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Previously we discussed Isaiah Chapter 9, and came to some

conclusions, the previous title was Isaiah and the Prince of
Peace, now it is Isaiah and Jesus; in the next paragraph you will
read a conversation, which will shed some more light!

Included here is a conversation regarding the name Jesus, and

what it should or should not be, and mean, or should not mean. .
Statement: The "Christ" is also linked to the Exodus myth when
Paul tells us that, as well as Jesus, Mosheh was also "God's
Christ" See Heb 11.
Answer: Of interest is verse 3; “It is by faith that we understand
that the universe was created by God’s word, so that what can be
seen was made out of what cannot be seen!”

Verse 3 might seem insignificant, but today science is on the verge

of a break through, tests is currently being done where
microscopic matter (electrons) have been found to react to unseen
stimulus and form different shapes still microscopic, but forming
them none the less, the how is still under investigation! What did
Paul know, and who taught him this? According to the scriptural
“evidence”, Jesus, or was he aware of this while still acting as the

The balance of Hebrew Chapter 11 is a perfect example of why

Jesus called his disciples “no more intelligent than the others”,
here in Hebrews Paul carry on about the God of the Old
Testament Even renaming him “Messiah”, in one of my books I
referred to Paul as in need of treatment because he totally lost it in
some places and in others he talked a different sense, no wonder
the Torah excludes the New Testament. Or was he planted to save
the Israelites hides from Rome, remember Jesus called the Old
Testament Father, a thief, murderer, and liar, it seems Paul got off
the wrong train somewhere!

Statement: The "Christ" which means "Anointed" is a Greek

rendering of the Hebrew word Mashiach which was an ephithet for
a leader and used of Jewish kings.
a. This title became an appellative later on.
b. In Dan 9 and 26 its Hebrew character was retained in the
transliterated "Messiah"

Answer: The debate regarding the name is in my opinion not

important here, he could just as well have been called Charles,
and it could have meant anything, the issue is the actions this man
inspired, and how it influenced what came after.

Statement: Although today the name "Jesus Christ" is

inextricably linked to the Literalist figure of the supposed founder
of Christianity in the first century C.E. the name would have been
heard as obviously symbolic meaning "The Saviour King"

Answer: Which he turned out not to be from the Jewish

perspective, not as “Prince of Peace”, neither as the guy in Isaiah
Chapter 53 who was supposed to rise from the dead, marry, have
plenty children and live on to a ripe old age! Effectively the Jews
are still waiting for the other guy!

Statement: Jewish Gnostics and Christian Gnostics after them

understood Exodus to be an initiation allegory.

Answer: The failed prophecy is to blame for this allegory.

Question: Why did they not transliterate the word as was done in
Dan 9 and 26 as "Messiah" seeing that the Greeks had also
accepted their Greek transliteration of the word namely Messias in
John 1 and 4?

Answer: Because of the failed prophecy, how could they support

something which would later come back to bite them, the tense
less rule in Hebrew scripture is proof of their “reasoning power”!

Above is a conversation I had with someone, the statements and

question was his, the answers was mine. The real answer to the
above is not a short simple answer, but need some explanation.
The failed prophecy needs to be discussed, and this discussion
once again involves Isaiah, only this time to clear some issues,
issues the man in the street, you; need answers for. In Chapter 9
Isaiah explained the names or titles and the success this Saviour
would accomplish, in Chapter 53 a physical description follow
but suddenly, this man is not so powerful anymore, and as you
have read in the previous explanation, similarities in the
physical make up between Jesus and the predicted Immanuel
was discussed.

We did point out that Jesus was not what was expected, but
perhaps we need to give more detail. In Chapter 53 we read that
this man will die, rise from the dead and live a long and
prosperous life seeing his children grow up, and for his efforts
receive a place among “great men”. In verse 10 we read this;
“And so he will see his descendants; he will live a long life”.
The King James Version states that he will share his spoils with
the great; quote verse 12, “Therefore will I divide him a portion
with the great, and shall divide the spoil with the strong”. Two
quotes which do not make sense at all, Jesus did not rise from
the dead, marry, had plenty descendants and lived a long life!!
According to scripture he died, rise on the third day, paid a
couple of visits, shocked a few people, “proved” Thomas wrong
and according to the book John, permanently departed a week
after his resurrection.

