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Continuous Revival

a 30-day journey in Authentic Living

Continuous Revival
a 30-day journey in Authentic Living

Day 1
Need: The Path to Revival

One of the wonders of God’s working in our lives is that He never seems to do it like we thought
He would. When we have thoughts of what it would mean to be revived, we usually think of a happy
emotional experience culminating in joyous singing.

Make no mistake, God’s workings in us will always lead to greater joy. It’s the path to that joy that often
surprises us. Before King David could pray, “Restore to me the joy of your salvation” (Psa. 51:12 ESV), he
had to acknowledge his sins and transgressions (v. 3), and he had to acknowledge that God alone could
blot them out.

It’s a hard thing to admit how needy we are. We live in a generation enamored by self-esteem, which tells
us we will only find peace by convincing ourselves how good we are. It’s always a shock to our system
when we realize we’re not as good as we believed—that we really do need someone who is merciful and
can cleanse us from our sins.

A wise man once said, “Revival is not the top blowing off, but the bottom falling out.” The surprise we
found on the path to revival is that it was a downward path. It began by admitting we were in desperate
need of Him. He then, in His mercy, met us at that point of acknowledged need.

So what is the key to continuing on this revived path? It is daily realizing and admitting how desperately
needy we are. Today, you cannot live rightly, think rightly, love rightly, or even desire rightly without a
gracious God working in you (Phil. 2:13). Begin your day by crying out to God for the power to honor Him

Dear Jesus, I cannot even want to live for You if You don’t give
me that desire. Left to myself, I will always move back toward
sinful habits. Today, let me choose the path of humility.
Empower me to rely completely on You. As a beggar cries out for
help, I cry out to You in my need.
Continuous Revival
a 30-day journey in Authentic Living

Day 2
Responses Reveal Our Heart

Life is the great “exposer.” No matter what we say we are, or even what we think we are, life’s
pressures expose our true nature. Our responses to the events of life are a window into who is in control
of our life.

If we are responding in anger, impatience, jealousy, selfishness, etc., we are not under the Spirit’s control.
God uses pressure to show us who we really are. Sometimes that’s not a pretty picture. The good news is
that we have God’s Holy Spirit living in us, and He is able to change us from the inside out.

Galatians 5:22-23 tells us what our responses to life’s pressures should look like: “The fruit of the Spirit is
love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.” In other words, our
responses should look like Jesus!

vDoes that seem impossible? Apart from God, it is. The Bible tells us that He alone is able to keep us from
stumbling (Jude 24). That “stumbling” certainly includes our responses. Today, let the pressures and frus-
trations of life be an opportunity for God to show Himself powerful in your life.

“It doesn’t matter really how great the pressure is,

it only matters where it lies. Never let it come between you and
Jesus. Then, no matter how great the pressure, it will only serve
to press you to His breast.” (Hudson Taylor)
Continuous Revival
a 30-day journey in Authentic Living

Day 3
God Revives the Broken Ones

In Isaiah 57:15, God tells us something significant about what He values.“Thus says the High
and Lofty One who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: ‘I dwell in the high and holy place, with him
who has a contrite and humble spirit’” (NKJV).

Isn’t it interesting that a high and holy God doesn’t dwell with royalty or rulers? Instead He dwells with
the contrite and humble. Or, as one translation puts it, “the broken ones.”

Brokenness is one of those concepts that seems to chafe against us. We conjure up images of an emo-
tional collapse or a catastrophic event. But the reality is, brokenness is a simple, profound choice we

Jesus demonstrated this choice in Gethsemane when He prayed to His Father, “Not as I will, but as You
will” (Mat. 26:39).

At its core, brokenness is a choice to follow God’s direction, not our own. This can be as profound as sur-
rendering to go to the mission field, or as practical as submitting our finances to His control.

Remember this, however: Though the cost may seem great, the benefit is far greater. The benefit is God
dwelling with us “to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones” (Isa.

What areas of your life need submitting to His authority?

Take time prayerfully to do that now.
Continuous Revival
a 30-day journey in Authentic Living

Day 4
Everything We Have Belongs to God

A.W. Tozer once observed that the words me and mine never entered our vocabulary until after
the fall of man in the Garden. Once sin entered, the desire to possess came with it. All the things around
us that were meant for our enjoyment are corrupted when we begin to cling to them as though they
were ours.

God makes it very clear in Psalm 24:1 that everything on this earth belongs to Him. All the “fullness” of
the earth is His. It is important that we frequently and consistently remind ourselves of this truth.

Because of our desire to possess, the natural flow of life will lead us back toward clinging to material
things. That’s why it’s good to periodically transfer ownership of all our earthly riches to Him.

The ultimate goal is to guard our hearts against the love of things. Jesus said, “Where your treasure is,
there your heart will be also” (Matt. 6:21 ESV). Transferring is one way of keeping our heart fully His.

