Sie sind auf Seite 1von 32


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´If it were not for Freemasonry, the world would become a herd of savages; and more, if it had not been for Masonry it never
would have been anything else but savages.µ
¦  ‘*‘‘‘$‘ ‘**‘‘‘+‘

´The Freemason sees with special sight, for the uninitiated are in darkness, and are blind.µ

´With its commitment to ideals of equality, brotherhood, tolerance, reason, wisdom, benevolence, and a feeling for nature,
Freemasonry satisfied a longing in many intellectuals to establish associations of the like-minded, and it sought that chimerical
goal - the perfectibility of man.µ


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 ‘$‘2‘‘fraternity‘1‘* ‘$‘0$‘‘2  $‘‘* ‘‘‘
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¦  ‘))‘2‘ ‘‘ ‘‘$‘‘!-"!)‘‘5‘($‘*  ‘‘*‘¦*‘¦‘ $‘
 ‘* ‘3‘ $‘ ‘‘5‘21‘‘‘ ‘21‘Birthstone of the White House and
+$‘‘‘2‘$‘‘ ‘‘2‘‘‘ ‘ ‘)‘‘‘‘*‘‘2‘
9‘$‘@‘1$‘‘21‘)‘The Alexandria Gazette ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘$‘$‘*$‘‘‘*‘
‘‘ ‘‘‘2=‘ $‘ $‘‘)‘ ‘3)‘5‘ $‘‘‘ ‘(2‘  ‘‘
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‘*‘ ‘‘‘ ‘3‘5‘ ‘‘ ‘‘‘ ‘ ‘*‘* ‘‘ $‘

‘‘ ‘*‘2‘‘* ‘ ‘‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘A‘‘$‘‘*‘‘
‘ ‘‘ ‘‘‘41‘‘‘‘‘3=)‘‘‘23‘‘ ‘6 ‘
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‘2‘‘‘‘ ‘)‘;<‘‘$‘5‘*‘ ‘ ‘‘*‘6 ‘‘‘
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‘$‘*  ‘*‘‘‘ $‘*‘1‘* B1‘9‘;+ )‘!<$‘‘3‘‘*  ‘*‘‘
‘‘‘ ‘2‘‘ ‘‘‘ ‘‘‘2)‘;+ )‘&<‘

Figure 1. One of the original forty boundary markers (some placed with masonic rituals)‘

Figure 2. Location of the forty boundary markers superimposed over Elicott͛s map of the district (Conner)‘

 ‘ ‘‘‘3‘‘¦  ‘))‘‘‘2‘‘‘ ‘!-"&‘3‘‘ ‘‘‘ ‘
$‘‘2‘A ‘¦  ‘‘ ‘5$‘ ¢atée Formée ‘‘‘* ‘ ‘
‘; ‘ ‘<‘‘* ‘ ‘+‘; ‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘ <)‘;+ )‘<‘

Figure 3. White House(left), and the Capitol (right) featuring Maltese/Masonic/Templar Crosses/ Patée Formée as modified by George
Washington and Thomas Jefferson‘

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C‘‘ ‘‘ ‘‘‘¦  ‘))‘33 ‘‘‘ ‘* ‘ ‘ ‘‘
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‘ ‘‘‘ ‘1$‘ ‘ 3‘2‘2‘‘‘3‘ ‘‘‘*1‘2 ‘‘ ‘¦ ‘
‘‘ ‘‘2 $‘‘‘‘‘21‘‘ ‘;‘‘ ‘‘%‘‘<$‘‘
*‘‘‘ 3‘‘ ‘‘2‘‘‘1‘* ‘+)‘;+ )‘D<‘

Figure 4. Mason marks discovered in the White House during Truman͛s White House renovation. More than forty marks were found. (See the
Appendix for more information on Symbols and Masonic Marks)‘

$‘ ‘‘‘ ‘$‘*‘‘2‘ ‘3$‘‘6‘‘‘ ‘‘‘ ‘1 ‘‘ ‘ ‘
$‘9‘9‘):‘;<‘ ‘ ‘‘*‘‘‘ ‘A‘ ‘‘‘4 ‘‘ ‘
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/‘ ‘‘*‘‘‘‘‘ ‘2$‘* ‘ ‘* ‘

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 ‘!- ‘G‘‘‘‘ ‘/‘%‘‘)‘
A ‘¦  $‘¢resident.
‘5 $‘
Vivat Republica):‘

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‘‘2 $‘ ‘‘‘ ‘‘;‘‘‘‘ ‘2‘5 ‘‘‘ ‘/‘ <$‘*‘* ‘

