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Pageant, 'Marys Mass


By NFCCS Fetes School Chancellor

Charity Ball Commemorating the Marian Year, Mercyhurst presented
a pageant entitled, "Mary's Mass," on Archbishop's Day, No-
vember tenth. £
"And our queen . .. Cather- The portraiture^ began with t h e presence of t h e Blessed
ine McCarthy!" These words Mother in the Garden of Eden. I t continued through the An-
of Rita Ann Walter, junior nunciation t h e Gloria of the Nativity, the Offertory of the
delegate, brought the 1954 Child Jesus in the temple, and finally, the Consecration of
NFCCS campaign to a drama- Christ on Calvary. The closing scene of the pageant was the
tic climax on November 6 at portrayal of t h e Glorified Madonna assumed into heaven.
Gannon Commons, with pro- The sacrificial theme was car-
ceeds over the two thousand ried out throughout the pageant them that the virtues of Mary
dollar mark. by means of a setting which \had are essential to the dignity of wo-
For live weeks previous,; the the appearance of an altar. The man, and in order to maintain
four classes had combined ener- narration of different scenes by their dignity, women of today
getically to reap the most fruit- Miss Helen Kelly included ex- must strive to become more Mary-
ful harvest of charity funds in cerpts from the liturgy of the like. * J
Mercy hurst history, $1689.25 raised Mass, whilelthe college choir pro- Since this was the first "Arch-
through class competition alone. vided a background of Gregorian bishop's" Day, it was appropriate
This amount rose above last year's Chant. that it was also the first formal
grand total of $1654, which feU program to be presented in his
but $46 short of Manhattanville's, ; Following the pageant, Erie's honor in Mercyhurst's Little Thea-
the highest in the country. Josephine Ciancaglini as Mary of Cleophas, Patricia Murphy as Archbishop Gannon, in whose ter. Preceding it, a formal recep-
The senior class met the Satur- Mary Magdalen take part in the Crucifixion scene with Mary and St. honor the program was presented, tion was held in the foyer of the
day deadline with $857, their most John—Rose Spillane and Mary Bacon. , spoke to the students, reminding new building at which the stu-
successful project being "Tag dents were individually introduced
to the Archbishop.

Day." The juniors followed? with
$605, their boon 'being the Play-
house production, "Mrs. Mc-
Thing." Wtih the aid of a benefit Dean Attends
concert by Sheila Flynn, the
Middle States

