmic Law will allow. Project this Sacred Fire into the core of purity in every electron of
precious Life energy evolving on Earth. Instantly transmute every frequency of vibration
in any facet of Life that conflicts with the Immaculate Concept of Humanity’s Solar Light
Bodies and the Infinite Perfection of the New Earth.

Increase this activity of Healing Light daily and hourly with every breath I take. Allow me
to be the Open Door for the Flame of Healing through the Power of Infinite
Transmutation. Allow me to be a force of Healing for all Life I come in contact with
during my Earthly sojourn.

Magnetize into my sphere of influence every person, place, condition or thing that I can
assist in any way with God’s Healing Light. Give me the Divine Opportunities to love all
Life free on this sweet Earth.

I AM open! I AM willing! I AM receptive! I AM grateful! I AM God’s Healing Flame in

Action on Earth! As God’s most Holy Name I AM, I AM, I AM!
Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization

FAX: 520-751-2981;
Phone: 520-885-7909

New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose

PO Box 41883,
Tucson, Arizona 85717

This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium
as long as it is not altered and the proper credit line is included.

©2010 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles


Patricia is cofounder and president of the nonprofit, educational

organization New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose, Inc., which
sponsors the Annual World Congress On Illumination.

Patricia was a marriage and family counsellor for 20 years. She

now spends her time freely sharing the information she is
receiving from the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined
Truth. This is accomplished through her Weekly On-line Radio
Program, Website, Books, CDs, Tapes, DVDs, E-mail Articles
and Free Seminars.

The Divine Intent of these Celestial Sharings is to give Humanity greater clarity and
understanding, as we progress through these wondrous but extremely challenging times
on Earth.

Patricia is publisher and editor of the monthly newsletter Take Charge of Your Life,
and she hosts a weekly On-line radio program with the same name. The radio show airs
Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time or 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time on the On-line
Community for Positive Change,

Patricia is an internationally known teacher and has taught workshops in the former
Soviet Union, Ireland, England, South Africa, the Dominican Republic, Venezuela,
Brazil, Bolivia, Mexico, Canada, Greece, Italy, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand,
France, Bali, Turkey, Japan and throughout the United States of America. She
participated in the Soviet-American Citizens’ Summit in Moscow and represented the
United States in the category of Holistic Models in Health, Psychology and Healing.
Patricia also participated in the first Global Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Patricia had the honor of being a presenter at the “Call to World Peace from the
Universal Brotherhood” gathering in Istanbul, Turkey, and the “Symphony of Peace
Prayers,” which was a gathering of over 10,000 people that took place at sacred Mt. Fuji
in Japan.

Patricia's philosophy is: Every person is precious and Divine, regardless of how far his
or her behavior patterns and life experiences may be from reflecting that Truth. We are
not the victims of our lives. We are the co-creators of our lives.

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