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‫بسم  الرحمن الرحيم‬

‫الحمد  رب العالمين وصلى  وسلم على رسول  وعلى آله وأصحابه ومن اھتدى بھديه إلى يوم الدين أما بعد‬

‫ سيكون في آخر أمتي أناس يحدثونكم بما لم تسمعوا أنتم‬: ‫عن أبي ھريرة أن رسول  صلى  عليه وسلم قال‬
‫ فإياكم وإياھم‬، ‫وال آباؤكم‬
Abu Hurayrah ‫ رضي  عنھم‬narrated that the Prophet ‫ صلى  عليه وسلم‬said: “In the last part of my Ummah,
there will come a people who will tell of you things that neither you, nor your fathers heard of. So
beware of them.”

[Reported by Imam Muslim in the introduction to his ‘Saheeh’; Imam Ahmad in his Musnad;
Al-Hakim in his ‘Mustadrak’; and Imam Bukhari recorded it in his ‘Tareekh’]

This hadeeth is indeed profound and vast in meaning. It provides a general guideline by which correctness is
distinguished from falsehood and acceptable speech from wretched speech.

1. Al Manawi commented on this hadeeth in his ‘Fayd al-Qadeer’ thus:

“In the last part of my Ummah, there will come a people” – They (will) claim they are scientists

“who will tell of you things that neither you, nor your fathers heard of” – (From) lying speech and innovated
rulings and (leading to) false beliefs.

“So beware of them” – Distance yourselves from them (and further them from you).

2. In the centuries following the period of earliest Muslims came various beliefs and systems and ideas, both within
Muslim realms and outside of them. Theological rhetoric established its own poison, creating intellectual discord and
initiating deviant trends. From the scientific sphere came theories based on scientific method or methodology of
scientific inquiry. From amongst the many prominent scientific inquiries of the past centuries include: Theory of
Human Evolution; Theory of Special Relativity; Quantum Theory, Modern Atomic Theory, etc.

3. From amongst these 'people' who will come in the last part of the Ummah will be scientists, philosophers and
theologians promoting variant agendas and propagating false speech - created for the establishment of new and
corrupted beliefs (e.g. Darwinism). We are warned to distance ourselves from them and their wicked speech. At-
Teebi stated that these people would be renowned in their field of studies and this would induce Muslims to listen to

4. At-Teebi said in explanation of the above hadeeth [as found in ‘Fayd al-Qadeer’, 4780]:

‫ويجوز حمله على المشھورين المحدثين فيكون المراد بھا الموضوعات وأن يراد به ما ھو بين الناس أي يحدثوھم بما لم يسمعوا‬
‫عن السلف من علم الكالم ونحوه فإنھم لم يتكلموا فيه وعلى األول ففيه إشارة إلى أن الحديث ينبغي أن ال يتلقى إال عن ثقة عرف‬
‫ وھذا علم من أعالم نبوّ ته ومعجزة من‬،‫بالحفظ والضبط وشھر بالصدق واألمانة عن مثله حتى ينتھي الخبر إلى الصحابي‬
‫معجزاته فقد يقع في كل عصر من الكذابين كثير ووقع ذلك لكثير من جھلة المتدينة المتصوفة‬

May Allah ‫ سبحانه و تعالى‬provide us the insight to the words of our Prophet ‫صلى  عليه وسلم‬
and enable us to put them into practise; and may He ‫ سبحانه و تعالى‬safeguard us from all man-made fitan.

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