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(Success Story) S Divyadharshini a Law Graduate from Chennai tops UPSC

exam 2010
Submitted by IASguru (/civilservices/users/iasguru) on Fri, 2011-05-13 12:42


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Chennai-based law graduate S

Divyadharshini has topped the prestigious
Civil Services Examination 2010 for w hich
the results w ere announced today. The
second position w as also secured by a…/s-divyadharshini-a-la… 1/4
5/14/2011 (Success Story) S Divyadharshini a Law…
woman, Sw eta Mohanty, a computer
engineer, while R V Varun Kumar, a dentist
from Chennai, got the third rank. A total of 920 candidates, including
203 women, have been selected for the Civil Services, w hich attracts
the largest number of candidates from the entire length and breadth of
the country.

Divyadharshini, w ho has done BA, BL (Hons) from Dr Ambedkar Law University in Chennai, cleared the exam in
her second attempt. Mohanty cleared the exam in her third attempt. Kumar, the topper among men, has done his
BDS from Ragas Dental College in Chennai. This is his third attempt. An elated Divyadharshini said she was
surprised to find herself topping the exam as she was not expecting it. "I was expecting some result but not as a
topper," she said.

Video Source: Youtube & ndtv ( /use r/ndtv)

As congratulatory messages poured in, she said the achievement was the result of "tedious" exercise and hard
work of one year coupled w ith luck. The top 25 candidates consist of 20 men and five women -- 15 of w hom are
engineers, five belonging to Commerce, Management, Humanities, Science and Social Sciences; and five
belonging to medical science background.

Of the top 25, eight have made to the merit list in their first attempt while four made it in their second attempt,
nine in third attempt, three in fourth attempt and one in fifth attempt.Among those selected, 28 are physically
challenged candidates while 14 are orthopaedically challenged, five visually impaired and nine hearing impaired.

Read more.. (http://a rticles.tim e sofindia .india tim /2011-05-11/india/29531619_1_ca ndidate s-upsc-results-a tte m pt)

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