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716 Biochem. J.

(1967) 104, 716

The Cellulase of Trichoderma viride




Shirley Institute, Didebury, Marnche8ter 20

(Received 16 December 1966)

1. Culture filtrates from Trichoderma viride have been fractionated by gel

filtration on Sephadex G-75 followed by ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-
and SE-Sephadex. 2. The components essential for attack on cotton are a
carboxymethylcellulase, a cellobiase and a third (C1) component which has no
action on CM-cellulose, cellobiose or cotton. 3. These components, which together
can completely convert cotton into water-soluble products, lose this ability when
separated and regain it quantitatively when recombined in their original

The study of the mechanism of action of the cellobiase and a carboxymethylcellulase), however,
enzyme systems from cellulolytic micro-organisms restores all the activity of the original culture
has now progressed to a stage where interest centres filtrate. Li et al. (1965) have stressed the desirability
on the type of enzyme that must be produced by of thus accounting for the original activity against
organisms which degrade highly ordered forms of 'highly organized (crystalline) cellulose', but it is
cellulose such as unmodified fibrous cotton. This not clear from their published results that this was
type of enzyme (Cl-enzyme) was postulated by done.
Reese, Siu & Levinson (1950), who recognized that MATERIALS
it must be distinct from those 'cellulases' (Cs)
capable of attacking only swollen or chemically Organi8m. Trichoderma viride was strain 92 027 from the
Commonwealth Mycological Institute, Kew, Surrey. The
modified forms of cellulose. Because of failure to cotton flock on which it was grown, and the cotton yarn
produce culture filtrates with significant activity that was used for measurements of cellulase activity, were
towards unmodified cotton most of the work in the as described by Selby et al. (1963). Sephadex G-75, DEAE-
following decade was confined to studies of C. Sephadex (A-50) and SE-(sulphoethyl-)Sephadex (C-50)
activity. More recently (Selby, Maitland & were supplied by Pharmacia (G.B.) Ltd., London. Cello-
Thompson, 1963) culture filtrates have been pre- biose was obtained from Thomas Kerfoot and Co. Ltd., Vale
pared from Myrothecium vemrcaria capable of of Bardaley, Lancs. Yeast extract and mycological peptone
extensive attack on cotton, provided that repeated were supplied by Oxo Ltd., London. Malt extract was
applications of fresh quantities of filtrate are made. obtained from Boots Pure Drug Co. Ltd., Nottingham.
Distiller's solubles were from Hiram Walker and Sons,
Extracts from Trichoderma viride, are even more Dumbarton, Scotland.
active (Mandels & Reese, 1964) and have recently
been fractionated by these workers and by many METHODS
others (Iwasaki, Hayashi & Funatsu, 1964; Shikata, Growth of Trichoderma viride. The organism was grown
1964; Niwa, Kawamura & Nisizawa, 1965; Ogawa & in 250ml. shake flasks (rotary shaker, 0l5in. eccentricity,
Toyama, 1965; Li, Flora & King, 1965). A Cl-type 140rev./min.) in 75ml. of a medium containing cotton (3%),
enzyme was found to be the only component NH4NO3 (0-06%), NaNO3 (0.38%), KH2PO4 (0.02%),
capable, on its own, of solubilizing cotton (Mandels K2HPO4 (0.015%), NaH2PO4 (0.2%), Na2HPO4 (0-15%),
& Reese, 1964; Flora, 1965) and 'crystalline MgSO4,7H20 (0.03%), urea (0.03%), asparagine (0.05%),
hydrocellulose' (Li et al. 1965; Flora, 1965), malt (0 02%), yeast (0.02%), mycological peptone (0 02%),
although this activity was enhanced by synergism and distiller's solubles (0.02%). In addition, each litre of
with C,.components. This type of synergism medium contained trace elements as follows: Ca(NO3)2,4H20
makes it imperative that enzyme components are (1-2mg.), FeSO4,7H20 (0 054mg.), H3BO3 (006mg.),
rigorously purified if the mechanisms of their CuSO4,5H20 (0-2mg.), ZnSO4,7H20 (2.0mg.), MnC12,4H20
(0-08mg.), CoCl2,6H20 (0-4mg.), (NH4)sMo7O24,4H20
individual actions are to be examined. The present (0.04mg.). After incubation for 9 days at 25° the contents
paper shows that, when highly purified, the Cl- of the flasks were filtered and the filtrate (culture filtrate)
component of T. viride is no longer able to solubilize was protected from infection by adding 0O005mole of
cotton; recombination with the C.-components (a NaN3/l.