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‘‘‘‘ ‘‘ ‘ ‘2‘1‘3)‘ ‘3$‘ ‘‘%2‘! $‘!-"$‘0‘
 ‘‘‘2 ‘‘‘ ‘(‘‘2‘‘;<)‘;+ )‘H<‘‘
6 ‘‘ ‘$‘ *3‘$‘‘0‘‘@‘ ‘*1)‘ ‘%‘‘‘‘0‘ ‘):‘;(2 ‘0<‘

Figure 5. Masonic Procession for the laying of the cornerstone of the Capitol‘

‘‘$‘  ‘‘‘2 ‘ ‘‘‘ ‘9‘2‘‘‘ ‘(9‘

$‘*‘ ‘‘$‘‘ ‘2‘*‘‘‘ ‘‘‘3‘*‘‘ ‘)‘
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G‘‘ ‘H-"‘*‘)‘;‘‘,<‘(‘¦  $‘* ‘‘‘ ‘‘
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‘‘ ‘* ‘ ‘)‘;‘‘,<‘‘

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‘‘ ‘A ‘¦  ‘ ‘F‘ ‘‘$‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘
+)‘‘ ‘6/)%)‘‘ 3‘‘ ‘‘ ‘‘‘2‘2 :$‘‘*‘‘‘6 ‘
‘2‘‘ ‘&'' ‘3‘‘2 ‘ ‘¦ ‘‘‘ ‘):;+ )‘.<‘

Figure 6. Reenactment for the 200th anniversary of the ͞Laying of the Cornerstone͟ on October 23, 1993‘

‘ ‘9‘‘‘‘‘ ‘‘‘‘*‘  

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  ‘‘ ‘‘‘32‘3 ‘ ‘‘‘+‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘ ‘‘ ‘
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 ‘‘‘‘2‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘$‘‘A‘‘‘‘‘‘‘2‘ )A))C) )/)‘; ‘A‘
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3)‘‘‘‘‘  ‘ ‘ ‘‘ ‘‘‘)‘;+ )‘!'<‘ 3$‘ ‘
B9‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘2 ‘‘ 3)‘‘

Figure 7. The old Supreme Court in the Senate wing located underneath the Senate Chamber features primitive Paestumesque Doric columns‘

Figure 8. The crypt under the rotunda (Intended to become Washington͛s Tomb), by Latrobe, showing the primitive Paestumesque unfluted
Greek Doric columns, based on Santa Constanza͛s (Costantine͛s daughter) tomb in Rome (also has significant in how it is related‘

Figure 9. Latrobe͛s House of Representatives with Greek Corinthian capitals based on those of the Choragic monument of Lysicrates in Athens‘

Figure 10. Three columns set on a triangular pedestal with spiral garlands ʹ a Masonic device (Curl)‘

‘‘,‘‘23‘ ‘29‘6 ‘‘‘A4 ‘‘‘ ‘2‘‘ ‘78‘‘

$‘‘* $‘2‘‘ $‘2‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘2‘‘ ‘%‘‘‘‘
 ‘‘ ‘‘1* ‘ ‘*‘‘* ‘ $‘C$‘‘  ‘;+ )‘!!<$‘‘ ‘ ‘
2  ‘‘+):‘‘‘,‘ ‘‘‘ ‘‘‘‘ ‘‘‘
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 $‘ J( $‘$‘$‘* ‘A$‘‘ ‘ ‘ $‘ ‘‘ ‘3)‘‘*‘‘‘
* ‘‘‘@$‘‘‘‘‘@‘  ‘ ‘‘;* ‘* ‘$‘$‘$‘‘‘ $‘‘‘<‘
*‘‘‘‘‘ ‘3)‘

Figure 11. Hermes Trismegistus/Thoth/Egyptian God or demigod of Medicine and Writing/First Alchemist‘

‘ ‘ ‘‘3$‘ ‘‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘3 ‘‘ ‘$‘2‘‘‘ ‘

B9‘‘ ‘‘‘‘)‘‘‘

‘¦  ‘ ‘

Figure 12. Washington Monument, D.C.‘

( ‘ ‘‘33‘ ‘‘ ‘2‘‘¦  ‘))‘‘ ‘¦  ‘ )‘

;+ )‘!&<‘‘!&4‘21‘* ‘ ‘2‘$‘‘2‘ ‘% $‘*‘‘* ‘‘
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 ‘)‘; <‘