“I try never to grasp anything in life too tightly, because it hurts

when God has to pry my fingers open to take it away.”
(Corrie ten Boom)

Take a moment to acknowledge that all your material posses-

sions belong to God. They are His to do with as He chooses.
Continuous Revival
a 30-day journey in Authentic Living

Day 5
Forgiving As We Are Forgiven

Walking in the grace of God requires extending that grace to others. That’s why forgiveness
plays such a prominent role in New Testament teaching.

Ephesians 4:32 tells us that our forgiveness of others is to be in light of the incredible grace and forgive-
ness we have received. Jesus emphasized the consequences of not forgiving in His commentary on
prayer in Matthew 6:15.

The challenge of forgiveness is that it’s an ongoing process. Although there is often a moment of sur-
render as we give up our “right” to hold a grudge, forgiveness requires choosing to continually love
someone who may repeatedly hurt us. It can be like a wound that’s healing; every time it gets bumped, it
hurts again.

That’s why the remembrance of God’s grace is such an encouragement to us. This very morning, His mer-
cies to you were brand new (Lam. 3:22-23). His love doesn’t hinge on yesterday’s successes and failures.

Jesus said, “If you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do
the same?” (Matt. 5:46 ESV). One of the defining marks of a true believer is exercising the grace of for-

Forgiveness may be an ongoing process for you.

Take time to pray for God’s blessing on the person you’re most
tempted to hold an offense against. Pray what you would for
them if they were your favorite friend.
Continuous Revival
a 30-day journey in Authentic Living

Day 6
Faith Can Become Natural

Faith is often counterintuitive; or, more simply put, it goes against what feels natural to us. For
instance, it doesn’t feel natural to wait on God. What feels natural is to push ahead to solve our problems.

It doesn’t feel natural to give; it feels more natural to hold onto what we have. The same can be said of
almost any step of obedience we take as an act of faith—it usually feels unnatural to us.

As we obey God, however, faith becomes the natural response. Each step of obedience strengthens our
trust in God, making the next step easier to choose.

When Jesus rebuked the disciples in Matthew 14:31 for their lack of faith, Mark tells us that it occurred
because they had not learned the lesson from Jesus’ previous work in feeding the five thousand (Mark
6:52).In other words, each lesson of faith should prepare us for the next.

If the old saying is true that “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” then it can also be
said that the walk of faith begins with a single step of faith. What is your “step of faith” today?

Lord, today I need to walk by faith to please You. Would You

show me a specific step of faith I can obey to show Your power?
Continuous Revival
a 30-day journey in Authentic Living

Day 7
Worry: A Useless Endeavor

Sometimes Scripture makes some seemingly extreme statements. Consider these words of
Paul’s: “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your
requests be made known to God” (Phil. 4:6 NKJV).

Stop and think for a moment how radical that is: “Be anxious for nothing.” Absolutely nothing! There is
no acceptable reason before God to worry. There is no escape clause based on the size or intensity of our
circumstance. We are simply not to do it.

Why not? Well, Jesus tells us that worry will add nothing to our lives (Matt. 6:27). I remember my children
singing “The Song That Never Ends,” a musical circle that goes on indefinitely. After a short time I felt like
I would go crazy! Singing the same thing over and over was accomplishing nothing.

That’s what worry is—a useless endeavor. The only way to end it is to simply stop.

How can we stop? By praying about and thanking God for our circumstances. The result is that His peace
will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus (see Phil. 4:7). God-given peace alone will always conquer
our worries.

Father, I am prone to worry over life. I tend to look at

circumstances instead of at You, who order all things. Thank
You for my pressures. They are my opportunity to live above this
world, by Your peace which passes all understanding.
Continuous Revival
a 30-day journey in Authentic Living

Day 8
Holiness Begins in the Heart

The late Christian singer Keith Green once said,“Discipline will not make you holy, but it will
keep you holy.” Spiritual disciplines are essential to continued fruitfulness in our walk with God. Time in
God’s Word, prayer, meditation, Scripture memory, etc. are all great tools to aid us toward holiness.

When all is said and done, however, holiness will not come from our outward actions. It will arise from a
heart that seeks God’s pleasure in all of life.

Holiness is a passion that seeks to reflect Christ’s love in action and attitude. It understands that to be
much with Jesus is to become much like Jesus. Discipline is the tool which gets us into His presence; it is
His presence which then changes us into His image.

Seek to develop good disciplines in your life. They will aid you in your spiritual growth. But always re-
member, they are a means to an end, not an end in themselves.

The end should always be Jesus. It is to Him that the elders and angels cry, “Worthy is the Lamb who was
slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing!” (Rev. 5:11-
12 ESV).

Lord, help me to develop good disciplines in life. But may I

always remember that discipline is not a substitute for
holiness—it’s just the pathway to it. My goal is not
self-righteousness. My goal is for You to be exalted in my life.
Make me holy for Your glory. Amen.
Continuous Revival
a 30-day journey in Authentic Living

Day 9
Prayer Is About God’s Will, Not Ours

“But you, beloved, building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy
Spirit” (Jude 20 ESV).

The Holy Spirit’s guidance is essential for effective praying.

We often think of prayer as bringing to God our wish list. Then somehow, if we can just convince Him
how serious we are, He will stir Himself to answer. Prayer becomes for us a frustrated attempt to sway
God in our direction.

