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Essential Guide to Surviving Colic

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Essential guide to surviving colic

What is Colic?
The medical faculty does not actually know what colic is or what even causes it. End of
report!!! Only joking. Although true in the fact that the medical professionals still do not
know where colic comes from. The word "colic" is derived from the ancient Greek word
for intestine (sharing the same root as the word "colon"). So early medical theory was
that colic came from tapped wind in the intestine and stomach area. Many other
research projects have proven this to be false.
There is many a different theory or idea on colic, the medical definition of colic is a
condition of a healthy baby in which it shows periods of intense, unexplained
fussing/crying lasting more than 3 hours a day, more than 3 days a week for more than 3
During this time from newborn right up until 3-6 months It is very testing and trying on
the mother or carer of the baby and anyone else that comes and helps out. A baby can
scream up to 130db which is really loud. Prolonged exposure to this can end up in
permanent hearing loss. The crying can be specific to the time of day as well, building in
the afternoon and into the evening. Thankfully colic does not last forever and will pass, it
generally stops at 3 months of age but has been known to keep going with some babies
into the 6th and 7th month of life.

How will I survive?

So your key to survival is to know that this will pass one day soon and you will be able to
continue on with your life and thankfully there are some good tips and ideas in this free
report that may help you. With every baby being different they are going to respond to
different things. You need to try things out until you find the one or few things that work
for your little one.
Here are my recommendations to try in your survival of colic.

4th tri mester

Dr Harvey Karp the author of The Happiest Baby on the Block believes that when babies
are born they are not ready to come into the world, they are still foetus like with uneven
breathing, tremors and even needing help to burp. Not until they are 3 or 4 months do
babies start interacting with us by smiling and cooing. Dr Karp believes they need the
stimulation of the womb for a few more months. Unfortunately it’s not physically
possible. Parents need to re-create the womb environment on the outside. Intuitively
new mothers and fathers swing and shoosh there babies, but unfortunately in our
culture these days we are taught to tip toe round the newborn as they need a quiet and
calming environment. Page 4
Breastfeeding can help with colic a lot. Breastfed babies get a great start at life with the
right amount of sugars fats and vitamins provided by mother nature and it’s free! There
is no data to show that breastfeeding can help ease the symptoms of colic but
breastfeeding is how mother nature intended women to look after their babies. There
are sometimes situations where it is not possible for a mother to feed from the breast
and this is okay too.

Milk Time!
Unfortunately some mothers are not shown or taught how to breastfeed properly from
the start so they give up after a short time. It is a learned and very important skill. For
the first few days the breasts contain colostrum, a highly concentrated creamy milk
which is brimming with antibodies, proteins, vitamins and anti-infective agents. Then
once the milk ‘comes in’ the breasts produce two different kinds of milk, foremilk and
hindmilk. The foremilk is a thirst-quenching drink, high in lactose (milk sugar) but low in
fat, while the hindmilk that follows on is higher in fat and very important for your baby’s
growth. Seek advice from your midwife on latching on and breastfeeding as they are

Pro’s of breastfeeding
I wanted to list a few of the marvellous benefits of breastfeeding and why the process as
a whole is great in the world of colic.
Bonding time – Skin on skin feeding is a great way to get to know your baby and for
them to know you are there and feel the heat of the woman’s body.
Supply and Demand – The woman’s body is amazing it produces milk on a supply and
demand basis, as long as the baby keeps feeding the breasts will keep producing until
you wean your baby or mother nature steps in and the milk flow decreases and stops.
Ease of travel – A mother does not need to pack tins of formula and bottles and
sterilising equipment every time she leaves the house. The milk is already pre packaged
and ready to go, it is even at the correct temperature every time!!
Night feeding – A baby can be fed in bed, in the dark, without having to get up! There is
no need to fumble to the kitchen in the middle of the night and prepare a bottle and
heat it up. It means for less broken sleep for everyone involved.
Natural Antibodies – If a baby is to become sick whilst still breastfeeding the mother will
produce natural antibodies in their breast milk to help combat the cold or flu or
temperature the baby is suffering from. It’s like having your own pharmacy/chemist
from mother nature

As Nature Intended
As I have already said breastfeeding is as nature intended for mother and baby. It has
worked for thousands of years and helps create some wonderful amazing people (just
look in the mirror) Breastfeeding is a great tool in the field of colic. It is a way of bringing
mother and baby together in this unsettling time for the little one. Babies need to feel
safe, loved and nurtured. Remember they still think they are the mother and just getting
to terms with this whole new world. Page 5
White noise
White Noise has a very useful place in the world of remedies for colic. Here are some of
the definitions I have found of white noise:
A heterogeneous mixture of sound waves extending over a wide frequency range

White noise is the full spectrum of sound frequencies a human ear can hear combined
together all at once

White noise is a sound that contains every frequency within the range of human
hearing (generally from 20 hertz to 20 kHz) in equal amounts.

That really annoying sound you get when you press the wrong button on the television
remote control! (My definition)

Static from a radio

Why is this relevant you ask?

Bare with me here and do me a favour, put your hands over your ears and listen. Do you
hear a roaring/whoosing noise? This is your own ‘white noise’ that your body produces
and what your baby has been listening to for the last 40 weeks.

You are a baby in the womb. It’s warm and dark, there is plenty of food on offer and you
get to float around in this gooey luscious liquid. The only real sound you hear is that
pumping of blood around your mother’s body. It is actually quite loud to you and me,
about the noise of a vacuum/hoover being held right up to our ear. All of a sudden your
world is turned upside down and you are being pushed into a whole new universe where
there are bright lights and funny looking objects, you have never used your body before
and never really realised you actually have a body!

