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Garvey says
he won' run
for mayor
this time
By Robi Taylor
Merciad staff reporter

Mercy hurst president Dr. William Garvey

will not be running for mayor next election
despite rumors reported in local papers that he
would be considered by the democratic party.
J Every election year,* the same rumors
concerning who will be the next mayor for the
city of Erie surface. Most rumors live a short
life, but the name that is brought up con stanUy
is Dr. Garvey.
The rumor about Dr. Garvey j has been
circulating for years, but this year there has
been a new twist added. In an informal state-
ment Frank Laskey, Jr., said, "Dr. Garvey
will be the next mayor of Erie... Mayor Tullio
is supporting him all the way." After re-
peated attempts, Mayor Lou Tullio could not
be reached for confirmation of this statement
Despite the rumors, Dr. Garvey said in a
D'Angelo School dedicated recent interview he will not run for mayor this
term, hut might consider it next election. Any
T H E NEW $1.6 MILLION D'Angelo School of Musk was left) Brian Sherman Dr. George and Mary D'Angelo, and time after that may be too late for him to
dedicated Sunday afternoon. At the musicalpresentation were (from President Dr. William P. Garvev. t
consider seeking office.
He said his reason for not running now is
that although Mercyhurst is at its highest point

Students lined up for registration ever, h e feels that h is job is not completed here
at the college. Dr. Garvey said hisfirstlove is
teaching, so when he does leave the
president's office,he would prefer to return to
The registration of fice registers 300-350 "It is a myth thatadults get special treatment a full-time teaching position. He also added
By Michelle Bush freshmen in an hour, according to Hall. during registration, according to Hall. Other that the experience of being mayor would
Merciad staff editor Gannon registers 30-60 students in a half than registering with seniors, they receive no enrich the teaching experience.
hour, Gannon's registration assistant Eileen special treatment They get closed out of Among the priorities for Erie, Dr. Garvey
Students may complain of long lines dur- Toner, said. In comparison, Gannon registers classes too, Hall said. says that any new mayor should, "square
ing registration, but Registrar Bonnie Hall, 120 students in an hour while Mercyhurst Students often run into problems while away the city's finances" and develop the
says they move quickly. almost triples it with 350. registering. Senior core students of ten try to bayfront recreation area J including a band
4 9
'Registration actually moves quite fast, ' Mercyhurst's registration system isn't 'register without having 90 credits, Hall said. shell, such as the Nautica in Cleveland. Other
Hall said. "It never takes us more than one perfect, however, admits Hall. "If you took Freshmen with 27 credits will sometimes projects should include restaurants and an ice
a random sample of anything, there is going register with sophomores, etc. According to skating rink so that the youths of Erie could
hour and that crowd is gone."
to be problems," she said. "We would be Hall, all students are monitored on screen to have some suitable entertainment, he said.
open to change the system if we \ knew a make sure they register at the correct time. & Another priority, according to Garvey, is
1 Students are often closed out of classes the improvement of Erie's civic image. He
Pass-fail changes system that worked better."
The registrar's office is already having they want ] By receiving the course said Erie citizens should? stop the "dreary
Last day for students to withdraw from reservations over winter registration in the instructor's signature, however, it is possible Erie" type of jokes and by to think of Erie as
to register for the filled course, according to a "little/big city" .instead of a "big/little
classes or declare pass-fail is Friday.OcL 21. Blue Room. According to Hall, the Blue
Current seniors, juniors, and transfer stu- Room might not accommodate the. large Hall. ;i j town." jA
dents admitted before fall term, 1987 have freshman class. * If it doesn't, Hall said a new 'When registering, students frequently put I X These are ideas that too many people say
three pass-fails. Sophomores and transfer location must be provided. down therightcourse name but write down can't be done, but Dr. Garvey says that, "the
students admitted in fall, 1987 or Winter or ' In the past, registration was in the the wrong course number. Since the terminal type of vision in the future that Mother Borgia
spring terms, 1988 will be permitted two registrar's office, but as enrollment increased goes by course number, a mix-up will occur, had when she purchased the 79 acres that
pass-fails. Freshmen and transfers admitted it was cumbersome for students in the Hall said. j- Mercyhurst College sits on is needed to make
from Pall, 1988 on will be permitted only crowded office, Hall said. ^.Another problem facing students will be the changes necessary to give Erie the higher
one pass-fail. eliminated by a new policy.^'Students ac- quality of life it deserves.''
Only adult registration is still handled
count holds are published prior to registration Although Dr. Garvey is turning down any
A slight change from the Senate resolu- through the adult registration office because it
thought of running for mayor now, Mary
tion approved last April retained three pass- includes a smaller group, according to Hall. now," Hall said. | * L
On Nov. 7 and 8 a mass of students again A common scene is the student who waits Daly, assistant to the president, stated feelings
fails for seniors and juniors but reduced to
that she said many people share with her.
one the number of pass-fails available to will wait to register in the Blue Room. The in line, finally gets to the terminal, and finds
out there is an account hold on his registration. "Dr. Garvey would make an excellent
freshmen and sophomores. The policy has first to register are seniors, HaU said.
mayor." She added he would lead the city
been modified to grant sophomores two The adult and MCCI students also register After going to the accounts office and correct- through the same levels of progress that
pass-fails. then, and later it's juniors, sophomores and ing it he starts the registration process over Mercyhurst has had with him as president
freshmen. j see 'Students', pg. 2
PAGE 2 The Merciad OCTOBER 20,1988

