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Vol. XXV, No. 1


Notification was received yes-
Student Body Mass Opens
terday that the M E R C I A D I has
been awarded the * All- American
rating by the Associated Collegiate
School Year On Sept 24
Press. This rating, the highest Student Body Mass, celebrated by Rev. Daniel Martin in the
award given by the association, is Chap-el of Christ the King, marked the official opening of the 1953-4
being received by the MERCIAD
school!year on Thursday, September 24. After a brief address im
for the first time in its 24-year
which Father invoked God's blessing onlthem individually and on the
history. Mary Lou Dwyer, editor
school year, the student body gathered in the Little Theatre for a
of last year's MERCIAD, headed
convocation with Mother M. Borgia, dean of the college.
the staff which was responsible
for the superior paper. Injjher conference with the stu-

"Just like home", Barbara Cavanaugh, sophomore home economics

Frosh Receive dents, Mother Borgia admitted
that there is no "royal? road to
major, seems to be saying as she demonstrates new equipment to fresh-
men Mary Ann Schmidt and Joanne Rinaldo on their tour through
the revamped home economics department. $
Seniors, Sophs Cap and Gown learning." However, she went on
to say that none of the worth-
while aims in life are attained
Invite Colleges Qn October21 without hard work and sacrifice.
Home Ec Dept. Facilities To Open House symbolizing The academic cap and gown,
acceptance into the
She maintained that one's edu-
cation is never complete and that

Expanded at Mercyhurst
Mercyhurst's building program, completed last spring, has
For the {benefit of PRAETER-
academic community known to us
as Mercyhurst, will be officially
awarded to sixty-one members
no one should allow a day to pass
in which she does not learn some-
ITA, the seniors and their {sister thin g of value.
paved the way for expansion within the school as ? welly as without. class, the sophomores, will spon- of the freshman class onfOctober
All library facilities are nowihoused in the new library building, and sor an Open House Friday even- 21. The Investiture will take Mother Borgia compared f the
space made available ]by this removal has been utilized to provide an ing, October 2, from nine to place in the Little Theater with philosophy of the pagan Aristotle
extra assembly hall and to expand the home economics department. twelve. the entire student body and with t h a t of St. Thomas Aquinas
faculty in attendance. when they admonished their stu-
f In addition ito being enlarged, the home economics department Invitations have been sent by dents Ito strive for the good life.
has been modernized. The third floor rooms which were originally chairman Marlene, De-Mattia and This significant e.vent, at which She pointed out the two-fold pur-
S'tack and preference rooms have been converted into a clothing flab- co-chairman Patricia Murphy to the freshmen are formally wel-
oratory, complete with fitting, reference, and storage rooms. A lect- comed by Dr. Michael J. Relihan, pose in living the good Ilife, that
students at Gannon, Behretnd
ure room has taken over the quarters previously occupied by the Center, Allegheny, Niagara, Alli- head of the Education depart- of being a good citizen, the only
clothing laboratory. ance, and Edinboro. Pat Nearby ment, marks their initial parti- end toward which Aristotle was
has engaged Bob Conner's Com- cipation in fan official ceremony striving, and that* of service to
Students in the Home Nursing of the college.A senior, represent-
stainless steel equipment and ap- bo to furnish music for dancing. God and others, the end to which
class have been provided with a ing her class and the student
special nursing room in which pliances carry out the. modern his Christianity caused St. Thomas
theme of-:!the twin work areas. § Hostesses for the evening will body, will address the freshmen,
their lecture\ andr lab work will be the members of the senior and and their class' president will re- to aspire.
be cari-ieu on. sophomore classes! Kay Canada ply in an acceptance of the re-
The foods laboratory i has been enfs Start and her committee are busy with
posters to publicize, the first so-
sponsibilities imposed by the in-
vestiture. She",will also lead her Sister Rachel
rejmodeled to include two unit
cial event of the college year. In class in a pledge of allegiance to
kitchens in addition to the indivi-
dual work areas. These units Medical Tech charge of decorations is Carol Mercyhurst and her ideals.
Elected Pres.
closely| simulate home kitchens, Kelly, while Rosea nn 'Andio is _ »