No wonder prayer is so often neglected in the Christian life.

It has been said that prayer is not about getting my will done in heaven, but getting God’s will done on
earth. The purpose of prayer is to learn what is on the heart of God and then to become a part of seeing
His will done in that area.

This is where the work of the Holy Spirit comes in. One of His jobs is to guide us into truth by relaying
God’s heart to us in a given situation (John 16:13). This guidance then allows us to pray in faith regarding
the issue.

Our goal is not simply to pray about a matter, but to pray according to His will. The Spirit will always use
the Word of God as a compass to direct our praying. Then, when asking according to His will, we know
He will answer (1 John 5:14).

Do you have unanswered prayers that burden your heart?

God may be strengthening your faith by making you wait, or
you may be praying without the Spirit’s guidance in the matter.
Ask the Holy Spirit to guide your praying.
Continuous Revival
a 30-day journey in Authentic Living

Day 10
Humility: The Key to Resolving Conflict

Family relationships are vitally important to God. He doesn’t just give general encouragement to get
along with each other. Instead, He gives specific direction to husbands, wives, children, and parents.

Many of these instructions are given with promises for obedience and/or consequences for disobedi-
ence (1 Pet. 3:7; Eph. 6:1-3; Col.3:21). Perhaps that’s why Jesus told us not to present offerings when we
have un-reconciled relationships (Matt. 5:23-24).

Rightness with God requires rightness with each other (as much as is possible within our power). If a
husband and wife have unresolved conflict, it will affect not only their fellowship with God, but also the
health of the whole family.

The same can be said of a rebellious or wounded child. Ultimately, everyone is affected by the fractured

Solomon tells us the key to diffusing conflict and gaining reconciliation: “Only by pride cometh conten-
tion” (Proverbs 13:10 KJV). Notice that it doesn’t say “usually” or “mostly”; it says only.

Therefore, if pride is the source of conflict, then humility is its antidote. If I am waiting for the other per-
son to acknowledge wrong before I will, then my pride is feeding the conflict.

When conflict arises, pray for grace from God to humble yourself. He will give you the words and power
to reunite your hearts.

Lord, my pride always wants to plead my case and claim my

rights. Help me to honor You by humbling myself. I trust You to
bring conviction where needed in my family members’ lives.
Continuous Revival
a 30-day journey in Authentic Living

Day 11
Purity: A Reflection of God’s Redeeming Grace

“But sexual immorality and all impurity or covetousness must not even be named among you,
as is proper among saints” (Eph. 5:3 ESV).

Years ago as a college student, I sat in a devotional led by a Christian singer who would go on to be-
come nationally known for his music and ministry. He said something that day I have never forgotten:
“I should be so holy that when another woman looks into my eyes, she sees nothing but that I love my
wife deeply.”

That is the heart behind Paul’s exhortation in Ephesians 5:3. We are not to let immorality even be named
in our lives. There should not even be a ground to utter a word implying that immorality exists in us.

This is a strong statement. That’s because the decision to be pure in every way will have to be a
radical one.

Why is this so important? Because we are told that it is proper, or “becoming,” for a saint to be pure.
This word is most often used in the New Testament in relation to Christ and His role and purpose in our

The process of redemption was beautiful and becoming because it reflected God’s heart. In the same
way, our purity is “becoming” for those who have been saved and bought by His sacrifice.

Are you walking in purity in every area of your life—not just

your actions, but your thoughts, speech, viewing habits, and
reading as well? What decisions will you have to make to
achieve purity in your life?
Continuous Revival
a 30-day journey in Authentic Living

Day 12
Can God Bless with Trials?

Interpreting life’s events can be a tricky undertaking. Our instinct is to assume that if something
bad happens, it’s because God is displeased with us. We then go on what I call a wild hunt for sin—that
desperate search for whatever we’ve done to bring on our calamity.

To be sure, sin will bring with it trials (Prov. 13:15). The problem is, trials don’t necessarily indicate that sin
is present.

James refers to “the testing of your faith” in James 1:3. Think about those very words: faith (a good thing)
being tested by the events of life. In other words, God responds to something good He sees in our life by
sending trials to grow it.

One of the greatest challenges of the Christian life is learning to embrace the trials God sends our way as
gifts from Him. We use so much energy trying to escape or fight the tough situations we face, that we fail
to see they have actually been given to us by God.

Are you going through a trial? Ask God for wisdom as to its source. According to James 1:5, God will
liberally and graciously answer.

What is the greatest trial you are facing right now? Whether it
is caused by sin or testing, the Spirit will specifically show you if
you sincerely ask for wisdom. If it is testing, take time to thank
God for His commitment to your life in giving you this trial.
Continuous Revival
a 30-day journey in Authentic Living

Day 13
God’s Will Is Always Good

“. . . that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (Rom. 12:2 NKJV).

Speaking on the subject of prayer, George Müller once said, “I seek at the beginning to get my heart into
such a state that it has no will of its own in regard to a given matter. Nine-tenths of the difficulties are
overcome when our hearts are ready to do the Lord’s will.”

