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Remove the contact information from viewschool.aspx Screen and Add Contact
information in SchoolAddressForm.aspx Screen
In SchoolAddressform.aspx Screen Some Fields Changes are .
Remove Address Type Dropdown And put name of the school in place of address type
drop down
Mention the Landmark, village,Mandal,Dist,Pincode ,Contactno. 1,contact no.2 , contact
no 3 ( two no's are mandatory),Email id,Website, contact timings,contact person (These
Three are mandatory )
Give School holidays for Past Dates
In Admission Form Last Studied School Length is increased to 100 Characters
Display the Total fields in View application details from admission form
Remove the address ,contact,parents information screens in
viewapplicationdetails1.aspx screen(these details are should be mention in the
addmission form)

In enrollment give one label to display the date of joining from admissionform
Remove the addmission remarks in viewapplicationdetails1.aspx screen
In student application search criteria should be based on either of the below

In student Detail Search remove Acedamic year label and section dropdown and add
Father name , Admission no, (in this page Shows the Total Student Details)
Remove the student leaves screen add Student Present ,Absent ,Leaves Checkboxes
and Put Remarks text box in student Attendance table
Remove Student detail report
In Student Admission Form put 2 photos for student and student family
No need non-Mandatory Fees and Feetype Dropdown ( Sanjeev Sir Said All feetypes are

In Student Feepayment Put one column for total paid amount and put one row for total
Amount for Each individual months And total Paid and Total due amount

In Old Student Feepayment Put one column for total paid amount and put one row for
total Amount for Each individual months And total Paid and Total due amount

In All Screens Remove the calender for Dates and Put 3 Textboxes for date as

In Student Addmission Form give two options for Prev.Medium i.e (English,Telugu) and
one option for Present Medium i.e(English)
Special Characters not allowed in Last Studied School Textbox
Alert Message for Saving(do you want save or not)
Remove the student leaves screen
Add student leave & student absent both in single screen
(add Student Present ,Absent ,Leaves Checkboxes and Put Remarks text box in
student Attendance table and Display the Total no of Absenties,Presenties,Leaves in
student Attendance table)

In Staff Registration remove the Biometric info,Eyesight,Health Issues

add address details,contact details in the staff registration
Remove date of leaving in staff registration










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