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 ‘‘‘)‘  ‘‘‘ ‘2‘‘‘+‘‘$‘ ‘2‘
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  ‘C*$‘‘ ‘%‘‘ ) ‘‘ $‘‘3‘‘ ‘*‘ ‘‘‘
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$‘‘‘‘2‘621‘‘2‘‘ ‘2‘$‘‘‘‘‘‘):‘;+ )‘!<*3$‘ ‘
*‘‘‘$‘‘*‘‘‘  .$‘! HD$‘* ‘‘21‘‘2‘‘ ‘‘ ‘‘
‘‘$‘‘2‘(‘(‘K$‘‘‘ ‘$‘ ‘‘2‘1‘ 3)‘  ‘ ‘
‘(‘‘‘ ‘,*‘F  ‘*J*‘2‘‘ ‘;2‘‘ ‘4 ‘ <$‘‘*‘
‘2‘ ‘‘ ‘*‘ ‘*1‘‘+‘ 3$‘ ‘ ‘‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘
2  ‘‘4 $‘‘ ‘ ‘ ‘  ‘‘‘ ‘ ‘1‘B29$‘‘‘$‘ ‘
+‘‘‘3‘‘‘4  ‘
‘‘‘ ‘ ‘+ ‘4‘
‘+‘‘‘‘ JA‘$‘‘ ‘‘‘‘L‘‘‘ ‘‘
$‘2 ‘ ‘‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘‘+‘2‘ ‘ ‘  $‘‘
 ‘2‘‘ ‘, ‘ ‘‘!!D‘; $ ‘‘‘+<)‘
L‘5‘ $‘ ‘‘‘ ‘‘;, ‘ <$‘*‘ *‘‘ ‘$‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘ ‘‘ ‘‘‘
 ‘ $‘3=)‘‘ ‘ ‘‘F$‘‘ ‘¦‘‘ 2 $‘‘ ‘F ‘‘%1 $‘‘‘ ‘% ‘‘()‘;‘‘

‘! -D$‘ ‘‘‘ ‘‘%‘%‘5 ‘‘‘*‘$‘ ‘‘* ‘‘)‘
‘ $‘ ‘$‘‘ ‘ ‘‘ ‘‘‘ 3 ‘‘‘2‘5‘D$‘! -.$‘‘ ‘

Figure 13. One of the 193 Commemorative Stones located in the interior of the Washington Monument: this one from the Freemasons of the
State of New York

‘1‘‘ ‘‘5 ‘¦‘

‘‘*‘‘‘ ‘%‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ $‘ 2‘‘‘( $‘2 ‘‘ ‘*$‘‘
 ‘‘ ‘‘‘1‘‘‘ *)‘ ‘3$‘‘‘‘ ‘‘‘‘2‘$‘*‘ ‘3‘‘
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$‘ ‘1‘‘ ‘ ‘‘ ‘ ‘‘ ‘ ‘23$‘*  ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘
‘‘‘ ‘‘‘¦  ‘))‘‘* ‘‘‘‘‘M‘ ‘$‘$‘‘2‘‘5 ‘
¦$‘‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘1*‘ ‘‘ ‘‘3)‘ ‘* ‘!""D‘‘2‘
? +‘A ‘( ‘‘2‘ *‘5 ‘¦‘2‘‘+‘‘ 3‘‘ ‘‘‘ ‘‘
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‘‘ ‘*)‘ ‘‘‘‘ >‘ ‘‘*‘$‘‘ ‘‘‘ ‘‘* ‘3$‘*  ‘ ‘ ‘‘
 ‘ ‘‘ ‘3‘ ‘‘‘ ‘**‘‘ ‘‘*‘‘‘ ‘‘‘2‘*‘ ‘
‘‘ ‘‘‘ ‘ )‘‘2‘‘ ‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘*‘ ‘3$‘ ‘‘ ‘‘ ‘‘‘
‘‘ ‘*‘‘ ‘‘**)‘¦ ‘‘ ‘ ‘‘ ‘ ‘ ‘  ‘ ‘**‘‘‘‘ ‘
N‘%$‘ ‘*‘ ‘‘ ‘ >‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘2‘*‘ 3‘2‘ *‘‘ ‘
3‘2*‘$‘2$‘‘@)‘‘‘1‘‘ )‘O‘3‘‘NO‘

‘3‘2‘*‘5 ‘¦$‘‘‘2‘1*‘‘‘‘A‘¦$‘ ‘‘‘1‘‘‘ ‘A‘ ‘
‘ $‘  ‘(3‘A‘ $‘‘F ‘)‘ ‘2‘ ‘‘ 3‘‘‘ ‘‘‘* 3‘ ‘
1)‘ ‘‘‘‘  ‘‘ ‘‘*‘ ‘* ‘2‘*  ‘‘‘2‘‘2‘‘‘ ‘‘)‘

