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The Infinitive / -ing form / Participles " Passive Voice “ (o) type (to) be typed Present Continuous (to) be typing Perfect " (to) have typed Perfect Continuous | (to) have been typing ‘© Present Simple/Future Simple = Present Infinitive the drives/he will rive = (0) drive '® Present Continuous/Future Continuous = Present Continuous Infinitive the is drivingihe will be driving = (to) be driving © Past Simple/Present Perfect/Past Perfect/Future Perfect = Perfect Infinitive the drovelhe has drivenjhe had driventhe will have driven = (to) have driven ‘© Past Cont,/Present Perfect Cont./Past Perfect Cont,/Future Perfect Cont. = Perfect Cont. Infinitive ‘he was drivingihe has been drivingihe had been driving/he will have been driving = (to) have been driving Rewrite the sentences using the verb in brackets. Mind the tense of the infinitives. 4 She has been ill for a long time. (seem) ..She seems to have been ill for a long time.. 2 Ann was treated unfairly. (seem) 3 He is working hard. (appear) & They have been watching TV all afternoon. (seem) 5 Tom missed the train. (appear) = They are moving house. (seem) 7 She found the solution. (claim) it has been raining hard. (appear) = He stole the jewellery. (admit) Sharon tells lies. (tend) Fill in the correct form of the infinitive. ‘The weather seems ...t0 have improve ‘She appears She has decid (improve). Let's go out. rs _ (work) on her composition for hours. “ss (@ecept) my offer. I'm hoping eee carpet is fithy; it really needs . (Clean) soon. ‘The waste from the power station is said ...... “(pollute) the atmosphere for months. It will be much too hot (wear) a coat. ‘You must have been thirsty He appears You're not expected The report was supposed It was very cold earlier on today but it seems He claims Can I trust you .. ‘She seems (@rink) all that water. (injure) as a result of the fight. (Pay) the whole amount today. finish) two hours ago. . (warm up) now. (alscover «cure forthe common coi (keep) this a secret? (work) too hard these days. 29 The Infinitive / -ing form / Participles But the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the infinitive or the -ing form. + | suggest ..calling... (call) the cinema to find out what time the film begins. 2 It’s no use . s--» (try) to make excuses. She won't believe you. 3 (See) the artwork in the museum's latest exhibition 4 She spent a long time . . (talk) on the telephone so she didn't finish her chores. S Fred enjoys... (listen) to classical music as it helps him relax. © To tell you the truth, | don't know how (dance). 7 We were happy ... (hear) that Mary is coming to visit us. The couple plan (announce) their engagement later today. = Will you let me svnmne (Fad) YOU SOme parts to tell me if you like them? 22 We saw him -vmnne (paint) the fence as we walked past his house. 1 | would have preferred (change) my clothes before we went out to dinner. 42 It was so nice of him .. (Send) me flowers. 53 Sandra was the last. (perform) at the dance recital 44 For Bob... "(Fete at such a young age was unexpected. 4S its raining. There's no point in (g0) out now. 4% Would you be so helpful as w»» (Gatty) this heavy bag for me? 7 You should svosnsnnee (Speak) tO her when you saw her. 48 He seems .. (work) hard on a solution to the problem. Don't interrupt him. 43 He was the first runner (finish) the marathon. 20 We rushed to the station only vo (ative) as the train was leaving, ve Put the verbs in brackets into the -ing form or the infinitive without to. 1 [saw her ...Curn... tum) the Comer AND wns (disappear) 2 Can you hear the 0g «nnn (bark) outside? 3 I watched the plane .. (take off) and then | let. 4 He was listening to the rain (patter) on the roof 5 Paul noticed a woman (Stare) at him while he was waiting at the station. & When she opened the door she saw Someone... (try) to steal her car. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the infinit 1) ..Ordering.. (order) your own meal in a restaurant may soon be a thing of the past. At an Italian restaurant in Brussels the waiter, Tony, claims to be able 2) (choose) the right dish for each customer. After 3)... . (work) for many years in Italian restaurants, Tony noticed that different people prefer certain types of food. “Women appear 4) (like) milder foods and rich, creamy sauces while men seem 5) (enjoy) spicier foods cooked in olive oil and served with juices from the meat,” he reports. Tony makes his choices by 6)... (chat) to his customers - but not about their tastes in food. What he does first is 7) .....u1 (find out) what kind of personality the customer has. After 8) 1 (Serve) an Englishman a salad of red tuna with garlic and parsley, Tony was happy 9) (see) that his customer was very satisfied. One italian particularly enjoyed 10)... (munch) on wild mushrooms stutfed with Mediterranean anchovies, which Tony had served with black olives, spicy olive oil and lime. Tony spends a lot of time ay (observe) his customers. Once, a young French couple argued throughout the meal Tony avoided 12)... . (give) them a sour dessert. He served them a sweet dessert instead, and after that they couldn't stay angry with each other. People aren't accustomed 13) sevens (BBL served) meals that are not of their own choice, but Tony seems 14) .. (know) s_ exactly what people will like. This restaurant is certainly Worth 15) ssn 31 23) The Infinitive / -ing form / Participles OB Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the infinitive or -ing forr ‘Steam trains were replaced by electric ones years ago, so when the newspaper | work for heard thatthe ‘Black Adria’ steam ‘engine had been restored, they decided 1) ..20 send... (send) me on its frst tip. | didn't object to 2) (go) even though | generaly disike 3) v» (ravel) by tran, In fact | was looking forward 4) (ee) something | had never seen before. When | atved a the stato | saw lots of people 5) (celebrate) the rebirth of the Admiral, end | was glad (be) pat ofthe paty. At 2 o'clock everyone was ready 7) theta | setled mysafinto a compartment where |was soon joined by an od man who cl 8) (be) one ofthe original workers on the Admiral. He claimed §) (work) for a penny a day, and told me how much he had hated 10)... - (belcovered) in coal cust all the time. His famiy had been 100 poor 11). (ou more than the basic necessities. itwas a sad story, butt was a pleasure 12) ononn {listen to him. At every station people were wating 13) (reet the train, and was exciting 14). (see) the spectators’ faces as the past seemed 19) (come) alve again. fall trains were as sepering ste Back Att © begin, continue, intend, start + to-inf or -ing form. We don't normally have two -ing forms together. She began dancingito dance. (NOT: She is beginning dancing.) advise, allow, encourage, permit, require + object + to-inf. He advised me to stay indoors. @ advise, allow, encourage, permit, require + -ing form. He advised staying indoors. © be advised, be allowed, be encouraged, be permitted, be required + to-int. Wo were advised to slay indoors. © need, require, want + to-int/-ing form/passive inf. You need to prune the trees. The trees need pruning. The trees need to be pruned. [Ea_compiete the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to five words. 1 We are allowed to take a one-hour lunch break. allow They ...allow us to take... a one-hour lunch break. 2 They require employees to work on Saturdays. required Employees ... 3. You need to improve your handwriting considerably. needs Your handwriting : 4. She has been learning German since last year began She... 5. They advised us against drinking the water. were We... on Saturdays. considerably. [E_Filtin the blanks with the correct form of the infinitive or -ing form. For Thomas 1) ...f0 agree... (agree) to go on a walking holiday was very surprising. He usually hated 2) ance (do) outdoor activities of any kind. We thought we'd have difficulty in 3) . (persuade) hhim but it was his idea 4) ......09 (Set off) the very next day. We suggested 5) we: (go) to the Lake District as it would be the best place 6) . (find) hotel rooms each night. Though we'd have preferred 7) monemnnm (take) the coach, Thomas encouraged us 8) . (travel) by train. We decided 9) .