For most of us, that is the greatest part of our battle in prayer. It means releasing our desires and accept-
ing that God’s plan will always be best.

Romans 12:2 tells us three very important things about God’s will. First, it is good. God’s will is innately
good and therefore will always accomplish good, both in our lives and in those around us.

Second, God’s will is acceptable or well pleasing. Though God’s will may not, at any given moment, seem
to be our preference, it will always bring us the greatest joy in the long run. We will always find it well
pleasing in retrospect.

Finally, His will is perfect. Think how incredible it is to have a path in life that is perfect! His plan lacks
nothing for our well-being, and at the same time it will bring Him the greatest glory.

That’s why someone has defined God’s will as “what I would choose if I knew all the facts.”

Lord, too often I fear Your will. Please bring me to a place where
I can sincerely pray, “If You are pleased, I am pleased.” Make my
will Your own by the power of Your name. Amen.
Continuous Revival
a 30-day journey in Authentic Living

Day 14
Submission Requires Active Faith

There are very few times in Scripture where Jesus compliments someone. One of these is
found in Matthew 8:5-13.

The Bible says that Jesus marveled at the centurion. That alone is amazing, that the Son of God would
marvel at anyone.

Jesus then says of him, “I have not found such great faith with anyone in Israel” (v. 10 NASB). What was the
key to this faith the centurion possessed? It was his understanding of what it meant to be under author-
ity (v. 9).

Responding and submitting to authority is one of the greatest challenges of the Christian life. In our
submission we learn to trust God’s sovereign control over all things. God asks us to trust that He will use
even ungodly leaders to accomplish His purposes. This is hard because it goes against our natural incli-
nation to try to control our life.

Whether in our marriage, job, family, or church, God gives us the opportunity to learn submission. This
earthly submission then gives us the faith to submit to God as He works in our lives.

Make no mistake, you will not grow in faith while you resist God-given authority. We cannot say we are in
submission to God while rebelling against earthly authorities.

Our one exception, of course, is if we are asked to violate Scripture. Then we have a higher authority to
obey. This, however, is rarely the case. We will find that most of the issues we struggle with will simply
involve dying to our will or preference.

Are there any authorities you find yourself resisting, in action

or attitude? Each one provides an opportunity to learn submis-
sion to God. Take a moment to confess your sin to God, and then
place yourself once again under that authority.
Continuous Revival
a 30-day journey in Authentic Living

Day 15
Discernment Is Not for Criticizing Others

“I therefore . . . urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with
all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love” (Eph. 4:1-2 ESV).

Walking in a manner worthy of our Lord involves being kind and patient with fellow believers. When we
are revived, we begin to see things more clearly. Areas we once considered gray, or perhaps did not even
bother to consider, now become clear. Our perspective of ourselves and others may undergo a radical

If we’re not careful, we can be quick to condemn and look down on those who don’t seem to have the
enlightenment we have. Remember this simple truth: God never gives discernment for the purpose of
criticism. He gives it for the purpose of intercession.

As you walk more deeply with God, He will often give you understanding and discernment into the lives
of others. This is a special blessing from God that is not meant to tear them down, but rather to build
them up.

This is where asking God to watch our motives is important. The difference between wanting to make
someone know they are wrong, and desiring to help someone be right, is as vast as the heavens yet as
narrow as our motive. Our job is to patiently bear with one another in love as we pray and encourage
them toward doing what is right.

Lord, help me to stand passionately for truth, yet with patience

and kindness toward others. Let the discernment You give me
stir me to pray for others, not criticize them.

Take time to think of anyone you have been critical of. Spend
some time praying for them
Continuous Revival
a 30-day journey in Authentic Living

Day 16
Our “Default” Prayer

“Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but .
. . the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God” (Rom. 8:26-27 ESV).

Perhaps the greatest challenge to prayer is praying according to God’s will. Paul acknowledges in these
verses that sometimes we just don’t know what to pray for. Our understanding can be clouded in the
midst of our circumstances.

Sometimes this is because of ignorance or lack of biblical knowledge. At other times our immaturity or
our own emotions and desires confuse us. We look into the fog and see nothing that makes sense.

At these moments the Spirit is present to aid us. One of His jobs is to intercede on our behalf according
to the Father’s will.

The Spirit is one with the Father. He knows the Father’s desire and heart perfectly. He will faithfully guide
us toward God’s plan.

Our responsibility in uncertainty is always to return to what should be our “default” prayer. This is the
prayer of Jesus in John 12:28, “Father, glorify your name.”

When we are uncertain what God is up to, the most important thing we can do is remember that life’s
primary goal is for God to be glorified as He should be.

Think of some specific circumstances that seem to be unresolved

in your life. Take a moment to simply pray,
“God, in this circumstance, glorify Your name.”
Continuous Revival
a 30-day journey in Authentic Living

Day 17
How About a Radical Ambition?

“It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35 ESV).

This is perhaps one of the most radical proclamations our Savior made. The drastic nature of Jesus’ state-
ment lies in the fact that there is absolutely no qualification given to it.

