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Glee Club To Produce

I "Spofflight on Music
"Spotlight on Music" will be Schultz and Tschaikowsky on the
presented* by the Glee Club and piano, while Sue Cutter will dance
Cecilian Club of Mercyhurst Coll a ballet.
lege on Sunday evening, March The highlight of the program,
12, at 18:15 pan. in the Little however, will be the songs done
Theatre. Under the direction of from "The Sound of Music". This
Sister M. Helen Jean, the pro- will ibe a tribute to the late Oscar
duction, which is open to the Hammerstein. Singing popular
public, Willi feature music from melodies from! the incomparable
various periods beginning with fa score of the! Broadway produc-
few melodies written during the tion, the Glee Club will attempt
Elizabethan Age and concluding to take the audience into the
with selections from a modern setting of the convent. The scene
day Broadway show. will open with twenty girls dressed
Opening with the ^inspiring as Sisters and chanting under the
"One Little Candle," the Glee leadership of the Prioress, Mary
Club will | set the stage for the Alice Rogers.
program which will be narrated The title song, "The Sound of
by Connie Musi. The audience Music," and "Climb Every Moun- Students display their singing and dancing abilities in the "Spotlight on Music." Upper left: folk dan-
will then be drawn into a world tain," will* then be done by the cers—Sandy MacDonald, Virginia Gamble, Cammy Kwolek, Tania Kwolek, Nancy Nolan; upper right:
of beautiful music, and | will be entire group of girls. Following soloists—Mary Ann Graf, Eleanor Hertel. Lower left: scene from| "Sound of Music"—Julie Samlck,
this will be a solo, "My Favorite Timothy Miller, Lee Stanford, Robert Benacci, Thmthy Dressier, Nancy Cook, Rosanne Infantino; nuns
treated to all types of melodies in "Sound of Music"—Sue Bye, Dorothy O'Konski, Mary Beth Jamison, Pat Wehle, Alice Thomas,
from the soothing strains of Things," by Aletha Stanford. Also Elaine Glembocki.
Mozart to the catchy rhythm; of featured in this partjof the show
the novelty, "Syncopated Clock." will be children of St. Luke's
Participating will be-the ninety
voices offthe female chorus to-
gether with fifteenfgirls who per-
form an Elizabethan, a folk, and
a clock dance.
The program will include! solos
School doing the appealing! "Do
Re Me."
In addition to the task of pre-
paring the musical end of the
program, Sister M. Helen Jean,
the Glee Clubland Cecilian Club