The ceremony will be concluded

and extra touches such as knick-
knack shelves add to the, au- Year {Course chairman* of the ticket commit-
tee. by a student body procession in-
to the, chapel for Benediction,
thenticity. Overhead! cabinets and
formica-topped c o u n t e r s * are First students to enroll in the Following the! service, the tradi- At the seventh annual meeting
medical technology course re- tional formal tea will be held in
among the functional features of
the new arrangement. The de-
partment! has also added an up-
cently arranged |by St. Vincent's
Hospital and Mercyhurst have be- .
Four Tests Begin the state| dining room in their
of the National Catholic Council
on Home Economics, held this
year at Kansas City, Missouri, on
right freeze.r to the laboratory.
Students will work with it in
gun work at the hospital labor-
atory. Doing their Jlnternship are '53 Orientation June 22, Sister Mary Rachel of
Mercyhurst assumed the office
their units on modern methods Mary Ann Cutri, Judy Ellermey-
of food preservation. A cheerful er, Sophia Mazionyte, and Vija September 21 marked the ar- of president of the organization.
yellow and white with green Odeiko. rival of the Class of '57. Greeted
makes $up the color scheme, and Sister Mary Rachel received
by their "big sisters," freshmen
The girls, having completed ..••'-her Bachelor of Science degree at
were seen embarking on |a new
over three, years of preparatory^ Mercyhurst and her Master's de-
career as college students. To help
Faculty Includes study, are on duty eight hours a
day, five days a week, working
three hours on Saturday. In Dec-
in their ladjustment, a well! plan-
ned orientation program immedi-
gree from New York University.
She has also studied at the Uni-
versity of Minnesota, Columbia
Few'53 Changes ember, they must be prepared for
weekend duty when emergencies
ately went into effect.
The first three days were spent
University, and Iowa State Uni-
versity. At present, she is associ-
The 1953-54 school year has may arise. June will mark the in conferences with members of ated professor ofihome economics
beginning of night calls foi the _*
at Mercyhurst.
meant few faculty changes at the faculty and in the admin-
girls. istration of tests. Among the
Mercyhurst. The association has as its ob-
The course includes working tests given were an English Place- jective the promotion and de-
Sister Mary Charles, formerly in the seven departments of the ment test, ^Personality test, Psy- velopment of standards of Christ-
associate professor of chemistry laboratory: blood bank, bacteri- chological! test, and a tests of ian family living. Most outstand-
and physics, has been given a ology, histology, hemotology, ur- Student's i n t e r e s t s . Freshmen ing work of the NCCHE to date
inalysis, biochemistry, and waiting were given advice in selecting is the ^inauguration of the degree
leave of absence to study for her their, courses and schedules were
room, which takes pre-natal, pre- of Master of Education in Home
doctorate at Carnegie Sister marital, andfpre-admission cases. arranged. Under thej direction of Economics at St. Louis Univer-
Mary Inez, instructorlin music, is Time must also be spent ti in the Sister Mary Esther, directress of sity, the only Catholic college or
at present teaching^ in Franklin, sterilizing room. Additional cours- Student Personnel, an assembly university to offer this degree.
Pa. es will be taken in the. evening at with a student^ panel on "Your
the college. Adjustment to College" conclud- Sister Mary Rachel's past work
New members of the Mercy- ed the. three-day program. in behalf of the association has
hurst College, faculty include Sis- A probation period of two weeks included a two-year term as
i s | spent by each girl in each de- Highlighting the entertainment chairman of the Constitution and
t e r ! Mary Suzanne and Roxana was the faculty-freshmen re-
partment* during which time she By-laws Committee which, under
Downing. Sister Suzanne, who receives the general outlook of ception in the foyer. At this time . . .abut only until October 21 her leadership, recently complet-
will join the education depart- the department. After this period the. freshmen were formally intro- when the freshmen will officially ed the important work of revising
ment, has specialized in eleme.n- of three months, she will spend j duced to the faculty and a lun- receive the academic cap and the Constitution. Chief among the
tary education. Miss D o w n- another five weeks in each de-.. gown at the impressive Investiture revisions effected by the commit-
partment participating in its act-;' cheon followed in the state dining
ing, a Mercyhurst graduate of room.Other social /'get-togethers" ceremony. Previewing the happy tee was the defining of member-
ual jwork. A total of twelve day in the life of a freshman are, ship in the I organization to in-
the class of '53, will be an in- months is required for each girl were enjoyed „ between the big
above, left Ho right, Mary Ste- clude active, associate, and hon-
structor in the art department. to complete fter internship. £ and little sister classes. - ••$ phany and Carol Eigabroadt, orary members.