V a n d a l i s m affects library research! materials

other reference materials to steal the students seem to feel it's the only
information they need, while others way to have it"
do so thoughtlessly and carelessly, Myers says he feels that the
not realizing just how serious this cause of the problem may originate
crime is. with the copying machines and the
As a result of the damages, new students' lack of money and/or
materials, although quite available, time. f ^
are restricted because the library has However, as Pinto points out,
to replace mutilated books. there are two copying machines in
Through the sacrifices in new the library, one of which is in the
materials necessary to pay for the periodical room to make access
replacement of other sources, some more convenient for students.
students are left without the materi- ' * We buy the materials for them,
als they need. t staff for them—the whole operation
It is an unfortunate situation that is geared for-them," Pinto says,
Pinto says occurs on every college explaining how unnecessary j die
campus, and "itis an ongoing prob- vandalism is.
lem which needs to be resolved." In addition to making the re-
cOne member of the Mercy hurst sources available, as Pinto states,' 'I
faculty, English department direc- believe in unrestricted access to
tor Dr. Gary Myers, has experi- information,'' he is also responsible
mented with an approach to re- for their protection.
search that may help with the prob- He said that the library publi-
lem. * cizes the problem and also institutes
He feels that by supplying sev- $100 fines for each offense. This
A LIBRARIAN SHOWS the handiwork of students who research papers with a razor blade. If caught, the library eral references himself, as well as process is enforced by Student
will imposefinesof up to $100 per offense. I Photo by LizRi having students do research during Services.
class, the students not only gain a All library materials are treated
better understanding of-research before being checked out, and are
By Holly Fulmer library, regarding the vandalism of tions of collecting reference mate- material, but also gain access to sent through the library's security
Merciad staff *ji:i reference books in the library. rial; however, they come with * a information they need. detection system by the door.
The stir in the library is caused razor blade, not a library card. Myers doesn't understand die Reflecting on the situation,
v i i Jc don't think," says by those students who choose to 1 Pinto thinks that some students reasoning behind the vandalism. Pinto says, "We can always im-
David Pinto, director of the campus come to the library with the inten- intentionally; destroy books 'and "It is not arbitrary vandalism, but prove: we can always set better."

Students dined up,^ f , / Health Fair a success

By Margaret Coffey
Merciad staff reporter
again. « solutions to your problems.'* "On away drawings from local mer-
A list of account holds, posted the spot solutions,'' assistant regis- chants/ ' Toner said. Mercyhurst's Health Fair, held on-Oct 12 in the Student Union,
by social security number on the trar, Marilyn Moore, added. If a class is closed out during a was a large success according to Larry Kozlowski, director of the
Registrar's office door, should During registration, president student's registration, the course Student Union.' j
eliminate this problem. Dr. William Garvey even looks in professor's signature will get them i ne rair inciuaea cnoiesteroi screening, blood pressure testing,
The registration process starts on them. "The president sticks his back into 5 the class, according to and glaucoma screening. The Fair also provided material and experts
long before students register in the head in to see if we are O.K. during Toner $ $ on a wide variety of health related topics.
Blue Room. "People don't realize registration," Hall said. Behrend's registration'system, The groups that had booths at the Fair included the Women's
the amount of work that goes into The faculty also helps out "We which takes days, is entirely differ- Center, Athleticare of Saint Vincent's Health Center, the AIDS
making up a class schedule," Hall have a flexible faculty too. If some- ent from Mercy hurst and Gannon. Council of Erie, the Erie Center for the Blind, Diet Works of Saint
said. one is closed out the chances are 50/ Their larger enrollment makes it Vincent's Health Center, Campus Ministry and the Department of
It takes about six weeks to or- SO you can find a solution to your impossible to register students the Education and Training at Saint Vincent's Health Center..|gj *
ganize a class schedule. According problem," Hall said. 'Hurst way. •} The event was made possible through the efforts of Kozlowski, the
to Hall, die professors' courses are Mercy hurst registration system First, students receive a booklet campus coordinator, and Joseph Wagner, Saint Vincent's Health
submitted to the academic dean's compares favorably with Gannon with the class schedule, a spokes- Center Coordinator. •

Phi Eta Smma sends


office and reviewed by academic and Behrend. womanfromthe registration office,

dean, Michael McQuillen and assis- Gannon's registration system Diane Nowacinski, said.
tant dean, Sister Marcia. Tor 3,500 students is similar to the 'Next,.students receive advance
After the courses are approved 'Hurst. They also have an advanced registration cards from their advi-
by the dean they're sent, to the registration with seniors first, then
registrar's office where classrooms juniors, etc.
are assigned to each class, Hall said.
Instead of having a class go at
sors, which theyfillout and submit
with their course choices, Nowac-
inskJL said. ^And'seniors turn their
delegates to: society
Each department has certain territo- the same time however, they give
ries to meet the professor's needs students different registration
Hall explained. times, according to Toner? "Stu-
cards in first then juniors, etc. she
added. * I
Students do not receive their
national ^convention
Next, the courses are punched dents are each given a card with the j schedule?when they hand in their national convention at
into a computer to,get ready for time of their registration," Toner registration cards. According to the University of Ak-
publishing. A schedule is then said. ' I Nowacinski, students all have a list ron, Oct. 14 to 16,
made into hard copy and proofed Gannon puts nine groups of whats being offered, they just 1988. >& ,: 5
against .what the ] dean submitted, through a day with each group don' t know what the computer gave Official delegate
Hall said. composed ypf 30-60 students wait- them until they see the print out at a Lynn Sheffler and al-
Last, the schedule is sent to the ing naif an hour to register Toner later date. * ternates Diane Conley
printers and the final class schedule explained. After receiving the? print out and Mara Sweterlitsch,
is stacked in the registrar's office for To break up the monotony of schedule, students can change it as well as faculty ad-
students, according to Hall. I standing in line, Gannon provides during- a schedule adjustments pe- viser Bud Brown, en-
The registrar's office receives refreshments in the commons area riod or a drop/add period, Nowac- joyed the opportunity
inski said J \ to propose and vote on
supportfromthe Mercy hurst com- where their four terminals are run-
munity all through the registration ning, Toner said. •If students are closed-out of a changes in the national
process. Hall said that many parents Refreshments consist of coffee class, two signatures are needed to constitution and the ad-
of registering freshmen comment and donuts in the morning with get the desired class. "Students ministration of the so-
and pop served in the after- need an instructor's signature and a ciety. |
on how smoothly summer registra- • : • •