Preparation of Sephadex G-75for column chromatography. columns in cascade was established (cf Selby & Maitland,
Dry Sephadex G-75 (bead form, 40-120u) was separated by 1965).
air flotation in a vertical cylinder, the fine particles being Jon-exchange chromatography. Columns (1-8cm. precision
blown out of the top of the cylinder and collected. The bore, with ends as described above) were packed with
separation was slow, and flow at any one rate was continued particles of SE- or DEAE-Sephadex of 15S-600,u diam.
for 24hr. before increasing it to harvest the next larger (fragmented gel, as supplied, with the fines removed).
fraction ofparticles. Particles of 50-65,u diam. were swollen Buffer gradients were applied by means of a nine-chamber
by suspension for 14 days in a culture filtrate from T. viride variable-gradient mixer (Peterson & Rowland, 1961).
diluted fivefold with sodium phosphate eluting buffer Measurement of carboxymethylcellukee activity. The rapid
(OO1M in total phosphate, 0-1M in NaCl and 0-005M in method described by Selby & Maitland (1965) was used.
NaN3, pH6-3). They were then washed with, and re- Measurement of cellobiaee activity. Cellobiose (0-667mg.1
suspended in, eluting buffer. ml.) was dissolved in succinate buffer solution (pH4-5,
Vertical tubes of precision-bore glass (2.5 cm. x 60cm.) O-OlM in Na+ and 0-005M in NaN3). A portion (100p4.) of
were fitted with column ends designed to give minimal hold- the enzyme solution to be assayed, or of an appropriate
up of liquid. A series cf closely-spaced V-shaped parallel dilution of it, was incubated with the cellobiose solution
grooves, with a single diametral V-shaped groove at right (3 ml.) for 3 hr. at 400. The increase in reducing power was
angles, was cut across the wider face of a silicone-rubber measured by the alkaline iodine method (Selby, 1965), the
bung, chosen that its wider end fitted the column reason-
so addition of the carbonate-bicarbonate buffer terminating
ably tightly. A -mm. hypodermic tube was pushed the enzymic reaction. The reducing power of the added
through the centre of the bung that one end was flush
so enzyme sample was allowed for by a blank determination.
with the bottom of the groove and the other could take a The percentage conversion of cellobiose into glucose was
narrow-bore vinyl delivery tube. The cut face of the bung used as a measure of the relative cellobiase activity (Fig. 1);
was covered with a circle (2.5cm. diam., 0-75mm. thick) of the accuracy was + 2% when the cellobiose conversion was
sintered polythene (pore size 50,u), which was made kept within the range 20-60%. The reasons for the choice
wettable by treatment with a solution of n-octanol in of conditions in this assay are discussed below.
ethanol. Measurement of activity towards cotton. Solubilization by a
One of these ends was inserted into the bottom of the culture filtrate in 7 days incubation was found to be greatest
column and the suspension of Sephadex G-75 was siphoned at pH4-5 and 40° and these conditions were chosen for a
in, to avoid air bubbles, and allowed to settle under gravity standard assay. The pH of a sample of the enzyme solution
aided by a slow percolation of eluting buffer. A second end (0-5ml., unless otherwise stated) was adjusted to 4-5 by
was then carefully introduced at the top of the colujmn and addition of a concentrated solution of either succinic acid
pushed down until it reached the upper surface of the bed, or Na2HPO4 and the volume was made up to 1- ml. with
with the outlet at the bottom of the column closed to avoid succinate buffer (0-01 M in Na+, pH4-5); a sample (5-Omg.)
compression of the gel. In use the flow rate was 10ml./hr. of cotton yarn was added and incubated at 400 for 7 days.
and a flow of buffer was maintained at all times. For use in The residual cellulose was removed by filtration on a disk
cascade two similar columns were connected with narrow- of glass-fibre filter paper (1cm. diam., Whatman GFJA),
bore vinyl tubing. washed briefly and successively with water, aq. 2u-NH3
Calibration of Sephadex G-75 columns. The relation soln., 2iN-acetic acid and again with water, sucked dry,
between elution volume and the logarithm of molecular transferred with the disk to a test tube and estimated
weight for a number of reference materials on the two by oxidation with 0-18N-potaasium dichromate in 50%
(v/v) H2SO4 (5ml.) at 1000 for 30min. After dilution


