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Cigarroa family continues community service, excellence set by Joaquin Sr.

Photo by Cuate Santos | Laredo Morning Times
(EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the first of a Cigarroa Heymach, the journalist of the Joaquin Jr. was born in San Antonio in Dona Josefina’s brother, Manuel, and were ready to shoot him. Joaquin, 24 Dr. Joaquin Cigarroa Jr., at the podium, accepted the honor on behalf of the family. Seated, from left, are Doctors Ricardo and Carlos Cigarroa.
two-part series on the history and commu- Joaquin Cigarroa Jr. siblings, recorded the 1924. Then Rebeca was born in the city. became a chemical engineer and was a years younger than his brother, offered all
nity service of the Cigarroa family in
Laredo which leads up to the family of doc-
tors being named the Business Persons of
conversations with her grandmother, and
along with other newspaper research, pub-
lished a book in 1997 about her family
Not only talented in his profession, but
also a man who loved to meet people, Dr.
Joaquin Sr. quickly became active in San
founder of the college of chemistry.
Salvador, another brother, was a doctor of
the money the two men had. Joaquin
showed the authorities the money and
Leondes was freed. Later he went on to
Cigarroa family named Business Persons of the Year
the Year for 2005. Information is being called Recuerdos de la famila. Antonio civic affairs and was at the fore- start a Spanish newspaper in San Antonio, By MAYRA FLORES
obtained from newspaper clippings and a Marisa Cigarroa Heymach’s older sister, front in organizing free clinics to meet the Josefina’s wedding married and had children.
arch of the group, I was struck by his patience development of the healthcare industry in
book compiled by Marisa Cigarroa Barbara (the number two child on the needs of the poor, in that era before welfare Meanwhile Joaquin remained in and wisdom. It is clear up to today, that the South Texas. In 2004, members of the family
Heymach from recorded conversations Joaquin Cigarroa Jr. branch of the family programs were common. Perhaps it was the future that Joaquin Mexico. During his stay at the university same patience and wisdom has been passed partnered with other investors towards the cre-
with her grandmother. The first part in the tree, is a lawyer for Homeland Security, and The family moved to Laredo in 1934. Sr. saw in the sparkle of Josefina’s eyes. studying medicine, he lived in a boarding Catalina Zaragoza, chairman of the Small down the family tree as we prepare to honor ation of the Laredo Cardiac Rehabilitation &
series will bring the Cigarroa family from she has written extended essays about the Both the physician and his wife, Dona Whatever he may have seen, the family house run by Josefina’s mother and fell in Business Committee for the Laredo Chamber these medical-preneurs,” she said. Wellness Center.
Mexico to the time they settled in Laredo. family called, Lessons in Life, about the Josefina, from the beginning gave much started from humble beginnings. The fol- love with his future wife. A few years of Commerce, announced the selection of the “The Cigarroa family has demonstrated Presently, the family is developing the
The second part next week will detail the people in her family. time to Laredo charitable, health care and lowing is Josefina’s account of her wedding passed, and Joaquin went to South America Cigarroa family of Laredo as the 2005 Laredo here in Laredo, and in other Texas regions Cigarroa Heart and Vascular Institute , a state
life of Dr. Joaquin Cigarroa Jr., and his wife educational institutions. day, according to the book by Marisa for his medical internship. The couple mar- Business Persons of the Year. their great ability to seek opportunity and cre- of the art facility to be equipped with the latest
Barbara, and the impact on the community The eyes have it Cigarroa Heymach. ried when he came back to Mexico and they “The small business committee has deter- ate enterprise for its community,” she added. technology available for the prevention, detec-
of their 10 children.) Community involvement “I was 17-years-old and Joaquin was 26- had their first child, Leo. mined that the Cigarroa family certainly meets Dr. Joaquin Cigarroa Jr., the pillar of this grow- tion and treatment of heart-related diseases.