sophomores raised $200, and the

freshmen were able to turn in
Vol. XXVI, No. 3
$27.25 by virtue of their picnic.
Final report of the chairman
Fall Meeting
Mother Borgia, Dean, will re-
showed that the proceeds from
ticket sales, corsages, and con-
HAPPY I Canisius \Gets Socialists To Visit present Mercyhurst College at the
meeting of the Middle States As-
cessions netted $310.27 to bring THANKSGIVING!
the grand!total to $2005.57. % Regional Chair Mariail Churches sociation in Atlantic City on No-
vember 26 and 27. Purpose of the
meeting is to discuss new trends
I Granting of the IRC Re-
Oblate Father To Speak gional Chair to Canisius, pre-
senting of t h e Bishop Duffy
To mark the end of the Marian
Year on December 8, the Sodality
and standards of accrediting col-
The sessions will include a gen-
award, and dancing on Satur- will sponsor a pilgrimage.
At Feast Day Program day night highlighted! t h e
NFCCS Congress? a t Gannon
•By visiting five churches of Our
Lady on one of her feast days and
eral business meeting at which
reports on the activities in var-
ious sections will be given. Speak-
"Womanhood in t h e Gospel" is the subject of t h e address College, November 1 3 - 1 4 . K j | reciting one decade of the Rosary ers for these talks will be repre-
to be given by Rev. John Naulty, guest speaker a t a Commun- I Of particular interest to I Mer- sentatives | of | colleges, who are
ion Breakfast which will be held on the feast of the Immacu- cyhurst! was the bid of Canisius and the I prayer I for the I Marian
outstanding in college administra-
late Conception. Sponsored by the Sodality, the breakfast will students for the IRC Commission. Year at each, a plenary indulgence tion andj procedures. It will also
follow Mass in Christ t h e King Chapel. Backed by I a I well-outlined pro- may be gained. ^ ^ H B H - J ^ ^ ^ H
Father Naulty, now superior of ", I KsdH gram Jshowing the scope of their include a special meeting at which
activities! in I international {rela- I Socialists will travel by bus to delegates-will consider a program
the Oblate Fathers, was formerly
affiliated with North East Catho- rom Features tions, Canisius received I the ma-
jority vote of the Regional Coun-
the churches of the Holy Rosary
and [the Immaculate Conception,
of organization for the next? ten
years. On Friday, a panel of ex-
lic High School in Philadelphia, perts! will discuss "Recent Im-
Pa., where his main interests were
dramai. and . music. He is now an TopN ame Ba n cil to glveithem this Chair. Mer-
cyhurst 1 will J continue | active fin
St. Mary's Church and the Cathe-
dral. The pilgrimage will be con-
provements in CoUege Teaching."
1 Middle States Association is the
instructor of Junior English and To the music of Les Elgart and IRC affairs as a sub-commission.
cluded by Benediction in the Cha- regional acrediting association for
religion at Cathedral Prep High his orchestra, Gannon College's I AmongV other K business {put colleges in] this section of the
School here in Erie. through was the [rejection [of a pel of Christ the King. OBj 1
annual Junior Prom will be danced country. The colleges in the or-
Also featured on the program away this evening from nine until new Preamble which aimed at de- | Making I arrangements for jj the
ganization are evaluated every
wiU be an oral presentation of one o'clock in Gannon Auditorium. p a rtmentalizing the I commissions pilgrimage are Marge 1 Cummi- ten years by members of the Mid-
works in prose and poetry, which Rising to nationwide fame among to ifall {into I two a groups .either skey, prefect,! wi t h j Bev e r l y dle States Association. Mercy-
concern the Blessed Virgin Mary. the top-ranking • orchestras of the "student" or "Catholic." {A new Buerkle, JMary! Bacon and the hurstf will be re-evaluated in
This December 8 program, hon- country, Mr. Elgart's is fast be- Commission Plan was put into March. 1955.
oring Mary and Her Immaculate coming known as that of the effect by which the regional pro- Marian section of the Sodality. 1
Conception, will mark the formal "Prom King." Sp v:f gram, rather than a national pro-
termination of Marian Year cele- gram, will incorporate the needs
brations at Mercyhurst. Sponsored by t h e Junior Class of the tindividual campuses. W
of G a n n o n , t h e t h e m e of t h e semi- g At the first Plenary Session,
formal I dance is "Sophisticated Bishop McManaman presented the
Alumnae Mode Swing," and is being looked for- Bishop Duffy award to Dr. Bertha
ward to as one of the most event- Winter Mahoney for her outstand-
At Styl e Show ful evenings in the history of the ing work among Catholic youth.
college. Mercyhurst girls of every Dr. Mahoney received an honor-
class will! be donning gowns for ary degree from Mercyhurst ? in
Mercyhurst 5 Alumnae members 1951. i I 1
wiU hold their dessert-bridge on tonight's gala affair, i
November 27, from two until five
o'clock. The proceeds of the func-
tion, which is to be held in Mer-
cy hurst's dining room, will go to Layouts Go Wo Press
the college's scholarship fund.
Mrs. John Cast is chairman of Like her sister classes before her, hours off;work that the art staff
the affair, assisted by Mrs. Jack the staff oi '55 has discovered why devoted to completing, layout
Goodwill as co-chairman. Other the Praeterita is called a Year- measurements.
Alumnae members head commit- book! A year is just about the
time needed to combine their won- Meanwhile, the members of the
tees for food, decorations, enter-
derful ideas I with the remarkable business staff have been busy col-
ment, door prizes, reservations and snaps and snappy remarks from lecting the backing for these ideas
table arrangements. —funds from advertisers and pa-
the photography
In order to raise money, tickets ments. and copy depart-
trons of the book. The editorial
are being sold on a doll, complete staff is seen attending the various
with wardrobe, which will be given The first of December is an Mercyhurst functions, pencils in
away at the party. important date on the deck house hand, to catch the events while
As an added feature, Alumnae calendar, for the ideas formulated still current.
members and their children will there last summer will come to
model in a style show featuring life. On this day the engraver will By the way, from now until
juvenile fashions from Mccor- receive the first section of the May, don't wear any "face" you
mick's and ladies' ensembles from '55 Praeterita. Of course, this was wouldn't like the candid camera Jane Ann Conrath, Rainee Reichel. Audrey Hannah, and Gerry
Town and Country. made possible only because of the to catch for Praeterita! O'Doherty prepare the first section of the PRAETERITA for printing.
Pago Two THE ERCIAD November 23, 1954