( ‘‘ ‘‘‘ ‘‘‘1‘$‘5 ‘¦‘ ‘‘ ‘$‘2‘‘‘ ‘‘‘

*3 ‘ $‘ ‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ 
‘ ‘1‘‘ )‘ 3‘  ‘‘‘21‘
 ‘1‘ ‘A ‘¦  ‘ $‘ ‘‘*‘‘ ‘‘‘ ‘‘2‘%39‘
, ‘%9‘ ‘;( ‘<)‘‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘‘21$‘‘‘‘
 ‘‘‘‘ ‘33‘‘ ‘ ‘‘ ‘‘‘‘2‘‘‘ ‘2)‘;+ )‘!D<‘$‘‘‘
 ‘ ‘‘2‘‘‘‘ ‘‘‘ ‘)‘;+ )‘!H<‘

Figure 14. Base of the Tuscan column housed inside the Bunker Hill Monument featuring a dedicated base by King Solomon͛s Masonic Lodge‘
Figure 15. Top of the Tuscan Column inside the Bunker Hill Monument (Notice the Masonic symbol carved on the urn)‘



Figure 16.Edward Moran͛s Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World‘

‘%‘‘2‘;+ )‘!.<$‘ ‘2‘ $‘‘‘3‘‘ ‘2‘‘ ‘‘

$‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘  ‘
‘)‘ ‘3‘ ‘3‘+‘‘
 ‘‘‘6Ra liberté éclairant le mondeµ
‘‘ ‘‘C‘‘‘; ‘‘¦  9‘44
<$‘ ‘ 0‘‘F$‘ ‘ 0‘‘ 2$‘ ‘‘ $‘‘ )‘2‘‘1*‘‘ 3‘
 ‘ ‘‘‘* ‘ ‘623‘*‘2‘‘*‘‘ ‘‘  ‘+ ‘ 3‘‘
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 ‘‘ ‘‘‘*  ‘‘ ‘‘ ‘2)‘ ‘‘‘2‘ ‘ ‘*‘* ‘ ‘‘
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2‘‘‘‘ ‘‘ ‘23‘‘‘‘ ‘‘‘1 ‘‘2‘‘)‘

% ‘ ‘‘* ‘*‘‘ ‘*‘3‘ ‘‘‘ ‘9‘‘‘3‘2‘
6¦‘*‘‘ ‘ ‘2‘ ‘ ‘‘ ‘ $‘‘ ‘ ‘ ‘‘2‘ )‘¦ ‘3‘*‘‘1‘3‘
‘‘‘ ‘ ‘ ‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘2‘ $‘‘@‘* ‘* ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘ ‘
1‘‘ ‘‘9‘$‘‘2‘ ‘ ‘*):‘

+‘ ‘  ‘*‘;1*‘‘ ‘‘‘3‘*<$‘‘ ‘‘ ‘ ‘‘)‘

(‘;‘‘+<‘3‘ ‘ ‘)‘ ‘‘‘+9‘33‘* ‘ ‘
‘‘2‘‘‘ ‘* ‘0$‘‘‘ ‘2‘‘ ‘$‘  ‘‘‘ ‘‘
‘ ‘‘‘2‘‘ ‘H$‘!" D)‘;+ )‘!-<‘

Figure 17. 1984 Centennial Masonic plaque located on the base of the Statue of Liberty. (Note the Masonic emblems)‘

‘%‘‘29‘‘‘‘1*‘‘ 3‘‘‘ ‘‘‘2 ‘‘F*‘G1)‘

‘‘ ‘! "&‘%4A9‘0‘‘‘ ‘¦‘  ‘% ‘‘2‘‘* ‘F1$‘
‘‘$‘‘ ‘+ 9‘3‘ ‘ ‘‘5$‘(*$‘‘%‘‘ ‘‘
 $The Four Continents‘‘ ‘/)%)‘‘$‘ ‘‘‘$‘ ‘(2‘2$‘‘ ‘1‘
)‘6‘‘1‘‘=‘*‘‘‘‘‘‘‘:; <‘‘ ‘‘‘‘2)‘