Vol. XXXII, No. 5

by Mary Lee Dashbaugh and Pat officers, Pat Wehle, S h e i l a
Sullivan. Eleanor ? Hertel will do
a violin solo of "Serenade" by
Himes, and Alice Thomas and
their committees have been
Tenor Joseph Loderoute
Schubert, Mary Ann Graf, "Ada-
gio, by Guilmant on the organ.
working on the scenery and cos-
tumes for the annual musical March To \Entertain\Collegians
Sheila Himes and Alice |Thomas festival of?;song soon to be pre- 12—Glee Club fMusical At one of the orchestral rehearsals with the NBC Symphony,
will feature?works of Beethovan, sented. 13—"The Lark", Erie Play- Toscaninigsaid to tenor Joseph Victor Laderoute, "you not only have
house a good voice,Lbut you know how to sing." Mercyhurst will have an
19—Basketball game with opportunity to hear Mr. Laderoute in the Little Theater at 8:15 on
Mercyhurst j College Alumna Jamestown Community
Sunday evening, March 19.
Titled as a distinguished Canadian-American tenor, Mr. Lad-
College. eroute is a native of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada and a direct
To Give Lecture on "Grail" 19-20—NFCCS Kegri o n a l
descendant of the Ojibway tribe of the North American Indians. He
began performing at {the age ofjjjfive with the Paulist Choristers of
The apostolate work of the Grail Movement will be the topic of 22—Mary Bacon lecture New York under the direction of 1 Father William Finn. Since then,
the lecture to be given by Mary Bacon, a Mercyhurst alumna, to the 24—Easter Vacation Begins he has studied j under many eminent teachers including Dr. Louis
Balogh, Mmme. Emmy Helm, Cesar Borre, Albert Whitehead and Dr.
college community on March 22. Miss Bacon, class of t»'57, was a so- April H. Fricker. j ?
ciology major, Sodality prefect, class president in her sophomore year, 9—Classes Resume Other Accomplishments
May Queen, and the 1957 Mercyhurst candidate for the Gannon Win- .Accomplishments to his credit
ter Carnival Queen contest. j Faculty Accepts include performances with the
NBC symphony, the New York
The Grail! Movement, in which Miss Bacon participates, an or- Philharmonic, the Boston Sym-
ganization of the lay apostolate, has its American center in Loveland, Gannon Holds New Members phony Orchestra and the orches-
Ohio. Although the movement's purpose—to turn others to God— tras of Chicago, Toronto, Cin-
This semester Mercyhurst Col- cinnati, Detroit, Pittsburgh and
seems straightforward and clear, lit has a scope which encompasses
the world. Any young woman be-
Annual Dance lege welcomed Miss Florence London. He has given concerts
Green and white streamers!and Hutchins, and Mr. Louis Colusi to with the Toronto Mendelssohn
tween the ages of eighteen and v Choir, the Salt Lake City Ora-
Alumnae Plan thirty may join the group. The clusters of balloons will lend
themselves appropriately to the
the teaching staff. ''
torio Society, the Montreal Opera
Miss Hutchins, who is affiliated v; Guild and the Schola Cantorum
members choose the line of work
Irish theme of The Annual St. with the Elementary Education of New York. Mr. Laderoute has
Grad Dinner in which they are most inter-
ested—for example, art, drama, Patrick's Day Dance, which will Department ,has been associated, been engaged by Dimitri Mitrop-
olus, Leopold stokowski, Eugene
On Saturday, April 15, 1961, marriage counseling, or mission be held! on March 17 in the with the Lawrence Park school
Ormandy, William Steinberg J and
the seniors of jMercyhurst Col- work. Then they are-placed in a Gannon Auditorium. Music is to District for many years and has Leonard I Bernstein. In associ-
lege will be formally, accepted position where they can work on be provided by Johnny Murphy's done considerable work witih ation with Arturo Toscanini, he
as alumnae. The buffet luncheon these | interests for the Church. band from nine to one. gifted children. Her contribution masterfully recorded Beethoven's
They are not limited to the
and formal induction will begin United States^ and many mem- to education has been on t h e ' j opera "Fidelio"| and three other
The yearly event, co-sponsored albums.
at 1:30 p.m. in the college dining bers request work in foreign local, {district, state and national
by the Senior class and the Lance Gives < Musical Instructions
room and will be sponsored by tJhe lands. Some members give a year levels with the Pennsylvania
yearbook staff of Gannon Col- Besides touring and recording,
Executive Board of Mercyhurst of their life, some give several, lege, will be highlighted by the
S t a t e Education Association,
Mr. Laderoute finds time to give
while others dedicate their entire National Education Association,
College Alumnae Association. life to the work of the Grail. formal crowning of Miss Lance as instructions in a- self-developed
and the Delta Kappa Gamma philosophy and technique to
The new alumnae will be ac- queen for the evening. Candidates
Since Miss Bacon is single, she sponsored by Villa Maria Col- Honorary Fraternity for College which he attributes his vocal
cepted into the association by
is able to live in the Grail Center Women, "security" and beauty of tone. At
a resident of Erie, the President, of Cincinnati. Her work with the lege. St. Vincent's School of present, he is a; member of the
Mrs. Mary C. Lieb. Then the Mr. Colusi, a local attorney-at-
movement is outside of her regu- Nursing, Mercyhurst College, and •Voice Faculty \ of the Peatoody
mut'ual responsibilities and bene- lar job of teaching in a public the Gannon Lance will be voted law here in Erie, is teaching Conservatory College of Music in
fits, along with the alumnae elementary school. As at member on by the Gannon men and the

association's functions will be Business Law to seniors. Mr, Co- Baltimore, Maryland.
of the Grail, she is a factor for results Jwill be announced at the lusi has studied at St. Francis
spoken of by the other officers, good in a C; Negro section of Cin- dance.
Vice-President, Mrs. Marie Mur- •£ College, John Carroll, and George?., J THE FOUR FRESHMEN
cinnati where she directs Negro P; CONCERT
rell, and Treasurer, Sister M. teenagers in recreation work, Judy Doehla, a -senior business town Law School. He is a membejc. -,
deMontfort. of ?the Courts of |Erie Qoani&,.*\ '4 ^Sponsored by
marriage preparation courses, major, is the Mercyhurst repre- Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity
discussion groups, and even dra- sentative in the Queen Contest. the Federal Court, Superior Court
Sister M | Anne Francis, the of Pennsylvania, and the Supreme' Gannon Auditorium J
Secretary, will be the I official matic productions for the neigh- She was recently 'chosen by the April 13. 1961"
borhood. student body vote^®^|j|." Court of Pennsylvania.
hostess for the ceremony.
Page Two
The MERCIAD March, 1961
•' 1 ; i . . . , i / , ..v

