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Harold Camping Got it Wrong?

But What About 2012

Harold Camping Forecasts: May 21st Rapture But Was A Big Mistake
Who Is Harold Camping And Why Did He Think May 21st Doomsday? Well the whole wor
ld did not finish on May 21st. Camping got it wrong. It will be a difficult mome
nt in time for Harold Campings many proponents. But While many have been sceptic
al of Camping’s prophesies, he does have his portion of adherents who have posted
about 2,200 hoardings around the United States about the coming apocalypse, and
dozens of fans who have driven all over the US to spread the news.
Unfortunately, for them, all the efforts were washed away when the Earth did not
earthquake at the fixed 60 minutes on May 21st. Camping’s prediction is based on
his analyzing of the Bible and a timeline harking back to old events including t
he Biblical flood lived through by Noah.
Does Hell Really Exist?
Campings View
Camping and his cohorts believe the start of the end will come on May 21,exactly
7,000 years since the flood in the biblical narrative of Noah’s Ark. Some 200 mil
lion people will be saved, Camping preaches, and those remaining behind will die
in earthquakes, plagues, and other calamities until the Globe is devoured by a
fireball on October 21. But of course we are still here so we await Campings rat
ionalization The 89-year-old retired civil engineer has builta multi-million-dol
lar nonprofit ministry based on his apocalyptic prediction. In 2009, the nonprof
it reported in tax filings that it received $18.3 million in donations, and had
assets of more than $104 million, including $34 million in stocks or other publi
cly traded securities. Camping’s verdict of a specific date for the apocalypse put
s him outside the Christian mainstream.Christian authorities from across the spe
ctrum had widely dismissed the prediction.
Does Hell Really Exist?
Does Hell Really Exist?
A Moment To Verify the Tiny Print!
As a baptised in Jesus name apostolic Christian (our church is a one of those st
rictones where the ladies wear headgear to Church and the blokes have to wear su
it and tie!) I thought it might be meaningful to just verify the documents to se
e what the contract (the Bible) says about all this. Always worth reading the sm
all print when faced with sudden destruction I always say.. . Matthew 24:36 says
“”But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the S
on, but only the Father.”
Bible scholars have said that that “nor the Son” are not in the original manuscripts
so that Jesus knew but thought it wise not to tell us. Makes sense really, othe
rwise if we did know even Christians I suspect would probably have one long part
y only to fix themselves up so to speak and follow the straight and narrow just
in time to avoid certain oblivion. I know that probably would have been my appro
2012 endof the world
The Rapture 2011
Despite bible scholars critical views Harold Camping has been steasdfast that th
is is indeed the end of days. The term rapture has now become a trending term wi
th this story. Being a Christain myself I am familiar with this term and I certa
inly believe in the rapture. But there there may be many out there who do not kn
ow what this sterm means May 21 – judgment day for all the believers In Christ and
of course non-believers, according to this theory they are going to very differ
ent destinations . God brings his children up to Heaven both the dead and those
alive in Christ and all the rest eventually go to Hell according to the Word. Th
e end of the world will follow soon . The days left on earth will be appalingly
bad for eeryone left behind. Indeed all will be men most miserable.
Harold Camping predictions continue with the assertion that there will be 158 da
ys from the Rapture to final global destruction. Harold Camping 1994 Prediction
Camping made a previous forecast back in 1994. What became of that prediction we
ll everyone is still here . He took seere criticism but siad that he got his cal
culations wrong. Oh dear! perhaps he should go back to school. The bible says th
at we should be prepared but no one knows not even Camping. So following this st
ory it gives the impression that another doomsday prophet will fall flat on his
face but in one way it is still good. Helps makeyou want to check yourself just
to make sure you are right with your maker.
What about the Mayan calendar ? According to some on Dec. 21, 2012 Is the real D
2012 End Of The World
Is December 21 , 2012 The Real End of The World? Many believe that with all the
natural disasters recently – a varity of flood ,earthquakes, tidal wave tsunamis t
hat we are indded in the last days. On top of that all the man made problems num
erous wars etc the end is definitly very very nigh. But Camping has taken this f
urther with his Family Radio show saying that May 21st is it. But where does tha
t lee the Mayan predictions well they disagree with Camping and according to thi
s viewDecember 21st 2012 is the real date we should be looking at. One club who
will be a tad put out will be those predicting that December next year 2012 will
be the end of the World and Doomsday.
They have lost the high ground -well for a day or sos at least . But they will b
e back in business if everything goes smoothly on Saturday.Seems they will have
to wait their turn as But again if it causes individuals to open their eyes even
a little it still usefull being thought provoking. One does feel a bit unhappy
to those who have quit jobs and given up residences as come Monday morning assum
ing that we are all still here then it will be very inconvenient to them. Some a
lso believe the Mayan calendar predicts the world will end on Dec. 21, 2012.
No worries If You Are Saved -Whichever Prediction Is Right
If you are a saved holy ghost filled believer in Jesus then it is not a problem
if by some fluke Harold Camping has got it right all is well .Born-again and kno
w Jesus Christ, everything is cool you don’t have to worry about what time Jesus i
s going to return. If you are not saved yet, then today is your day of salvation
(2 Cor. 6:1-2). Best try and get things sorted out. My Calculation? Am I going
to do Harold Camping and make a prediction? Well sort of- the prophecy I will ma
ke is that the newswires will be very hot on this topic for he next few days til
l the next celebrity mishap!

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