noon, according to Toner. division head's signature during They also had the
tion runs. • X - Y N N S H E F F L E R

chance to meet and ex-

; • ^ •r *' We get a lot of support from Gannon also provides entertain- schedule; adjustments and drop/
add,'' Nowacinski said. The Mercy hurst Chapter of Phi* Eta change ideas with dele-
the academic dean's office," Hall ment for students. "Last year we Sigma national honor society sent a dele- gates from chapters
said. "They give you immediate started something new. We gave gate and two alternates to the 29th biennial across the nation.

OCTOBER 20,1988 The Merciad PAGE 3

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PAGE 4 The Merciad OCTOBER 20,1988

Standing in line the best way

to register for classes Kovski Korner
Waiting in line for registration is times. • Mercyhurst campus large enough to

Pass/Fail reductions
a pain but it is the best way. According to Gannon's regis- comfortably accommodate 300-
6 The biggest wait is before regis- trar Eileen Toner, seniors, juniors, 350 people.
tration actually begins, for students etc. are assigned times in alphabeti- Registration might possibly be
go down early to get a good place in cal order of their last names. Stu- set up in the cafeteria or in the Zurn
line. After registration starts, stu-
dents normally don * t wait more than
one hour. y
dents unfortunate enough to have recital hall. Both rooms are large
the last name of Van Earden or enough to handle an entire class. It
Wagner then, would always register would be inconvenient for the
cheat sophomores
If Mercyhurst followed last That doesn't seem fair. registrar's office to move the termi-
Gannon's example and assigned It would take, the registrar's nals, but it is necessary.
registration times, it! could avoid office many hours to register a class Gannon had a marvelous idea of By Christopher J. Kovski |
students waiting in line a long time. of students if it assigned times, providing refreshments for regis- Merciad Editor
This isn't the most effective method when it could register the entire tering students. The refreshments
however. j
class in one hour. help students be more patient and The administration at Mercy h urst
Assigning times for registration Indeed, it would seem the best less irritable. College has announced that there is a
would eliminate a long line, but way to register students is the way The drawing for students is also change in \ the pass-fail option at
would students get to choose their currently done. a good idea. It seems like forever to Mercyhurst *
time of registration? Most likely A new facility should be pro- a student who is waiting in line. A
y&+"-tm*0** &
I Sophomores will have two pass-
they would not Students assigned a vided for registration however. drawing would help the time move fails, whilefreshmenwill have only
later time wouldn't have as good a Students are crammed into the Blue faster. Even a radio or some other one. Juniors and seniors keep their
chance of getting their desired Room with barely enough room to entertainment would relieve the _ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ _ three. 1
classes, as students assigned earlier move. There must be a room on monotony. If 1 were a sophomore, I would be extremely irate right now.
Freshmen have no recourse. They are coming in under a system that
says they get one pass-fail, and they're stuck with it, even though the
physical item, the actual catalog, still lists three pass-fails.
Library vandals inconvenience everyone But sophomores are getting cheated. They came in under a catalog
that says they get three pass-fails, and they were getting accustomed to
that system.
Now, they're told that they only get two. That one pass-fail may not
People who vandalize library Thesepeople ruin library privileges because I need to use magazines for sound like much, but it could be. f
books and magazines are stupid. (I and convenience for everyone. a term paper I'm writing. I would As an example, if a student were to carry a 3.5 average, with the use
know "stupid" is quite an elemen- I personally do not enjoy having love to be able to check out maga- of three pass-fails to remove three C grades, that same student would
tary iword, but I don't think The to trek to the library!! night after zines (something my home library have a 3.36 average with no pass-fails.
Merciad would like t to print the night, search for a table and have to system allows) and use them at my j With only two pass-fails, that student would have a 3.46 — below
"adult words" I have in mind). hear other people's conversations, leisure in a quiet, private spot. j. what is needed to graduate cum laude. I
I know, due to vandalism, this Evidently, the administration takes the "catalog" to mean merely
will never happen. The thing that the courses needed to get a degree in a major—not the academic policies
really gets me is some people rip up that govern every aspect of a student's life.
magazines because they like a spe- If so, the catalog shouldn't be printed when uncertain ties exist Why
tell students one thing, then do another? This is not a good way to earn
The Merciad cific photo or graphic, so they take
it to decorate their dorm room walls. respect
Those who steal because they
It would not hurt to let the sophomores have three pass-fails. The
want the information for a project freshmen wouldn't know any different, and wouldn't have been told
Mercyhurst College's First-Qass newspaper should have sympathy for others they'd get any different — they'd have onefromthe start
as rated by the Associated Collegiate Press with projects.| Imagine how frus- But sophomores shouldn't be punished because someone decided
Vol. 62 No. 6 trating it would be to research a that the students didn't use the pass-fail system enough, or the system
October 20,1988
topic to "the perfect article," the shouldn't be in place at all. |. \ \
kind that will practically write the Granted, two are better than one, and one is better than none. But
Christopher J. Kovski Editor report for you, only to discover it that's a matter of semantics. The whole principle is that students were
i has neatly been removed from the told one thing, and they're getting another, r
Michelle Bush publication with some rude and If the intention of the institution is to eliminate the pass-fail system,
Editorial Board now is a good time to do it With all of the other academic changes, one
Karen Sampson devious person's x-acto knife.
Even worse is finding half of the more wouldn't be a big deal. *, \ f
Matthew J. Clark Sports Editor article-- the other half had a pretty Evidently, the administration feels that students are getting smarter,
picture on the backside. and, therefore, don't need pass-fails. If so, why are all of the other
Patty Coneglio Business Manager I Using copy machines is not the "safety nets" in place? I
best idea I know I'm never confi- For example, if you fail a class, you can take it again, and the new
Liz Richards Photo Editor dent using those things, I never have grade will stand--the F doesn't evenfigureinto your grade. Youcan
money when I want to copy some- do this as many times as you want
PatSteckman Photographer thing, and/or I hate spending the If you fail a class, or simply don't want to take it, you can challenge
money I had been saving to do my thecourse. You take a test, and if you pass it, you pass the course. You
Steve Rush Cartoonist laundry on a report When consid- must pay for the test and the credits, but it is another way around a failing
ering the alternatives, of not having grade. J M
John Kupetz Faculty Adviser needed information, they are toler- Now, if you want to head off a failing grade, enroll in the develop-
able. I mental courses. You can take these classes to get a little background and,
Reporters In order to keep the library up to surprising enough, development in a subject before getting into it too
the standards necessary for college much. | * . vN
Jill Chiccarino SaraLinehan level research, we must all respect Of course, the school offers such programs without charge, right?
Margaret Coffey Brian Maiden library property. If the library has to Wrong. A developmental course costs as much as any other course, but
Brian DiPlacido Kevin McHugh constantly spend money (our you don't get credits toward graduation from it
Holly Fulmer Jennifer Montani money) to replace books and sal- Evidently, if you want to do well academically, you need money.
BillHogan Andy Penhollow vage magazines (since most are irre- Keep taking the class until you can pass it Hand over $660, don'tl pass
Maria Kelly " Robi Taylor placeable) they are not going to go, don't collect any failing grades.
Theresa Kloecker Andrea Tipton have the funds to improve the li- With the three pass-fails, if you \ were close, and pass-failed the
brary and make it increasingly ac- course, you were OK. j But now, the options lean toward failing and
cessible to students. retaking. £ |
The Merciad it the student-produced newspaper of Mercyhurst
"Good resources write good \jYour GPA will suffer less if you fail a course, retake it and get a C,
College, Box 161,501 B. 38th St., Erie, PA 16546. Phone: 825-
papers," as the old rule goes, and I than it would if you got a D the first time.
0376. Materialforpublication must be submitted by noon on the
for one, would like to procure well- I guess what the school is saying, by restricting the pass-fails, is that
Monday before publication. written quality articles without if students are doing poorly, they should take the deep plunge, fail the
having to play "Guess What the class, and retake it when they're ready. Don't work harder, don't take
The Merciad welcomes letters to the editor. Letters must be signed, 9
Author Said/ or having to bring the class pass-fail, and don * t learnfromthe experience. W \
but the writer's name can be withheld by request my own x-acto.
OCTOBER 20,1988
The Merciad