Pseudo - Collegiates -A* WlSec Jt The Choice Of Divine Love

The vast increase in enrollment in our colleges and uni- Nearly every girl dreams of the day when she will find
versities appears to be the most beneficial force in the Amer- YOUR EDITORS CONGRATU- her "Prince Charming". How often are her friends surprised
ican educational system. Unfortunately, some college students LATE: 1 when the "Prince" really does come along. Frequently they
are degrading, rather than raising, our country's standards. . Ginny Gamble, Helen Bundy,
remark, "What does she see in him?" No matter what they
pA college education to them has become a "social nicety." I and Bonnie jMcGough for say, however, it makes no difference—he is the one. |
Their vogue is to "befcollegiate/f Howfmany of us|have fit then* supar-salemanship in *The world is even more surprised when the f'Prince"
ourselves into this "pseudo-collegiate" world? in the "Skin of Our Teeth" turns out to be Christ Himself. This choice! really puzzles
I campaign.| them! But if it is difficult to explain human love, how much
The pseudo-collegiates follow {definite rules and proce- If. . Judy Young f01$ her winning more difficult is it to explain Divine Love. This response of a
dures. Their first|step in preparing for|college is to buy new of the editorial contest. human heart to the invitation of Christ is the meaning of a
clothes, collegiate|clothes, that is. These include fur collars, Sister M. Brigid for her suc-
religious vocation—"Falling in love with Christ."
pointed| heels J numerous kneelaocks, and|kilts, {plus other cessful production of "Skin While God in His loving Wisdom chooses some to come
collegiate accessories. Then they learn f to smoke and play of Our Teeth." 1 to Him through the single state or through Holy Matrimony,
Ibridge. Immediately after their arrivalfon the campus, they YOUR| E D I T O R S ! EXTEND others He chooses to be united with Himfdirectly here and
pick out social seekers! and form a collegiate clique. With SYMPATHY T O : &
now.jThe question is often asked, "Why is theCReligious Pro-
their so-called friends, they proceedfto join activities. School fession not a sacrament as is Matrimony ?" The answer—it is
. . . Alice Thomas on the {death not necessary. The union between Christ and the soul, which
functionsJhowever, are taboo. Frequent participation in acti- of her tether. is symbolized by the sacrament* of Matrimony, is a reality
vities initiated in collegiate hang-outs are the only ones al- . .?. Claire McDermitt and Denise with those who take the vows of Religion. | SB
lowed. Another important rule for pseudo-collegiates isfto Metier on the deaths of their
date only fraternity boys. f| grandfathers. Human words can never express adequately the peace
and joy — the "hundredfold" which accompany this direct
I Now t o | consider the actual mannerisms of pseudo-col- YOUR| EDITORS SEND BEST union of the soul with Christ. Only experience can understand.
legiates. Their|laughter is expremely loud and much longer, WISHES TO: Wjf —Sister tjHelen Jean
of course, ^than necessary. Frequent "Oh, reallys" are heard . . . Lynn Larocca with hopes for
interruptingjtheir attentive (?) silence as theyfjisten to one her speedy recovery.
speak. An "affected tone" is a must, for their collegiate man-
ner demands saying something intellectual.|Being able to ex-
hibit knowledge is what the scholastic side of college, irrele-
. . . 'Hurst students of their
vent as it is to them, accomplishes. 3 | | Lenten obligations. Of course you're a Catholic! Well, then, what do I mean?
I mean that you're an uninformed one. You! resent that, do
The pseudo-collegiates do not take their studies serious- . . . theatre! go-ers that the new you ? Oh, I see. You say you know the commandments, the pre-
ly. Boasting over low grades and laughing at professor's criti- Playhouse season has begun. cepts of the Church, and most of the dogmas, the important
cisms are characteristics common to them. When they flunk . . . loungers to fortify leisure ones anyway. Like the Trinity and the Virgin Birth. And
out, aslthey usually do, professors, school rules, assignments, hours with interesting but you're satisfied with that, are you? Oh, I see—you say that's
and roommates are blamed forftheir failures. At no time are pertinent books. all your theology courses taught.|Well, then, let me ask you a
the real reasons considered. f ft 5 % . . . sun-lamp addicts that drug a few questions. For instance, can you defend some of the
H Although the pseudo-collegiates appear to be very humor- stores selljlotions. Church's teachings that were attacked |during thefrecent
ous, they are pathetic. They not only do great|harm to them- presidential campaign?^ mean, can it really be immoral to
. . . those who have been bitten instruct improverished millions in artificial methods of birth
selves, but are a tremendous influence on their fellow students by spring fever, that more "control" (why not just call it prevention) ? What about the
who represent the college, which, in | turn, represents the snow is in the making. morality of those birth control pills? And what is the Church's
American educational system. 1 |
. . . students that much grace reailteaching on separation of Church and state ?
awaits them at Pridayinight
You say you'd have to think a few of those over. Well,
Gaelic Celebratin' devotions.
sometimes there just isn't time. If these questions stump you,
you aren't doing credit to your Church. If youfhave no in-