Jesus did not say, “It is more blessed to give than to receive, unless someone gives you this much money.
Then receiving is a greater blessing.”

There is no tipping point to the promise. It is simply more blessed to give.

The implications to this are staggering. For instance, the blessing we receive when we give ten dollars in
obedience to God is greater than if someone walked up and gave us a check for a million dollars!

Why? Because the blessing we get for giving is stored up in heaven, where “neither moth nor rust de-
stroys” (Matt. 6:20). Jesus made it clear that our goal should be to store up treasure in heaven, not on

I have met many men who had an ambition to make a million dollars. The founder of Life Action
Ministries, Del Fehsenfeld Jr., had a unique ambition: to give away a million dollars.

In Del’s lifetime, through his own substantial personal giving and the giving of Life Action, he gave away
over a million dollars. This he did on a missionary’s income. When he died at the age of 42, all he had
given was waiting in heaven to lay at the feet of Christ.

What is your ambition? Are you living for earthly riches, or are
you storing up treasure in heaven?

The surest way to fight greed is to give. How can you give in an
unusual way? Big or small, give to someone in need today
Continuous Revival
a 30-day journey in Authentic Living

Day 18
Self-Reformation: The Enemy of Grace

One of the beauties of God’s grace is that it allows us to approach Him in our times of need. Often
in the moments we feel most unworthy to come to Him, we are most welcomed by Him.

That’s what David realized as he wrote these words: “I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my
help come? My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth” (Psa. 121:1-2 ESV).

Our help will always be found in the Lord. Anything that keeps you from turning to Him when in need
originates with Satan. Satan will tell you, “You have to get your life in order so you can go to God.” God
will say, “You have to come to Me so you can get your life in order.”

This is not merely a play on words; it is essential to understanding God’s grace in your life. All true
change will begin with God, not us. He is the source of everything we need to live a life glorifying to Him.

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above,” James 1:17 tells us. All our spiritual provision
originates in heaven and is delivered down to us.

It’s futile to try to reform our lives as a means of gaining God’s acceptance. We can never make ourselves
good enough for God.

We must start by realizing that our acceptance is through the blood of Christ. On that basis we come to
God as we are, acknowledging that our only hope for change is His power.

Remember this today: Our help comes from the Lord, who made all of heaven and earth.

Lord, I cannot make myself good enough for You. I need Your
grace to even want to change. Work in me today by the power of
Your might. Change me into the image of Jesus, as only You can.
Continuous Revival
a 30-day journey in Authentic Living

Day 19
Praise: Fitting for All Our Circumstances

Praise is a powerful force. I’m not referring merely to the singing of songs or to an emotional ex-
perience. I’m referring to the heart that overflows into expressing its joy and confidence in God.

True praise originates in the believer’s heart, not on his lips. This kind of praise gets God’s attention.
When we praise from our hearts, the Bible tells us that God is present, inhabiting the very praises we

Praise can also free us from the prison cell of despair. Isaiah 61:3 (NKJV) tells us that we can exchange a
“spirit of heaviness” for the “garment of praise.”

Do you ever feel heavy, sometimes with no reason? Praise is a guard against the despair that can over-
take our hearts. The key is praising God regardless of the circumstances.

David did this in Psalm 13. Despite the hopelessness he felt in his circumstances, he chose to praise God
for His love, deliverance, and goodness. All these he rejoiced in with no outward sign of God’s relief in
sight. By the end of the psalm, we find David joyfully singing the praises of God—again with no deliver-
ance evident around him.

Praising God only in good times, and then complaining in hard times, shows that we know very little of
God’s sovereignty.

What are the hardest issues in your life right now?

Have you taken time to praise God in the midst of them?
You can praise Him as David did, because:
• God has a loving purpose,
• He will deliver us in His timing, and
• He has always been good to us.
Continuous Revival
a 30-day journey in Authentic Living

Day 20
Why Revival? Because God Deserves It

Revival is one of those words that often causes one of two responses. We may shrug our
shoulders and say, “What’s the big deal?” We wonder why some people get so worked up over the issue
and seem to talk incessantly about revival. It’s as though they have a one track mind and expend all their
energy to convince us we should want it too. Then, when we don’t respond with like passion, we feel
looked down on.

Another response is to shy away from the concept. It seems mystical and unreal to many of us. The idea
of asking God to show up and do some kind of miracle or reveal Himself as some dramatic apparition
just seems a little creepy to us. What’s wrong with our church the way it is? Why do we need to ask for
something more?

The important thing to remember is that we pray for revival because we long to see God praised and
glorified as He deserves. Revival is about God moving in such an extraordinary way that He becomes the
total focus of what is happening.

Have you ever had a moment where God was so real to you that you felt like you could almost touch
Him? A time where you realized in a fresh way how wonderful He was and how much He meant to you?

Now imagine that happening to everyone in your church simultaneously—your entire congregation so
caught up in God that no one wants to leave the building. Crowds gather to encounter, praise, and sub-
mit to the wonderful God who has made Himself known.