- (meet) at the station early the next morning as we wanted 10) . (be) in Carlisle by midday. Imagine the look on our faces when Thomas arrived on a huge, brand-new motorbike. “Do you think Illbe allowed 11) (take) it on the train?” he said. “It needs 12) (run in) and this holiday's the ideal time 13)... s- (do) it!” ls The Infinitive / -ing form / Participles forget + to-inf (= fail to remember to do sth) | 7 try + to-inf (= do one’s best; attempt) He forgot to turn off the radio. | Tryto throw the ball into the basket. forget + -ing form (= not recall a past event) | try + -ing form (= do sth as an experiment) {il never forget seeing the Eiffel Tower forthe fist time. Try cooking with olive oil, you might find it 2 remember + to-inf (= not forget to do sth) | improves the taste. Please remember to feed the dog before leaving. want + to-inf (= wish) / want to go home. remember + -ing form (= recall a past event) want + -ing form (= sth needs to be done) ‘don't remember seeing him at the party last night. These windows want cleaning. 3 mean + to-inf (= intend to) stop + to-inf (= pause temporarily). ‘She means to study art in Paris this summer. | Can we stop here to admire the view? mean + -ing form (= involve) | stop + -ing form (= finish; cease) ‘won't go if t means taking the train during rush hour. He stopped studying and switched on the TV. 4 goon + to-inf (= finish doing sth and start doing sth else; then; afterwards) He pruned the hedges, then went on to mow the lawn. {go on + -ing form (= continue) i bbe sorry + to-inf (= regret) / was sorry to hear he failed his exam. bbe sorry for + -ing form (= apologise for) We went on dancing until we got tired. She wenporitor ysling a hin. 5 regret + to-inf (= be sorry to) | regret to inform you that _ mn hate + to-inf (= not like what one is about to do) there are no seats on the 12.30 flight. | Lhate to argue, but you are definitely wrong. regret + -ing form (= have second thoughts about sth ean ee etar mae already done) i io regrets buying such an expensive sports car. |___ [hate bothering you at such alate hour '$ would prefer + to-inf (specitic preference) | 12. be afraid + to-inf (= be too tightened to do sth; Id prefer to eat at this restaurant. | estate) She wes afraid to jump into the pool prefer + ing form (n general) prefer reading spy stoves. be aaid of +-ing form (= be aad that what prefer + to-inf + rather than + inf without to is referred to by the -ing form may happen) ‘prefer to drive to work rather than take the bus. When cidng the re, fa afra f ekg | on the wet road. Put the verbs in brackets into the infinitive or -ing form. il never forget ...travelling... (travel) across America. Yes, but you forgot (send) me a postcard, didn't you? A: [hate . -. (@8k) you, but can you help me with the housework? B: Sure, but remember | hate . (do) the vacuuming, ‘A: The door wants - (fix). know. | wanted I'm sorry It's OK, Pm sorry for 'd prefer (ask) the carpenter to come and have a look but I forgot. (put) you in such a dificult position. (shout) at you. weekend at home. owe ow : Really? | prefer . .. (go out) whenever I've got free time. A: Did he go on (talk) about the same boring topics all night? B: No, he went on (show) us his holiday photos. 7 A: Don't be afraid (talk) to her in French. can't. I'm afraid of . Oh, | meant .. . (make) mistakes. I) you there's a job vacancy at the chemist’. 8: Wel, | won't apply fit means . (work) at the weekend. = A: Why don't you try (take) a ditferent medicine if you're stil il? B: I think I'l just try (get) some more sleep. ai ing form / Participles : Let's stop ... (have) something to eat : Again? | wish you'd stop .... (eat) so much! Thonotoa says the gall regres. .« (Inform) us that the Picasso exhibition has finished : Oh, no! Now I regret. sows (NOW QO) last week. Did you remember wre -. (post) the letters? remember . ce) them but I think I've left them on my desk. Fill in the correct form of the /e or the -ing form. ii Bilston always enjoyed 1) ...tlling. (tell) us about his life, and we were always afraid 2) » (interrupt) him because he had a very hot temper. He had left school at thirteen, and he had managed to avoid 3) . .