And how should ye celebate St. Patrick's Day ? There are . . . students to use the Saturday formation about these topics, your ttieqlogy-classes are not
many ways^and, as yet all must know,|the more animatedly night library), privileges. to blame. T * f ffj
we celebrate the holiday, the more we imitate the spiritfof St.
Patrick himself. Of course, we must all be rememberingfthat « students to attend} Student
»» Rather, you yourself are to blame. You, a college student,
there is a limit to our celebratin'. | | || | Council meetings and partici- have neglected opportunities which present themselves every-
pate in discussions. day in the J various magazines? and books available infthe
There must be a parade, at least New Yorkers think so. upper c l a s s m e n not to library. Your intellect has been dulled by your misuse of lei-
Why that City does more celebratin' than|Dublin itself! With sure time. You have chosen,! for free-time reading, fashion
the green line in the middle of Fifth Avenue, the Hybernian "orphan" .ti their little sisters.
magazines and dime-store novels rather than more inform-
Society onlthe march* high schools, academies and universi- « students 1 to take advantage
• ative Catholic periodicals and books, and in this "free-time,"
ties takin' a firm representative stand in the parade, the of open lounges on Rriday. you have made yourself a slave to ignorance. I §
roarin' of the bagpipes and the sight of the jiggin', the whole
city erupts with gaiety. I
Retreating^from|the pomp of parades, let us be takin' a
glance at fthe traditional ways we here at Mercyhurst com- An Ounce of Etcetera To Golden Knight
memorate this feast. Well now, there's the wearin' o' the BylElaine Curtis
green. The nuns sprightly adornedlin their green bows and Long ago a|Golden Knight,
pins seem fto be sayin', "Surely, we should allfbe wearin' Up astride a charger white,
green."|And we can't be forgettin' the freshmen who can be At f one endf, of the Shall, the telephone rings
heard in the lounges days before, practicin' and hummin' and and the teakettle whistles—study hour is over. Conquered quite a hill of glass
singin' of Irish melodies, preparin' to serenade the nuns on Doors are thrown open, and the light spills out Just to woo andfwin a lass.
their way to breakfast. Aye, and a|wee bit can be said o' the into the dim hall. Steel heels click on the tile This was all a fairyftale,
"gaelic" joviality that is mustered on the part o' our non- floor as girls return from a meeting or a fconcert
Irish cooks who prepare edibles of "green" delights. Ye But that knight, he was a male,
or a basketball game.
know what I mean, the green rolls, the green j uices, the green And, spurred on by^fearless heart,
grapefruits, andfthe green desserts. All these contribute to In oneSroom a typewriter clacks {noisily. Next Soon set out to prove his art:
makin' Mercyhurst "a little spot o* heaven" on this St.
door the radio plays the latest jazz number, and Making royal ladies swoon!
Patrick's Day.i I
from across the I hall come the strains of Broad- "Whether sun or whether moon,
As ye can plainly see, there are a number o' ways ye can way show music.
celebrate this dayf But, to the question, "How should^ we Whether morning, whetherfnight,
celebrate St. Patrick's Day," there be no particular jjanswer. The lounge becomes a place of busy-ness. If you handle lassies right
So . . . as one Irishman to another, celebrate it anyway ye'd Cards j are shuffled, the chess board is brought
like! 1 §fe g I I out, and the television's turned on. In a corner, From your hand they soon will eat,
hidden by smoke, three or four girls discuss the And they'll think it's quitega treat,"
value of progressive education.
A* 0 Published Monthly
So the knight went on to say,
The activity of the evening has begun. For an Making conquests every day.
SSk THE MERCIAD hour, the dormitory hums with the sounds of
things—things being done. Sometimes the hum
"This is all you gotta do -
.Slis |Mercyhurst College, Erie, Pa. grows to a roar, punctuated t by an impromptu Start right in and follow through;
party, and sometimes it is lowered™ a whisper— Like a princess, treat each one
Co-Editors JL Anne Marie ^Lepkowski, Carolyn Schehrer like the night before a philosophy test.
Associate Editor > - „ . Roberta Donahue Very nice, and don'tfmake fun
Assistant Editors?. .-.-- Carol Xreh, Gail Gleason, Carolyn Anderson
Business Manager „„.—~_~a— - - ^ - Gretchen Stark Then, the volume is turned down, and the Of her castle, or her school .
Photographer ~~„ - „ « .,„ - ^.i Mary Jeanne Ferreri doors click again, this time with] the click of
Contributors „ 4 £ .Reinette Boling, Liz Apen, Hosie Dickenson, Teddy Follow well the Golden Rule.
^ Knoedler, Mary Hammond* Ursie Scarvan, Elaine Curtis, Mary Ann finality. Soon after, ^ drawers close, clocks are
Brennan, Kathy Lynch, Judy Young, Mary Costello, Kay Hebert, Rita
Cappello, Helen Bundy, Sheila Himes, Elaine Wycjik, Kay Dwyer, wound, another day is marked off the calendar, Everything will turn out right,
Karen Smith. Sondra Konkoly, Pat McMullen, Marietta Rizzo, Maureen and, at last, the bedsprings squeak. One by one,
Fiedler, Julie Kuhner, Alice Welte, Judy Cook, Marilyn Lipchik, And you'lllbe a GOLDEN KNIGHT."
Nancy Nolan, Bonnie,Ozinskt Denise Dwyer, Pat Bos worth. the lights go out,| and another day of doing ends
with the respite of sleep. £
Judy Young
March, 1961 The MERCIAD Page Three

