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Appl. Phys.

A 61, 637-641 (1995)

Applied Materials
P h y s i c s A Processing
9 Springer-Verlag 1995

Origin of the defect states at ZnS/Si interfaces

P. Hazdra 1, D.J. Reeve 2, D. Sands 2
1Department of Microelectronics,Faculty of Electrical Engineering,Czech Technical University,
Prague, Czech Republic
~Department of Applied Physics, Universityof Hull, Hull HU6 7RX, UK
(Fax: + 44-482/465606)
Received: 4 February 1994"/Accepted: 21 February 1995

Abstract. Electrical characterisation of silicon surfaces silicon is also indicated from Secondary Ion Mass Spec-
contaminated by a zinc-sulphide overlayer has been car- trometry (SIMS), but the effect of this on the interface
ried out by forming Schottky diodes on the silicon after state density is not known.
the ZnS has been etched off. The techniques include cur- In the present paper investigations into the properties
rent-voltage, capacitance-voltage, and deep-level transi- of the silicon surface are reported. Zinc-sulphide thin
ent spectroscopy. The Schottky diodes show clear "mem- films were evaporated onto n- and p-silicon and chemic-
ory" of the presence of the ZnS overlayer and the electrical ally removed so that Schottky diodes could be fabricated
characteristics are far from ideal. Five deep levels in the on the silicon. Capacitance-voltage (C-V) characteristics,
sub-surface region of the silicon are detected, correspond- current-voltage (I-V) characteristics and deep-level tran-
ing to the Zn+, Zn + +, S-, S - - states and probably to sient spectra have all been measured on the Schottky
a Zn-B complex (p-type). Diffusion of the zinc and sul- diodes to provide information on the interface states and
phur into the silicon is therefore confirmed and this diffu- the existence or not of deep levels in the silicon depletion
sion is thought to create a compensated layer at the region.
interface. These impurity states control the electrical char-
acteristics of the surface in these diodes.
1 Experimental
PACS: 73.20. - r; 73.30. + y
Thin films of zinc sulphide were evaporated in high vac-
uum (base pressure 5 x 10 .6 Torr) to a thickness ranging
from 200 to 500 nm onto (100) silicon. Several types of
silicon were used.
The density of electronic states at the interface between
(100) p-Si and an overlying thin film of ZnS have been (a) 6 gm p-epilayer, 10-35 f2 cm, supplied by Wacker;
measured in the past using A1-ZnS-Si Metal-Insula- (b) 6 gm n-epilayer, 9-15 f~cm, supplied by Southampton
tor-Semiconductor (MIS) capacitors [1]. This informa- University (UK);
tion is essential to an understanding of proposed electro- (c) p-type Czochralski, 3.75-6.25flcm, supplied by
luminescent devices [2-33 in which the MIS capacitor is Southampton University (UK);
biased into deep depletion so that current flowing through (d) Shallow P+-n junctions fabricated in the Technical
the device is limited by generation within the silicon University, Prague, by 10 keV implantation of BF2 art
depletion region. P-silicon is used therefore to provide an 5 x 1015 cm -2 into phosphorous-doped (1.3 x 1025
electron current by minority carrier generation, but a high cm -3) (100) silicon. The implants were annealed at
density of interface states will prevent inversion by pinn- 800 ~ to give a junction depth of ~ 160 nm.
ing the Fermi level and the devices will not operate [13.
It has not been possible with the above measurements Following the deposition of zinc sulphide, the films
to place the measured density of states energetically in the were annealed in situ at 580~ for 1,2, or 3 h. Back
gap because the resistivity of ZnS, while high, is not high contacts to the silicon were made by moderately rapidly
enough to allow the quasi-static capacitance measurement thermally annealing a layer of evaporated aluminium at
needed to determine the surface potential. Therefore, the 800 ~ for 40 s (p-type) and 60 s (n-type), respectively. The
origin of the states has not been identified conclusively, zinc sulphide was etched in HC1 for 3 h and top contacts
though a peak in the density of states close to mid-gap has of A1 or Au (p- and n-type, respectively) were evaporated
been observed which appears to be related to the diffusion through a shadow mask. The area of the contacts was
of sulphur into the silicon. The diffusion of zinc into the 0.020 cm 2.