0 0

.._ I-

Relative cellobiase activity 0-2 0-4 0-6 0-8
Relative cellulase activity
Fig. 1. Calibration curve for cellobiase assay. Cellobiose
conversion was measured, by the method given in the text, Fig. 2. Calibration curve for assay of activity towards
at various dilutions of the reference solution (see the text); cotton. Activity is expressed relative to that ofthe reference
a relative cellobiase activity of 1-0 is that of the undiluted solution (see the text). Experimental details are given in
reference solution. the text.
with water (15ml.) the excess of dichromate was titrated solution of glucose the assay is unavoidably affected
with 01 N-ferrous ammonium sulphate, phenylanthranilic to some degree by product inhibition.
acid being used as an internal indicator. Although the Solubilization of cotton by culture filtrate. The first
oxidation of cotton under these conditions is stoicheiometric 15-20% of the cotton was solubilized at a sub-
(1-Oml. of O- lN-ferrous ammonium sulphate=0-675mg. of stantially constant rate, which thereafter fell
dry cotton), in practice, each series of determinations
included a blank sample of unattacked cotton (5.0mg.), so gradually as total solubilization was approached
that frequent re-standardization of the reagents was un- asymptotically. First-order plots had slopes which
necessary. Enzyme samples from gel filtration usually were constant up to about 35% solubilization
contained 01 m-NaCl but this had a negligible effect on (Fig. 4) and from this level to total solubilization
cellulase activity. The reference solution (see below) at either remained constant or decreased slightly with
several dilutions gave the solubilizations shown in the time, depending on the enzyme preparation used.
calibration curve (Fig. 2). Cellulase activity was most Results published by Mandels & Reese (1964) for
accurately measured by this method when the solubilization the solubilization of cotton by T. viride (Q.M.6a)
was between 20% and 80%. cellulase also give a straight first-order plot.
Fractionation of a culture filtrate from T. viride
RESULTS onSephadex G-75. Culture filtrate was concentrated
Occurrence of product inhibition during 8olubil- in a rotary evaporator, dialysed through gold-
ization of cotton. When glucose, the ultimate beater's skin against eluting buffer and fractionated
product of attack, was added before incubation, on Sephadex G-75 under the same conditions as for
solubilization was inhibited. This result (Fig. 3) the reference materials. The fractions were
differs from that of Mandels & Reese (1964), who examined for extinction at 280m,u, and for activity
found that 1% (w/v) glucose gave a slight (8%) towards CM-cellulose, cotton yarn (solubilization)
enhancement of this activity. Glucose retarded and cellobiose (Fig. 5). The molecular weight of
the solubilization of cellulose to a much greater the smallest (CM-cellulase) component was esti-
extent than did any other polyhydric substance mated, from its elution volume, as 12600; the
examined. In order of increasing inhibition at 3% components of higher molecular weight (48 000-
(w/v) concentration these were sorbitol, glycerol, 62 000) were only partially resolved by a single
xylose, fructose, galactose and mannose; 3% passage through these columns. The peak of
mannose was only as effective as 1 % glucose. activity towards cotton fell between that of
Cellobiose was not included in this experiment in extinction at 280mp, and those of cellobiase and
view of the high cellobiase activity of the enzyme CM-cellulase activity. A mixture of portions from
preparation. Since total solubilization of the fractions 42 and 45 had 20% more activity towards
cotton used in our assay would give a 0-36% cotton than two portions from fraction 44, suggest-
ing that this activity resulted from synergism
between at least two components. The CM-
cellulase of lower molecular weight had no effect on

O a
C;O.- -70

C) CS 0

60 C) co

C. 0 v b;


20 $

2 4 6 8
Amount of glucose added (%, w/v) 40 60
Time (hr.)
Fig. 3. Inhibition of cellulase action by glucose. Glucose, in
the quantities shown, was added to the reference cellulase Fig. 4. Solubilization of cotton by a culture filtrate from
preparation (see the text) before measurement of its activity T. viride, showing the linearity of the first-order plot up to
towards cotton. 35% solubilization.