/ OlM>ven Mass • In Pagan Era RJL .At &

"Shake hands and come out fighting." "No. this
"The Lord comes from afar" 'The Lord
will come." "The Lord is nigh!" We children of the Twentieth or attend because we must; we column isn't going to give you tips on how to suc-
ceed in the manly art of self-defense. Granted, I
Throughout the Introits and Vespers of Century are faced with the pro- must give something ourselves, may be getting punchy, tout national news is just
theffour Sundays in Advent there is an air gressive deterioration of society; with Christ and our neighbor. The filled with patties of one sort or another.
of patient anticipation for* the birth of the from within because the modern quality of the gift Is better when
Holy Child. So should? that air pervade the offered! by the community, for In one corner we have the Republican party,
pace leaves little room in our lives Christ might overlook the short-
very depths of Mercyhurst! Does it? its opponent—the Democratic. The former lost
for God, the Author of Life; from comings of one soul when viewed seven rounds (Gubernatorialshlps) in an;*exciting
Of all our many opportunities to prepare without because the strong united against the offering as a whole. and surprising upset. New York, Pennsylvania, Con-
for thefcoming of the Christ Child—there efforts of paganism are? making necticut, Minnesota, Arizona, Colorado, and Maine
is one that has great importance. Do we real- Attendance at Mass is the cen-
new conquests every year In their ter of the Sodalist's daily life. (in September) formerly in the Republican corner,
ly realize the significance of the Advent attempts to usurp the throne of switched to Democratic governors. They went down
Wreath that will soon be placed in our dining Through active participation in it
Christ. she begins to recognize that Mass for the count of 20 (seats) in the House and 2 in
room ? the Senate. Although! this was the most exciting
What is our responsibility, then? is connected Intimately with the
Everlasting life is represented by the band salvation of her own soul and J the off-year contest in our history, the decision was
What can?we do to re-Christian- a close draw. Actually neither party won decisively
of green itself. Four candles, symbols of ize the institutions in society? salvation of the world and that
light, signify Christ—the Light of the world from the Mass she receives from and neither party was repudiated.
What can we do to fight the
—and also the four eras during which the spreading disease of Communism? God the nourishment that vitalizes What does this fight prove? The skintight vote
world waited for His coming. The purple We can live Christianity! and energizes her to do this work. proved—that there lis a ! growing tendency among
trim on the white candles calls to mindjthe voters to disregard party labels—that the voter
penitent season and the patient waiting for When our Lord hung ? on the doesn't vote his pocketibook unless it's flat—
the coming of Christ. | f f cross, He united humanity with a majority of the people still favor the kind of
Him for two reasons: that we The Faculty and Students of middle-of-the-road program the President espouses.
We ^patiently and penitently wait for the might be very close to Him per- Mercyhurst offer their prayers and
coming of the Light of the world who gives sonally and so that i He | could I do sympathy to Mary Elizabeth and Tired of sitting at the ring-side? Feeling ex-
us everlasting life—that is signified by the His work through us, His work Margaret Broderick on the death ceptionally pugnacious? Mention "McCarthy" and
Advent Wreath. That islAdvent! I I through YOU. The first requisite, of their father, Dr. J. Reid Brod- you're in for a "fifteen rounder." The censure issue

then, is the .pursuit of personal is as an explosive as a "zombie" to a member of
sanctification, which is being ex- WCTU. \ ^
plained to the freshman proba-
ode air5 tioners by Father Martin. To An editorial in the Erie Daily Times is punch-
ing for the Wisconsin Senator. It reads "The victim
achieve this, we are required to
A few weeks ago, the lounge was closed
for a day fbecause of "carelessness." To be
perform certain daily duties, of
which the Mass is of primary im-
Frisking The Files in this case has no chance at all. Every Red, pink,
fellow traveler, and their? mouthpieces are aligned
portance because it is the core of Seeking shelter from the cold, against him. And they are aligned for only one
more accurate, it was, and has been for the reason. He has fought them with every means at
greater part of this school year, in complete the Mystical Body. I went into the deck house one
day to thaw i out. As I could j feel his command . . . He chased the vile scum from
disorder. * Pope Pius X oncer said, "The beneath the rocks in government.
my 'blood again in circulation I be-
The lounge was given to Mercyhurst girls primary and ^indispensable source gan to search the room, and found
of the true Christian spirit is the For his patriotism* he is now to be -condemned
for their enjoyment, and there is not a girl copies of the Merciad dating from For his Americanism he is now to be indicted
here who can deny t h a t it is a center of ac- active participation of the laity 1931. Wondering what had oc- For fighting the enemy he is now to be scorned
tivity at almost any hourfof the day. There In the Mass." Hence, the Mass is curred! at Mercyhurst during the . . . . God *Bless America!"
is not a girl here who would want to walk not merely something to watch month of November in by-gone
into her living room at home and find it lit- years, I began to glance through —Mary N. McCarthy