That’s what revival is, and that’s why we seek it.

“Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in
you?” (Psa. 85:6 ESV).
Continuous Revival
a 30-day journey in Authentic Living

Day 21
Some Paths Were Meant to Be Hard

“The way of transgressors [sinners] is hard” (Prov. 13:15 KJV).

There are certain truths that God has made clearly evident in His creation. Romans 1 tells us that God
has revealed Himself extravagantly in all that we see around us. We can gain an incredible grasp of His
nature by studying the earth and the heavens and all their fullness.

There is another truth built into the very essence of life that we often overlook, however. According to
Solomon in the book of Proverbs God has ordered the world in such a way that to choose the path of
sin is hard. It may look appealing; it may seem desirable to our flesh, but in the end it will include a cost
greater than we imagined.

Understanding and remembering this truth is essential to right living, because it affects not only the
choices we make but also how we respond to the choices of those around us. God’s truth is just as sure
for others as it is for us. If they choose the path of sin, it will be a hard path.

Here, then, is the danger: Our tendency is to try to lessen sin’s consequences for those we love. In our
thinking, this is a caring, compassionate response to the conflict we see. However, in doing so we will
find ourselves in opposition to God.

Remember, God disciplines those He loves. Can you imagine how we would respond if someone con-
stantly sought to undo the correction we give to our own children? We do it because we love them; so
also God does it as an act of love. To try to soften God’s correction is to claim that we know more of love
than He does.

Is there someone undergoing God’s discipline that you need to

release to His loving correction?
Are you choosing a path that will lead you into sin?
Pray and submit to God’s perfect ways.
Continuous Revival
a 30-day journey in Authentic Living

Day 22
The Importance of Remembering

He said to the people of Israel, “When your children ask your fathers in times to come, ‘What do these
stones mean?’ then you shall let your children know, ‘Israel passed over this Jordon on dry ground’”
( Josh. 4:21-22 ESV).

When God does a significant work in our life or marriage, we have a vital responsibility. We are to do as
Joshua did before the people after crossing the Jordon River. Joshua knew he had to make sure that
what God had done was commemorated. Likewise, our task is twofold:

• Remember His works.

• Communicate His works to our children.

Remembering is very important to God. Psalm 111:4 tells us that God has made His works to be remem-
bered. Doing this keeps Him at the forefront of our thoughts and worship.

Remembering is also essential to our faith. Jesus often reminded His disciples of past events to encour-
age them to believe in the present. Recalling what God has done in the past will strengthen us when we
face testing.

We are also to verbalize to our children what God has done. Their memories will often fade more quickly
than ours, or they may not comprehend the significance of what has transpired in our relationship with
God. Tell them what has happened so they can know that God is not just a concept—He is real to you.

If God has done a powerful work in you, it is important that

you set up a monument to it. Ask God to show you something
unique you can place in your house to remind you of what He
has done—perhaps even a stone of some kind, so when your
children ask about it, you can recall to them what God did.
Continuous Revival
a 30-day journey in Authentic Living

Day 23
Repentance: A Beautiful Word

Repent therefore, and turn again . . . that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord
(Acts 3:19-20 ESV).

One of Satan’s weapons to oppose our spiritual growth is to give us a negative view of a positive truth. If
he can convince us that God’s way is not desirable, we will instinctively try to avoid it.

Such is the case with God’s call to repentance. The very idea of the word repent may bring with it images
of Bible-pounding preachers or strange men on street corners yelling at passersby. Satan has so suc-
ceeded in stereotyping the word that most Christians don’t even see the need or understand the con-

Despite all this, repentance is a beautiful word. It literally means to have a change of mind that results in a
change of direction or action. It involves turning from our own way to get in line with God’s way. Further-
more, the Bible tells us that it is something God grants to us. It is His gracious work in our hearts to bring
us back to Him.

The beauty of the word lies in the beauty of our lives being reconciled properly to God. Once this has
happened, the blessings of God can begin to flow in our lives. We can now know the joy of fellowship
with Him as He intends it to be.

In fact, Peter tells us in the passage above that repentance brings with it a refreshing of our spiritual lives
that comes as God’s presence is manifested among us. Refreshed in His presence—what a wonderful

Since God is the one who grants repentance, we should ask Him
if there are sins we need to turn from.
Remember, He is more eager for us to know than we are to know
ourselves. Ask God daily if there is anything that would hinder
your fellowship with Him.
Continuous Revival
a 30-day journey in Authentic Living

Day 24
Vague Prayers Are Unanswered Prayers

Jesus said to him, “What do you want me to do for you?” (Mark 10:51 ESV).
The setting of this question by Jesus makes it seem almost humorous. A blind man named Bartemaeus
has been crying out to Jesus for mercy. Despite attempts to quiet him by those present, he has contin-
ued to yell in an attempt to draw Jesus’ attention. When finally he has succeeded, he is brought forward
to stand in Christ’s presence.

