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Basic English TIPS

     Os  primeiros  verbos  que  são   essenciais  são  “to  be,  to  do,  to   have”    e  
verbos  auxiliares  ou  helping  verbs   “can,  could,  may,  shall,  would,  will  ”,  
porque   são   os   verbos   que   usamos   para   fazer   perguntas.   Todas   as  
I - eu it - isto/isso perguntas  da   língua   Inglêsa   tem  que  ter  um  desses  verbos   na   primeira  
you - você/tu you - vocês/vós palavra   da   sentença   ou   segunda.   Os   verbos   “to   be,   to   do,   to   have”  
he - ele we - nós tambem  podem  ser  verbos  auxiliares  ou   helping  verbs  dependendo  da  
she - ela they - eles frase.

To Be - ser/estar
Past Simple Present Simple Future Simple

I was + adjetivo + complemento I am + sad + comp. I will be + sad + comp.

You were + adjetivo + complemento You are + happy + comp. You will be + happy + comp.
He was + adjetivo + complemento He is + tall + comp. He will be + tall + comp.
She was + adjetivo + complemento She is + fat + comp. She will be + fat + comp.
It was + adjetivo + complemento It is + dangerous + comp. It will be + dangerous + comp.
You were + adjetivo + complemento You are + late + comp. You will be + late + comp.
We were + adjetivo + complemento We are + busy + comp. We will be + busy + comp.
They were + adjetivo + complemento They are + rich + comp. They will be + rich + comp.

affirmation/afirmação PreposiEons  /  Preposição

To Be - ser/estar
Past Continuous Present Simple Future Simple at - na/no/nesta/nesse
on - sobre
I was + verbo + ing I am + go + ing I will be + go + ing in - dentro
You were + verbo + ing You are + eat + ing You will be + eat + ing out - fora
He was + verbo + ing He is + sleep + ing He will be + sleep + ing over - em cima/além/a cima
She was + verbo + ing She is + run + ing She will be + run + ing under - em baixo
It was + verbo + ing It is + come + ing It will be + come + ing the - o/a
You are You will be a - um/uma
You were + verbo + ing + talk + ing + talk + ing
We are We will be an - um/uma
We were + verbo + ing + lose + ing + lose + ing but - mas
They were + verbo + ing They are + leave + ing They will be + leave + ing and - e
for - por
to - para

Todos  esses  adjeEvos/adjecEves  são  masculinos  e  femininos Nouns  /  SubstanEvos

hungry - faminto pretty - lindo day - dia always - sempre

tired - cansado handsome* - bonito tonight - de noite never - nunca
happy - contente ugly - feio today - hoje still - ainda
sad - triste tall - alto tomorrow - amanhã yet - ainda
lost - perdido short - baixo yesterday - ontem before - antes
lazy - preguisoso late - atrazado week - semana after - depois
confused - confuso early - cedo weeken - final de semana right - correto/exato
fast - rápido poor - pobre month - mês next - próximo
slow - devagar rich - rico year - ano previous - anterior
inteligent - inteligente fat - gordo first - primeiro
smart - esperto skinny - magro last - último
busy - ocupado tired - cansado people - pessoas
dead - morto awake - acordado team - time
alive - vivo sleepy - com sono time - tempo
stupid - estupido angry - chateado now - agora
beautiful - bonito nervous - nervoso later - depois
Basic English

Verbos  (verbor  adicionais) Complemento  de  verbos

to like - gostar to find - encontrar to stand - levantar to run over - atropelar to drink up - bebe tudo
to run - correr to look - olhar to pick - escolher to run out - sair/correr para fora to look up - olhar pra cima
to train - treinar to eat - commer to choose - escolher to stand up - levantar to look down - olhar pra baixo
to teach - ensinar to need - precisar to get - pegar to stand down - abaixar to eat up - come tudo
to sleep - dormir to build - construir to take - tomar(pegar) to get up - levantar to work out - fazer exersicio
to work - trabalhar to sit - sentar to drink - beber to get down - abaixar to do over - fazer de novo
to take over - tomar posse to pick up - pegar algo
to  do  -­‐  fazer to  have  -­‐  ter to take out - levar pra fora to find out - descobrir

Past Simple Example Present Simple Example Present Simple Example

I was hungry yerterday. I am hungry right now. I will be hungry by this time.
I was tired this morning. I am tired today. I will be tired at the end of the day.
I was happy last week. I am happy this week. I will be happy next week.
I was sad about this. I am sad about this. I will be sad if you do this.
I was lost in California. I am out. I will be lost for sure if I am alone.
I was lazy when I was young. I am lazy after work. I will be lazy after work.
I was confused. I am confused. I will be confused if you teach me.
I was faster than you. I am as fast as you. I will be as fast as you if I train.
I was as slow as a turtle. I am like you. I will be slow as a turtle if I get fat.
He was very intelligent. He is very intelligent. He will be very intelligent if I study.
He was smarter than you. He is smarter than you. He will be smarter than you.
He was busy tonight. He is busy at this moment. He will be busy tomorrow.
He was definitely dead. He is out. He will be definitely dead if I steal.
He was still alive. He is still alive. He will be still alive.
He was always stupid. He is always stupid like this. He will be always stupid like this.
She was beautiful at the party. She is beautiful today. She will be beautiful after a good night sleep.
She was pretty tonight. She is pretty tonight. She will be pretty tonight at the party.
He was freaking ugly. He is freaking ugly. He will be freaking ugly.
They were a tall team. They are a tall team. They will be a tall team.
They were all short in my class. They are all short in my class. They will be all short in my class.
They were always late. They are always late. They will be always late.
They were very early today. They are very early today. They will be very early tomorrow.
They were very poor people. They are very poor people. They will be very poor people.
They were rich. They are rich. They will be rich.
They were extremely fat. They are extremely fat. They will be extremely fat if they eat that.
They were very skinny. They are very skinny. They will be very skinny if they don’t eat nothing.
They were already tired. They are tired right now. They will be tired by tomorrow morning.
They were awake by noon. They are awake now. They will be awake soon.
They were sleepy. They are sleepy by this time. They will be sleepy at that time.

Past Continuous Example Present Continuous Example Present Continuous Example

I was studying yerterday. I am studying right now. I will be studying tomorrow.
I was running this morning. I am running now. I will be running next month.
I was training to run. I am training to run tomorrow. I will be training to run next year.
I was doing my homework. I am looking up. I will be doing my homework tomorrow.
He was running this morning. He is running this morning. He will be running this next month.
He was training to win. He is training to win. He will be training you.
She was working early today. She is working early today. She will be working early today.
She was teaching math. She is teaching math. She will be teaching math next week.
We were looking for you. We are looking for you. We will be looking for you.
We were doing our homework. We are doing our homework. We will be doing our homework.
They were sleeping at that time. They are sleeping at that time. They will be sleeping at that time.
They were studying yesterday. They are studying to pass the class. They will be studying to pass the class.
They were looking for you. They are looking for you. They will be looking for you.
pear - pera
pair - par

they all sound the same

styrofoam - isopor
cardboard - papelão

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