tered withicoke bottles, cups, papers, and those issues.
overflowing ash trays. Much less would she
want to see the furniture and floor marked
Thanksgiving Mercyhurst students were hon-
in places where some thoughtless,!inconsid- ored to have Rev. Daniel A. Lord, reeunas
erate person had stamped out a cigaret. Song S. J., editor of "Queen's Work"
and founder of the * School of The YCS is helping to bring the true meaning
Is it asking too much to expect Mercyhurst Catholic Action in St. Louis,; as of I Christmas to Mercyhurst students by selling
The | waters clash against the their guest in 1931.
girls to dust off a table or put a chair where shore, Christmas cards depicting the true Catholic spirit.
it belongs? No one can deny that it takes In 1939, Mrs. Mary O'Neil, who
The wind roars o'er the land; In their liturgical cards, the Benedictine monks
very' little muscular effort and very little had the Chapel of Christ the King at Conception Abbey, Missouri, have conveyed this
thought to pick up a cup or ash tray and put Leaves float to earth—autumn is erected in memory of her husband,
worth £ profound! meaning in clear-out, straightforward
it in its proper \ place. James E. O'Neil, received the first fashion. The monks have achieved a very difficult
Ten summers gone unplanned. honorary degree of Doctor of Let- thing: in carrying out the idea of the Incarnation,
The lounge is our recreation room, and ters given by Mercyhurst College. making it forcefully, modernly present, without
we should not! only consider it a duty, but Thank God!
Graduate^ of 3the University of sacrificing the timeless significance of the Bethle-
a pleasure to see i£ kept orderly. Let's all The harvest shows its ripened face. Vienna, Dr. Maria Haas joined hem event.
lend a hand to see that a better job is done, Fleece clouds float high above; the faculty ranks in 1948, and the In the 21-card boxes from the Queen's Work,
for our* own enjoyment as well as thatlof following year, "Liz" Kelly, a Piscentini has brought an angelic beauty to the
The fruit has grown—the seed is freshman, was called by God from
others. sown scene of the Nativity.
her Alma Mater.
In hearts that cry for love. \ The YCS has tried to choose cards for you as
1952 and 1953 saw the Merciad Christ would choose them, the kind of cards you
Thank God! and Praeterita .respectively, rated
OLU +J*tiear ZJk id ! This nature teaches man his faith,
All-American by the Associated
would like to
send and receive—simple, expressive,
Collegiate Press.
Griping—complaining—criticizing! The harvest to hearts gives lift; I replaced the copies in then* } }
Call it what you will—the school is satu-
rated with it. To what avail is all this criti-
The Church beUs peel—the people
proper files, and left the deck
house, wondering who would be
seeking the same information in
omer or 'Zbo-er
cizing? None at all, unless it's made in the tin praise of Heaven's gift. years to come, and what I tale Are you a "joiner?" Is your word just so
right way to the right people. Thank God! would (be related for November, much hot air? Or are you a "doer" and]can
One of the best ways to criticize is by writ- L. Reichel 1954.1 I I £ %. your word be relied upon? «
ing.faletter to the editors. The Merciad is In J the past few weeks fan active athletic
supposed to be the voice of the student body program has been attempted. When the pro-
—not that of the editorial staff. Let the gram was first established the turnout of
students hear your criticisms, but let them THE MERCIAD "joiners" was marvelous, but when the ac-
tual time came to participate it resembled
hear them through the mediumfof the paper Mercyhurst College, Erie, Pa. a checker game rather than a team sport.
rather than in poisonous "catty" conversa- Member of
tion. Associate Collegiate Press I Where does the fault lie? Is it with the
program or with the individuals? The pro-
The editors would welcome your criticisms, Editor - ~ Martha McNulty gram can only be as good as the people who
but don't stop there. Give your interpretation Associate Editor 6 Marge Williams are participating in it. | > %
of the problem and your suggested remedy Assistant Editors Carol Kelly, Judy Roseberry
Business Editor 1 Mary Kienzle I If the individual were only cheating her-
for it. If the paper is going to print your ar- self it wouldn't be so serious. But, if a stu-
ticle you must have the personal integrity Editorial Staff i ^ i i | Lorraine Reichel. Bet Broderick, dent signs up for a team and when the time
Victoria I Argana, Mary Gene Pyne, Jean Heavey, Roberta comes for a team to play, there is only half
to sign your name. Imboden, Ann McGinnis, Joan Csernyicky
Business Staff fjean Lee, Helen Kennedy, a team to play— then*it stops being a per-
Why let iyour criticisms hang around in sonal, situation. §
Lorraine Enright, Pat Murphy, Joan Clancy, Pat Eisert,
mid-air, often hurting someone because of Dorothy Rudge. Let's show some of that class spirit! Let's
twisted gossip? The|school needs your idea* — — ^ — — — — w w — ^ — • ! • • • • , m
not have Mercyhurst be a school of "joiners"
—lefe it hear them! find talkers, but "doers!"
November^, 1954 THE MEROIAD Page Thret
VfittcH? tie Wif6. 7UU& . 11 First Workshop Mercyhurst Girls
Great Success Are Talking About
Due to an overwhelming re-
sponse at the freshmen tryouts 1 MERCYHURST GIRLS ARE TALKING ABOUT . . . the NFCCS
for Dramatic Society, a new sys- Congress at Gannon or the Canisius Invasion . . . Old Spice in Room
tem has been established. 34 . . . 60 yards of imported black velvet . . . MARGE CUMMISKEY'S
Four girls who proved to have supply of navy blue sweaters . . . the sponges that aren't there . . .
genuine talent are eligible to try acting class, or do you hear a kitten purring? . . . mid-term tests . . .
out for all major productions. All 3rd floor's little brown cocker . . . Dennis the Menace in the elevator
the other pledges may participate . . . Father Goodills first "posed" portrait at Mercyhurst . . .
in the workshop plays created to MERCYHURST GIRLS ARE TALKING ABOUT . . . Mer-
g i v e students experience and
points towards entrance into the cyhurst's new Alma Mater, the "Halls of Ivy" . . . freshmen
society. By writing a composition getting used to campuses . . . GEORGIA LACKEY as "Sneaky
on the workings of a back) stage, Simeon" . . . a crown for CATHY . . . JEAN HEAVEY'S short
another group was admitted as story . . . "Who threw the sock in the motor, or wait 'til yon
pledges to work on the production find the shoe!"
end of the play.
At the first workshop three candlelight dinner with the Archbishop? and the proposed free day
plays were staged. Antigone," a . . . Rosaries tearfully accepted . . . "Mary's Mass" . . . Hyde Park Inn
i t