-«- (OOK for) a real job by 4). (work) for his father in the family scrapyard. He was supposed 5) (check) the weight of scrap metal leaving the yard, but he always preferred 6). (sit) around and. 7). (make) cups of tea for the other workers instead. You won't be surprised 8) (hear) that eventually Ei's father noticed him 8) (waste) time 10) sme (80) nothing, and asked him 11). (find) another job. Eli never regretted sss (hae) 10 leave the scrapyard, because his next job was even easier! He was employed at Dudley man, where he found it a pleasure just 13)... sous (SH) and 14). : (watch) the monkeys 15)... (play) in their cages. His only duty was 16) . (feed) the jaguars at dawn - something which he claims he only forgot 17) . (do) once in his tme there. He said that he would never forget 18)... . (See) the zookeeper’s face after the poor man had tried 19). (Give) them their lunch - they had nearly eaten him alive! After 20) (work) in the 200 {or six years, war broke out in Europe and Eli went on 21)... oin) the army in the hope of finding some adventure. Fill in the correct form of the | used to love ..visiting... Santorini so much that | finally bought a house there. He meant his mother the truth but he didn’t because he didn’t want to upset her. ees I'm sorry, | don't remember . you before. Tl have to go to Belgium by train - I'm afraid of . You are required ». this form before you can start the job. Before you leave, don't forget vn... the plants. regret vse YOU that your house must be demolished. It we want to catch the early train, it means . sme UP Oat tomorrow morning. I would prefer to the cinema for a change ~ we always go to the theatre. There's no point wud it was your decision after all The explorer escape only himself alone in the jungle. Asa child, | spent so much time that people used to call me ‘The Fish’ It you can't get the stain out of your shirt, you could try . Salt on it, He regretted f «lies to his parents. He tried : the jar but he couldn't because the lid was stuck Please stop ‘There's a meeting in progress next door. The thief got into the manager's office by pretending ... a cleaner. You must complete this exercise without... a dictionary. Acid rain is said. ssionnee Many (7888 all Over Europe. What do you mean Bob's a vegetarian? | saw him .. a chicken sandwich only yesterday! The Infinitive / -ing form / Participles Fill in the correct form of the infinitive or the -ing form. * ladvise you ...c0 take... (take) some money in case the banks are shut. My mother used (encourage) us to eat lots of vegetables. Don't forget (lock) the door when you leave the office. Do you remember .. (swim) in Lake Langaron last summer? ‘When you finish this exercise go on (do) the composition on page 11. Would you mind . (turn) the radio down? I've got a headache. Why don't we try. (eat) some Thai food for a change? They stopped running .. (have) a rest. He put off. (tell) her the bad news. {really regret (spend) so much money at the weekend. I suggest (look) up this word in a dictionary. David was too afraid ... (swim) in the rough sea. He doesn't look old enough .. (be/married) couldn't stop In general | prefer fim sorry, | didn't mean (wonder) whether | had done the right thing. (watch) films on the big screen rather than on TV. (hurt) you. Don't you dare .. ‘again. Ineed to get a job. I'm tired of (have) to rely on my parents for money. Have you considered ... (learn) another language? I can't stand (listen) to you complain all the time, Too has a negative meaning. It shows that something is more than enough, necessary or wanted. It is used in the following patterns: @) too + adjectivefadverb + to -infinitive /t is too wet to go running. ') too ... for somebody/something This soup is too spicy for me. ¢) too ... for somebody/something + to -infinitive This box is too heavy for me to lift. Enough has a positive meaning. it shows that there is as much of something as is wanted or needed. itis used in the following pattems: 4) adjective/adverb + enough + to -infinitive She is beautiful enough to be a model. BUT not + adjective/ adverb + enough + to -infinitive (negative meaning) He did not study hard enough to pass the exam. ) enough + noun + to infinitive WWe ve got enough time to go shopping. Complete the sentences with too or enough and the adjective in brackets. Did you meet up with Fiona yesterday? No, she was. to go out after working all day. (tired) Dad is planning on taking the kids canoeing this weekend. I don't think they are .. to go canoeing yet. (old) ‘What is your new house like? Irs. to fit all five of us. (big) Is Ted talking to Rachel yet? No. She is to apologise to him for her rude behaviour. (selfish) ‘Why don't you open the window to let some fresh air in the room? ts _ outside and the baby might get ill. (cold) How did the operation go? twas very successful and | am even feeling ...... PROPDearorar 1 tO go back to work. (strong) 35

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