cz -4


U +

*:.e L 0.0






T- 'TV%&
10 20 30 40 50 60
Fraction no. (4-65ml./fraction)
30 40 50 60 70 80 20 100 Fig. 6. Separation of C1 and C. components from T. viride
Fraction nlo. (4@85mI.Jfraotion) (fractions 40-49 from Fig. 5) by recycling chromatography
on Sephadex G-75 at pH5-0. Details are given in the text.
Fig. 5. Fractionation of a tenfold concentrate (5m1.) of a The arrow shows the position of the protease.
culture filtrate from T. viride on two columns of Sephadex
G-75 in cascade at pH6*3. Other details are given in the
text. The shading shows which fractions were united.
the cellobiase, but the cellobiase and CM-cellulase
still overlapped. Attempts to demonstrate syn-
ergism between these components failed; very small
the activity towards cotton of the enzymes in solubilizations of cotton, indicating 93 % loss of
fractions 42 and 45, either alone or mixed together. activity, were obtained and, moreover, a second
Attempt to re8olve the 8ynergi8tic component8 peak of CM-cellulase had appeared. These troubles
further by recycling chromatography on Sephadex were probably caused by a protease, which was
G-75. The method used was that described by active at pH 6-3 and which had an elution volume
Porath & Bennich (1962). Several portions of a at this pH similar to that of the enzymes being
tenfold concentrate of a culture filtrate were fractionated. Since the protease was less active at
fractionated as described above and fractions 40-49 pH5-0 the separation was repeated at this pH
were combined, reconcentrated and dialysed to (0801m-sodium acetate buffer, 0-1 M in sodium
give a partially purified culture filtrate concentrated chloride and 0-005M in sodium azide) (Fig. 6). The
approximately 80-fold. A portion (lOml.) of this component detected as a peak of extinction was
concentrate was cycled four times through the same again adequately separated from the remainder and
Sephadex G-75 columns; the component detected the protease (arrowed) was separated from the
as a peak of extinction was clearly separated from fl-glucosidases (the cellobiase and CM-cellulase),
which had changed their order of emergence but
were still not separated from each other. Maximum
synergism was obtained between fractions 14 and I
30, suggesting that the CM-cellulase was more I-0
effective than the cellobiase in synergizing with the
component detected by its extinction, which was
presumably Cl. The recovery of activity towards j
cotton (33 %) was better at pH 5-0 than at pH 6-3. so
Removal of proteaae from partially fractionated 1_
40 4-0
culture filtrate. After partly successful attempts to
remove the protease by specific adsorption on solid
proteins, it was found to be adsorbed on SE-
20 Cx IpH 38 mA

Sephadex (C-50) at pH5-0 and, if necessary,

I0 cx , 3-6
'-4 0
recovered by elution at pH 7-0. A large sample of X'
culture filtrate was therefore purified preparatory S 0.

to further attempts to separate the synergistic

Culture filtrate (11.) was concentrated tenfold, -e 0 _

dialysed against eluting buffer (pH6-3) and 0D4

fractionated (in two parts; 60ml.) on a wide column 0-
(5.0cm. x 30cm.) of Sephadex G-75. The fractions .