Imagine the scene. The crowd parts, and shoved before Jesus is a half-dressed, blind beggar. He is obvi-
ously blind; he is obviously a beggar. He is probably filthy, and he probably smells terrible. Jesus looks at
this pitiful, handicapped man and asks one simple question: “What do you want me to do for you?”

The answer to this question is so blatantly obvious that it almost seems a cruel query on Jesus’ part. Well,
of course, he needs to see! Why even ask such a question? What purpose is there in playing with this
poor man’s emotions? Just heal him! Right?

The question Jesus asked was not, however, for His own benefit. It was for the blind man’s. Jesus knew his
needs better than he himself knew them. Prior to this point, his cry had been, “Jesus, Son of David, have
mercy on me!” But really, what does that mean? It mirrors the kind of prayers we often pray: “Lord, help
me be a better Christian.” Again, what does that mean?

So Jesus asks for a specific request. The answer came from the blind man immediately: “That I might
receive my sight.” So we too must pray specifically. When we realize how blind we are, it will be easy to
call on Him.

It has been said:

“God doesn’t hear prayer; He hears specific prayer.”
What, specifically, is your need today? What specific area of your
life needs to change? What specific need does your family have?
Ask God to intervene.
Continuous Revival
a 30-day journey in Authentic Living

Day 25
Be Careful What You Grasp

Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped
(Phil. 2:6 NIV).

The whole history of mankind is our attempt to grasp equality with God. We can go back to our begin-
nings in the garden of Eden and find the initial temptation there.

Satan’s enticement to Eve was, “God knows . . . you will be like [Him]” (Gen. 3:5 ESV). The tragedy was that
Adam and Eve never realized they were already more like Him than they would ever be again. Once sin
entered, separation would enter and grow.

For us, the temptation to grasp equality with God comes in everyday decisions. In every instance that we
are faced with a choice between God’s way and our own, we will be tempted to grasp.

We are lured into believing that we have the right to make any selection that pleases us. The result is
that every time I choose my own way, I am in essence saying, “I will be God in my own life.”

Jesus, however, gives us a picture of what submitting to God should mean to us. Though He was fully
God, He did not grasp that equality.

No one has existed who had more right to claim parity with God. Yet He willingly laid down His rights
by becoming a man and fully obeying His Father’s direction. He lived not for His own glory but for His

What is the key to Jesus’ attitude? We are told that He emptied himself of His rights. So we too should
empty ourselves.

Any attitude that says, “I have the right to make the final decision in this matter,” will lead us to making
an idol of ourselves. We must remove ourselves from this throne.

What areas of your life are you grasping? Where have you not
asked God His pleasure, or simply refused to release your own?
Release those areas to God.
Continuous Revival
a 30-day journey in Authentic Living

Day 26
Grace Equips Us for Life

There are few things in life more frustrating than not feeling properly equipped for a task.
Sometimes it’s a feeling of inadequacy in our abilities. Other times we feel like we haven’t been given the
proper tools to succeed. We can begin to believe that failure is the probable outcome of our assignment.

Have you ever felt like what God asks of you seems so far beyond your capabilities that you are destined
to disappoint Him? Most likely we have all faced the question of how it is possible to live victoriously in
our walk of faith.

Philippians 2:13 gives us vital insight into how we can live the Christian life. Paul tells us that “it is God
who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure” (NKJV). In other words, it is God who gives
us both the desire (“to will”), and the power (“to do”) to live in obedience to God.

Sometimes we want to live right, but we lack the power. In our lowest times we can feel like we don’t
even have the desire to do the right thing.

Here is where God comes to the rescue. He will give us both the yearning and the ability to do what is
right. The term for this blessed working of God is sanctifying grace.

The wonderful truth is that this grace is available by simply acknowledging our need for it. We don’t
have to live with the idea of just doing our best and hoping it measures up to God’s impossible standard.
We can live pleasing to Him by relying on His grace in our lives.

Take time to list three areas where you need God to give you
both the desire and the power to do the right thing. Ask for His
sanctifying grace in those areas.
Continuous Revival
a 30-day journey in Authentic Living

Day 27
No Panic in the Throne Room

In the year that King Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and the
train of His robe filled the temple (Isaiah 6:1 ESV).

Isaiah 6 is one of the Bible’s most magnificent reminders of God’s glory. Here Isaiah gets a vision of God’s
holiness. Like every glimpse of God, it would prove to be life-altering for Isaiah.

Notice in verse 1 a simple aspect of Isaiah’s revelation: “I saw the Lord sitting. . . .” God’s posture is signifi-
cant to what He wanted to communicate. He was sitting, not pacing or looking about anxiously. He was
in total control of His creation.

Sometimes our own tendency to worry can taint our view of God. Life can seem so out of control that we
lose a sense of God’s reigning over it.

Remember, He is in absolute command of every aspect of this universe. He sits in authority over all that
comes our way (Isa. 40:22-23). As someone has said, “There is no panic in the throne room.”

Remember this when you wonder as Jeremiah did, “Why does the way of the wicked prosper?” Think of
it when you feel like crying out with the disciples, “Do you not care that we are perishing?” Rejoice in the
truth when you want to ask God with David, “How long will my enemy triumph over me?” Rest in it when
you feel like Moses and want to say, “Who am I that I should go . . .?”