m portance of the other side—that

"Second - Class Citizens" Seek Equity ™ ™ « * » • » Today,
Tnilav all
a l l | over
AifAv I the
f rin [nation,
of the private schools. These
schools, and many among them
By Rita Capello self stated that our "twin goals church and state unity was not Americans are heatedly discussing are parochial, have played a
should be: a new standard of ex- involved but rather "whether or the proposed federal aid to major role in American education
President Kennedy should al- cellence in education — and the not we are to make available education. Newspapers and maga- since colonial days. They too
ter his proposed "federal aid to availability of such excellence to adequate school facilities for the zines, radio and TV present the stand in need of provision against
education"! bill to read "federal all who are willing: and able to boys and girls of the country." general aspects of the bill. modern high costs and possibil-
aid to individuals for education." pursue l it." His ammendment to the bill On this page, however, we of ities of higher taxes in 'their
For is it not true that the end Senator Wayne Morse, speak- under consideration, which would the Merciad emphasize the im-pursuit of intellectual excellence.
desired from this aid is better ing this year to the senate on have provided $150 million on a
educated American students * and proposed federal aid, hit the pro- loan basis to private schools for
not simply better educated public verbial nail on the head when he
school students? Kennedy him- pointed out that a problem of
construction purposes, was de-
Surrender of Rights Vs.
Another congressman, Senator u
Lausche of Ohio, startled at the
inequity of the bill, proposed that
Fa I Constitutionality''
children attending private schools |By Kay Hebert and is forced to shoulder the
who are not given federal assist- President Kennedy's proposed entire burden of its cost himself.
ance, should not be counted in aid to education bill prohibits Thus, he is practicing freedom
the census taken to determine the allocation of funds to church- of religion, his basic right, at
taxes. This proposal, too, was de- related schools because Ken- the price of giving up his claim
nedy believes that such action to ^participation in the benefits
The problem boils down then would be contrary to the consti- his if taxes should procure. This
to a question of classes: for those tution of the Uited States. violates his constitutional rights
parents who desire and maintain as an American citizen.
a parochial school education for However, of our basic constitu-
their children are considered;;first tional principles affirms that a When the government realizes
class citizens when it comes to government may not "condition that education is the responsi-
paying federal, state, and!county participation in its benefits on the bility of the family, and that
school taxes. But when fit is time surrender of constitutional rights." federal aid is justly given not to
to derive the benefits from these In clearer terms, the federal a system or a school, but to an
same taxes, they suddenly be- government cannot demand that' individual; when it recognizes
• --•-•- -«•.--«»«

come second I class citizens. a citizen relinquish one of his that fact .that freedom of religion

Pending Education Bill How ironical that private fundamental rights in return for is not an empty term, but a real
schools, founded early in Ameri- government assistance, such as right which people must be per-
By Mary Costello cost the government $577.5 mil- can! history, thus giving? stimulus allotments. It is this principle mitted to exercise, when it Is
to education, should now be ne- that Kennedy's bill violates. willing to aid all citizens by al-
On February^ 20, 1961, Presi- lion. The program off long-term,
dent Kennedy proposed to Con- low-interest loans to colleges and glected because of "unconstitu- The Constitution of the United locating funds to the individual
gress a $5.7 billion plan for aid- universities will be continued and tionality." This situation! should! States quarantees? every Ameri- to use for the education of his
to-education, designed, he says, will cost about $1.3 billion. A sim- not be allowed to continue. In all can freedom of religion. But choice, then, and, only then, will
as a "new standard of excellence ilar loan program for construc- truth and fairness, federal aid, when the parent, guided I by his the government meet its re-
in education" for "all who are tion of| college classrooms, li- contributed by taxes from all and conscience, senrJs his child to sponsibility to give aid| where
willing and able to pursue it." braries and laboratories will be given to all, would achieve 5 its a church-affiliated school, he necessary, and yet will have no
The program includes grants to established a t t t h e cost of $300 ultimate end — national excel- must surrender his claim to need to fear that it is violating
the state for building classrooms million a year for five years. lence in education. federal assistance uv this area, the Consitution.
or raising salaries In public Total cost to the government is
schools at the discretion of the
individual states. I n a three year
$1.5 billion. |