were batched to include all components that would 0A% I

9 Pk
30 40 50 60
have appeared in fractions 38-51 in Fig. 5. This Fraction no. (3 2ml.Ifaotion)
crude fractlonation removed materials of low
molecular weight, including the CM-cellulase that Fig. 7. Separation of the Cl- and C.-components from
appears between fractions 66 and 72 in Fig. 5. In a T. viride by chromatography on a DEAE-Sephadex column
similar fractionation it had been shown that activity (1-8cm. x 12-5 cm.; sodium succinate buffers 0 01 m in Na+
and 0-005m in NaN3). A sample (lOml.) of the reference
against cotton was not lost; in fact, equivalent solution (see text) slightly diluted (CM-cellulase activity
dilutions of the cellulase before and after removal 51.5 x 10-2 unit, relative cellobiase activity 088) was
of the material of low molecular weight gave applied to the column at pH535, followed by a steep pH
solubilizations of 58.0% and 56.8% respectively. gradient (30ml. each of buffer solutions at pHB535 and 4 6).
The batched fractions were concentrated to 100ml., The C.-component had emerged before the pH of the eluate
dialysed against sodium succinate buffer (0.01M in began to change. When the pH had fallen to about 5-0, the
Na+ and 0-005m in sodium azide, pH 5 0) and passed gradual pH gradient shown in the Figure was applied [buffer
through a column (1cm. x 8cm.) of Sephadex C-50 solutions at pH4.6, 3-8, then four at 3-6 (30ml. in each
equilibrated with the same buffer, followed by 10ml. compartment)] to elute the Cl-component. The rate of
flow was lOml./hr. The shading shows which fractions were
of the buffer. The resulting protease-free partially united.
purified culture filtrate was used for the further
fractionation studies described below and is called
the 'reference solution'. Its activities towards
cellobiose and cotton can be seen in the calibration nor CM-cellulase activity; it is believed to be the
curves (Figs. 1 and 2); its aM-cellulase activity was most homogeneous specimen of a Cl-component yet
58 x 10-2 unit. reported.
Further fractionation of partially purified culture The cellobiase activities of dilutions of the
filtrate by ion-exchange chromatography. In view of batched fractions (4-10) were compared with those
the small differences between the elution volumes of the reference solution at corresponding dilutions
of the synergistic components on Sephadex G-75, chosen to allow for the fact that, in chromatography
the behaviour of the system on ion-exchange forms and batching, the Cs-components had been diluted
of Sephadex was studied. On DEAE-Sephadex 2-55 times; there had been negligible loss of activity.
neither cellobiase nor CM-cellulase was strongly The CM-cellulase activity in fractions 4-10 was
adsorbed from 0-01 M buffer solutions with pH 23 x 10-2 unit, which also represents complete
values below 7-0, and at higher pH values activity recovery. The Cl-component had been diluted
was lost. However, the Cl-component was adsorbed 1-6 times by chromatography and was therefore 1-8
from buffer solutions with pH values between 5-5 times as dilute as in the reference solution. Before
and 6-5 and could be recovered without loss by assessing the effect of recombination a sample
elution at pH3-7. When the Ci-component was (1.8ml.) of the fractionated Ci-component was
obtained by elution in a pH gradient (Fig. 7), it diluted to 2-55ml. so that it had the same concentra-
had little action on cotton and neither cellobiase tion relative to the reference solution as C.. The
Table 1. Activitime of the Ci- and CS fractione from Trichoderma viride towards cotton
(0 5ml. of each component, Relative Recovery of
total volume made up to Solubilization cellulase cellulase activity
1-5 ml. with buffer solution) (%) activity (%)
Reference solution diluted 59.0 0395 100
2-55 times
Ci 2*0 <0-01 1

Cx 3*8 0-02 5
C1+Cs 59.5 0 405 102

activities towards cotton of these diluted com- 12 I

ponents were compared with that of the reference
solution, diluted 2-55 times (Table 1) to confirm that
no activity had been lost during separation of the 8 cM.cSUul
Ci- and C,.components.
Fractionation of the Cs-component. The view that ;
6C * b
the cellobiase and CM-cellulase activities of C. were
due to different enzymes, suggested by their partial
separation on Sephadex G-75, was strengthened by
X* 1.
the results of selective destruction. At pH2-5 and Oi _

400 99.7% of the cellobiase activity of C. was II

destroyed in 18hr., and 54% of the original CM- 03

cellulase activity remained. Conversely, after 18hr.
at pH 75 and 40°, 99.6% of the CM-cellulaseactivity 0*2
was destroyed and 51% of the cellobiase activity -I

remained. However, these treatments also reduced

the ability of the two enzymes to act synergistically 1v

with the Cl-component; whereas intact C., added to

C1, gave 69% solubilization of cotton, the heat- I0-1

treated cellobiase and CM-cellulase together, added

to C1, gave only 32% solubilization, although their - 10 20 a30 40
concentrations had been chosen to give un- Fraotion no. (3-2mL/fiaton)
diminished cellobiase and CM-cellulase activities. Fig. 8. Separation, on a SE-Sephadex column (1.8cm.x
Li et al. (1965) have described a method for 63-5cm.; sodium succinate buffer, pH5B1, 001 in Na+ and