The electrical measurements were performed in the i 0 -2. ' I 0 -~

dark using a Keithley 487 picoammeter/voltage source for lo -3 'v A1/Si(P) l o -~
! *.
the I-V, and an H P 4275 LCR meter for the C-V. Deep- 10 - ' ~"~ 10 -+
level measurements (DLTS) were made on an in-house
i 0 -67 "'"~"QI" 91 o -~
built system based around the Boonton 72B capacitance
l o -< " _"' ............ 72_1-2~2. . . . . . . . I

i0 -": , a n o ZnS i
2 Results 10 ', t
-~ a ZnS l h a n n e a l i n g I 0 -"
I0 ZnS 2h annealing I0-m
Figure 1 shows typical I - V characteristics for Schottky
10 -11 . . . . , . . . . ~. . . . , . . . . *
diodes in p-type silicon (type (a) above). The reference - -. - 8 - 2 - 1 '"lL -"

characteristics for a silicon surface on which no ZnS has u~ Iv]

been deposited are shown alongside the characteristics for
silicon surfaces on which a ZnS layer was annealed for Fig. 1. I - V characteristics for Schottky diodes on p-type silicon,
1 and 2 h, respectively. The Schottky diodes on the uncon- (untreated: [B) and coated with ZnS and annealed for l(*) a n d 2 h
(A), respectively before etching in HC1. The data were measured at
taminated (clean) surface are well-behaved with evidence
0.1 V intervals b u t a limited n u m b e r of points are m a r k e d for clarity
of some series resistance in the forward bias for currents
greater than 2 x 10 -~ A. However, for diodes in which the
silicon has been covered in ZnS, annealed, and then
cleaned in HC1, the forward bias characteristics are modi- I0 -2 :--i0 -2
fied considerably. Extrapolating the straight line portion i0 < Au/Si(N) .~<.,.; :io_~
of the curve back to zero voltage shows a steady decrease i0 -4 :ri0 -4
in the intercept, from 7 x 1 0 - S A to 6 x 1 0 - 9 A and
2 x 1 0 - 1 ~ for 1 and 2 h annealing, respectively. The < io -~ i,f
reverse bias characteristics show only a slight change in i0-8 ........ -,- . . . . . . . ', ,: :-I0-6 <

the magnitude of the current, with the 2 h annealing 10 -~ .............. ~, . . . . . . -% '/ 10 -7

exhibiting a slight recovery over the 1 h annealing. i o -" u no ZnS - '~i
~/ :i0-8
For n-type silicon (Fig. 2) similar trends are evident; 1 0 -~ n ZnS l h a n n e a l i n g ~ i 1 0 -~
well-behaved characteristics for untreated silicon, with i0 -~o * ZnS 2 h a n n e a l i n g ~' ilO-to
modification of the forward bias t - V for annealed silicon. !
As with Fig. 1, the characteristics change in both shape -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 1 2 8
and magnitude of the current so that it is not clear which uMs [v]
has been affected more; silicon annealed for one hour to
two. The reverse bias characteristics show a much greater Fig. 2. I - V characteristics for S c h o n k y diodes on n-type silicon
variation, but the silicon annealed for two hours again corresponding to the same treatments as in Fig. 1
exhibiting some recovery.
Figures 3 and 4 show 1 MHz C-V characteristics for
these Schottky diodes. For the p-type substrates (Fig. 3), 250,
the untreated silicon surface displays ideal behaviour, but
for samples annealed for one and two hours there are A1/Si(P) 1 MHz
some deviations from the ideal. Most noticeably, there is ~ il cn no ZnS
a kink in the curve at zero bias which is indicative of ~ ~, A ZnS lh annealing
a large density of traps being filled in response to a change I50
~x m~,, 0 ZnS 2h annealing
in voltage. Finally, for the l-V, and C-V characteristics
no effects were observed when the ZnS was deposited onto o 100
the shallow p +-n junctions. In all cases, the characteristics
were near ideal and the data are not shown. 5O
The C-V and I - V characteristics point to contamina-
tion of the silicon surface by the ZnS layer. DLTS reveals
that the contamination is confined mainly to the surface of - 0 1 2 3 4 5