modern Greek tragedy, was pre- and its rustic atmosphere . . . Line-up—or else! . . . new residence
sented by Sheilai Morris as Anti- of the sophomores—the Public Library . . . freshman theme song:
sone with Millie^ Saverice, Anne
Bowman and Maureen Clancy. "Don't Let the Kitty Get In" . . . the juniors polishing cars after wash-
Scenes from two comedies "The ing off polish . . . the cocoa at Science Seminar, or big ? bacteria on
Incurable Optimist" and "Dear little media grow . . .
are Mary Ann Robie, Carol \ Donovan, Shirlee Marinelli, and Ina Octopus" were ably performed by MERCYHURST GIRLS ARE TALKING ;ABOUT . . . the
Smith as they! prepare to return to their classes \ after lunch. Lois Whalen, Connie Sedelmeyer, Democrat victory . . . Investiture Ceremony going off with a
Carol Conrath and Cathy Cruise
in the former and Jo Ann Schmalz- bang . . . SHEILA andjj MARTY and CLANCY'S trip to St.
ried, Pat Corrigan, Kay King, and Bonnie's . . . Doctor Sam . . . KAY CANADA, Mercyhursfs
Song Hits Hit Songsters Maureen Jones in the latter. contribution to THE ALCHEMIST . . . "Not As a Stranger"
pro and con . . . censure of McCarthy . . .
Inspired by the recent performance offthe "SUvertones," the Mer- MERCYHURST GIRLS ARE TALKING^ ABOUT . . .DOT'S ver-
cyhurst Student "Princesses" have added the "Drinking Song" to their
repertoire. At almost anyfhour of the day singing may be heard in
New TV Offers bose letter * . . cry the beloved decoration committee, "Where's the
stapler?" . , . the "left pillar" of St. Luke's . . . Improving our table
the dorms, through the halls, in the lounge or, as shown above, re-
turning from the dining room. Much To Enjoy manners: who's who in the dining room, or are you one of the twenty-
three? . . . Gannon's Junior Prom and Les Elgart . . . freshmen win-
*l^ary Ann Robie . . . a senior home economics major .|. . wears a No longer is the comment "Let's
watch television!" wishful think- ning the first volleyball game; congratulations—keep it up . . . Tommy
diamond on that all important finger . . . one of Erie's own andfin-
cidentallyf lives on a farm . . . ing. This has become a reality . . . BARB CAVANAUGH'S trip to Georgetown . . . Catechism teachers
a vision of petiteness . . . spirit with J the | installation of I a TV from rooms 23 and 26 . . . LUZ TORRES and RACHEL SHINE enjoy-
set in the third-floor social! room ing the first snow . . . turkey dinners coming up.
of velocity as* a sharpshooter on
the basketball court . . . culinary
Tours Afield - last week. V
artist in a high degree . . . suf- Everyone's been catching up on
fers! from an eternal craving for
cheeseburgers a la king . . . in
Liven Classes current events with the daily 6:45
news telecast. Bishop Pulton J. LET USj SERVE COCA-COLA
her weaker moments, teaches par- Stimulating were the field trips Sheen has again resumed his
akeets to talk . . . vice- president taken recently by the Business award-winning "Life Is Worth
of AA. I 1 | Education and Sociology students.
At this time text-book principles
Living" series ion Tuesday at 7
p. m. Between 9:30 and 10:30 p.
Carol Donovan . . . plans a fu- were actually evidenced.
m. such| favorites as the Robert
ture as | an elementary education
teacher . . . heard singing and Conducted tours were provided Montgomery show, Truth or Con-
sequence, and the Television and
humming most of the day . . J a for the 'business majors through
great jitterbuger . . . sweetheart Erie's General Telephone Com-
of the switchboard . . . conscien- pany and the Western Union. This
Ford Theaters are available.t
Weekends hold many attrac-