Co-op loffice sets Senior interview guidelines

The Office of Career Services, 4
;tual interview date to confirm a Office 24 hours before the inter-
nal interview slot
If it is not possible to keep a
view.! f
Students shaving any further
questions regarding the interview
Failure to keep any interview procedure should contact the Career
nite number of companies as •alter- :heduled interview appointment, will result in cancellation of all Services Office in Main 204.
Cooperative Education and Intern- nates.'V • lease notify the Career Services future interviews.
ship Programs •= has set up some If an interview schedule is not
guidelines for Senior sign-up for the

filled, alternate applicants will auto-
permanent placement interviews. matically be added to the regular
Students will be permitted to interview schedule.
sign up for their initial three inter- All students should take advan
view choices on a first come first tage of the Alternate List. The
serve basis, * number of alternate choices does
Students will ibe permitted to
sign up to interview with an indefi-
not effect your initial three choices.
Alternates may come into the
office seven days in advance of the
By Bill Hogan between Perry of Aerosmith and live album out for you. The
WMC Y Program Director Billy Idol. ; | Smiths' "Rank*' has just come out
The guitar rifts by Slash and the
with a collection of live songs from
What's up? Well not much with hard beat by S teven Adler makes an the defunct English band. *
me, just some more rock-n-roll to action! paced album throughout This live album was recorded at
review. $ "Welcome to the Jungle,'* and a 1986 live performance in London.
The first group we will look at ' Sweet Child O* Mine*' are alreadyYou * U hear all of their favorites, and
this week is Guns-n-Roses, the big hits, but watch outfor "Paradise vocalist Morrissey'*and} guitarist
L. A. based rock band. City*' to be the next big hit Johnny Marr will please everyone
| Guns-n-Roses is one of those This album packs a lotof wallop who loved this highly successful
bands that is so unique that it can and has a unique sound.! We can English band.
comefromthe L.A. punk and heavy only hope that the radio stations and If you love The Smiths or even
metal clubs and be a national hit MTV quit playing it so much and let like them, this album is for you.
Their blend of hard rock, bor- it stay unique. Well, see you next week with
dering on heavy metal and punk-ish another happenin' Hogan record
lyrics makes for a huge mew sound. Now, for all of you new wave review.
Ax\ Rose, the lead vocalist, is a cross s, there is going to be a special

HEBERT KNOLL JR., founder of Total Executive Inc., gave a Business

Department sponsored speech on corporate attire and etiquette.