the silicon. A quiescent reverse bias U~ = _+ IV (the top IV]

sign applies to p-Si and the bottom to n-Si) with an
excitation voltage Ue, = -T-0.5 V, 200 ms duration was Fig. 3. 1 M H z C - V characteristics on p-Si corresponding to the I - V
characteristics of Fig. I
used to probe the silicon to a depth of approximately
1.5 gm. N o significant deep-level spectrum was observed
in either uncontaminated silicon or on contaminated sur-
faces annealed for one and two hours. However, for both There appear to be four identifiable contributions
p- and n-type samples,, ia the voltage range _+ 0.5 > (H l-H4) in the p-type and three in the n-type (El-E3), but
U~ > -T-Ue, that is, with excitation into forward bias, these are themselves broad compared with the signal
a broad and complex spectrum is observed which has characteristic of discrete (bulk-like) states at well-defined
a remarkably broad peak at high temperatures (Figs. 5, 6). energies. The precise position of the DLTS signal depends

250~Au/Si(N) 1 MHz

2001 D no zn~ /
~ 1~01 A ZnS1h .....ling //
- J 0 ZnS 2h annealing i"
o I00 i ~ ~-" 7//~,///x,./,~./////,r2,//////. , (-I--)
50 ~ .5

-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 .3 zo
[V] .2
Fig. 4. 1 MHz C V characteristics on n-Si corresponding to the I - V .1 - - z.B( ?)
characteristics of Fig. 2
0 i ~ i i i i E7
-1.5 -I -0.5 0 0.5

~F U. o [v]
0.07 A1/Si(P) ,A Fig. 7. The activation energy of the states as determined by "ener-
O 0.06
getically resolved" DLTS is shown as a ffmction of the quiescent bias
on the sample (n-Si: r~; p-Si: A; p+-Si: o). Also shown are the known

energies of states associated with Zn and S in Si
z 0.03
O9 0.02
O9 0.0l Table 1. Characteristics of the states identified by "high pulse"
0.00 , , excitation DLTS on both p- and n-Si
7O 120 170 220 270 320
TEMPERATURE [K] Deep Energy level Capture cross Silicon
level [eV] section [ c m 2] type
Fig. 5. DLTS spectrum under "high pulse" excitation of a p-Si/A1
Schottky diode annealed for i h before removal of the ZnS. Note the H1 Ev + 0.15 0.18 1 • 10 -19 p
broad peak at elevated temperatures which is typical of all the H2 Ev + 0.29-0.33 1 x 10 17-1 • 10 - I 6 p
Schottky diodes in which the silicon has been contaminated, irre- H3 Ev+0.48 0.53 t x t 0 16 p
spective of substrate type or annealing time H4 Ev + 0.57-0.16 1 x 10 -is p
E1 Ec - 0.28 1 x 10 -18 n
E2 Eo -- 0.54 1 x 10 -16 n
E3 Ec - 0.62 5 x 10 -is n
~7 0.20