• ••
Pafcfe Twd THE It fc A c t Aft •*•--••
October 2,195$
Gruel World Kind
Welcome, Frosh To Class of '53
"Where, oh where, are the
For Mary's Socialists...
To all our bright and bouncy new Freshmen, Mercyhurst brave ole Seniors?" goes the re-
extends a warm welcome! Already |we can see that the frain from one of the Hurst's The score was six to nothing, every play i being a day. As the
"Little Sisters" are having no trouble atfall falling into step more popular lounge songs. Just three minutes left in the second Student Board of Discipline throws
with the "regulars". The sportsmanship and the cooperative where are those Seniors . .|the quarter, and it was \pouring •• rain. the penalites just as the referee
Then in those last three minutes, threw them in the game, let's take
attitude displayed thus far are indicative of the kind of a '53 Seniors, that is? Has the Tech's quarterback made a twen- it on the chin.
class Mercyhust is proud to callfher own. And in spite of the crue,l,f cruel world devoured them
. . . or are they making a valiant ty-five yard dash and everyone In order to play the game well,
fact that the Frosh are about to "show up" the Sophs and stand against the elements? heard the announcer say, "Touch- we'll need a coach who once learn-
upperclassmen in the talent line, we'll just swallow our pride Those who received their MRS. down—the score six-six." ed to play the game with integrity.
and anticipate lots of fine entertainment on future occasions. (married right soon) degree this The!game continued and amid Mary played our game better than
penalties, incomplete passes, and anyone else ever will. Let's adopt
So, just as we are looking forward to a wonder-full year with summer are Doris Moore* Claire her as our coach.
injuries, Tech won over Vincent
this latest addition to our ranks, we're hoping that we, too, Agliaia, Mary Jachimczyk. -Jo- eighteen .to twelve. Tech had play- Cheers, paper flying, band music
can meet and pass their expectations. Again, to every fresh- Campli. Ann Weaver, and Cammie Di-
ed a good game—-tough but clean —all*are visible signs of showing
man, one by one, Mercyhurst says, WELCOME! Peggy Cavanaugh, Julie Tech, —never omitting the huddle before our team that we're with them.
and Florene Cherry are all mak- a play so they would act as one. We, too, can visibly show Mary
ing valuable* contributions to Here was spirit, fair play, en- that we're with her by slipping to
Happy New Year teience. Pe,g has become the
"Miss Sunshine" of ther Erie
thusiasm and unfailing ^coopera-
tion, all wrapped up in a slightly
drenched stadium.
ouriknees every night during Oc-
tober, the month-j of the HolyjJRo-
sary. It will take star players on
Osteopathic Hospital. Julia is
September and January should merge! They should go spending her spare time working |Freshman, sophomores, juniors
Mary's team t o turn out for
together and form one month (Septary) Jwhich would have diligently on her Master's and, of practice every night 'at the ro*
and seniors of the MercyhurstCol- sary, but with Mary as our coach
its first day as the beginning of the social, political, eco- course* Florene | is to become we should make every day a
President soon . . just as we lege team, let's play a good game
nomic and educationali'calendar. touchdown. Working with Mary
thought! this year—hard but fair. Mass can
"Group Work, the psychology be our huddle, before the play, let's WIN this year.
This is, of course, the fanciful solution that would break of. . . . •? which was studied so
the transparent bubble that surrounds campus life on Septem- long land profitably by Mary Lou
ber I. The school year would open with confetti and laughter, Dwyer is now her chosen occu-
and that additional something that is so much the part of the pation at the St. Charles Settle-
Summer Convention Delegates
January NewlYear, but which seems to have no place in the ment House, in Rochester. Also
September "New Year" • . . resolutions. in her favorite field is Marilyn Report On Student Meetings
Kelly, working at Catholic Char-
ities in Youngstown. In* keeping with her* policy oft progress with the times, Mercyhurst
Too often the interim between September and January Fran Sullivan has decided to annually sends delegates -to several national convocations • of college
is regarded as the end of the old instead of the beginning of work on hex ilMaster's at Ford-' students. Four of these meetings were held during this past summer
the new. Too often student responsibility is given a figura- ham. Also at Fordham in the in various cities and universities. They included the NFCCS, the
afternoons is Joan Harrison £ who National Students Association, The Summer School of Catholic
tive.shrug by the student body. And, too often the academic Action and the Young Catholic Student conventions.
teaches a second grade parochial
life is replaced, instead of supplemented, by the social. But class in the morning. Joan spends
this is confetti, the confetti of the January New Year which recess telling her class about her MARGARET HIRSCH, delegate to NFCCS congress held at the
flies high intolthe air only to come down to be trampled travels in Europe. Another '53 Sheraton-Gibson Hotel iniCincinnati. "Nearly! every Catholic college
on by other merrymakers. It is not like the resolutions of the graduate teaching in the parochi- and university was represented;there. The theme of the congress was
al school is Fran Miller • . she the Responsibility of the Christian Student, It is the sincere wish of
New Year which are|planted and which finally grow and says she is getting used to being the NFCCS delegates at Mercyhurst to >make' the federation even
permeate a person, a group, or a community. called "Sister Miller." more of a success at our school during the coming year; first, by ex-
- — ~ • - —
TnreeTmemDefs ot the Class of plaining whavthe NFCCS Is and how each student is a member and,
