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applaud and die

i did NOT want to write this article but Israelis forced me to. Before you label me pro-M uslim,
read a few of my anti-religious articles. A nd i'm decidedly not anti-J ewish: i check out a sweet
Jewish babe just like any other. (It's just a little hard with the M uslim girls at the pool since they
cover so much but shape is clearly evident and appreciated, just like any other.) A nice figure is
appreciated whether it belongs to a: Jew, M uslim, Hindu,.. whatever. Same goes for a beautiful

After a discussion with family about human origins, i've realized we have two overbearing
tendencies that seem to be deeply ingrained in the human species /ps yche. O ne is great and w e
need to cultivate it, cherish it, develop it, encourage it,.. whenever it shows up regardless of form.
This incredible racial trait is our curiosity: we desperately need to know what's: behind the wall,
over the horizon, around the obstacle,.. We're almost 'ins anely' curious (but that 's good). H uman
beings are explorers by nature and to the core.

The other trait's a 'little' more negative. Whenever w e 's mell' something different (as in when a
lion smells a cub and kills it - because it doesn't quite smell right), we have a tendency to destroy
or marginalize it/them. In my best-guess about human explorat ion of the Americas, it was
probably the darker-skinned Africans who settled here first. They certainly had the opportunity
and technology at the time of African-exodus. It was the much later waves of Asians who likely
wiped the earlier darker-s kinned settlers out becaus e 'they didn't look right'. It's likely a
disgusting historical fact about humanity: our racism, ethnocentrism, our cultural favoritism and
exclusivity - have been around for 10s of thousands of years. If a new wave of settlers looks
different than the currently existing group, if they practice different behavioral sets,.. they are
either wiped out by the new group or typically used as slaves.
So when i hear the Israeli PM spouting divisive dogma that only continues this disgusting
tradition of ethnic exclusivity, when i see the idiotic Americans give him standing ovations ad
nauseum, i'm looking for the nearest 45-magnum t o point at my temple screaming: we' re never
gonna grow up (as a civilizat ion)! Will we ever?

America supports Israel becaus e it 's expedient and in American interest s to support Israel. Israel
is a Jewish (religious ) state. T his 'democracy' is clearly N OT when Pales tinians are t reated as
second-class citizens, marginalized, l and taken from them,.. treated les s t han dogs in Western
society. America dictates to other countries: "you can develop nukes .. but you over there cannot"
depending on our relationship with them and how they s erve Amer ican interes ts . Israel has over
200 nukes. And as s tat ed by the PM :is one of the smallest countries in the world. Who's the real
threat in the region? NOT Iran.

Ya know, i hate t he burka, treating women like property/s laves, M us lim fanaticis m, halal meat ,..
but i hate more a bunch of back -patting pukes pretending to represent rationality and democracy .
It's nauseating and makes me want to off myself at the same t ime. It's a parody of democracy. It's
a par ody of true social progress.

America and Israel must take their heads out of their ass es , grow up, stop t hinking 'one nation
under god', stop being so idiotically exclusive, stop pretending to 'make progress' with unilateral
speeches dictat ing to M uslim nations how t o operate/live, and for God's s ake - STO P trying to
dictate to them whether or not they can develop nukes.

The historical accident 'w e developed them first' was NOT by divine providence in much t he
same way God is not behind / does not s upport anyone particular religion. Considering what we
do 'in the name of God', i suspect She feels likewise.

in Trust we god, sam

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