plan, a sum of $19.75 for each between public and private iinsti-
child in public elementary and tutions regarding college scholar-
ships and loansf but, on the other
New Dilemma
secondary schools is provided, in- By Helen Bundy
creasing to $24.22 fper child, by hand, no provision has been made
on the elementary and secondary The nation'sj requirements for
the third year. world leadership and the de-
Also included in a five-year levels for any government aid to
private schools. mands of citizenship "require
scholarship program which will the maximum development of
every young American's capacity,"
There Another Solution states President' Kennedy. Why
then, the pointed exclusion of
private felementary and high
For Distribution off Funds? schools in regard to Federal aid?
How can the President state the
By Maureen Fiedler need for "maximum development"
The ^federal; aid bill before?! Congress proposes to give aid to the of all U. S. children and, at the
individual attending the college of his choice; but we feel that freedom same time, j deny help to private
of choice must also be extended tolthe primary and secondary levels. grade and high schools?
Our proposal is not only constitutional; indeed, it is vital to the future
One out of seven children,
of American education. > j totalling 6,000,000 throughout the
| | r c Apart from the so-called "theoretical reasoning" of the argument nation, attends private schools.
over constitutionality, the practicality of this aid is evident. I wonder These schools save tax payers over
what the ^reaction of the American taxpayer would be if all private 1.3 billion dollars annually. But
institutions closed and suddenly shifted the cost of educating several the parents pay doubly to educate
million more students over to the tax load of the American citizen. their children in private schools.
M But£how do we achieve equal aid for education without violating Why can't they continue to do
our sacred doctrine of "separation of church and state?" The? answer so some ask? First because educa-
is as old as society itself. Edu- Ition should not be a luxury attain-
cation is {primarily the inherent
right of the parent; it is not the CEF Objectives able only by the wealthy. Secondly,
•because the majority of parents in
right of the State, until entrusted By Elaine Wujcik •this situation have large families
to the State by| the parent. If a and moderate incomes, and will
parent then desires private rather The Merciad adds jits voice to
the Citizens for Educational Free- be unable to pay such prices.
than | public education for his
children, this right of choice dom Movement, a nonsectarian, Without violating;[the constitu-
should be respected. Funds should civic organization! dedicated to tion, all schools are subsidized by
therefore be allocated to the fam- freedom of choice in education, to both the state and federal govern-
ily rather than to a particular preserving t h e church - related ments by being exempted from
type of institution. | | school, and to protecting the rights taxation. Furthermore, the consti-
This idea of aid to individuals of the students of these schools. tution does not explicitly forbid
is not new in thef American scene. The CEP recently held its first allocation of funds to any religi-
The GI Bill of Rights|now em- national convention in St. Louis, ous institution. I t merely states
bodies a similar plan for individ- and adopted a resolution calling that "Congress shall make no law
ual aid in the college education upon President Kennedy to sup- respecting an establishment of re-
of veterans, and the New York port only federal aid to education ligion, or prohibiting the free ex-
State Board of Regents presently program which would provide as- ercise thereof." This bill just may
gives scholarships to individuals sistance! to children in tprivate "prohibit the free exercise" of ^ M W W ^ W ^ ^ < ^ W ^ ' .•.•.%%-.-.-.-,v.-;-;w--:-,-.-.w.-.v.v.vW - - -

to use in any accredited college schools. religion by forcing private schools, s»-*-* - - - - » » » ~ — - • -- —»•

or university. Why not Initiate a T h e organization advocates to close their doors and turn all Get that refreshing new feeling with Coke!
similar plan on a national scale, awareness of the injustice towards students to the public school for Bottled under authority of
and establish equality of oppor- private schools and a conscious lack of funds. What kind of free- The Coca-Cola Company by J
tunity in education for allj citi- effort to make others aware. dom Is this? Erie Coca-Cola Bottling: Company
Page Four The MERCIAD March. 1961

Top Students to Discuss Seniorsl Conduct Tests

Senior Sociology majors are questionnaire to Mercyhurst fresh-
Philophers' Views on Love anxiously working on three social
research papers. Mary Barnhart
man, Pat Bosworth, Ann Durfy,
and Julie Kuhner sent question-
Mercyhurst's annual tribute to Many thoughts were gleaned is conducting a soclometric test naires to a sampling of graduates
the "Angel of Schools," St. about love. Love is an appetite, at St. Luke's in order to measure fro the years 1929 to 1960. Mary
Thomas, was held on March 7, when considered in itself, and social relations in a? group. Judy Barnhart, by using a series of
1961, and presented to the stu- a force called by many names— Wieczorek's study concerns Cath- questions, elicited from a; class
dent body excerpts from St. friendship, delection, charity—but olic college freshman and vari- their choice of companions. This
Thomas and Aristotle on the whatever names love has—the ous socio-economic factors in may result in a picture of the pu-
subject of love. Sponsored by the | word "love" has the widest their background. Pat Bosworth, pil or pupils most ^frequently
Department of Philosophy and [meaning and includes all others. Ann Durfy, and Julie Kuhner are chosen, or isolated from the group.
under the direction of Dr. J. A. This force of j love results in a investigating Mercyhurst gradu-
Donatelli, the writings of these drive toward the union of the ates' participation in parish ac- •The primary purpose of this
two eminent minds were examined lover and the beloved object. tivities. course on an undergraduate * level
and rephrased for modern con- Love is of three kinds; natural, is to learn the techniques of re-
Judy Wieczorek submitted her search and increase the students'
|j templation. sensory and intellectual. To have
love the appetite must be aroused knowledge of sociological -factors.