Culture Shock
Now this would be a very different world that your new baby is experiencing and
imagine what it is like for them to be put down to sleep and NOT hear that whoosing
sound that they associate with being safe and secure and well fed. Complete silence! I
know as a parent I tried to be as quiet as I could around my son and not to disturb him.
In the end he needed white noise playing to be able to go to sleep. Page 6
Do I plug in the vacuum/hoover all day?
The best thing for you to do is recreate what it was like for the baby in the womb when
its time to sleep. Low mood lighting, warm soft bed, (hammock even better as this more
resembles what it was like in the womb.) Get a small CD player and put on some white
noise for them, there are also rain drops on the roof CD’s and other tracks that are great
whilst driving for those times when you can not stop to comfort the little one.

Give it a go
I say try it, you have nothing too loose. If you think about it, this really does make sense.
The womb would not be the quietest place to hang out, so recreate it for your beloved.
It may just make your life that whole lot easier.

Baby wearing
Well for hundreds of years and prior to prams women across the world ‘wore their
babies.’ There was not many other means of transporting babies 350 years ago, you
could not exactly hop in your station wagon and zip down the road for some milk. Babies
were handled and carried everywhere. In most eastern cultures (and still to this day)
babies were passed from mother to other family members and were rarely put in cots or
cribs. It was not uncommon that babies were carried for the first year of their life.

Bark and Flax

In many different cultures throughout the world they used different things to carry the
babies from pieces of bark to flax bags and the more traditional cloth or capes. Since
around 1900 wearing you baby has been phased out. Mothers stopped listening to the
advice of other mothers and started listening to male doctors as they were deemed
experts in the matter. Along with the loss of wearing your baby the benefits were lost
too. Previous to the 1980’s wearing your baby was seen as something done by hippies
and poorer people who could not afford a pram or stroller. A man called Raynor Garner
created a basic sling for his wife to carry his children around. It was then developed by
Dr William Sears and the basic design you can still see today across many different
varieties of slings and carriers. Page 7
Here are a few benefits of wearing your baby and how it can help with colic:
Easy to carry baby around, cook dinner, go to shops meanwhile soothing your baby
Skin on skin contact, one of the greatest things you can do for the little one to know
they are safe and warm
You can get to know your little one very well when they are in such close proximity
A great way for the new baby (and especially premature babies) to adapt and learn
about life outside of the womb
Mothers can breastfeed hands free whilst on the phone or shopping.
You can exercise whilst baby sleeps
No need for heavy prams or car seats
Being elevated stimulates the babies senses and helps with brain development
Babies are known to cry by as much as 50 percent less when carried
Babies are quickly able to develop a sense of security and trust when they are carried
Plus the one I love is that it feels amazing to carry your son or daughter around with
you and look at them when ever you choose
It is known to be great for mothers who may be a depressed as they do not need to
interact with baby as it is right there all the time for when they feel ready to kiss or
It’s also a great way for other people to carry the baby Page 8
Gripe water
A natural remedy
Gripe water is a natural remedy for colic as well as gastrointestinal discomfort, teething
pain, reflux and other stomach ailments. It is simply sterile water usually fortified with
herbs such as peppermint, chamomile, fennel, or ginger or a combination of these
herbs. Although a slightly chequered past gripe water has been used since the 1850’s. It
then contained 3.6% alcohol and was trademarked ‘Gripe Water’ by William Woodard.
In 1993 the United States Food and Drug Administration ordered an automatic
detention of all shipments of Gripe Water. Most of the recipes have now been changed
in accordance with the FDA’s recommendations and are now alcohol free.

Its effectiveness is another one of these things that has to be tried out on each
individual baby. It tastes sweet and targets the whole digestive system. As the doctors
do not know what actually causes colic. Gripe water targets the whole problem area and
can relieve colic symptoms. Paediatricians may recommend that you feed your baby four
ounces of herbal tea per day to help with stomach cramps, gripe water can bypass this
recommendation with a few drops. How often do we have cups of cold herbal tea lying
around just primed for your baby, gripe water can offer an instant remedy for colic.

How to Administer
If your baby will not take the gripe water you could try mixing it with formula they will
not taste the gripe water then. Or if breast feeding you could mix it with a little breast
milk and offer it on a spoon. The great thing about gripe water is that it is all natural and
you can not overdose your baby on it. If it does not work out then at least you have tried
a natural remedy for colic. My son was loved his gripe water and I carried it on every trip
we went on. I remember actually making a few mad dashes to 24 hour supermarkets
looking for the beloved gripe water. It worked for our family so why not try it.

Chiropractic care
Many parents have found that chiropractic care relieves their infants' colic. The theory
is that the pain infants appear to be experiencing may be spinal pain associated with
spinal motion dysfunction, probably acquired in the birth process. Huge pressures and
strains are put on the babies body during the birthing process so it kind of makes sense
that something could be out of place and painful.

Ear muffs/Plugs
You may laugh but maybe an essential when your little one is screaming like a bat out of
hell, not to ignore the baby just to protect your own hearing. Remember at a piercing
130db you will incur permanent hearing damage Page 9
The 5 S’s
The one that works for a lot of people! As mentioned throughout this report Dr Harvey
Karp and the life time he has spent on research into the world of baby colic has come up
with the 5S’s. A system when used correctly with the correct technique can be
extraordinary in shift for babies. They are made up of:

This technique alone worked for me and my family, it was the one key in surviving colic
and coming out with a happy baby and happy family.
I hope that you can take something from this and it will impact your life in a big way and
make some changes so you too can survive colic!!

Many thank and please check out my blog on Page 10

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