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There is a debate between the medical science and the religion about the stem cells.
First, we should know about the stem cells. What are the m?

They are like mother cells that can regenerate other different cells and they can
regenerate themselves.

The majority of the illnesses that affect us are caused by the natural degeneration of
the tissues in our body. Heart attacks, Alzheimer and Parkinson are some examples
of the degeneration of our tissues.

Then the stem cells work there. They can regenerate the old cells with their natural

But how can scientist obtain them? They can be obtained in the 6 th and 7th day of
fertilization, when it is called blastocist . To get them, it is needed to destroy the

First at all, the catholic religion thinks that destroying the blastocist is like killing a
baby and here is the big debate. The theologians think that the human being is
composed by body and soul, but the soul is indivisible; for that reason they think th at
doing this ³cloning´ process is like creat ing a creature without soul.

According with the doctors, the stem cells can cure lots of diseases like the
Parkinson, diabetes, heart problems, burns, spinal injuries, etc. The United States
National Institutes of Health¶s Guidelines are totally in favor of the use of stem cells.

The church thinks that destroying a blastocist (embryo of 6 to 8 days) is like killing a
human, but some medics do not think like that. Some of them think that maybe it is
wrong, but it is necessary to save more lives. They are saying too that they are
³killing´ cloned embryos, not real living embryos.

The church and some ethical systems think about that like cloning, which in a future
can be a problem.
As far as I understand, this is an ethical debate about ³killing´ an embryo. The church
and some ethical systems say that life starts in the fertilization. To my thinking, I do
not agree, because if an embryo becomes a human, it does not mean that the
embryo is a human. If we can not see the changes, it does not mean that the
changes do not happen. An embryo is not a human, like a seed is no t a tree. I think
the human¶s health is a priority.

The catholic religion and some ethical systems say that the use of stem cells can be
the start of a cloning problem, because the scientist can create clones from the stem
cells. I think, to prevent it, it is better to create a law in favor of the use of stem cells,
but against cloning.

Some people think scientist can get the stem cells either from the umbilical cord or
from the placenta, but they are not totipotency cells. The totipotency cells are the
ones that lead the total develop of an organism. There are some other types of stem
cells in the umbilical cord, but the totipotency cells just can be g otten from the

To summarize, the stem cells can be our salvation from lots of diseases. The human
being¶s health is first, and it is needed to improve the medical science. Some people
can think that doing this is not really human fact, but I do not see any problem about

We must start thinking about the priorities for our race and we must start to see new
horizons in the modern medical science. We need to support the use of stem cells,
but all of us must agree. The decision for our future is in our hands.
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