"Septary" would! be one solution. But? a more worthy '53 have crossed | the Mason- secondly, by helping each student "to fulfill her role in the lay aposto-
solution would be an enlightened, cooperative Student Body, Dixon Line and headed toward late." I "Wk
a Student Body that arrives on its campus ready to throw a the tall-cotton country. Marga-
little confetti but resolved and willing to have a happy new ret Broderick and Mary Kay BARBARA KLEIN, Sodality prefect and delegate -to the'SSCA at
year working and sharing with its fellow students, its fac- Dyke $ are in j competition for * the •the Hotel Cleveland, Cleve., O. "The Summer School of Catholic Action
"Our Miss Brooks" of their high was held August 3 through 8. Mercyhurst's other delegate was Bev-
ulty, its administration, and its government. sc/iool in Savannah, Georgia. erly Buerkle, and each of us attended meetings held in the divisions
Norma ] Jean Scott is enjoying for advanced and beginning sodalities. Father Rooney, editor of
beautiful weather, home econ-
'Windy City' Press Conference omics, and physical education at
Palm Springs, Florida.
ACTION NOW, gave us a new sodality handbook printed by* the
Queen's Work (Press. Some of the important speakers were Father
| j Roxana Downing "just couldn't Paulaussen, a Dutch priest who was the -special representative from
Attracts PaperJYearbook Editors leave" - -she likes us . . is now
an instructor in our own art de-
the Vatican, and Father Freeman, S. J. who gaveithe socialists a well-
rounded outlook jj on sodality life. Father especially stressed teaching
partment. Mary Ann Cole is al- of dogma in relation to the Blessed Virgin."
Editor Mary Anne Hayes and sociated Press who has just re- so teaching art . . in Lake wood.
Assistant Editor Marge jj Williams turned from eleven years of cover- Carrying out the principles they
with yearbook editors Pauline So- ing the Kremlin for the AP. learned at this time l last year PAULINE TURNER, head of Mercyhurst Y.C.S. Group and s dele-
lida and Mary Lou Scalise are Host school for the convention are Judy Car low doing element-
making plane to attend the annual gate to the Eastern YCS Study Week. "Mercyhurst students among
is Northwestern University which ery work in Erie . . .Ann Cobbe
Press ij Conference of the Associ- teaching home ec. courses in four the fifty-three ^participants in the study week at Camp St. Helen,
ated Collegiate Press on October has secured excellent faculty and
schools in her home ,;town of Palenville, N.Y., were Joan Harrison, Barbara Klein. Anne Remaley,
15, 16, 17. They wiU travel west professional! journalists in the Dunkirk . . . .Lou Kamenjar Maureen Hammond, Barbara Barnes and Pauline Turner. Student
to the Windy City of Chicago and Chicago area to speak to the del- with Latin and English classes . .
will stay | at | the Morrison Hotel egates. needs were inquired into and some of the means suggested to include
Rita Shanahan with business ed.
where the meetings cure j being During the three days there will classes at Niagara Falls . . Pat more students In the life of the campus were better modes of communi-
held. I be some sixty sectional meetings Duffy, 1 also teaching ^business in cation between the student government and the student body, limitation
covering all phases of newspaper, Dubois, Pa . . and in their home- of the number of|offices^which a student ean hold, and direction of
Of special interest at the Con- yearbook, and magazine editing towns, teaching, are Peggy Green*
vention will be a "Report on Rus- and mangement. clubs and other campus groups toward service to the entire school.
Marilyn Harking, Pat Cosgrove, Father Charles Marhoeffer of \ Catholic ^University set the tone for
sia" to be given at the £ banquet H The main address at the open- and Mary Ann Raws.
Friday evening. Speaking on the ing convocation will be given by the week in his*address in which he indicated the relationship be-
Rita Panciera, now Sister Rita
subject will be Eddy Gilmore, the Al Orton, Chief of the Chicago Ann, has the sophomore class at tween vitality on the campus and the presence of J Divine Life in oar
famous correspondent of the As- Bureau of AP. St. Joseph's Academy in Titus- souls."
ville while Sister Marilyn, Mary
Ann" Callahan, teaches fifth and
sixth grades at St. Walburga's GERALDINE KINGSTON, NSA delegate. "This year's nine-day
school in the same town. convention of the National J Studentsf Association was held August 24
THE MERCIAD Erie, has benefited by the bus- through September 2 at Ohio State \University. The Student Body
Mercyhurst College, Erie, Pa. iness majors infthe class A Gen- Presidents' convocation and the College Editors'j Conference, held in
eral Electric has the Davis twins
Member of | on its payroll, one in the office conjunction with the NSA at Columbus, were attended by Donna By-
of the research department, the ers and Mary Anne Hayes respectively. At the NSA plenary sessions
Associate Collegiate Press
other in the engineering depart- and regional meetings which Donna Cutrona, alternate delegate, and
Editor Mary Anna Hayes ment . . . Pat Liebel takes dic- I attended there were a cross-section of student problems raised and
Associate Editor Jean Drouhard tation from a prominent attorney a cross-fire of student opinions and solutions offered. Stimulating
Assistant Editors f Marge Williams, Martha McNulty in the city while Anne Sennett discussion groups and panels were held.? and !«the keynote speaker of
Business Editor 1 1 Roseann; Andio takes down the notes at the Court
Contributors: Donna Byers, JoAnn Ryan, Pauline Solida. Anne Ken- House . . and down in St. Mary's, the convention gave an inspiring address entitled "Know Thyself". A
nedy, Lorraine Reichel, Carol Kelly. 1 Norma Sehaberl is also doing of- report on the meeting will be given to .the student body at a later
fice workt ' date," k i
October 2, 1953 THE E ft C I A D Page Three