During this week he did not stay with, or sleep over at

anybody’s homes, it is stated nowhere that he did, from the
absence of inserts regarding this, we can assume that he just
appeared for short periods of time and then disappeared, until
his final disappearance when it is stated/presumed that he went
up to heaven. Secondly; Jesus did not rise and became friends
with great and powerful men, nor did he receive “spoils” from
anywhere or anyone, the word spoils as stated in Isaiah Chapter
53 reminds one of money or some form of payment, it could not
mean a group of people or countries the other great and
powerful did not want or was told to now share with him, it
might coming from the mouth of the Lord Almighty, it is a real
possibility, he held no human’s life in high esteem, and if we
look at the history it might just have meant that.

Jesus on the other hand had no real love of money, he did

however saw those who understood what he was about as
friends, he had feelings for us humans and would not accept the
kind of deal Isaiah was referring to, as his words to the “Devil”,
or Satan proves in Luke Chapter 4, there he was offered
everything on a silver platter and refused.

Looking at all the above, the prediction failed! Jesus is not in

the Torah, the Jews or Torah believers see him as a failed
prophet, this is no secret, the Muslims hold the same sentiment!
Who was Jesus, the Jesus we read about in the New Testament?
The man mythology are trying to discredit, the man the Jews
still reject, the man who died and showed himself to a few then
disappeared forever, the man who said in Matthew Chapter 24
verses 23 to 26 “I am not coming back”. The man the Christian
religion so desperately wants the world to believe was indeed
the one predicted?

Many theories and metaphorical ideas have been created trying

to place him in the line of saviours in the Jewish religion, hence
the ref “mythical Jesus”. The true Torah nation is having a field
day; the world is at each others throats trying to prove the
improvable. Did Jesus really live? It’s possible, if we read the
New Testament we realise that this man was a real danger to the
survival of this nation, he became their worst enemy, they just
had to get rid of him. The amount of time spent around this
figure and all the discrepancies related to him sends up a smoke
signal. There was as much if not more written about him, albeit
in religious scripture, but also in historically accepted scripts by
accepted scribes as there was written about Alexander the Great,
that one gets the uneasy feeling that all’s not well.

If you were the head of this nation what would you have done to
get this man’s accusations off your back? Remember they were
selling their religion to the known world and this man was busy
proving them wrong, making their prediction into a laughing
matter! What was the best political answer? Caiaphas came up
with the perfect plan. “Don’t you realize that it is better for you
to let one man die for the people, instead of having the whole
nation destroyed?” Yes, they were in that tough a predicament,
they did it; and survived the possible wrath of the mighty
Roman Empire. The second phase would be to try and find ways
to discredit his life and teachings; that was easy, distortion;
today we have difficulty in understanding some of his apparent
statements, which can cause doubt. He was killed, buried and
his body inexplicably just disappeared, scripture tells us he went
up to heaven in the physical and therefore no body, no serious
search! Problem solved, at least for the Jewish authorities, let
the world fight about it, give them a burial site, let them search
in that vicinity for ever!

Where his remains are really buried is something we might

never find out, as is the case with Alexander the Great. There is
however one unsolved matter! His resurrection; to understand
the possibility of something like that happening you need to
know a little about metaphysical matters. According to the
experts in that field, a person can do what is called astral
travelling, this happens when a person consciously leaves his
body and visit another place in spirit, some practitioners of this
phenomena can apparently form a substance on these occasions,
making it possible for those he or she visit to see and touch him
or her while the visited are conscious or awake, according to the
experts this is what could have happened in the case of the
resurrection of Jesus.

Looking at what he himself knew regarding reincarnation tells

us that he was well educated in matters regarding the
metaphysical, remember that spiritual studies is probably one of
the oldest fields of science known to man, Gautama who started
Buddhism plus minus 500 B.C was considered an expert in
these matters. All that information was available in the time of
Jesus and in all probability he did study it. Very little is stated
regarding his childhood, in most Gospels he just appeared at age
plus minus 28 and started his campaign, still naïve enough to go
up against a very old and well oiled religion.
In my humble opinion he succeeded in making this world
looking at things from a different perspective. But he was
definitely not the predicted Saviour the Jews were expecting, his
life as portrayed by religious scripture just don’t have the proof.
The book Revelations try desperately to sell his return and
eternal rule thereafter, unfortunately nothing he stated is back up
for the predictions or claims in that book, some of his disciples
and especially Paul tried their utmost to convince that he will
come back, but Matthew Chapter 24 verses 27 “For the Son of
Man will come like the lightning which flashes across the
whole sky from the east to the west. Wherever there is dead
body, the vultures will gather”, tells a different story than the
one in Revelations! Here he tells us that our spirits will be
fetched should the occasion arise. Definitely not the guy in the
prediction, or the one in Revelations!

Next time; Isaiah and Revelations!

All the best


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