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Turn the following sentences into Indirect 24) She said, “Kamala has done her work.

Speech. __________________________________
1) He said, “Sharif is a player.” 25) You said, “Abdulla is going to Kolkata.”
__________________________________ __________________________________
2) Simi said, “I am ill.” 26) The geography teacher said, “The
__________________________________ earth moves round the sun.”
3) Raju said, “Latif works hard.” __________________________________
__________________________________ 27) I said, “I am an early riser.
4) I said, “Suresh is going to Delhi.” __________________________________
__________________________________ 28) He said, “I am taking my meal.”
5) You said, “She has seen Kashmir.” __________________________________
__________________________________ 29) You said, “I am working hard.”
6) She said, “He did his work in the __________________________________
morning.” 30) They said, “We are singing a song.”
__________________________________ __________________________________
7) He said, “It was raining”. 31) We said, “We shall settle it.”
__________________________________ __________________________________
8) I said, “I shall do it.” 32) He said to me, “You are not a singer.”
__________________________________ __________________________________
9) He said, “Abdul will not come.” 33) I said to him, “You are a bold boy.”
__________________________________ __________________________________
10) The teacher said, “Anil may pass.” 34) You said to her, “You have done your
__________________________________ duty.”
11) He says, “Jack kills a giant.” __________________________________
__________________________________ 35) I said, “He is a rich man.”
12) Mother will say, “Dinner is ready.” __________________________________
__________________________________ 36) You said, “She is not beautiful.”
13) He says, “Jack will kill a giant.” __________________________________
__________________________________ 37) He said to me, “They are gamblers.”
14) I said, “I can help the poor.” __________________________________
__________________________________ 38) Rajni said, “I am unwell.”
15) Latif said, “Hamid has failed.” __________________________________
__________________________________ 39) He said, “I am waiting for long.”
16) I said, “Father came at night.” __________________________________
__________________________________ 40) I said, “I like to read good books.”
17) He said, “The man shall come.” __________________________________
__________________________________ 41) You said, “I am starting a factory.”
18) They said, “The weather is fine.” __________________________________
__________________________________ 42) Rajneesh said, “I saw the picture.”
19) I said, “The bus is at the door.” __________________________________
__________________________________ 43) They said, “We are singing a song.”
20) We said, “Raju is working hard.” __________________________________
__________________________________ 44) She said, “My mother is calling me.”
21) The teacher said, “Neelu will pass.” __________________________________
__________________________________ 45) Geeta said, “I shall learn my lesson.”
22) My brother said, “David swims daily.” __________________________________
__________________________________ 46) I said to him, “I shall travel first class.”
23) Sunil said, “All the girls were dancing.” __________________________________
__________________________________ 47) You said to me, “I have wasted my time.”
1) He said, “Sharif is a player.”
He said that Sharif was a player.
2) Simi said, “I am ill.”
Simi said that she was ill.
3) Raju said, “Latif works hard.”
Raju said that Latif worked hard.
4) I said, “Suresh is going to Delhi.”
I said that Suresh was going to Delhi.
5) You said, “She has seen Kashmir.”
You said that she had seen Kashmir.
6) She said, “He did his work in the morning.”
She said that he had done his work in the morning.
7) He said, “It was raining”.
He said that it had been raining.
8) I said, “I shall do it.”
I said that I should do it.
9) He said, “Abdul will not come.”
He said that Abdul would not come.
10) The teacher said, “Anil may pass.”
The teacher said that Anil might pass.
11) He says, “Jack kills a giant.”
He says that Jack kills a giant.
12) Mother will say, “Dinner is ready.”
Mother will say that dinner is ready.
13) He says, “Jack will kill a giant.”
He says that Jack will kill a giant.
14) I said, “I can help the poor.”
I said that I could help the poor.
15) Latif said, “Hamid has failed.”
Latif said that Hamid had failed.
16) I said, “Father came at night.”
I said that father had come at night.
17) He said, “The man shall come.”
He said that the man should come.
18) They said, “The weather is fine.”
They said that the weather was fine.
19) I said, “The bus is at the door.”
I said that the bus was at the door.
20) We said, “Raju is working hard.”
We said that Raju was working hard.
21) The teacher said, “Neelu will pass.”
The teacher said that Neelu would pass.
22) My brother said, “David swims daily.”
My brother said that David swam daily.
23) Sunil said, “All the girls were dancing.”
Sunil said that all the girls had been dancing.
24) She said, “Kamala has done her work.”
She said that Kamala had done her work.
25) You said, “Abdulla is going to Kolkata.”
You said that Abdulla was going to Kolkata.
26) The geography teacher said, “The earth moves round the sun.”
The geography teacher said that the earth moves round the sun.
27) I said, “I am an early riser.”
I said that I am an early riser.
28) He said, “I am taking my meal.”
He said that he was taking his meal.
29) You said, “I am working hard.”
You said that you were working hard.
30) They said, “We are singing a song.”
They said that they were singing a song.
31) We said, “We shall settle it.”
We said that we should settle it.
32) He said to me, “You are not a singer.”
You told me that I was not a singer.
33) I said to him, “You are a bold boy.”
I told him that he was a bold boy.
34) You said to her, “You have done your duty.”
You told her that she had done her duty.
35) I said, “He is a rich man.”
I said that he was a rich man.
36) You said, “She is not beautiful.”
You said that she was not beautiful.
37) He said to me, “They are gamblers.”
He said to me that they were gamblers.
38) Rajni said, “I am unwell.”
Rajni said that she was unwell.
39) He said, “I am waiting for long.”
He said that he was waiting for long.
40) I said, “I like to read good books.”
I said that I like to read good books.
41) You said, “I am starting a factory.”
You said that you were starting a factory.
42) Rajneesh said, “I saw the picture.”
Rajneesh said that he had seen the picture.
43) They said, “We are singing a song.”
They said that they were singing a song.
44) She said, “My mother is calling me.”
She said that her mother was calling her.
45) Geeta said, “I shall learn my lesson.”
Geeta said that she should learn her lesson.
46) I said to him, “I shall travel first class.”
I told him that I should travel first class.
47) You said to me, “I have wasted my time.”
You told me that you had wasted your time.

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