“I have not known a pair of eyes more years-old when we were married. The wed- this selection criteria and is thrilled to honor ing enterprise, stood by the podium and expressed The 17,000 square-foot facility, slated to
By MIKE HALL beautiful than my grandmother’s. It is easy The Cigarroas were turned to frequently ding was beautiful. One day, when you go to On to San Antonio this deserving group of medical professionals his feelings in receiving this recognition. open in February 2006, will occupy the entire
LAREDO MORNING TIMES to understand why she won the title of “La for help with a variety of community proj- Mexico, don’t leave without visiting the and entrepreneurs,” Catalina Zaragoza, chair- “It is certainly a very distinct honor and a fifth floor of the Laredo Medical Center.
Reyna de los Ojos Bonitos” in high school. ects. The senior Dr. Joaquin’s death in 1964 church. It’s called El Santo Nino de la The revolution was still going on, and man of the small business committee, said. privilege for us to be here today and we appre- In making the announcement, Zaragoza
o fully understand the reasons why It’s not the color that is remarkable. They was mourned throughout South Texas Leondes invited his brother to have his new

Ensenanza. It was a small church, with wide The official announcement was made on ciate this selection,” he said, while his son, explained that the selection of the honorees
doctors Joaquin Cigarroa Jr., along are not blue nor green as her parents may where he had become such a beloved figure. pews near the altar where the cloistered son baptized in San San Antonio. April 28 at the monthly meeting of the Board Ricardo looked at him. was based on an adaptation of the criteria used
with his sons Ricardo Cigarroa, have wished. Mane’s eyes are close to Dona Josefina, as friends called her, was nuns sat. They couldn’t look at the public. “So Josefina packed her bags, with her of directors of the Laredo Chamber at La “All of our family loves Laredo and we’ve by the U.S. Small Business Administration for
Carlos Cigarroa, Francisco Cigarroa, Oxacan black as possible. It’s the light in my the grandmother figure who worked tire- “We didn’t go on a honeymoon because baby Leo, and went to San Antonio. Once Posada Hotel and Suites Philip V Room with dedicated our lives to the education and health their annual awards, i.e. –
Joaquin E. Cigarroa and daughter Patricia grandmother’s eyes that marks their beau- lessly, but always has time to help a grand- we couldn’t afford one. they were there, Joaquin’s older bother, standing room only. of our city,” Cigarroa said. “Education and Staying power: a substantiated history as an
Cigarroa Keck — all members of the med- ty. I think it’s because her soul shines child with schoolwork and to extend praise Barbara Cigarroa, wife of Joaquin Jr., said, ‘I don’t think you should go back,’ ” health are essential for the well-being of all of established business;
ical profession — have been honored by the through them and makes them glitter like and encouragement. said she had a few memories of her own, Barbara explained. The winners are.... our citizens – and it is this that we love and we Growth in the number of employees: a
Laredo Chamber of Commerce as Business the diamond earrings she has worn ever This remarkable lady’s parents were saying she and her husband were engaged The family left everything behind and want to serve the rest of our lives.” benchmark to judge the impact of business on
Persons of the Year, it is necessary to take a since I can remember,” Barbara wrote in Angel Gonzalez de la Vega and Rebeca for only seven weeks before they were mar- stayed in the United States for a new begin- Listed as recipients in the official “If you wonder why we are the business per- the job market;
step back to the past. the family essay. Iriarte de Gonzalez de la Vega. He served as ried, and recently they celebrated their 50th ning. A doctor was needed for a pharmacy announcement was Joaquin Cigarroa, Jr., son of the year?” he asked the crowd. “Well, Response to adversity: problems faced in
Traditions of community service and of It is understandable that children of Dr. a federal judge in Durango, Baja California Golden anniversary. in the city, and Joaquin Cigarroa Sr. devel- along with his sons Ricardo Cigarroa, Carlos health and education are tremendous generators the nominee’s business and methods used to
professional service, regardless of the kind Joaquin Gonzalez Cigarroa Sr., and and Mexico City. After his premature death, oped his practice from there, she said. Cigarroa, Francisco Cigarroa, Joaquin E. of revenue. They multiply many, many times.” solve them; and
of business, were established generations Josefina Gonzalez Cigarroa, their grand- the young widow took care of their five chil- The real scoop With the loss of revenue from the free Cigarroa and daughter Patricia Cigarroa Keck “And if you have a healthy health industry Contributions by nominee to aid commu-
ago and the tradition continues with the children and great grand children should dren, all of whom became successful in pro- clinics, a decision was made to go where he — all members of the medical profession. you have a healthy economy – that’s why you see nity-oriented projects: evidence of the use of
current crop of Cigarroas. continue that level of achievement in the fessional fields. Barbara had the wife’s version of could make a bigger difference. By then Present for the announcement was Joaquin cities like Houston, Dallas, and San Antonio hav- nominee’s personal time and resources.