tious to the 'nth degree . .$• pride correlated with their course in
Junior Business Training. tions with the varied programs
of the Irish . . . agvery popular offered. Cries of "Hold that line!"
junior . A. native of the smoky In conjunction with Special were heard Saturday afternoon as
city, Pittsburgh . .§. one-third of Problems in Child Welfare, the the 'Hurst sport enthusiasts root-
room 51 . . . Soci students traveled to St. Rita's ed for their respective teams in
the Ohio State vs. Michigan State
Ina Smith . . . sophomore ele- Home for Mental Defectives in game.
mentary education major . . . tal- Buffalo, New York. Of equal
ented musician . . . soloist in Glee benefit was the trip to Erie's Ju- From all indications, the social
Club . . . hails from Johnsonburg, venile Court at which Itime the room is providing ample l oppor-
Pa. . . . avid sports fan . . . fav- local juvenile delinquency prob- tunity for television fans to view
orite saying, "I'm going on a diet" lems were discussed. their favorite programs,!
.. . . loves to "scare" people but
keeps them laughing instead . . .
easy going . . . Sodality enthusiast.
Shirlee Marinelli... Frosh Eng-
Council Studies Point \System No gathering is too small or too large to take
lish major . . . models for Lee's advantage of our complete refreshment serv-
on TV . . . reporter for the Press
Club . . . one of \ Erie's own . . .
Plans!Semesters Calendar ice. We have a large variety of equipment
graduate of Strong Vincent . . . With Edie Lauler presiding, the campus offices that her academic ready to serve you. Coolers are delivered iced
enjoys dancing and athletics . . . Student Council has its plan of work suffers; second, to safeguard
sharp dresser . . . dark eyes . . . work and activities for the 1954* campus organizations against de- and stocked—you have nothing to handle.
looks forward to a career in jour- '55 school year well under way. terioration due to the inefficient You pay only for Coke and ice actually used
nalism.! officers who take part in too many
One of thej first projects!spon- extra-curricular activities; and —and you get Coca-Cola at the wholesale
sored by the Council was launched third, to give leadership oppor-
at the meeting on Wednesday, tunities to more students. The price of 96£ per 24-bottle case.
November 17. At that time, tickets system is based on ten points;
on ten dollars were distributed. As no student can hold offices the
an extra g incentive, a five-dollar total of which will exceed this
Journeying to Notre Dame on prize will go to the student who number. A varying number of • When you're planning a party—
December 4 will be Bunny Walters sells the most tickets. Proceeds points is assigned to all offices. any time, anywhere—call
and Jo Ciancaglini to attend the will be fplaced in the fundi for a
annual Advent Symposium. Spon- TV set and a stove for the student With an expectant look to the 2-4104 or 2-4106
sored by the National Catholic kitchen. coming semester activities, Edith
Action Study Commission,| the A proposed extra-curricular Lauler requests that any- clubs and let our refreshment service
desiring a date on the social cal-
symposium will include a discus- point system has been brought be- endar^ submit their requests as go to work for you.
sion on the Student's Responsibil- fore the Council, its purpose be- soon as possible in order that their
ity in the Institutional Apostolate. ing threefold: first to prevent a dates can be cleared with other ERIE COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY
student from assuming so many student councils in the vicinity.
Page Four T H E M E R C I A D Kfovember 23, 1954