separating the exoglucanase (cellobiase?) and 0 005m in NaNg), of the CM-cellulase and cellobiase from
endoglucanase of T. viride, in which the endo- a sample (3.2ml., CM-cellulase activity 45*0 x 10-2 unit,
glucanase was adsorbed on alkali-swollen cellulose relative cellobiase activity 0.63) of C. from T. viride. This
from 0-O0M-phosphate buffer at pH5-5 and 20 and sample was obtained from a fractionation of Cl and C.
was then eluted with water. When this method was similar to that shown in Fig. 7, from which, to avoid
applied to our C.-fraction the cellobiase, which was excessive dilution, two fractions only (corresponding to
not adsorbed, was quantitatively recovered free fractions 6 and 7 in Fig. 7) were taken from the peak of C.,
from CM-cellulase, but elution of the adsorbed CM- giving a somewhat altered ratio of CM-cellulase to cellobiase
activity. The rate of flow was 10ml./hr. The shading
cellulase, whether with water, 1% CM-cellulose, shows which fractions were united.
aq. 30% ethanol or 0O01m-EDTA, was slow and
A better method of separation was devised with
SE-Sephadex, with a long column to compensate These small elution volumes (column volume= 50
for weak retention. The behaviour of these ,B- fractions) show that this separation depended on
glucosidases on SE-Sephadex was studied in the exclusion by ionic repulsion and not on retention
region pH4-5-55. pH proved to be critical in this by ionic attraction. The CM-cellulase had no
separation; too low a pH led to loss of cellobiase but activity on cellobiose, and the cellobiase had very
at higher pH values the separation was inadequate. little on CM-cellulose.
The best compromise was achieved at pH5 1 (Fig. 8) Behavior of the separated componfentM on
and the recoveries of both CM-cellulase (fractions Sephadex G-75. Since they had unchanged elution
12-20) and cellobiase (fractions 23-29) were 96%. volumes when chromatographed on the calibrated
Table 2. Solubilization of cotton by component8 of Trichoderma viride cellula8e, alone and in combination
(0.5ml. of each component, Recovery of
total volume made up to Relative cellulase
1-5ml. with buffer solution, Solubilization cellulase activity
pH4-5) (%) activity (%)
Reference solution diluted 46-0 0-24 100
4 times
C1+Cx 47-7 0-25 104
Cl 1.0 <0-01 1
CM-cellulase 3*2 0-01 4
Cellobiase 0*8 <0-01 <1
CM-cellulase + cellobiase 1*8 <0-01 2
C1+ CM-cellulase 21-0 0.085 35
Cl + cellobiase 14-0 0-05 20
Cl + cellobiase + CM-cellulase 47*2 0-25 104