Puerto Rico, Four States Section Editors, Mercyhurst Girls

Send Freshmen to 'Hurst Advisor, Named Are Talking About...
Students from four states and
Puerto Rico began their college
Jean Milks and Barbara Beveridge,
Wilma Leak and Sylvia Podbiel-
To Praeterita MERCYHURST GIRLS ARE TALKING ABOUT . . . t h e senior-
sophomore open house . . . our talented freshmen, especially SHEILA
careers with the opening of class- ski, who are medical technology FLYNN . . . MICKEY O'DONNELL'S balcony scene . . . new daytime
es | at Mercyhurst on Thursday, majors, and Joan Ropelewski, Each year robs us of something. coffee hours . . . 12 o'clock permissions . . ^PAT MALEY'S welcome -
September 24. Twenty-eight of the whose field is liberal arts. This year 1954 will rob Mercyhurst don't cry, Carol, we love you . . . no hats after 6 P M . . . . ROXANA
class of sixty-one are residents; Mercyhurst freshman ^who are of about forty girls. But these DOWNING, our newest faculty member . . . the freshmen's ideas of
the remaining -thirty-three are graduates of Strong Vincent High seniors are out to stop Old Father the seniors—and the seniors idea of that certain freshman . . . the
include art major Ruth Goodrich, Time by bequeathing to us their unregistered but campused sophomores . . . the return of Eefie, in reality
day students.! memories in the 1954 edition of
Sociology is the course of study MARY STEPHANY . . . the juniors trip to Ashtabula . . . who gave our
Pour students represent {three PRAETERITA. | .-$
chosen by Edith Greggs, and Mary lounge cat the "Blues" . . . the seniors' Florida plans . . . .
Pittsburgh academies. Mary Ann
Bittner, co-editor of her yearbook. Nowalk and Rebecca Hovis will Sister Mary Regina, past super- MERCYHURST GIRLS ARE TALKING ABOUT . . . Virginia
and Joan Kammermeier, president study liberal arts and education visor of the "Business Leaf," will Kelly, who can't decide which one of her darling nicknames to
of her class and of Student Coun- respectively. act as advisor to a capable and use in the year book . . . how "lightly" Bet Broderick travels . .{•
cil, are graduates of the Divine well-chosen staff. chocolate wedding cake . . . Barb Botsaris' interior decorating
Girard, Pennsylvania, has sent prowess *w • room 34|. . . Italian-boy haircuts on Ann Downing,
Providence Academy. Mary Eliza- Patricia Kuharski, medical tech-
beth Stephany, of St. Benedict's, The staff is working under the Mary Lou Scalise and Pauline Solida . . . summer and faU con-
nology, and Joyce Baker, elemen- able hands of editor Pauline So- ventions . . . NFCCS coming up . . .
plans to major in sociology. Home tary education. Sylvia Christie of
economics is the chosen field of lida, newspaper woman and author MERCYHURST GIRLS ARE TALKING ABOUT . . . the welcome
Lawrence Park will study art, and in her own right. Office appoint- arranged I for RAINEE REICHEL and MARGE CUMMISKEY . . .
St. Basil's Mary Ann I Schmidt. medical technology is £ the choice ments also include J Dorothy Zu- GERRY KINGSTON'S (recent engagement .§. . Mrs. Bryan's TV set
Also from ^Pennsylvania are of Dolores McGaughey of St. zula, advertising manager; Mary . . . AUDREY HANNAH'S|newt;"shortcut" J . . golf in room? . . .
Priscilla Prenatt, Titusville, and Gregory's High in North East. Lou Scalise, art editor; and Jean BARBARA KLEIN'S taking up smoking . ?. MARKEY FOLEY, MARY
Julia Kelly, Bradford, who plan Constance Renner, president of Broscoe, photographic editor. KTENZLE and their twin outfits designed for Erie weather**. . . social
to study home economics. Art ma- her senior class a t Harborcreek, prestige and unrivaled opportunities . . . long hair on DONNA BYERS,
jors Lois Young and Barbara Stone is enrolled in^the liberal arts de- Pauline has announced that
Donna Byers and Donna Albrycht TERRY GORNEY and^JEAN BROSCOE . . . the sparkler on itihe third
come from New Kensington and partment. finger, left hand of CAROLINE O'CONNOR . . . senior proctors in
Greenville respectively. Audrey will have charge of the senior
Representing Academy High section; Mickey O'Donnell, Edle the dining room . . . Mercyhurst's answer to Julius LaRosa—"VTCKI
Huggler and Martha Strahsmeier, are social studies major Jean Roc- ARGANA .f. . "Dragnet" itakeoffs . > .* >. ||| j
editors of their high school papers, Lauler and Josephine Ciancaglini.
co, Janet Sawicki who will study the underclassmen section; Pau- If MERCYHURST GIRLS ARE TALKING ABOUT . . 1 redheads