NF Congress

by knowledge but you need not

Psych Class have perfect knowledge to have

To Initiate
love as evidenced by man loving
God. Love results in pleasure
Last pear's Delta Sigma Phi
q u e e n , Mercyhurst graduate,
Barb Spinelli, crowns the new
The N.F.CC.S. Regional Con-
gress will be held March 18 and 19
Hurst Challenges
M H Project
and enjoyment when the beloved
is present. Love also results in
queen, Liz Filicky. at Canisius {College in Buffalo.
Introducing the main theme,
Jamestown Team
ecstasy, languor and zeal arising Miss Patrizio, Athletic Associa-
When last year's Abnormal
Psychology class visited the
from its intensity.
These . thoughts, along with
Sig Fraternity Interfaith Relations in a Plural-
istic Society," Rev. Joseph T. tion'moderator has announced a
Clark, S. J. will give the kevnote basketball game between the New-
mental hospital in Warren, Pa.,
it encountered and sympathized
ones about hatred and friend-
ship were presented by philosophy
Crowns Queen speech! entitled "Religious Plural- man Club of the Jamestown Com-
ism in America: Boon or Bain?" munity Junior College, James-
with a truly struggling group of students Joyce White, Lorraine Being a fraternity sweetheart,
women. Not only were these a dream of almost every college The schedule for Saturday is town, N.Y. and the A.A. team of
Baxter, Doreen Chen, L/irline By- Registration 9:00 to 12:00, Key- the Hurst. The game will be played
patients striving slowly for re- grave, Jean Layer, Michelle Cor- girl, was a "dream come true"
covery froml mental illness, jbut for Liz Filicky, a junior sociology note address 1:00, Coffee Break on March 19 at 3:30 p.m. in the
rigan, Jean Morehouse, Mary 2:30, Discussions 3:00, Interfaith Mercyhurst gym.
they were in a small way,? trying Ann Samuedson. Sondra Konkoly major from Youngstown, Ohio.
desperately to be women. With Liz was chosen Sweetheart of dinner 6:30 and social get-together Among the girls playing for the
and Alice Thomas. 8:30. From 3:00 to 5:00 there Hurst will Pbe Gretchen Malley,
drab army surplus clothes as the Delta Sigma | Phi Fraternity of
bulk of their wardrobes, they Gannon College and was formally will be four discusions: Censor- Gretchen Stark, Sondra Konkoly,
seemed to search for any sign
of .individuality or femininity
Club News crowned at a dance {held in her
honor on February 25th.
ship, Housing, Business and in- Mary Jeanne Ferreri, Ann Lep-
dustry, and, Education. The pro- kowski, Mary Lou Cuddyre, Paul-
OGA cedure will consist of an analysis ette O'Gorman, and Jane Hurd.
they could acquire. Co-curricular clubs are jtthe Liz ascended! to her throne
wearing a white satin shirtwaist of the 1problem including spe- Kay Hebert, Teddy Knoedler. Di-
The hospital itself had initiated scene of much activity on campus. cifically the views of the three ane Divarso, Sue Stiener.
O G A has stepped £into the style dress | which was beautifully
a weekly system of "shopping," accented with gold accessories. religions and! discussion of pos-
whereby the women could choose world of v stocks and bought 28 sible solutions.
By her side stood Joe Begalla,
any two articles from a can' that shares of Coastal Cam bean Oil On Sunday, following Mass and
Liz's pin-mate who escorted her
circulated among the rooms. The at WA per share. C C O is a com-
visiting class from the 'Hurst, pany which, in agreement with
to the sweetheart throne. Barb
Spinelli, Sweetheart of 1960 and a
breakfast, there will be a general
convocation with the topic "Po- Erin Go Bragh!
under the direction of Dr. Dona- Standardf Oil of California, plans litical Implications of Religious
June graduate of Mercyhurst Col-
telli, became interested in the to invest ten million dollars infj Faith." Then a coffee break and
lege, crowned the new Sig Sweet-
situation,- and as a result, sent test drilling off the shore' of an evaluation meeting are sched- r
heart with fa white and green
its first box of' articles to the Florida. Several O G A members
floral wreath signifying the uled with the closing at 3:00. YAPLE S DAIRY
mental hospital in time for have been attending the bi- Reservations at the Hotel
5 fraternity colors.
Christmas, 1959. monthly meetings of the Student
A silver heart and chain was Sheraton may be made for $4 & ICE CREAM BAR
This year the spirit has carried Investment Club, a Gannon or- (double) and $3.50 (triple).
ganization which buys and sells then presented to Liz by Joe Ice Cream
over into a continuous, organized! Kleiner, President of the Delta Interested students may see Sue
movement sponsored by the Psy- stock. Although the girls h a v e | Avery, Mary <Ann Brennan and We Make Our Own
no vote in deciding to buy or Sigs, as a gift of the fraternity to
chology Department with the Ab- their Dream Girl. Liz was over- Denise Dwyer for further infor- 4026 Pine Avenue
normal Psychology class as a sell, >they do investigate the mation concerning any aspect Phone UN 6.2441
companies which are under con- whelmed by this surprise which
standing committee under the if signified her reign as sweetheart of the Congress.