Professional dmage
seminar held use When interviewing, the desired
EAST 38TH & PINE AVE., ERIE, PA. i6504
On Monday, Oct 17 in Sullivan
Hall over one hundred business "look** and "behavior** sought by
students attended a program by various management levels, ' RAY E. BURHENN
Herbert Knoll, a leading authority sources of information on competi- PHARMACY CONSULTANTS
on "Professional Image." This tive images, and proper business
presentation was sponsered by the dress and etiquette. 41
Your Family i Health is Our Family's Concern •t

Business Department and Mer- £ Ironically, Knoll discussed,

cyhurst Business Association. His ' 'Talent is not the sole criterion for
frequent appearances and published success. CEO*s feel image is im- 24 Hour Answering Service
portant to a company's success.**
articles have established him as a
popular speaker for audiences Eighty-six percent of CEO's be- r PHONE: 456-7762
lieve their company would benefit if
across America. they employed a better image
Mr. Knoll, President and among their clients. Other impor-
founder of the Total Executive Inc.* tant attributes include strong com-
a New York based consulting firm, munication, presentation and or-
specializes in Career Development, ganizational skills. I
Professional Attire, Corporate Eti-
Mr. Knoll believes, "Image Burhenn's Pharmacy
quette, Entertainment and Travel.
He is the author of the book* Jhg starts with clothing. And, paying 20% off any Max Factor
Total Exefflitiye. In addition, Mr. attention; to» detail and treating
Knoll is an executive with a promi- people the way they want tko be
treated is essential. It's the kind of
product with this coupon
nent New Yorkfinancialinstitution.
The theme focused on how to thing that carries over into your
differentiate oneself in the competi- nwsnnal life and makes vou a better
tive business world. Various topics person » »

included what criteria employers

OCTOBER 20,1988
PAGE 6 The Merciad
• .-4
• •

Hurst student Pamela rocks Erie

Grotto gives HRIM By Brian DiPlacido
Merciad staff reporter
playing contempory Christian rock month.
music, both cover and original, for When not performing her own
music, Pam enjoys listening to
five years.
students experience This "rock" is really on aroll--
Mercyhurst's own Pamela Rock,
a.k.a. Pamela Szymanowski, is cur-
Starting with a keyboard solo in contemporary artists j Amy Grant
her church Christmas Cantata, Pam and Pat Benetar. When asked about
has progressed through two bands the popularity of such bands as
what they learn in class. It shows the rently leading the Erie Rocks battle (Insight and Reflection) before Guns-n-Roses, Pam bluntly stated,
By Brenda Lowe students how to perform for the of the bands. She is now in the lead arriving at her current, self-tided "I really don't understand how
Merciad staff editor by almost 200 points, according to ensemble Pamela Rock. anyone can likethat kind of music."
outside community and share their In spite of her interest in music,
talents as well, according to Barnes. Robi Taylor. v The band performed on the Erie
The Grotto. Something differ- 5 Presently involved gin the Rocks television program in July Pam does not plan on making a
The Grotto was established last
ent Something new. Mercyhurst M.C.C.I. (MercyhurstCorry Career and is currently j leading that career of it. Instead, she views it as
year as part of HRIM Department 4
students come and enjoy a new Institute) program for medical tech- program's battle of the bands, 'something enjoyable to fall back
by Erica Pinto. The opening was which will close at the end of this on.
» »

atmosphere, delicious food, ;and well received but now the only nology, this Erie native has been
great company. Come to the Grotto people who seem to know about the
and enjoy.
The HRIM Department is be-
hind the Grotto. The Giotto is run
by HRIM majors entirely, accord-
Grotto are the people in the commu-
nity, the faculty and the administra-
tion, according to Barnes. * "We
'Last Temptation' not tempting 5
want the students to enjoy the at-
ing to Mike Barnes of the HRIM
Department The Seniors involved
in the- food service management
mosphere of a small establish-
ment, * Barnes said. ,
'''' The students on the Mercyhurst
says Mercyhurst reviewer
course are in charge of making the
menu, ordering the food needed by
meal plan should not feel like they appearance find facial expressions exciting film, but it will make you
will not enjoy the food at the Grotto, By Robi Taylor gave the character a very close re- think. Positive or negative, this film
die restaurant, and take die position Merciad staff reporter
of being the manager of the busi-
according to Barnes. "In fact the semblance to Charles Manson. The will also have an effect on your
ness, v
average meal at a place such as producers would have done better religious thoughts. -;'
Arby's would cost about $4. In I really did not know what to by casting an actor with softer fea- Personally, I cannot understand
The students involved in the expect when I went to see The Last tures, more like Ted Neely who the controversy about the last scene.
comparison, the* Grotto charges
course, quantity foods, become the Temptation of Christ With all the played die role in Jesus Christ Su- The lovemaking scene lasts about
employees, learn to function in the $3.50 to 4.S0 for a full course
meal," Barnes said. comments going on about this film, perstar back in the early 70's. three seconds and starts with Jesus
kitchen, and learn to correctly serve and Mary Magdelene getting mar-
ranging from it being too controver-