‘ ‘

Figure 18. Mout Rushmore and a promenade of state flags

%‘‘ ‘%‘‘2$‘ ‘ ‘;+ )‘! <‘*‘‘ ‘2‘‘+

‘ )‘‘‘ ‘‘
*‘ ‘‘2‘‘‘ ‘B* ‘ 9‘ ‘¦‘¦‘$‘ ‘ ‘2=‘  ‘ ‘
¦‘¦‘)‘*3$‘‘‘‘2‘‘ ‘‘ ‘ ‘‘  ‘ 9‘
*1)‘‘‘‘‘2‘ ‘ ‘ ‘‘* ‘ ‘$‘2‘‘‘‘ $‘3‘‘ ‘
 $‘‘‘‘‘2‘‘$‘1 ‘6‘ ‘‘‘‘‘* ‘4 ‘*‘‘‘‘
‘‘‘):‘; <‘ ‘‘1*‘‘ 3‘‘ ‘‘*‘ ‘‘‘‘
‘2‘$‘‘ ‘4=‘ ‘‘ ‘‘ 2)‘ ‘ ‘$‘ ‘ =‘ ‘
‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘‘‘3‘ ‘‘‘$‘ ‘ ‘* ‘ ‘0‘1‘
  ‘2$‘‘ ‘ ‘6 ‘ ‘‘ ‘‘2‘‘‘‘2‘ $:‘‘ ‘67 ‘‘‘
*8‘‘ ‘‘‘‘¦  $‘5$‘$‘‘3$‘2‘‘ ‘ ‘‘ ‘3‘*):‘

‘‘2‘‘B9$‘‘ 3‘‘‘ ‘‘‘$‘ ‘$‘‘ ‘‘‘
 $‘  ‘‘ ‘*‘‘ =‘‘‘;))‘ ‘‘( <)‘ ‘ ‘‘ ‘
2$‘ *3$‘‘2‘‘ ‘‘ ‘‘‘*‘ ‘ )‘

Figure 19. Masonic-like National Memorial Symbol found in Mount Rushmore‘

C ‘ ‘ J J‘‘

J ‘ ‘

!)‘ ? 9‘%‘$‘!- H$‘ ‘2‘ ‘5)‘‘‘2‘ 9‘ ‘F)‘D)‘‘

&)‘  ‘%‘$‘!-"H$‘ ‘2‘(‘3)‘
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D)‘ ‘ ‘‘2$‘‘$‘‘2‘(2 ‘+‘‘! "'‘‘‘2 ‘2‘ ‘
‘‘(2 ‘+‘;%‘3‘<‘ ‘‘ ‘2 $‘‘‘3$‘‘
 $‘‘‘2 )‘ ‘‘*‘‘2 ‘2‘,$‘* ‘ ‘‘ ‘‘  ‘
 ‘+$‘‘+$‘‘‘‘+ ‘¦‘2‘+1‘‘¦ )‘; <‘
H)‘ ‘( $‘ $‘ 3 ‘H‘‘;H‘2 ‘‘3‘‘‘2‘#‘‘ ‘‘‘&‘; ‘
‘*<$‘‘‘;‘<<$‘  ‘ ‘‘ ‘$‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘ ‘
2 ‘*‘‘ ‘‘ 3‘‘ ‘ ‘)‘
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")‘ ‘ ‘ ‘
!')‘ ‘A ‘¦  ‘ ‘ ‘;+ )‘&'<‘
!!)‘ ‘‘‘J ‘‘  ‘ ‘‘* ‘ ‘0‘ ‘‘‘ ‘‘
!&)‘‘‘‘(  ‘
!)‘(‘39‘2‘‘ ‘%‘‘‘;‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘2‘ <$‘ ‘
‘‘2‘‘ ‘‘‘2‘ ‘
‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘ ‘
21‘ 3‘;+ )‘&!<)‘
!D)‘C21‘‘4 ‘
+‘ ‘1‘* ‘0$‘‘3‘‘ ‘‘ ‘‘2 ‘‘1>‘‘*‘‘‘ ‘
3‘‘1* $‘*$‘‘ $‘‘‘ ‘2‘‘ )‘*‘‘‘‘‘ ‘3‘‘
%‘;‘‘‘‘‘‘ <‘‘2‘‘21‘#‘‘4$‘ ‘ ‘‘32‘‘
‘‘1* ‘‘$‘$‘ $‘$‘1‘‘*1 ‘$‘‘ ‘‘‘  ‘1* )‘

Figure 20. George Washington Masonic Memorial in Washington D.C.‘

Figure 21. Paul Revere͛s celebration of the Stamp Act repeal (Print) featuring British Figures and allegories (Note the obelisk shape)‘

Figure 22. Lectern-shaped sundials‘


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Figure 23. Symbol found on the Old London Bridge‘

Figure 24. Mason Sign on the Old London Bridge‘

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Figure 32. Masonic marks found in White House stones during Truman͛s renovation

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