cO 0.15
0.i0 states a r o u n d certain energies was observed. That is to
say, with small changes in the dc voltage sudden changes
0.05 in the activation energies occurred (Fig. 7), along with
a large change in the estimated capture cross section. The
states are listed in Table 1. The estimated activation en-
7O 120 170 220 270 320 370 ergy at zero volts applied bias for hole emission for sam-
TEMPERATURE [K] ples fabricated on low-doped p-substrates was within the
interval Ev + 0 . 5 - 0.57 eV, i.e., near mid-gap. F o r the
Fig. 6. DLTS (high pulse) spectrum of an n-Si/Au Schotttky diode m o r e heavily d o p e d p-substrates, the activation energy
annealed for 1 before removal of the ZnS was Ev + 0.33 eV. In order to estimate the density of
states, "high pulse" excitation [4,5] was used with
Uex = -7 2 . 5 V and a pulse durable of lOOms, and
slightly on the voltage applied to the structure, implying U r = _+0.5V. The average density of states was
an ill-defined energy associated with the states. A strong 2 x 1 0 1 2 c m - 2 in both n- and p-type diodes annealed for
excitation into forward bias leads to positive-going D L T S 1 h. F o r diodes annealed for 2 h, the spectrum has an
signals, indicative of minority-carrier capture and sub- identical shape but the amplitude of the signal is nearly
sequent emission. twice as big.
In order to establish the energetical spectrum of the D L T S measurements on shallow p + - n junctions gave
deep levels involved (assumed to be located close to the no observable spectrum, regardless of the surface treat-
surface), a small excitation of ~ 50 m V superimposed on ment. This is a clear indication that zinc and sulphur have
a variable dc level has been used. A localisation of the not diffused d o w n to the junction.

3 Discussion interface and probably no intermediate layer other than

the compensated silicon present in the Schottky diodes.
The present work identifies the seven characteristic states Given that the states arise from the diffusion of Zn and
(four in p-Si and three in n-Si) at the ZnS/Si interface listed S into the silicon and that the states are located close to
in Table 1. However, H4 and E3 have energies and cap- the surface, the C - V characteristics can be interpreted
ture cross-sections which overlap, as do the states H4 and better. After annealing, the zero-bias capacitance is re-
E2, so probably there are states at five localised energies. duced and similar in both p-Si and n-Si diodes. The
The variation of the activation energy of the states as doping density is the same in both cases, so the Fermi-
measured by energetically resolved DLTS is shown in level positions with respect to the majority carrier band
Fig. 7. Also shown (shaded bands) are the known energies edges must be nearly identical. Given that the activation
of states caused by the presence of zinc and sulphur [6-9] energy of the states is Ec-(0.58-0.6) eV for p-type
and the coincidence between these and our experimen- structures, putting the Fermi level at mid-gap near the
tally measured deep levels identifies the origins as surface, and that the estimated depletion width is
S-, S2 -, Zn +, Zn 2+, and Zn-B complex. Two additional 1.5 ~tm, corresponding to a potential drop of ~ 1 V at
states associated with sulphur complexes are not seen and bulk doping densities, the potential profile of the depletion
would not be expected at the low diffusion temperatures region must be quite complicated. Quite probably, the
used here [9]. The presence of zinc in the silicon surface is surface has an opposite charge to the rest of the depletion
therefore confirmed. The states we have measured, parti- region, arising from nearly equal densities of doubly
cularly those near mid-gap, are seen clearly to have a dis- charged donor and acceptor states. The presence of defect
tribution of energies lying largely within the bounds de- states close to the surface is also indicated by the slight
fined by the shaded areas, but we can't say at present kink in the C - V around 0 V, suggesting some filling of the
whether the states actually form bands at the surface or traps in response to a change in voltage rather than
other phenomena, such a surface potential fluctuations, a change in the depletion region.
cause an apparent spread in the measured energies. How- The I - V characteristics are a little more difficult to
ever, the range of measured activation energies within understand and a full interpretation is not presented here.
a band is consistent with the observation of an ill-defined Uncontaminated silicon has nearly ideal characteristics,
energy, as illustrated by the variation of the "high pulse" with some evidence of a small series resistance in the
peak position with applied dc bias. forward bias currents in p-Si. However, after annealing
The physical location of the states is not known pre- the deviations from ideality become considerable. For
cisely. Almost certainly, the states reside in the silicon and n-Si annealed for 1 h, the smooth curve in the forward I - V
not in a surface compound or alloy. Channeling RBS [10] might imply nothing more complicated than an increase
has excluded this by placing an upper limit of a few ppm in series resistance. After annealing for two hours, though,
on the surface concentrations of both Zn and S. In trying there is evidence of two slopes, implyig some mechanism
to estimate the depth of diffusion, extrapolation of the other than simple series resistance. It would seem from the
diffusion coefficients of S [11] and Zn [12] in Si is unlikely energetically resolved DLTS that the Fermi level at the
to yield useful results since the coefficients have been surface changes abruptly from one pinning position to
determined at temperatures well in excess of 1000~ another with dc bias, implying a voltage-dependent bar-
Quite likely, the traps extend from the surface into the rier height. Such a mechanism is possible and has been
silicon to a depth less than 200 nm, the depth of the p+-n observed in Au/CdTe junctions [13]. A simple analysis
junction which remains free of any contaminants. The fact can show that the presence of discrete states at two or
of similar active concentrations of the two elements, as more energies can lead to an abrupt change in the barrier
indicated by similar densities of traps, might be a conse- height of a Schottky diode in forward bias, and that
quence of similar diffusion lengths but it might also be change in barrier height must necessarily lead to a higher
a consequence of similar solid solubilities [-6J. The max- ideality factor. The arguments have been set out in detail
imum values recorded have been measured at 1300 ~ and elsewhere [131 but will be summarised below.
are 6 x 1016 and 3 x 1016 cm -3 for Zn and S, respectively. The equilibrium pinning position of the Fermi energy
These values cannot be extrapolated to 580 ~ but they do will be given by the condition for charge neutrality, taking
provide upper limits on the concentrations of electrically into account the ionised dopants, the charge of full and
active Zn and S available. empty traps, and band bending in the metal, which is
Having excluded the existence of an interfacial layer usually neglected but can be larg e. In fact, for a variable
from the present Schottky diodes, the possibility still exists Fermi level at the surface, such as we are suggesting here,
that such a layer is present at the ZnS/Si interface but is band bending in the metal is essential, either before the
removed during etching. Such a layer could give rise to Fermi level moves or after. Application of a forward bias
a continuum of states at the interface. Therefore, we have causes the bulk Fermi level in the semiconductor to shift
examined MIS structures on p-Si with DLTS using both relative to the metal Fermi level and it is usually assumed
"high pulse" and energetically resolved methods. The re- that the Fermi level is constant across the depletion re-
sults are very similar to those obtained from the Schottky gion. Microscopically, this cannot be the case because
diodes. The "high pulse" spectrum is nearly identical to there must be continuity at the interface, but a precise
that in Fig. 5 and the energetically resolved measurements formulation of the Fermi level in this region requires
identify three discrete states which have the same charac- knowledge of the exact charge state and the probability of
teristics as H2, H3 and H4 in Table 1. We conclude from capture and emission of the traps by Shockley-Read stat-
this that there are no additional states at the ZnS/Si istics or by communication with the metal (tunneling).