a meal. The students of the Mer- The Grotto does not have full The second problem was the ried. The one thing about the scene
sial to it being utterly boring, it is
cyhurst community can come and time hours but reservations can be
enjoy a good meal and meet the made by calling extension 333 or very hard to go in without having way that the role was written. A lot is the fact that'he marries'two
some kind of an opinion. J of the time Jesus was portrayed as women at the same time.
people who work in the business. 512. ] i ; I was one of about 130 people to being cold, almost without emo-
* It is a learning expereince for both kg* The Grotto only allows fifty ''Because of the sensitive subject
the students performing the duties reservations for each day but any- see the Millcreek premier^of Last tions. Not the way that we have of this movie, I was very uncom-
Temptation and what I saw con- always been taught that Jesus was, fortable writing this review. Any
of die business and the people who one can call anytime to set a reserva- fusedme. It is an excellent film that but as a scared man with symptoms decisions about The Last Tempta-
enjoy the outcome of the product, don, according to Barnes. makes you feel uncomfortable of some severe mental problems. If tion of Christ are so personal that I
Barnes said. \
^^^^ enough to cause almost a hatred of this could have been toned down a am not going to recommend
The Grotto is an opportunity to everything about it This uneasy little I think it would have helped a whether or not anyone should see
showcase students in die HRIM The Grotto's hours are as fol-
feeling may be the underlying rea- lot i I this movie. It is up to you to decide.
Department talent and gives them lows: Wed., 5-6 p.m. and Thurs., sons for aU the negative emotions Director, Martin Scorsese took a The one thing I will say, if you
the experience of working with 12-1 p.m. this movie evokes in people. lot of chances in directing Last do see it remember that it is fiction
I'm not saying that there are not Temptation, some of them worked, and is not based on any books of the
Ready Freddy? problems with the movie, because some did not I do admire the fact gospels.
there are. I feel that the two major that he had the nerve to bring this
jto the screen. Every once in a
Another nightmare problems are the miscasting of the • : • : •

role of Jesus, and the way that he is while the public needs a movie like
portrayed in the film. | this to shake things up a little. I think
Willem DaFoe was very believ- we were overdue for this one. My rating: 75/100

for the dreamers able in the role of Jesus, especially

the wav that it was written. But his not
Last Temptation
of Christ
situations, Gore,

By Robl Taylor formula, two-dimensional charac-

Merciad staff Villi rter ter. I don't really know what he

does to make Freddy so special, but
Maybe someone can answer a it seems to work. Freddy Krueger
question for me. Why is it that just keeps getting more popular
movie monsters never die any- after every film. j
Nightmare on Elm Street IV
more? Between Freddy Krueger,
Jason Voorhees, and Michael,
they've come back to life more
times than all the living dead of the
breaks every rule and that's what
makes it so great to watch. It is
different from the rest Freddy does
Does your dub or organization
have an announcement for the Bul-
letin Board? Send your news to The
1950's put together. not depend on gore to shock his fans Merciad, Box 161 or bring it to our
Of the three mentioned above, with...he uses pure horror and that's office in Baldwin Hall. Items must
only Freddy has a reason for doing all! I - CAMPUS PLAY be recieved by noon on Monday for
what he does. This is what makes The perfect time to visit Freddy Mercyhurst's Little Theatre pres- thatweek's edition. Typed orneatly
the Nightmare on Elm Street series in dreamland will be coming up in ents Gilbert and Sullivan's H.M.S. printed! double spaced? items are
so popular among the teenage and two weeks. Imagine taking a date to Pinafore Oct 28th, 29th, 30th and appreciated.
young adult audiences that consis- see thisfilmat midnight on Hallow- Nov. 3rd,4th,and 5th.iAliperform-
tendy push Freddy to the top ten een night I really can't possibly ances are at 8pm. The cost is $6 for
movie lists all over the country. think of abetter way to spend a cool, adults and free to Mercyhurst fac- PING PONG TOURNAMENT
Robert Englund, who plays haunted October night ulty students I with college ID or \ There will be a Ping Pong Tour-
Freddy, has developed his character My psychology teacher says President's Card. nament^ Saturday Oct22. Play
from being just an obnoxious psy- that it's an old wives' tale that says, begins at 7pm. Please sign up at the
chopath into a semi-human charac- " When you die in your dreams you Student Union desk.
ter that almost ranks as a folk hero. dieforreal." I can lay even money
odds that she has never seen any of STUDENT ACnVITIES COM-
I've seen four and five year olds MITTEE 1
flock around a television when the Nightmare on Elm Street films. LIONS AND| TIGERS AND
Because if she did she would at least ^S.A.C. meets every Monday BEARS AND MORE!
Freddy comes on; but these same night at 8:30pm *in the5 Student
kids will hide under their beds in have some doubts. There will be shuttles to visit the
Union. All students are invited to Erie Zoo on Sunday Oct23. Vans
tears when they sec Jason. attend. New ideas are always wel- will leave Baldwin Hall at 1pm and
Maybe Englund brings some of come. 2pm. Admission is free.
his training in Shakespearean the- My rating: 89/100 1
atre to add new dimensions to a Violence, language, very little gore.
OCTOBER 20,1988
The Merciad PAGE 7

* .
, :

Basketball Shortstop:
went Addressing communication
mad! problems in theiA.Dl !
By Kevin McHugh i£aa

Merciad staff reporter .