represent Marienville and Jackson commercial education, and Esther in the freshman class . . . Mary Ann McGinnis' tribute to the
Center. Nancy Valenti, a graduate line Turner and Kathleen iMain-
Kissell, an art major. zer, the administrativej section; senior class . . . Pauline Turner's Washington visitor . . Indian .
of Meadville High, has chosen Five Villa Maria Academy grad- summer weather . . . The "fierce one", Bobbie Imboden . . .
medical technology, and Ina Lou- and Jean Drouhard and Patricia
uates among the freshman class Ulrich, «the school activities sec- eighteen weeks of practice teaching for the elementary ed seniors
ise Smith, Johnsonburg, Elemen- members are Mary Louise Theo- . . . Edie Lauler—is she spelling her name with a "w" these days
tary Education. Marjorie Karaffa tion.
bald and Marguerite McLaughlin, . . . NOREEN PREEDIT, now a senior . . . sophomores, in a turn-
comes to Mercyhurst from Brock- who are business majors, Noel about initiation, "wasting like a basket", . . . "Ringleader Rosario".
The| staff, already working in
way, Pa., and plans to major in Jaeger, a history major, and Carol MERCYHURST GIRLS ARE TALKING J A B O U T . . . JEAN
commercial education. their new Incuse, the deck house,
Eigabroadt and J Joan Csernyicky, is preparing to equal the accom- DROUHARD'S engagement . . . Ann Kennedy's concern for Sister
Rochester, New York, and near- who will study home economics. plishments of previous years. Gabriel's office rugs . . . Benediction on Mercy Day and MARY ANN
by Geneva, have four represen- SCIRTO'S, "It couldn'.t be over!" . . . Sister Regime's classic-reception
tatives in the freshman class. to tardy dates . . .lYaple's latest attraction . A the first issue Of the
They include Elizabeth Schwind, Gannon KNIGHT.. . '. jfii *«
of St. Agnes' High, and Rose Spil-
lane. a medical technology major
from Geneva. From Our Lady-*of
Mercy High! corns Marcia Mea-
gher and Sheila Flynn, a singer
well known on Rochester radio
and TV.T J*f f
Pour Niagara Palls, New York,
high schools have each sent one
graduate to Mercyhurst this year.
Mary Frances Bacon, of the Sem-
inary of Our Lady of the Sacred
Heart, and Joan Coyle, of Niagara
Palls High, were aotve in their
high school athletic ^programs.
Joanne Binaldo, a graduate of
Loretto Academy, will study liberal
arts, and Donna Nash winter, of
St. Mary's High, has chosen El-
ementary Education. I . . . "Lois Young of New Kensington, Pa." Dr. Relihan introduces
Also from New York state are the freshmen individually to Mother Borgia who jin turn will present
Patricia Klein, of Warsaw, whose them to Mother de Sales. Lois has already met Mrs. Dolce, and next
interest Is dramatics, and Lock- to be introduced are Patricia Klein, Marguerite McLaughlin, and
port's Mary Ann McGinn is, editor Josephine Unger. 1 g| i &j | 1 |
of her high school* paper. Rose-
mary Zinni, of Batavia, will study
commercial education.
Professor Wins j
Representing Ohio, and more
specifically Lakewood and Youngs- Carnegie Tech
town, are freshmen Rita Walter,
a science major from St. Augus-
tine's, and Mary Ann McHugh, an
Chem Grant
Mercyhurst girls bade a tempor-
Ursuline High business major. ary farewell fthis fall fto Sister
Margaret Mary Mack, a busi- Mary Charles, assistant professor
ness major, comes to Mercyhurst of chemistry and physics. Sister
from Our Lady of Mercy in De- is on a leave of absence to attend
troit, ^Michigan, and from Puerto the Carnegie Institute of Techno-
Rico comes Carmen Carmona who logy in Pittsburgh. On the basis
plans to study sociology. of her past performance in grad-
Freshman day students f include uate work, Sister was awarded a
Mercyhurst Seminary graduates. scholarship by the Institute and is
They are medical technology ma- studying for her doctorate.
jors Mary Lou Hintenach and Sister Charles is living at Mount
Mary Ann Skeily; also, Josephine
Unger and Nola Weigand who will
Mercy College while attending the
Institute. Majoring in physical
study art, Evelyn Tyburski, whose chemistry, she hopes to work with
choice is business, Barbara Story,
a home economics major, and
the well-known chemist Dr. Fred-
erick Rossini, head of the depart- Sunbeam
liberal arts and voice.
East High School of Erie is re-
Sister Charles received her
Bachelor of Science degree from
" C o k e " is Q registered t r a d e m a r k .
presented by five freshman day Mercyhurst and her Master's from
students. They are art students the University of Notre Dame.
X. 1*
October J,19&