Some states will alter their occupancy with applied bias, Z n + , Z n 2 + , S - and S2-. We propose that these are the
however, and the Fermi level will begin to move through dominant, and perhaps only, energy levels of states at the
the discrete states. Once the states are full, the Fermi level ZnS/Si interface. The Zn and S appears to have diffused
is no longer pinned and is free to j u m p to the next into the silicon to some depth less than 200 nm, in concen-
unoccupied level. The voltage dropped across a dipole trations such that a compensated region of silicon exists.
layer at the surface (to which band bending in the metal Electrical measurements are consistent with the presence
makes a contribution) must therefore change in order to of discrete states at the surface, indicating both trapping
preserve the total voltage across the junction. Such a mecha- and perhaps a voltage-dependent barrier height. N o evid-
nism must lead to a change in slope of the ln(/)-V curve and ence exists for the formation of an interracial alloy or
is of course consistent with the abrupt change in activation compound.
energy seen in D L T S when the forward bias is altered.
The present measurements clarify our knowledge of Acknowledgements. We are grateful to Dr C.G. Scott (Hull), Chris
the ZnS/Si interface. Conductance measurements on Jeynes (Surrey University), and Colin Starbuck (Southampton Uni-
A1/ZnS/p-Si MIS diodes cannot provide the energy of the versity) for their assistance.
states unless accompanied by a quasi-static C - V curve.
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