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Is it time to pay the rent? The Family that Prays Together...

Jesus once asked his disciples a startling question: “when the Son of  All of those walking through grief.
Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18.8 NIV). Perhaps the  The Muller Family
very notion that God will require an account from each and every individual is  Arnold Lawrence
considered either quaint or ludicrous today. On the other hand, most of us  Marie McMillan
hold out that God will eventually make all the unfixable wrongs right—one  Bernard and Alicia Krogsgaard - Missionaries
day.  Travis and Alicia Sass—Missionaries
One of the most powerful images God uses to help us understand that
a day of reckoning is coming is that of the vineyard. As early as the prophet  The Ethridges—Missionaries
 Marie McMillan—Is in Willowdale Lodge for Respite Care for four weeks. Volume 12, Issue 4 May 29, 2011
Isaiah (as in Isaiah 5.1-8), God spoke of his loving care for his people in the
She is hoping for it to be permanent.
“Song of the Vineyard.” In this song, God speaks of himself as one who had
a vineyard, which he lovingly tended:  Chris Cornforth—continued health concerns.
He dug it up and cleared it of stones  Catherine Taylor–seeing continued success and healing after her surgery.
and planted it with the choicest vines.
He built a watchtower in it
 Nancy Martinson—(Heather Kings Sister-in-law) Pray for success in cancer
and cut out a winepress as well.  Wilfred Bourgon—had part of his lung removed due to cancer.
When the time for harvest came the loved one looks for grapes only to  Paulette O’Neal has cancer and is in Edmonton for treatment. Pray for
find rotten fruit. In exasperation, God asks “What more could I have done?”
In his anger, God then shares his intent: he will destroy the vineyard so it
her daughter Mandy. MAY 2011
becomes a wasteland (which it really is already).  Keith Dodds recovering from surgery
Then Isaiah points out, the vineyard is really the house of Israel and  Ronda’s son Chad—recovering from back surgery.
the house of Judah (God’s people); so when God came looking for justice and  Harold Floyd -continued health concerns.
 Sandra Mountney—health concerns
VICTORY – More than conquerors
righteousness, he found bloodshed and cries of distress.
When Jesus told the parable about the “tenants in the vineyard” (Mark 12.1-  Tayo Sedor -diagnosed with enfant scoliosis. Pray for treatments to go  From Overwhelmed to Over comer.
12), it did not take much imagination to see that he was doing an updated well.  Living victoriously—showing the world that Jesus wins
version of the “Song of the Vineyard.”  Melissa Pawlak—beginning chemo treatment today.  Applied: what is going to remind us that we have won the victory?
In the parable a man (God as we learn soon enough) planted a vine-  Dot Davies—underwent a double mastectomy. Pray for Dot and her son
yard with a wall, a winepress and a watchtower (as in Isaiah 5.2). Doug
When harvest time came the owner sent a servant to collect the rent from the
tenants, but the tenants responded in hostility. They did this several times,  Orest Shankewski—has cancer and has gone for treatment. He is now
cancer free and rejoices that God helped.
Full Family Fellowship
even killing some of the servants.
Finally the owner decides to send his son, since surely they would treat  Jim Langford—Rolland’s Next door neighbour, is in hospital with cancer of
the heir much better. Yet they reasoned with one another: “This is the heir. the lymph nodes. Mark your calendars…
Come, let’s kill him, and the inheritance will be ours.” Not only did they kill  The Leadership—setting vision and direction for our congregation.
him, they threw his body outside the wall of the vineyard.
After Jesus finished this story, he asked, “What then will the owner of Next Sunday, June 5 we will
the vineyard do?”
To this question, Jesus also answers, “He will come and kill those ten-
Worship Schedule be moving into our summer
ants and give the vineyard to others.” TODAY: NEXT WEEK: schedule. Our time together
The Pharisees wanted to kill Jesus because they knew the parable was Worship Leader: Rolland Worship Leader: John
spoken about them. However, Jesus merely pointed to one of God’s greatest will begin at 10:30am and end
Communion: Garnet Communion: Mark
concerns: that his people be fruitful.
While this is not a pleasant story, and I like it much better when I see Caring and Sharing: Dale Caring and Sharing: Martin at 11:45am
it applied to the religious leaders of the first century, it is probably spiritually
insightful to ask, “When the time to pay the rent comes due, what will we be ORDER:
able to show God as evidence that we tended his garden well?” Have a pure and Everyone Welcome!
Stan Helton Welcome
Announcements loving heart, and
All Hail The Power of Jesus Name
Victory In Jesus
This World Is Not My Home you will be a friend of 1 Christina Street
the king. Kenosee Lake, Saskatchewan
Firm Foundation (306)577-2477
Message Proverbs 22:11 NIRV
Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
NOTES News and Notes

________________________________________ SONSHINE and VOLTAGE FULL FAMILY FELLOWSHIP

We have invited Western Christian’s Starting June 5, we will be moving to our
________________________________________ Sonshine and Voltage to perform here Full Family Fellowship service.
today. Invite your friends and neighbours We will begin at 10:30am and going until
________________________________________ for a 2:30pm show. noon. During our service there will be a
________________________________________ ===
children’s time upstairs during the les-
son, and more opportunity to share our
________________________________________ If you have any announcements or prayer
requests for the bulletin please talk to Mar-
lives with one another. Please mark
________________________________________ garet Husband by Wednesday each week.
________________________________________ VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL
See sign up sheets on the bulletin board. HOMEMAKER’S CIRCLE
________________________________________ There are some roles to fill. June 14—Fairlight Tea House
=== ===
________________________________________ THRIFT STORE
June 14 and 16
________________________________________ July 12 and 14 Owen King is looking for a twin mattress
and a kitchen table. If you have these
________________________________________ items please talk with Owen.

________________________________________ Just For Fun

________________________________________ To learn more about sponsorship, or about programs that you can help out with please visit: or speak with Rolland today.

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