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13th KVS JMO 2010 Solution B.S.Manral

Question1.Let a, b, c ∈ R, a ≠ 0, such that a and 4a+3b+2c have the

same sign. Show that the equation ax2+bx+c=0 cannot have both the
roots in the interval (1,2).

Answer1.Let us assume that both the roots lie in (1,2).


When a >0 the shape of the graph will be like figure (i) and

Putting x=1 and x=2 will


a+b+c > 0 …(1)

4a+2b+ c> 0 …(2)

From (1) we get

b+c > -a …(3)

adding corresponding sides of (2) and (3)

4a+3b+2c > -a as a > 0, 4a+3b+2c,may not be strictly > 0 but it is

given that a and 4a+3b+2c have the same sign, which is a


When a < 0, the shape of the graph will be like figure (ii) and the
value of 4a+3b+2c < -a, may have value > 0, as –ve of a negative
number is a positive number , again a contradiction.

Hence both the roots of the equation cannot be in the interval (1,2).
Question 2.(a) Find all the integers which are equal to 11 times the
sum of their digits.

(b) Prove that + is rational number.

Answer 2(a)

It can be easily proved that such numbers can be only of 3-digits.

Let the number be 100H+10T+U

∴ 11(H+T+U) = 100H+10T+U

⇒ T=89H-10U …. (1)

As H, T, U are all ≥ 0 and ≤ 9

Hence the only solution of the above equation is

H=1, T=9, U=8.

Therefore the only number is 198.

Answer 2.(b)

Let + =p

Cubing we get

2+ +2- +3 ( + ) =p3

4-3p= p3


p (p2+3)=4

=> p=1 which is rational.

We can easily show that = }3 and = }3

Hence the value of the given expression is 1, which is a rational

number, proved.

Question 3. A circle centered at A with radius 1 unit and another

circle centered at B with radius 4 units touch each other externally. A
third circle is drawn to touch the first two circles and one of their
common external tangents. What is the radius of the third circle?

Answer 3.Join AB,AE,BE and draw AL,EM,BN perpendicular to the

tangent, through E and through A draw CD and AK parallel to the
tangent to meet AL,BN at C,D
and to BN at K.

Let the radius of the third circle

be r then

AC=1-r, AE=1+r,BD=4-r,BE=4+r,
BK=3,AB=5 by applying
Pythagoras theorem in ∆ACD we get CE=2 r, ED=4 r hence AK=6
r again applying Pythagoras theorem in ∆AKB we get

r= 4/9.

Question4. Given three non collinear points A,H and G . Construct a

triangle with A as vertex, H as orthocenter and G as centroid.
Answer 4.A,G and H are the three given points

Step1. Join AH and AG

Step2. Produce AG up to M
such that GM=1/2 AG

Step3. Draw a line l

through M and
perpendicular to AH.

Step4. Draw a line n,

perpendicular to l at M,
which meet GH produced
at O. O is the circum centre
of the required
triangle.(Euler’s line).

Step5. Taking O as centre and radius OA, draw a circle which

intersect line l at B and C, join AB and AC.

∆ABC is the required triangle whose H is the orthocenter and G is

the centroid.

Question5. In∆ABC, ∠ A is twice the ∠B. Prove that a2=b(b+c).

Answer 5. Draw the bisector of∠BAC to meet BC at L.

Now ∆ABC~∆LAC by AA corollary

= AC
= b
b LC

LC= ……(1)

Now as AL is the angle bisector of ∠CAB


Adding 1 to both the sides


= cb ….(2)
LC b

Multiplying the corresponding sides of equation 1 and equation 2 we


a = c  b × b2
b a



Question6. The equation x2+px+q=0, where p and q are integers ,

has rational roots . Prove that the roots are integers.

Answer 6. ∵ p, q are integers and the roots of the equation are

rational hence

Discriminator=P2-4q will be a perfect square

Let p2-4q=r2 r∈Z

⇒ p2- r2=4q
⇒ p and r are either both even or both odd

Now the solution of the equation

X=  p  r

Clearly when p and r are both even or both odd  p  r is even

Hence the roots are integers.

Question7. ∆ABC is right angled with∠ ACB as its right angle,

m∠ABC=600, and AB=10 units. Let P be a point chosen randomly in
side ∆ ABC. Extend BP to meet AC at D. What is the probability that
BD > 5√ 2.

Answer 7. Take a point E on

AC such that∠BEC=450,
applying trigonometry we
can easily show that BE=5√ 2
and BC=5

Now for BD to be greater

than 5√2, P must move
within the ∆AEB
Hence the probability of BD>5√ 2 =ar(∆AEB)/ar(∆ABC)

= AE

3 5
5 3

Question8. Prove that the sum of the hypotenuse and the altitude
of the right angled triangle dropped on the hypotenuse exceed the
half perimeter of the triangle.

Answer 8.Let ∆ABC is right angled at B, Draw BL perpendicular to


Now in∆ALB

AL+BL>AB (1)
Triangle inequality


LC+BL>BC (2) –do-

Adding (1) and (2) we get


Adding AC to both the sides we get



Question 9.How many times is digit zero written when
listing all numbers from 1 to 3333?

Answer 9.

From - to No of Zeros
1-100 11
101-990 178
991-1000 3
1001-2000 300
2001-3000 300
3001-3300 159
3301-3333 12
Total 963

Question10. Find out the remainder when x+x9+x25+x49+x81 is

divided by x3-x.

Answer 10. Using remainder theorem and putting x3=x

and repeating the process until the degree of remainder
< the degree of the divisor

We get the remainder=5x


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