Students Summer In Quebec Clubs Suggested +^eniori d ^Jieacntn 9 un

Live, Study French At Laval To Supplement This is real!
With aching heads and weary feet, the Mercyhurst College practice
four Mercy hurst girls spent six weeks studying at Laval University I . | 5 ) C C lPllPfllllP teachers are realizing this fact more and more each day.
V > I U O J
ih Quebec this summer. Annfkennedy has written! a report of their kJVlIV/UUIV/ But through|it all, everyone has remaned perfectly sane. Just
study for the MERCIAD.| | I | | Now that you have managed to
take a look in the senior dormitory to verify this.
Laval proved to be a wonderful school, >both academically and-I fill in your class schedule, why
socially. Classes were conducted completely in French and each, student not\ give a little thought to filling There sits Barbara Klein in room 50 weaving a cardboard loom.
signed a pledge to speak only French during his stay in Quebec. The in some of your leisure hours with "I have to learn it first to teach it to my eighth graders," was her
latter provided many an amusing moment for the American students. a variety of activities. These are statement as she prepared for another rugged day of art*classes at*
In fact,;? the first morning? we were -there we ^greeted a woman with a | to be found in Mercyhurst's many Strong Vincent.
"Bonjour" and received .the answer, "I'm English." There was nothing and varied clubs. Betty Seymour can be found lounging in any room except her
to do but try again, and at the end of our sojourn we found ourselves; ij own. Guess that diaily seven-block sprint is too much for her.
Each of you is required to be-
able to keep up an ordinary conservation. Jean Drouhard is obsessed by one word—window. This strange
long «to the club of your major
Laval offers every type of subject, but you will naturally phobia springs from the day she*tried to conduct a Spanish class at
French class, from the very ele- dents by the University. We were want to supplement these with at Academy High School while carpenters were repairing windows in
ments of the French language to taken care] of in a French least one other club. If you have thep*oom.
the j advanced study of French family. Madame Gourdeau spoke a love for fine literature, music Does anyone have a pair of eight-inch heels? Clare Schaming
literary wiorks. Phonetics and only French, so we always began and the arts, you might choose needs a pair to be taller than her?.sixth graders at Lincoln School.
diction classes provetto be rather our day with what might be con- the English Club or the Art Club. But if Clare needs \heels, Deloras&Fratus, with her six-foot art en-
a stumbling block for most A- sidered an eight o'clock French You can arrange for an evening thusiasts at Vincent, needs^stilts.
mericans since-the French sounds class at the breakfast table. It of movies of France and French Another Lincoln!te is Mickey O'Donnell who, after rooming with
and rhythm are so alien to our was all a marvelous experience conversation if you join the Jody for two years, is quite at home sitting on the floor entertaining
own speech. However, after six and most profitable . . six weeks French Club. You can debate so- her kindergarten youngsters. Speaking of Jody, MissfRyan seldom
weeks of practice, one finds of study and fun! cial problems at the Sociology blushes in class anymore since it embarrasses her students so much.
much -improvement. jr., ask the opinion of guest "To retain her insanity" she sings ballads with her tenth grade
speakers on suchitopics as plastic English students.
I Perhaps the most advantageous
course offered is •'the one in con-
New Students surgery or polio at the Science Terry Gorny has her problems too. She was finding herSall-boy
Seminar, or discuss current events
versation. These classes a ret held math classes difficult to manage until she discovered Donna's glasses.
daily for an hour sbefore and an
hour after lunch. The groups
Add Five To at the International Relations
Club. If you are a business stu-
The only tragic note in thfcs situation was that with glasses Terry
couldn't sea .the boys. Those glasses just had to go!
dent you will want to joins the
are small-six to eight persons- Peggy Grace and Dorothy Zuzula are both dreading the day that
and discussion arises about 'any-
thing from catching a train to
Three Classes O. G. A. Sorority, or your inter-
ests in the home and the J child Roseann Andio must teach that "certain letter" in Shorthand class
may lead you to join the Home with*, which Fran Millerfhad so much trouble last year at Academy.
analyzing the possibility a n d Five transfer students, includ-
Economics Club or the Elemen- Mary Lou Scalise, while beating down the noise in a study hall
probability of "love at first sight." ing •two residents, enrolled re- tary Education Seminar. at Strong Vincent, was interrupted by a young man dn search of a
tt cently in three of the college de-
Excursions*, parties, and movies partments. Among these was Mrs. The spiritual life of the stu- book. Giving him "that" glance, our irrepressible Mary Lou came