By Matthew J. Clark
Merciad Sports Editor
Laker men's basketball team
held a media day on oct 14,1988. Last week's \events involving
On that afternoon the team had their Merc y h urst's golf team were un fortu-
formal team photograph taken in nate to say the least Because of* a
front of Old Main. All, especially communication problem between the
Patrick Odhiambo looked very J
players and their coach, a mistake was
smart in their shirts and ties. - After made and the team could not compete
that it was over to the Campus in the ECAC Regional Golf Tourna-
Center for a quick change into their ment
shinny new blue and white kit The communication problem was a bit complex in this situation.
jit was then timeforWICU TV- John Leisering, Mercyhurst's athletic director, explains the events of
12, of Erie to interview some of the Monday Oct 3.' \ - . \ \ •
teams veterans including Chris "I was notified late Monday afternoon by John Garner, the assistant
Mindach, Phalon Bass and Eric commissioner of the ECAC that (Mercyhurst's) late entry into the
Franos. With eight returning play- tournament had caused 'some acute problems' with the tournament's
ers, five? of them seniors, coach committee," Leisering says.
Barry Copeland is still looking for a ** He asked if we'd be willing to go to another sight- in Rutgers, N J.
team captain to emerge. $ 1. on Oct 5, and he needed to have a decision that night (Oct 3)."
Later, at midnight Oct IS, the Leisering, who wasn't at the campus center, got in touch with Sports
team, coaches, WICU and a small VINNIE DIMELLA, LEFT, and Chris Mindach take a breather a\ Information Director, Greg Yoko, who informed Leisering that Powell
crowd turned tip for the start of ' 'Midnight Madness'' practice. Both these players will play major was out of town and wouldn't be back until Tuesday (Oct 4). Leisering,
4 ultimately, could not get in touch with Powell until it was too late, and
'MidnightMadness.*' The twelve- ership roles in the 1988-89 season. I Photo by Kevin McHugh.
man team started with a ten-minute the rest is very unfortunate history. i I
Basedon an inability to communicate with the coach, we couldn't
exercise warm up before they com-
menced their drills which included
Volleyball Season's end
9 participate/' Leisering says.
the impressive "Laker Drill.'* The drops pair Men's, Women i Communication breakdown number one. s g $
Leisering says that he could have explained these developments to
spectators were thrilled by Patrick
Odhiambo's dunk in a fast-break The Lady Lakers volleyball team tennis finish 1,2 the golfers and that perhaps they would have understood the situation
a little better. | If
. mm

drill. lost to both Rio Grande College and

Through media day Copeland Walsh College in a tri-match Satur- at MCC tourney « ' 'None of the golfers came to me,'' he says, but admits' 'Maybe I
should have called them together.'' Leisering says that maybe he could
did much to further his objective day. !i
"to create as much excitement and Rio Grande knocked off Mer- The Laker men's and women's have explained exactly what went wrong and why it went wrong, j
enthusiasm on campus and off cy hurst 15-10, 15-5 and Walsh tennis teams took first and second Communication breakdown number two.
campus and to bring an exciting walloped them 15-2, 15-6. Rio place respectively in the Mideast
brand of basketball to the students Grande's record in now 22-7, Collegiate Conference tennis cham-
and the college itself." Walsh is 25-3 and Mertyhurst is 13- pionships last Saturday.
19. I The men won the team tide in a "It's unfortunate... but there was no 9malice of
tie-breaker over the University of forethought... It was an honest mistake.
Fri./Sat. Oct. 21st. 22nd Buffalo. Both the Lakers and Buf-
falo managed eight points. Gannon ' - John Leisering
/bail - at Edinboro Tourney placed third with four points and
LeMoyne came in fourth with three
Sat. Oct. 22nd points.
The Lakers' Gord Quinton won According to Leisering, Powell was unaware ofa very important fact
Soccer - Hosts Indiana (PA) the tide: in first singles \ while about signing up players for the ECAC tournament Apparen tly, Powell
Football - at Lafayette 1:30 Buffalo's Rob Gregoine and John thought that he had to give the names of everyone participating in the
en's Soccer -?at St. Francis 1 Barrett took the men's first doubles. tournament when in actuality, all he had to do was give the ECAC
Mercyhurst's Tom Pakulskiiand committee a number of players and that player identification was not
Sun.. Oct 23rd Jason Hervoyavich won the second needed immediately. • • jj •. - .,* -
doubles tide. f I Communication breakdown number three. %:
Cross Country - at MCC (New York City) 1 p.m. The second men's singles "was Through all the problems, Leisering stands behind the first-year
Crew - at Charles Recatta (Boston) all dav won by the 'Hurst's own X3reg coach. M * |i- f
Dickson. - g. v .« j "It's unfortunate," he says,*"but there was no malice of fore-
In the women's tournament, thought It was an honest mistake. •» 1 - *»>• *
Buffalo just edged Mercy hurst 8-7. ' The whole season wasn't wasted; There's still a chance to pick up,
Soccer LeMoyne finished third with six get ready for the Spring season and get ready to go to the nationals."
points and Gannon settled for fourth I Of Powell's mistake, Leisering says he was '-learning the ropes.* %
with three points. > I "He's still learning. If he makes this mistake two years from now,
r In the top two singles fligh ts, the it'd be very serious, but it's tough to criticize a coach in only his fifth
or sixth week of his career." J
Grandview Laundromat Lakers' Janet Holzhaeusser won the
first singles tide and Stacey Cefola j Ultimately, Leisering says, the coach and players have to work
together to improve communication. He says they must practice, get
Grandview took the second singles title.
In first doubles, the title went to ready, show up on time to go to events.
(Next to South Gate Hardware) LeMoyne's Gina Formichclli and "Everybody associated with the program has to do his part," he
Maureen Kozlowski and Cheryl says.' 'Period." Leisering believes that its a bigger mistake for a person
Bring this coupon, with your wash Grisar and Kelly Pefohl won the to make a mistake and then not attempt to correct it
second doubles for Buffalo. I agree. That's why I disagree when Leisering says "If the intent of
for the article (in last week's Merciad) was an attempt to improve commu-
nication, I'm not sure it did." M • $ H .
CORRECTION "Nobody benefitedfromthe article. tt

Last week's editorial stated that

golfers had to play in die ECAC Now people in the sports department are talking about this situation
tournament to qualify for the Na- andfindingout exactly why and how it happened. If the press coverage
(1-per visit) tional tournament The ECAC tour- had not been given to this matter, would our athletic department be so
nament isn't necessary to compete in vehement about seeking this information? If the answer is no, then the
Attendant on dutyl - Drop off service tool7325 nationals. The Merciad regrets the article did, in fact, accomplish something.
Eiplrei 12/31/88 error.