God knows the end from the beginning. He worries about nothing and is caught off guard by nothing.
All things are working together for good in your life.

Lord, I am so prone to worry. I often doubt You will help, and

sometimes I question that You even see what is happening.
Thank You that You sit on Your throne in authority over all that
I face. Help me to rest in that certainty.
Continuous Revival
a 30-day journey in Authentic Living

Day 28
Complaining: A Big Deal to God

“Nor [let us] complain, as some of them also complained, and were destroyed by the destroyer”
(1 Cor. 10:10 NKJV).

Sometimes we have a tendency to categorize sin in our minds. Some seem greater, like murder, adultery,
etc. Others seem lesser in our estimation, like impatience, anger, etc.

There is some truth to this thought. Though all sin separates us from God, the consequences of some
sins are greater than others. Jesus Himself said to Pilate that the one who delivered Him up was guilty of
a “greater” sin.

One of those sins we seem to take lightly, if we even acknowledge it as sin, is that of complaining. After
all, everyone complains about something, right? For some of us, complaining is so much a part of our life
that we don’t even notice how much we do it.

God, however, takes complaining seriously. It is telling that in 1 Corinthians 10, He places it in a sober-
ing sequence of sins. This series includes sins like idolatry, sexual immorality, and tempting God. It was
considered serious enough that the consequence for the Israelites was that those who complained were
“destroyed by the destroyer.”

Why is complaining so serious? Because at its core, it is an accusation against God. Complaining implies
that God has not sufficiently provided, or that He is unfair in His dealings with us.

Interestingly, the Israelites’ specific complaint was against their authority (Moses and Aaron). Perhaps we
should remember this when we are tempted to complain about our parents, mate, boss, or pastor.

A simple solution? Every time you are tempted to complain about someone or something, stop and
thank God for it instead. You’ll be amazed how your outlook will improve.

Ask someone you trust and love if you complain often.

Think of things you’ve complained about, and try praising God
for them instead.
Continuous Revival
a 30-day journey in Authentic Living

Day 29
The Power of Encouraging Others

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing
(1 Thess. 5:11 ESV).

But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called “today,” that none of you may be hardened by the
deceitfulness of sin (Heb. 3:13).

We have all experienced how powerful words can be. Of all the memories that have faded from our
minds, statements that have wounded us or encouraged us seem to live in our recollections.

That’s why the command to encourage each other is so constant in Scripture. It has force in a person’s life
not only for the moment but for the future. Words of hope are rarely forgotten.

Some time ago I was stirred to write a letter of appreciation to a person who had had a meaningful im-
pact in my life. I knew he was facing a terminal illness, so I prayed that God would give me specific things
to say that would be a blessing to him. I didn’t hear back from him, but I understood that his illness made
correspondence and speaking nearly impossible.

A couple of years later I received word that he had died. Though I sought to arrange my schedule to at-
tend the funeral in another state, it was impossible to work out. After the funeral, I ran into a friend who
had attended. He gave me a copy of the program to see. There on the inside cover was the letter I had
sent to this man. It was obviously meaningful to him, and of anything I have ever had published, it was
by far the most meaningful to me.

The most significant blessings in our lives will, in the end, not be the material ones. They will be those
who have loved and encouraged us. Encouragement is not reserved for those who have the gift. It is the
responsibility of every believer to “encourage one another daily.”

Take time to thank God in prayer for those who have

blessed your life. Then write at least one letter to encourage
them for their impact on you.
Continuous Revival
a 30-day journey in Authentic Living

Day 30
God Doesn’t Deal in Mediocrity

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to
the power that works in us (Eph. 3:20 NKJV).

Some years ago, a professional baseball player made this statement: “I find myself in the twilight of a
mediocre career.” Unfortunately it could be said of many Christians today that they find themselves in
the twilight of a mediocre Christian life. They are simply coasting along, content to go to church and
hopefully avoid any major sins.

To live a life like that is not worthy of a God who gave extravagantly to call us His own. Scripture tells us
that when God does His works, they are great; and when He surveys all He has done, it is good.

God does not deal in mediocrity, and neither should we. He wants to do in and through us “exceedingly
abundantly” beyond what we can imagine. His plans for us will involve His excellence displayed from first
to last.

Don’t fear that God’s ability to use you rests solely on your talents (or lack thereof ). God delights in using
the lowly. He looks at our hearts, not our outward appearance (1 Sam. 16:7 ). He searches for those whose
hearts are longing to make an impact on this world that will bring God alone the glory.

Pastor and author John Piper once prayed, “Lord, help me to make an impact with my life that is totally
disproportionate to who I am.” That is the kind of prayer we need today.

It has been said that God can do more through one person totally yielded to Him than through a thou-
sand half-hearted followers. Ask God to make you one of the few who sell out for Him.

Do you believe that God can do far more through you than you
have imagined? Ask God to let your life have an impact
disproportionate to who you are. Ask Him to enlarge your vision
for His glory, not your own.

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