(in French, naturally) took up Rosella Harpst who began her dents at Mercy hurst is renewed out with: "What are you looking for—a plush seat in the balcony?"
our free time. We visited| St. work in home economics several and maintained through the So- Virgina KeUy, an A-l gum ohewer from way back, pounced on
Anne de Beaupre several times, years ago and who has returned dality of Our Lady and the Young her Harborcreek home economilos pupils with the indignant statement:
assisting at a Pontifical Mass on this year as a junior to complete Catholic Students organization "If there's anything I can't tolerate in class, it's gum-chewing!"
the feast and taking part in the the requirements for her B. S. which seek to develop both per- Donna Byers and her "ensusiasm" for English were taken back
evening candlelight procession. degree. sonal sanctification and interest in the other day when an intent pupil asked her quite seriously why she
There I were lake resorts, too, . . group Catholic Action. had changed her class ring from the left to right hand. Mention
Darcie Deckard, also jj a junior
. . . to be enjoyed. As for the More on the social side of Mer- "naval inspector" to Donna and watch her go into gales of laughter.
home economics major, trans-
movies, we discovered one place cy hurst life are the sports and
ferred this year from Perm State. Ann Kennedy, teaching in Mercyhurst Seminary, seems to be _
where, the manager deciHPH that. social sponsored by the •h
She 'IS" an^i#3£President "and a havIhgftfbuDieTn explaining singulars and plurals of certain French
we couldn't possibly understand Athletic Association, and the Dra-
graduate of Academy High School. words.
enough French to know what
An Ohio State University'trans- matics Association. The Glee Club Phyllis Klenner, who would have been a qualified track star had
was going on, so he always let^us offers an opportunity for quali-
fer student, Carol Loff i, is enrolled she remained in the kindergarten a t Jefferson School, is now per-
in tree. Perhaps it wasn't good fied students to raise their voices
1 as a junior in the elementary ed- jfectly happy teaching second grade there.
for our ego, but for our dwind - in song and to participate in | the
ucation department and is also Noreen Preedit, besides conducting art classes for Technical High
Ung resourses, it was fine. annual joint Canisius concerts fin
an Erie day student. at the Docks in the J afternoon, is able to do some painting herself.
the spring.
Quebec itself is a marvelous Sister Regis Marie of the Sis- But don't the\last ten minutes of a period move slowly? "Oh, just
setting f o r anyone studying ters of Divine Providence in Pitts- give them straight lines to draw", is her formula.
French and the people are all burgh has joined -the senior class
very friendly and helpful. Even as an art major. Sister was for-
YAPLE'S DAIRY In the evenings Noreen J and Ann Downing compare notes on
AND ICE CREAM BAR perspective. Ann, who is teaching at Strong Vincent, is getting beau-
the Provincial Governor enter- merly a student at the Carnegie tiful work in Interior Decoration from her students. But, every once
tained all the Lavaiy> students Institute of Technology. in a while,, her ninth graders wander from the subject just to watch
from outside the Province at a Dolores La Barbera of Brock- We Make Our Own their lovely teacher.
reception in the Chateau ^Fron- port, New York, is* a sophomore Ice Cream
tenac. Polly Solid a, teaching eleventh grade English at Academy, will
elementary education student. She long remember her "detective work" in the Lombardo case, "careless"
is a resident and previously stud- 4026 Pine Avenue spelling, and her seventh grade math class—just for the day.
Accommodations for living fin ied at Jamestown State Teachers
Quebec are found for the stu- College. PHONE 01349 Other practice teachers not seen often around Mercyhurst these
days include Jean Broscoe, the quiet one, who isfteaching at home
in Parrell, -Pa., Gerry Kingston who is a t Bast High, Donna Albrycht,
&<M<Mt to t6e Sea tot, &MtAentdtte& . Pat Ulrich and Rosemary McCabe who are happily rotating the grades
at Burton School, and "Aunt" Gerry DeFaiio who is spending her
"internship" in Wesleyville High.
Barbara Haner, now Sister Barbara, is teaching in the elementary |
grades aC Titusville. One day, while teaching her class the story of ;,;
Adam and Eve, she asked them if they knew what the snake was in j
disguise. One of her small pupils raised his hand and corrected:
"Oh, no, Sister, not in the skies—in the tree."
Yes, kids, it's real—real nice to go to bed at nght!


18th and Holland St. 14th and State St.

ART'S Erie Laundry Co.

Luncheonette and Magazines
• * — • - T " ^ - ^ W ' flBT

. . . for the Big-Little Sister Picnic go day students Maureen Hammond, driving, Ree Theuerkauf, Darcie
I M *

3709 Pine j Avenue 530 East 19th St

Deckard, Mary Ann SkeUey, Joan Csernicky, Janice^Nowajk and Catherine McCarthy. The outing, held | Erie, Pa.
each year fat the Peninsula fives the Juniors an opportunity, to get acquaintedT with their Little Sisters.
1 1 ?w —

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