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Getting along together

Overview of
behaviour issues
Reproduced with permission from The Down Syndrome Educational Trust: Social development
for individuals with Down syndrome.
The behaviour of most children with Down syndrome highlight the risks of long-term sleep difficulties and their
is typical of children of similar developmental level negative effects, so good sleeping routines from infancy
and more than half of the children never present with are really important.
particularly difficult behaviours. However, behaviour that
Prevention of sleeping difficulties requires parents to
may be developmentally appropriate will be occurring
be firm about not responding to the child’s demands.
in an older child and may last for longer, perhaps causing
A difficult behaviour is usually being maintained by the
stress for families and making inclusion in school and
reward the child obtains (for example being allowed to
community more difficult.
stay up late, or attention if waking in the night). Therefore,
It is, therefore, important to encourage age-appropriate changing a difficult behaviour means changing the adult
behaviour in order for the child to succeed, especially when reaction to the behaviour. Virtually all management and
included in age-appropriate classes and activities. It is also antisocial behaviours can be effectively changed
important to encourage age-appropriate behaviour as this by changing the adult reaction to the child.
respects the age of the child, increases their self esteem
However, before identifying behaviour as a problem, it
and control over their lives. Children with Down syndrome
is important to remember that behaviours may be a
usually have good social understanding and are good
form of communication indicating distress. Therefore it
at learning by imitation, therefore they can achieve age-
is important to make sure that the child is not reacting
appropriate social behaviour despite their delays in language
to difficulties in his/her environment. If school work
and cognitive development.
is too difficult, if the child does not understand the
Parents need advice on prevention and management of requirements of a situation, or if a child senses negative
behavioural difficulties. All children like to exert their own emotions, then the way to change the behaviour is to
control over their lives, but they need to learn to control correct the underlying causes. In these situations, the
impulses and to conform. Many potential difficulties can behaviour is not attention seeking in nature.
be prevented by establishing clear routines and firm
Most children with Down syndrome can be expected
guidelines, especially if parents of babies are advised of
to have good social behaviour if those around them at
the importance of good management.
home and at school create the right environment and
Good eating and sleeping routines can be established
expectations, but it is important to remember that a
from infancy – before 12 months of age. Routines give
minority of children have more specialised needs and they
the baby a sense of security, as life is predictable, and
and their families will need more advice and support.
enable parents to establish clear control before the
baby tries to exert his/her control. When babies do This book is available to view at the Down Syndrome
begin to try to exert control, it is often around feeding Victoria Office.
and sleeping that difficulties occur. The data reviewed…



Voice, Winter 2008. Down Syndrome Victoria Members Journal 7

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