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Wormhole to the Afterlife: Medium Bill Philipps By Maurice Peterson

Jeanne Bassis
P.O.Box 13, Great Barrington, MA 01230 (413) 528-5732
One hears of how he calls the names of your departed friends where and when the bodies would be found. Yet my experience

hey talk about and loved ones out of thin air; knows how they lived, whom they ZLWKKLPZDVWRPHQROHVVDVWRQLVKLQJRUSURIRXQG,KDGQRW
loved, and how they died. Stacie Wechter, of Great Barrington, only undergone the deeply emotional jolt of sensing my moth-
psychic medium said she was so overwhelmed by her talk with Bill that she could HU·VSUHVHQFHDJDLQEXW,ZDVDOVRIRUFHGWRFRQIURQWP\EHOLHI  Mind & Spirit
Bill Philipps with KDUGO\EUHDWKHRUÀQGKHUZD\KRPH,ZLWQHVVHGDQRWKHUZRPDQ system. Here was my personal proof that other dimensions do
in a gallery event so moved by the pinpoint accuracy of Bill’s in- exist, and that our souls do go somewhere on the other side of a
the enthusiasm and
reverence usually
tuitions that she sobbed uncontrollably in front of a roomful of
strangers. Yet Bill’s messages of her departed friend’s understand-
ing and forgiveness were welcomed by the woman, Phoebe Un-
mirror when we die. Modern mathematics have proven these al-
ternate realities exist and suggests there are “wormholes” bridg-
your soul path
reserved for gerer. She left feeling healed of a long-lasting hurt. What powers, behind these theories, Bill Philipps offers proof enough of their
AnnE O’Neil | Spiritual Direction | Energy Healing
pop icons. what magic does this young man possess, that he can move people existence by being a human wormhole to the dimension of the | 917-748-8463
so profoundly? Before my hour-long, private session during his last spirits. And small though the hole may be, enough light can
YLVLWWRWKH%HUNVKLUHVLQ'HFHPEHU,ZRQGHUHG:RXOGWKLV come through not only to dazzle and amaze, but to heal.
young man, just less than half my age, actually move me to tears? Offering his explanation of why people have such emo-
At twenty-six, Bill Philipps is building a solid reputation as a tional reactions to his work, Bill says, “People are overwhelmed.
psychic medium, emerging from the shadows of such luminaries They break down and allow themselves to release all the tension,
as Edgar Cayce, James Van Pragh, and Tana Hoy. With fair-haired, resentment, negative feelings, anger, and guilt they’ve been hold-
boyish good looks on an imposing 6' 4!" frame and a soft tenor LQJRQWRVLQFHWKHLUORYHGRQHVSDVVHGµ,QP\FDVHKRZHYHU,
voice, he is the opposite of the archetypal Nostradamus or Sven- was weeping from sheer happiness.
JDOLRQHPLJKWH[SHFW+LVPDQQHULVVZHHWDQGRSWLPLVWLF\HW, Bill believes he had the gift even as a child, sensing spirits
ÀQGKLVYLEHWREHH[FHSWLRQDOO\SHDFHIXOJURXQGHGDQGPDWXUH around him and hearing their messages. Not knowing what to
IRUKLVDJH$OWKRXJK,KDYHVHYHUDOWLPHVLQP\OLIHHQFRXQWHUHG make of them, however, he suppressed his intuitions. At four-
psychics with astonishing abilities, including Sheilaa Hite, whose teen, when his mother, Yvonne, suddenly died thousands of miles
mastery of the Tarot has helped to guide me through many dif- away, she appeared to him that night to console him. This was the
EULQJPHVVDJHVIURPORYHGRQHVLQWKHEH\RQG,EURXJKWDKHIW\ atic performance at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music, he
helping of skepticism to my private session with Bill at SEVEN,
a skepticism that he easily vanquished.
happened into a New Age shop. There, by chance, his gift was no-
ticed by other mediums. With their encouragement and tutelage,
Bill developed his own skill to an extraordinary level. Working at


Matt Damon, Bill Philipps jump-started his connection to my spirit the time as a barista, he would test his talents by writing the cus-  !  " #$ %#  &'!(%&
world by holding my hand and whispering a peaceful invocation. tomers’ names on their cups just before they came into the shop.  

Within less than one minute, he said he had connected with my As his skills developed and word of his talents spread, Bill 

PRWKHUZKRSDVVHGDZD\ÀYH\HDUVDJR%LOOGLGQRWSXWKLPVHOI  had to struggle with heated opposition from his family about his 
in a trance or impersonate her mannerisms as psychics often do in beliefs and new career choice. Friendships were tested and some 


ÀOPGHSLFWLRQV5DWKHUKHVLPSO\UHOD\HGKHUZRUGVDVLI VKHZHUH lost when he came out as a professional medium. He even had to


on the other end of a weak telephone connection, listening and struggle with himself over the direction his life had taken, won-   
WKHQUHSHDWLQJZKDWKHKHDUG,PPHGLDWHO\KHVSRNHRI VLWXDWLRQV dering not only if it were prudent but whether or not he might
DQGIHHOLQJVP\PRWKHUDQG,VKDUHGWKDWZHUHFRPSOHWHO\QRQ actually be insane. Thankfully, he has overcome these obstacles 

*RRJODEOHIDFWVRQO\P\PRWKHUDQG,FRXOGHYHUNQRZVXFKDV and is pursuing the arduous and lonesome path of a freelance
her feelings about my life choices, her relationship with my father spiritualist, doing sessions privately and by webcam, but primarily
and my brother, and much more. The words he conveyed were by telephone from his home in Newport Beach, California. SHAMANIC HEALING SERVICES
VRLQWLPDWH,FRXOGRQO\EHOLHYHWKDWVRPHZKHUHVKHLVVWLOOWRWDOO\ At this phase of his young life, Bill Philipps is expecting
alive, well, and content, completely free of the pain and suffer- great things for himself in the year ahead, and isn’t shy about
ing that took her from this world – and communicating with me! his ambitions to grow his career. “My biggest goal,” Bill says, “is *OURNEYING s 3OUL 2ETRIEVAL
$OWKRXJK,KDYHVRPHWLPHVIHOWKHUDURXQGPHWKLVZDVWKHÀUVW to reach the largest audience to bring healing to people and let %NERGETIC 4RANSMISSIONS
as the summer sun, coursing through my body again like fresh 2EIKI )  ))
good use of the Kleenex that Bill had advised me to hold. Bill Phillips will be returning to the Berkshires in late March, -"63",63084,*t
Bill Philipps has also been called upon for such dramatic 2011. For more information and to book appointments, visit XXXTIBNBOJDIFBMJOHTFSWJDFDPN

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