PAGE 8 The Merciatl OCTOBER 20,1988

N u m b e r 5D a y t o n , t u r n o v e r s spell d o o m for L a k e r s , 3 5
By Matthew J. Clark Mau Dellana punt 27 yards to the fourth-down play. Nicholson then
Merciad Sports Editor Laker 31. Dayton quarterback Scott capped a seven play drivefromtwo
Hullinger wasted little time, hitting yards out for a 3S-0 lead.
The Mercyhurst Lakers came James Keys on the next play for a 31 Mercyhurst had to go to the air
into Saturday's game against the yard TD. I in the second half and Haski fin-
Dayton Flyers full of energy and The Lakers moved the ball well ished the day 18 of 40 for 208 yards.
hoping for an upset but costly turn- most of the afternoon, compiling He also gained 59 yards on 20 car-
overs spoiled their chances as they 3S0 yards of offense for the ninth ries. Mercyhurst finally scored at
fell 35-7. straight game. It was Laker mistakes the 13:38 mark of the fourth quarter
The Lakers opened the game that proved costly and killed good on a three yard run by Jeff An-
wearing gr

drives. Late in theyfirsthalf, the drejchak to make it 3S-7. That was

time ever, trying to gain an extra 'Hurst moved the ball again, from all die Lakers could manage. *
emotional edge. I their own 23 to Dayton's 25, but the A late drive ended it yet another
. 'Anything we can do to get the drive swas stopped when Mike interception in the end zone and
edge, to help us a little bit against a Shock picked off his second pass of Dayton ran out the clockfromthere.
great football team," head coach the game. With time running out in 'We ended up making some
Ken Brasington said. "We got the the first half, Hullinger laid up a key mistakes, and when you make
special jerseys out for what we long bomb which was tipped at mistakes against Dayton, you're
termed to be a special game just to Mercyhurst's 40 yard line and going to pay for them," Brasington
get the kidsfiredand to get them to hauled in by a Eubank, wno almost said. if ;
play with some emotion." ran it in for another touchdown, but Despite the big loss, Brasington
Early on, the Lakers had two Al Craig saved the TD by catching was optimistic. ^
opportunities to take the lead, but Eubank at the 13 yard line. "I have a lottof faith in our
squandered both and the cool- The Flyers have outscored their guys,'' Brasington said.' 'The thing
headed Flyers took advantage. Fol- opponents 128-13 in the first half I was most pleased with today was
lowing the second Laker miscue, an this year and Saturday was no ex- that they didn't quit I told them to
interception in the end zone, Dayton ception as they took a 21-0 lead into walk out of here with their heads
drove 80 yards in 12 plays. The die locker room. Dayton head coach high because of that I think after a
drive was capped by fullback Mike Mike Kelly was shocked at the huge couple days we'll regroup and get
Nicholson's three yard TD run. lead. the things done we have to in order
I After Mercy hurst failed to move to play against Lafayette."
the ball on the ensuing drive, Day- * 'I never expected that halftime
ton put together a 58 yard scoring score," he said. "I thought our
drive which consumed over eight offense did a marvelous job, we
minutes. Nicholson added his sec- kicked the ball ?well, and they had Mercyhurst travels to Easton,
ond TD from two yards out to con- some turnovers. But |I never Pa. to face the Div. IAA Leopards
clude the drive. dreamed about going in at halftime who sport the same 5-1 record as
• 'We were keyed up, we got off 21-0." % i r*f Mercyhurst. The blue and green
Dayton wasted little time in should have their hands full, but
to a good start,'' Brasington said.
"We moved the ball, and then we building on the big lead, hitting any thing can happen in the game of
made key mistakes and the roof paydirt on each of their first two football. Lafayette has shown some
caved in. They're just so darned second half possessions. Hullinger weakness in stopping the wishbone
completed the 6:21 opening drive offense which Mercyhurst runs.
QUARTERBACK G R E G HASKI rollsrightin first half action against the good you can't afford to do those
Dayton Flyers. The fifth-ranked Flyers breezed past the previously unbeat-things." \ \ f \ J \ with a 16 yard I D run. The Flyers
Later in the first half, Dayton's then took over at Mercyhurst's 40
en Lakers, 35^, knocking them OUt Of the top 20. Photo by Matthew J. Clark.Tim Eubank returned a line-drive folio wing a sack of Greg Haski on a

Cross Country places third in tourney

The Mercyhurst cross country finishing with a perfect score of IS Brown, all with a time of 34:39
team competed in the Northwest in the men's race. In fact, so domi- Finishing first for the Lakers
Cross Country Championships on nant woe they that seven Fighting and eighth overall was Scott Devore Football (5-1)
Saturday, finishing in third place Scotsfinishedin a tie forfirstplace. with a time of 35:11. L - Dayton 35-7
behind Edinboro and Allegheny . Finishing first in the 10,000 meter April Hannah-Thompkins fin-
The Lakers outdistanced Gannon race were Skip Sipel, Chris Rauber, ished with a time of 22:34 for Mer-
by 23 points. ! Mike Renninger, Mike Tonkin, cy hurst in the women's 5,000 meter Volleyball (13-19)
John Krslisz, Brian Martin and Bill race.
Edinboro dominated the event, L - Rio Grande

Women's Tennis
2nd place - MCC tourney

Men's Tennis
1st place ~,MCC tourney

Women's Soccer (11-1)

W - Penn State

Cross Country!
3rd place - Northwestl
CC Championships

LAKER HALFBACK J E F F Andrejchaktrkstofind an opening as the hok collapses on then Good luck at Lafayette , Lakers
Andrejchakwas stoppedfor no gain on the play.The Lakers moved the ball well most of the day, but couldn\
m^„ Photo by
3 Matthew J. Clark

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