direction of Dr. Donatelli and the sideration.
of the entire fraternity.
chairmanship of Mary Lee Stadt- AA The biggest surprise came, how-
er. This group has obtained! Sophomores are the proud win- ever, when four of Joe's fratern-
permission from Sr. Mary Esther ners of the A A basketball ity brothers serenaded the sweet-
to place a bin in College Hall f o r | trophy. On March! 19 A A will heart fand her pin-mate with a
such articles as jewelry, unused play members of the Newman | song which they had composed
cosmetics, perfume, and hobby Club from Jamestown, New York. for the occasion. The song was
materials Jwhich will be sent The Club is ready to begin arranged by the brothers with-
weekly*; to North Warren. Both ping pong and badminton. Su Hall out Joe's knowledge and was
residents and day-hops are urged is in charge of badminton and | dedicated to Liz and Joe that
to contribute articles and to Janet McWilliams of ping pong. MERCYHURST GIRLS ARE TALKING ABOUT: What to do with
evening. the overflow, or, another chair quick! X . Mr. Casale, please get me
interest their f friends in this Clubs' Speakers? The Dream Girl of Delta Sigma
worthwhile endeavor. a job . . . the new type of pinning "Twink" . . . Aref. you a person or
Recent meetings of several clubs Phi was greeted! by the sounds a personality? . . . dinner at the "Den" . . . 24 hours or fifty years
The members of the standing were the occasions of interesting of "Goodnight Sweetheart" flow- of love? . . . Kathy Lynch's surprise exit . . . Happy Feast Day Sr. Mary
committee include: Barbara Boyd, lectures by guest speakers. Dr. ing from her Hi-fi as she floated Collegiate . . . Janet Ladley's ring . . .Dr. D's toupee . . . Betsy's trip
Pat Bosworth, Betty Petite, Helen! Druckermiller spoke to members into her room after her heavenly to Phillie . . > the new social register . . . Heidi's luvaliere . > . Father
Bundy, Sheila Himes, Jeanette of the Science Club on March 8. evening. She discovered, too, that Keenan's words of 3 wisdom . . . Ft. Lauderdale at Easter—where the
Borczon. Geraldine Janowski, Jud-1 His topic was the Space Age. everything that she owns in red boys are|J. . excellent performance Skin of Our Teeth . . . a box seat
ith Stark, Bonnie Osin&ki. L i z | On March 10, the Art Club was placed around her room. The for Sister Janet and Sister Gabriel . . . Patsy, Mary Ellen, and Gloria's
Pilicky, Mary Ann Samuelson, hosted Miss Sylvia Christy, a Fraternity insignia on her door big weekend of three miracles. J| J.
Rosemarie Brindle, and Myra?j fashion co-ordinator. Mr. William was surrounded by red hearts
DeShon, an Antartic explorer who which were also found covering
most of her room. frosh and "I doubt it." . . . Buffalo or bust . , . new college fad—How
was a member of the "Deep
BURHENN'S PHARMACY It was the conclusion of a many people can you fit under your dining room table? . . . the thun-
Freeze Expedition," gave an il-
heavenly dreamt evening's events dering herd stampeding to lunch . . . "pampered princesses" . . . missing
Corner 38th St. and Pine Ave lustrated lecture to El Ed Club
for the Delta Sig Sweetheart. ash trays in soph lounge . . . wonder where the door went . . . Sophis-
members on March 7. An ex-
Phone GL 6-7762 ticated woodchucks . . . falling lights in Egan Lounge . . . Westside
change studeent from Strong
Erie. Penna. carpool on time again! . . . Spring has sprung, or, you can't see the
Vincent) High School, Miss Dom-
inique Grand, from Lyons, France, "Lark" to Come flowers for the snow . . . sweat shirts and crowns . . . budding teachers,
or do all a's sound alike to you? . .^. February beach party—on third
will speak to French Club mem- Mercyhurst is sponsoring a play,
floor . . . stranded! or, Jazz concert in the snow. |
bers about Fiance and her home. The Lark, at the Erie Playhouse,
Y.C*S. I. 1^- to be presented March 20.
ARTlS Y. C. S., under the direction of Money from the- play returns
first television show . . . "Let's dofthe Limbo" . . . research papers
. sun lamps . . . The Four Freshman Concerts. . . Easter vacation
Sr. Daniel, has a program under- will be donated toward the For- . V . Remle, Sybil, Ardis and the senior's new club . | . Mr. Spaight's
ICE CREAM, BAR way to introduce freshmen to the mosa Library Project.^ This proj- :
lecture . . . Babies' Showers . . Fr. Martin's talks . . . George Wash-
Luncheonette and Magazines organization as a movement of ect is being promoted by the Holy ington's Birthday party . . . Su Hall's moo-moo . . . the starving seniors
the lay apostolate. The purpose See to build a Catholic College on zombees . . . Gannon's St. Patrick's Dance .* .*. summer jobs . . J
3709i Pine Avenue of this program is to discover and Formosa at Taewaih. Student Board changes . . . Federal aid to education': . . the new "put-
develop leadership qualities in Tickets may be obtained from
ting green" in the third floor T.V. room in Egan Hall.
potential members. chairman Mary Pat Car low.

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