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Naso ‫ נשא‬Take up

Bamidbar 4:21–7:89


‫ נשא‬Bamidbar -Numbers 4:21-7:89


Counting the Levites that work
Illustrate some of the jobs of the Levites, each individual according to his service .

Gershonite family’s service The Kehothite family Service of Merari’s descendants

The tally of Gershon’s descendants was 2,630. The Keothite family tally was 2,750. The
tally of Merari’s descendants was 3,200.They were thus counted by Moses at YHWH’s
bidding , each individual according to his service, what he would carry, and his appointed
task, as YHWH had commanded Moshe. What was the total number? ________________
Purity of Camp

who has a vow obligation to bring his nazarite sacrifice to YHWH.


‫נשא‬ Blessing the Tribes


Blessing the Tribes ‫נשא‬
22 .‫מֹשֶ ה ל ֵּאמֹר‬-‫ אֶל‬,‫כב ו ַי ְדַ בֵּר י ְהו ָה‬
And YHWH spoke to Moshe, saying:
‫בנ ֵּי‬
ְ -‫תבָרְ כּו אֶת‬
ְ ‫ כֹה‬,‫בנ ָיו ל ֵּאמֹר‬
ָ -‫ַאהֲרֹן וְאֶל‬-‫כג דַ בֵּר אֶל‬
23 .‫ לָהֶם‬,‫ ָאמֹור‬:‫'י ִשְ רָ אֵּל‬
Speak unto Aharon and unto his sons, saying: This is how
you shall bless the children of Yisra’el; Say to them:
24 .‫ ו ְי ִשְ מְרֶ ָך‬,‫כד יְבָרֶ כְָך י ְהו ָה‬
YHWH bless you, and keep you;
25 .ָ ‫חנֶך‬
ֺ ‫ ו ִי‬,‫אל ֶיָך‬
ֵּ ‫פנ ָיו‬
ָ ‫כה יָאֵּר י ְהו ָה‬
YHWH make His face to shine upon thee, and be gra-
cious unto thee;
26 .‫ ו ְי ָשֵּ ם ל ְָך שָ לֹום‬,‫אל ֶיָך‬
ֵּ ‫פנ ָיו‬
ָ ‫כו י ִשָ א י ְהו ָה‬
YHWH lift up His countenance toward you, and give you
27 .‫אבָרְ כֵּם‬
ֲ ,‫אנ ִי‬
ֲ ַ ‫בנ ֵּי י ִשְ רָ אֵּל; ו‬
ְ -‫ עַל‬,‫שְ מִי‬-‫כז ו ְשָ מּו אֶת‬
So shall they put My name upon the children of Yisra’el,
and I will bless them.'
Blessing the Tribes

wife accused of unfaithfulness
Consecrating the Tabernacle

Naso ‫נשא‬ Take up
Bamidbar 4:21–7:89
ְ ‫ שֹו‬Judges 16:5
Philistines.' ~‫פטִים‬
Yisra’el out of the hand of the
womb; and he shall begin to save
a Nazirite unto Elohim from the
upon his head; for the child shall be
bear a son; and no razor shall come
5For, lo, thou shalt conceive, and
ְ ‫מִי ַד‬--‫י ִשְ ָראֵּל‬-‫ע אֶת‬
.‫פל ִשְ תִים‬ ַ ‫ל ְהֹושִ י‬
‫ יָחֵּל‬,‫טן; ו ְהּוא‬ ָ ‫ה‬
ֶ ‫ב‬ ַ -‫ מִן‬,‫הנַעַר‬ ַ ‫יִהְי ֶה‬
‫נ ְז ִיר אֱֹלהִים‬-‫כִי‬--‫רֹאשֹו‬-‫על ֶה עַל‬ ֲ ַ ‫י‬-‫ֹלא‬
ָ ,‫ת בֵּן‬ ִ ‫ה כִי‬
ְ ְ‫הנ ְָך ה ָָרה ו ְיֹלַד‬
Judges Chapter 13 ‫ְטים‬
ִ ‫ׁשֹופ‬

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