Syea a fiafrfrtK?. I \ Parties Head

Respectfully! Submitted
Big Weekend The meeting will now come to Business," covering various ca-
Yes'm, I'm a conductor for the order! Once again* these words reers such as restaurant mana-
Mercyhurst line. Yo'all wanta in- echo in the halls of Mercyhurst ger, dietitian, teacher, and ex-
terview me? You wanta Jknow as the clubs gather for their sec- tension worker.
where the Mercyhurst girls are ond meeting of the year. And * • *

going over Thanksgiving * vaca- where do these echoes begin? At O. G. A., the meeting on
tion? Well, come along and see. On November 8, the members of November 30 will feature Miss
Attention: I Barbara Jakobowski the Sociology Seminar met to wel- Mary A. Hopkins, fromfthe Per-
and Millie Saverice! Ashtabula is come their guest speaker, Miss sonnel! Ma nagement Services, as
our first stop. Laura Jean Linell As a case work- the guest J speaker. Miss Hopkins
er at the Family and Child Guid- will talk on the type of services
Callin' Phyllis Narby! Cleveland ance Service, Miss Linnell spoke rendered by her office to the com-
station comin' up. There's Eugene on recent adoption laws in Penn- munity, and also the qualifica-
Graney, who's takin' her to a sylvania. tions needed in the college-trained
fraternity dance at Fenn College. § * • * business worker today.
Now where is that Eileen Rawa? Still ringing in the ears of all * * *

Don't know if she'll ever get to English Club members is their dis- Illustrative was the movie, "The
Vienna, Ohio, to visit that lad in cussion of "Movies versust Books" Dupont Story," which was shown
the Air Force. on November 9. Among the guests to an interested group of Science
We're at Akron now, where Trish were Dr. Relihan and Mr. Mc- Seminar members at their No-
Payha and her girl friend will Laughlin, vocational guidance di- vember 10 meeting. "*
be goin' to lots of parties. rector from Harborcreek High * * *

"Oil City, here we come." Oh, School. "Othello" is being read by mem-
of course, that's Luz Torres who's * * *
bers of the Great Books Club,
the guest of Sonia Ward. Among other echoes heard were andlit will be the subject of dis-
Why, here we are in {Philadel- those of I. R. C. which met on cussion at their November meet-
phia! Time for Elaine Weiner and November 16 to discuss the ^re- ing.
Looks as if it'll soon be nap-time for Teddy after a busy morning
her family to spend the weekend sults of the NFCCS Congress held * * *

with Donna Cutrona and Darcie Deckard.

at her grandparents. in Erie at Gannon College. The words of JanelTheuerkauf
1 Next stop—Buffalo! Sure got!a • * *
stil echo in the minds of the Ele-
'Naughty Lad On Campusi lot of girls gettin' off here. There's
Mary Ann Scirto and Pat Narby,
Also on November 16, the Home
Economists carried out the theme
mentary Education members. Miss
Theuerkauf, director of the Junior

