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Chapter III


3.1 Research Methods

On this occasion,the research method used is a quantitative and qualitative

methodology.One approaches a quantitative methodology by using a deductive form of

logic wherein theories and hypotheses are tested in a cause – and – effect order.

Concepts, variables and hypotheses are chosen before the study begins and remain

fixesd throughout the study .(Creswell,1994:7)

The intent of the study is to develop genelizations that contribute to the theory

and that enable one to better predict, explain, and understand some phenomenon.

These generalizations are enhanced if the information and instruments used are valid

and reliable.(Creswell,1994:7)

In a qualitative methodology methodology inductive logic prevails. Categories

emerge from informants, rather than are identified a priori by the researcher. This

emergence provides rich “contect-bound” information leading to patterns or theories that

help explain a phenomenon. (Creswell,1994:7)

Marzuki (2005: 15) give a definition that " qualitative research are widely used in

the social sciences. This is because data expressed verbally and theoretical, in addition

to handling statistics not sure but thought the plan, in accordance with the laws of logic."
3.2 Data Collection Techniques

The techniques may be grouped into two categories (Neumans,2006 :41)

1. Quantitative Data : Collecting data in the form of numbers

2. Qualitative Data : Collecting data in the form of words or pictures.

3.2.1 Quantitative Data

1. Experimental Data

Research in which the researcher manipulates conditions for some research

participants but not other, than compares group responses to see whether it

made a difference.

2. Surveys

Quantitative research in which the researcher systematically ask a large

number of people the same questions and then records their answer.

3.2.2 Qualitative Data

1. Field Research

Quallitative research in which the researcher directly observes and records

notes on people in a natural setting for an extended period of time.

2. Historical comparative research

Qualitative research in which the researcher examines data on events and

conditions in the historical past and / or in different societies

3.3 Informants

This internal resource persons who were directly involved in the implementation

of corporate social responsibility review.

This research may need several types of informants. Contrasting types of

informants who provide useful perspectives include rookies and old timers, people in the

center of events, and those on the fringes of activity, people who recently changed

status (e.g. through promotion) and those who are static, frustrated or needy people or

secure people, the leader in charge and the subordinate who follows. (Neuman,2006:


3.3 Data Gathering Process

researchers used triangulation of data collection techniques as follows.

3.3.1 The Concept of Triangulation

By observing something from different angles or viewpoints. Triangulation is

used also by quantitative and qualitative social researcher. Applied to social research, it

means it is better to look at something from several angles than to look at it only one

way. (Neuman, 2006:149)

Type of Triangulation based on Social Research Methods (Neuman, 2006:150)

Menurut Ruslan(2004: 29-30) data can be classified according to how the data

obtained through primary data and secondary data.

3.3.1 Primary Data

Data obtained directly from the object of study individuals, groups, and

organizations. This can be done either through interviews conducted through face to

face or telephone communication with the media.

1. In depth interview

This study uses in-depth interviews. In-depth interviews are used to find out

the views from various sources in detail and depth

According Bingham dan Moore in Daymon dan Halloway (2002: 166)

“Use term conversation with a purpose for the qualitative interview where

researcher and informant become contentional partners”

2. Observation

“Observation entails the systemathics noting and recordingof event, artifact,

and behaviours of informant as they occur in specific situation rather thanas
they ar letter remembered,recounted and generilizedby participants ants
themselves observations method are rarely used on their own but are often
linked to interviewing” (Daymon and Holloway,2002:203)

3. Documentary Historical
3.3.2 Secondary Data

Obtaining data in the form ready for use (available) through publications and

information released in various organizations or companies,

The secondary data used to complete the data - the primary data have been

obtained. The secondary data can be obtained through the following:

1. Study literature: data - data through books - books that are relevant to this


2. Internet: website of PT Geo Dipa Energi and other web sites in support of the

necessary data collection

3. articles from various media

3.4 Data Analysis Techniques

In this study, data analysis methods used are qualitative data analysis


3.4.1 Qualitative Descriptive Analysis

Data collected in the form of words, pictures, and not a number. This is caused

by the application of qualitative methods, except that all collected may be key to what

has been researched (Moleong, 2002: 5-6).

3.4.2 SWOT Analysis

“SWOT analysis is to systematically identify the various factors to formulate

corporate strategy. This analysis is based on the logic that can maximize the
strength (Strength) and opportunities (Opportunities), but at the same time can
minimize your weaknesses (Weaknesses) and threats (Threats). “(Rangkuti,
2006: 18-19).

SWOT elements include:

1. Strength

The strength of internal party companies, particularly public relations strategy

that is owned by the company. This power is used to understand the market

situation so as to achieve goals - goals that are planned.

2. Weakness

The weakness of the company or weakness of corporate public relations

strategy in particular. This weakness should be able to find the right solutions so

that we can consider the following strategies.

3. Opportunity

Opportunities for the company that the company obtained in the presence of this

strategy. Company the opportunity to use the time when the implementation of

public relations strategy, whether at the right time or not. Opportunity company

other than the company competitors, if indeed this strategy is a new PR strategy

that has never been used by competitors.

4. Threat (Ancaman)

external threat that could threaten the company. This threat must be known as

early as possible to overcome before the threat is more sustainable - soluble.

3.5 Data Generating Schedule

Writer doing this research to get the data in PT Geo Dipa Energi Unit Dieng

which located in Jalan Dieng Batur, Wonosobo, Central Java. A writer doing an

interview, observation and documentary analysis in approximately one month, April

2011 until May 2011.

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