United States. Dona Josefina, the only girl in the fami- Joaquin Sr.’s move to San Antonio. Joaquin Jr, was born and the family moved Cigarroa, Jr., accompanied by Ricardo and ing such great business opportunities that our The annual banquet will take place June 16
Influential families The late Dr. Joaquin Sr. was born in ly, became a pharmacist. “During the revolution of Mexico, it was to Laredo to settle down and begin a med- Carlos. The elder Cigarroa humbly accepted generated by the health industry,” he added. at the Laredo Country Club. For sponsorship
Maipimi, Durango, Mexico. He received a One of Dona Josefina Cigarroa’s broth- a very tumultuous time living in Mexico. ical practice, she said. the honor on behalf of the family. Long recognized for their standing among or ticket information contact the Laredo
The late Josefina Gonzalez Cigarroa and Doctor of Medicine degree from the ers, Angel, became a Supreme Court justice There were two brothers, Leondes and One of Joaquin Sr.’ s hobbies was hunt- Zaragoza told the crowd that just recently, the medical profession and their sense of Chamber of Commerce at (956) 722-9895.
her husband, the late Dr. Joaquin Gonzalez National University of Mexico and was a in Mexico City. Francisco also was a talent- Joaquin, who served as soldiers. They used ing, and went on his first hunting trip when along with Miguel Conchas, the chamber’s civic responsibility, the Cigarroas this time The annual recognition forms part of the
Cigarroa Sr., hail from families, which have professor of dermatology for a period. Like ed lawyer and, at 23, authored the Criminal to have a silver mine and they had gathered he was 32. His enthusiasm for the sport CEO and president, and Clema Owen, chair- were awarded the coveted nomination Distinguished Business Awards Ceremony
produced numerous intellectual and politi- many intellectuals of his generation, he Code of Mexico; a textbook used in the as much money as they could. resulted in many trophies. What Joaquin man of the chamber’s board of directors, because of their commitment to the medical which is co-sponsored by the Laredo Chamber,
cal leaders in Mexico. became involved in the Mexican national law schools. He later served as “Then there came a point where they Cigarroa Sr, left behind was a family with a arrived early at the Laredo Medical Center to industry and the impact this has had on the the LDF Small Business Development Center
Josefina died Jan. 20, 1996 at the age of Revolution. governor of Durango, attorney general of captured Leondes Gonzalez, father of history and legacy that will continue to be a formerly ask the Cigarroa’s if they would local economy. and the Laredo Morning Times.
92, and left a legacy that will forever be a It was necessary to flee his homeland, so Mexico, federal senator, majority leader of Henry B. Gonzalez, future congressman part of Laredo. accept this honor. Aside from their individual practices, the (Mayra Flores may be reached at 728-2547
part of Laredo’s history. the doctor and his young wife and small the senate and ambassador to Argentina from San Antonio. Leondes was going to be (Mike Hall may be contacted at 728-2529 “Upon meeting Dr. Cigarroa Jr., the patri- Cigarroas have contributed significantly to the or by e-mail at
Months before she died, Marisa son, Leo, moved to San Antonio. Dr. and Portugal. shot. They already had him against the wall or by e-mail at

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