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This test consists of a number of sentences, in each of which some part or the whole is

underlined. Each sentence is followed by five alternative versions of the underlined portion.
Select the alternative you consider both most correct and most effective according to the
requirement of standard written English. Answer A is the same as the original version. If you
think the original version is best, select answer A.

Do not select an answer that alters the meaning of the original sentence.

1. The average citizen today is surprisingly knowledgeable about landmark court decisions
concerning such questions as racial segregation, legislative appointment, prayer in public
schools, and whether a defendant has a right to counsel in a criminal prosecution.

A. whether a defendant has a right to counsel

B. if a defendant has a right to counsel
C. the right of a defendant to counsil
A. the right of a defendant to counsel
D. is a defendant entitled to counsel

“whether” cannot go well with word “such”

And counsel is something related to legal and law
council' denotes an assembly of people who serve in an administrative

D is right answer

2. Economic conditions demand that we not only cut wages and prices but also reduce inflation-
tax rates.

1. that we not only cut wages and prices but also

B. not only cutting wages and prices but also to
C. not only to cut wages and prices but also to
D. not only a cut in wages and prices but also to
5. not only to cut wages and prices but that we also

A is right answer

3. The reason we are late is due to the fact that the bus was delayed by heavy traffic.

A. due to the fact that the bus was delayed by heavy traffic
B. because the bus was delayed by heavy traffic
C. that the bus was delayed by heavy traffic
D. due to the fact that heavy traffic delayed the bus
E. that the delay of our bus was caused by heavy traffic

B is right answer
Is should go with becasue

4. Being that only twenty four states have ratified the proposed amendment, we can assume that
it will not be adopted.

A. Being that only twenty four states

B. Since twenty-four states only
C. Being as only twenty four states
D. Seeing as how only twenty-four states
E. Inasmuch as only twenty-four states

A is right answer
Being well has to go together

5. I have studied the works of George Bernard Shaw not only for their plots but also because
they are very witty.

A. but also because they are very witty

B. because they are also very witty
C. for their wit also
D. because they are very witty also
5. also for their wit

A is right answer

“Not only has to follow but also”

6. Writing a beautiful sonnet is as much an achievement as to finish a 400 page novel.

A. to finish
B. it is to finish
C. finishing
D. if you finished
E. to have finished

B is right answer

It is to finish is good

7. She seldom ever wants to try and face the true facts.

A. seldom ever wants to try and face the true facts

B. seldom ever wants to try and face the facts
C. seldom ever wants to try to face the facts
D. seldom wants to try and face the facts
E. seldom wants to try to face the facts

D is right answer

Try and face grammer is good ( true is not necessary)

8. If she were I, she would have accepted the prize if she had won it.

A. were I, she would have accepted the prize if she had

B. was I, she would have accepted the prize if she would have
C. was I, she would have accepted the prize if she had
D. were I, she would have accepted the prize if she would have
E. were me, she would have accepted the prize if she had

A is right answer

“Were I is good start”

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