Is All of Six Months Old both a/ttendin' the Harvest Moon

Ball at Canisus College as guests
of Tom Seweryn and Tom Carlin.
of, "Their Challenge To the Bus-
iness World." A panel of speakers
discussed "Home Economics in
Red Cross, spoke on clever articles
that {could be made by grade-
school children.
Dear Diary: day. This is one among many of Just visitin' are Mary Bacon,
This is campus life? This morn- the Senior Home Ec girls, who Pauline Westlake, andj Barbara
will hate to see the days at the
ing I was awakened by our human
alarm clock. I dragged myself out Home Management House come
Why Evelyn Nemmers, I hear
enior !Soci Students eclare
of bed and into the nursery—one to an end. yo'all's goin' to see the Falls while
eye open, hair still in curlers. The
little darling stopped crying and
you stay at Pat Murphy's! *Actual fie wor is a mus
smiled a toothless grin. Baby in
one arm, formula fin the other, I
POjRT Sure a busy weekend for me!
But let me tell you about that Armed with the study from three years of Sociology classes, two
MaryJJane O'Dell Kgoin' to New
started my day.
Breakfast was next on the agen-
COOPS York City with her family to see
"The Caine Mutiny" and "Pajama
Mercyhurst Seniors set out this summer to combine their theory with
practice. Donna Cutrona and Kitty Kelly, roommates at the Hurst,
found opportunity to do their field work in their respective neighboring
da—I cooked it, I ate it, I washed Beginner's luck followed the Game." | f cities of Buffalo and Niagara Falls.
the dishes. The baby sitter ar- Frosh n volleyfball team on No- What am I goin'fto do now?
rived at 8:24, and as I sneaked vember 9, as they beat the Soph 'Spect I better rest up for the next Donna began her work in the Erie County Welfare Department
into class the professor had only I team by the slim margin of 40 big weekend. shortly after thejfinish of school. Just in time to join another class,
one remark for me, "Three lates to 38. I Sp she was placed in a group of re-
constitute a cut!" This spirited game initated the cent graduates who formed a
Classes in the afternoon lasted inter-mural season to Mercyhurst. training section. For three weeks,
until 3:30 and then I rushed back During the season the four classes Donna had access to the files be-
to my so-called home. will play volley-ball, basketball, longing to the regular case work-
As I began to wash the baby's and softball. The class that comes ers and was able to acquaint her-
diapers, I pictured the girls back out on top will be awarded the self with the typical cases of her
in the lounge relaxing with coffee Athletic Association trophy. locale.
and playing a friendly bridge After the first two volley ball Kitty chose to do her field work
game. The baby's crying woke me teams, spurred on by Nancy Stub- inl the Niagara County Welfare
from my dream. ler, captain of the Freshman II Department. Assigned to a differ-
Dinner's now over, the dishes team, and Mary Alice Koch, cap-
are washed, the baby's in bed for tain of the Sophomore I team, ent case worker each week, she
the night, andf peace once more played such an enthusiastic game, visited the various clients and
settles over the house. Exhausted, three more games followed in witnessed the aid given to them.
I think over my day—Teddy with round-robin fashion. November 11 Being able to read the case his-
those enchanting blue eyes and brought up the Juniors vs. Sopho- tories and£then to visit and to
toothless grin, the fun of cook- mores II. The Sophomore I team
played the Freshman I team on work with the same people, was
ing meals, classes, and all the hu-
November 16. November 18 fea- for Kitty the greatest joy of her
morous incidents that filled the
tured the Juniors vs. Freshman experience.

Colonial Bakery "Mary Ann Scirto, Mary Jane

O'Dell and Mary Ann Rotoie acted
as coaches for the teams. YAPlfE'S DA RY
From the shouts issuing forth
Known For Outstanding
from the gym on volley ball days
Quality We Make Our Own
it seems evident that a large num-
Pine at 38th St., Spencer PI ber of the girls have deserted the Ice Cream
As "Shine On Harvest Moon" played on, NFCCS Senior Delegate
PHONE 01-9287 lounge in an attempt to either Margaret ^Hirsch crowned lovely Catherine McCarthy queen of the
Erie. Pa. "lose those extra pounds" or just Charity Ball. Class beauties who comprised the court were Patricia 4026 Pine Avenue
"find something to do." Fridley, Anne Miller, and! Mary Ann Bittner. P H O N E 01349

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