pair of columns of Sephadex G-75, each of the DISCUSSION

separated components had survived the whole
purification procedure without detectable change Determination of relative cellobia8e activitiem. The
of molecular weight. assay for cellobiase departed from ideal in two ways,
Synergism between component8. The cellobiase which led to the use of non-absolute units. First,
and CM-cellulase had been somewhat diluted during the substrate concentration (1. 9 mM) was below that
separation on SE-Sephadex and were therefore needed to saturate the enzyme. Li et al. (1965)
concentrated and dialysed against buffer (pH4-5) report for their exoglucanase acting on cellobiose a
to give activities corresponding to a fourfold Km 2-2mm and apparent inhibition by the substrate
dilution of the reference solution (CM-cellulase= at concentrations above 0-05M; we have found,
14-5 x 10-2 unit, cellobiose conversion = 40%). The measuring conversions of between 5% and 15%,
solution containing Cl was diluted to a similar that the rate of conversion shows a sharp maximum
equivalent concentration (1.8ml. of solution + at cellobiose concentrations near 5mM. It seemed
2*2ml. of pH4-5 buffer) as was that containing C. preferable to work at a lower concentration,
(2.55ml. of solution+ 1-45ml. of buffer). The although the rate would be influenced by availability
activities towards cotton of combinations of these of substrate, rather than at a higher concentration
solutions are shown in Table 2. On CM-cellulose or where inhibition predominates. Secondly, sub-
cellobiose there was no synergism between any of stantial degrees of substrate conversion were
the three components. Activity towards cotton, measured; at lower degrees of conversion the
lost by separation of the components, was recovered possible effects of product inhibition would be
completely on recombining all three in the propor- lessened and the conversion would be more nearly
tions present in the reference solution. There was proportional to enzyme concentration but the
little synergism between CM-cellulase and cellobiase. measurement of conversion by this method, or by
Neither component alone could restore all the any other depending on reducing power, would
lost activity of C1 and the CM-cellulase was more become less accurate because of the initial reducing
effective than the cellobiase, as had been tentatively power of the cellobiose.
deduced from the results of recycling chromato- Solubilization of cotton by culture filtrate. In the
graphy on Sephadex G-75 at pH50. assay of activity towards cotton high levels of
Effect of dialy8i8 on the aolubilization of cotton by conversion were employed in case the earliest stages
C, and C.. Each enzyme preparation (0.5ml.), of cellulase attack were on some particularly
diluted with succinate buffer solution (1Oml., susceptible part of the cotton structure but, in view
OO1M in Na+ and 0-005M in sodium azide, pH4-5), of the nearly first-order course of the solubilization
was applied to a sample (5mg.) of cotton and reaction (see below), this fear may have been un-
continuously dialysed against the same buffer founded. Comparisons between the attack of the
(150ml.) during incubation for 7 days at 400 in a cellulase of Myrothecium verrucaria and of mineral
glass cell (1-8 cm. diam.), closed at the bottom with acid on cotton have already been made (Selby,
goldbeaters' skin. The activity of C. was not 1961); others can now be made between acid and
enhanced but that of Ci was increased by 50% the cellulase of T. viride. Attack by mineral acid
(solubilization rose from 5.6% to 8.0%). This follows first-order kinetics except in the initial
effect, though small, is reproducible and has been stages when a part of the cotton (about 10%)
repeated with other preparations of Cl. is solubilized at a rate much higher than the
remainder. This reactive part has been termed failed completely; the already low activity of the CQ
amorphous, though in the fringe-micellar theory preparation was further reduced.
the amorphous part was often considered to be as Synergistic action of two enzymes in solubilizing
high as 40% to account for other properties of the a solid substrate may be of two kinds. It may be
cotton (Howsmon & Sisson, 1954; but for a more either on the substrate, when the first enzyme
recent theory see Warwicker, Jeffries, Colbran & makes the substrate susceptible to solubilization by
Robinson, 1966). A supposed analogy of its the second, or in solution, when the first solubilizes
structure to that ofcertain reprecipitated celluloses the substrate but a second is needed to remove
that are very susceptible to cellulases may have led inhibitory products formed. To test for synergism
several workers (Norkrans, 1950; Walseth, 1952; on the substrate, Ci and C. were applied to cotton
Reese, Segal & Tripp, 1957) to believe that these either simultaneously or in sequence (Table 3).
'amorphous' regions must also be the first to be Clearly neither component can complete its action
attacked by cellulases. The absence of any marked in the absence of the other. The limited synergism
fall in rate during the early stages of solubilization found in the sequential treatments could have been
by the cellulase of T. viride (Fig. 4) shows that these due to incomplete removal of one component from
acid-labile regions are not especially susceptible to the cotton before application of the other. Because
these enzymes. This may be because the enzyme continuous dialysis enhanced the solubilization of
molecules are confined by their size to larger cotton by C1 but not by C., it seems likely that the
openings in the cotton structure and so, for example, synergism may be in solution, C1 being strongly
may be able to act only on the surfaces of the inhibited by a soluble, dialysable product which C.
elementary fibrils of which cotton is composed. In is able to remove.
the solubilization of a solid substrate by superficial The most significant feature of these results is
erosion, first-order kinetics would not be expected that the Cl-component of T. viride, when freed
unless the erodible area were, throughout the from the C.-components, has little or no action on
process, proportional to the amount of substrate cellobiose, CM-cellulose or cotton. Mandels & Reese
remaining. Foster & Wardrop (1951) and Sharples (1964) have reported a similar separation of a
(1957) have shown that this requirement is fulfilled culture filtrate from T. viride on DEAE-Sephadex,
by a model in which the erodible dimension of the but without prior removal of protease or CM.
substrate particles is exponentially distributed (in cellulase of low molecular weight, and the relative
the statistical sense) and have so explained the positions of their f,-, A- and C-components were
first-order erosion of cotton by acid. The first-order similar to those of our cellobiase, CM-cellulase and
erosion by cellulases may be explained by a similar Ci-component respectively. The major difference
model but, if our present views on cellulase action was that their C-component had lost less activity
are correct, the erodible dimension of the fibrils is towards cotton than had our Ci-component, so that
their width, whereas Sharples (1957) suggests that the synergistic effect was less marked. Flora (1965)
the dimension erodible by acids is the length of also separated a Cl-component from T. viride, by
fibrils lying between the acid-susceptible regions. adsorption on Avicel, but found that it still degraded
Properties of the separated components. The Cl- cotton; he obtained only a threefold enhancement
component is a glycoprotein with a carbohydrate: of activity on recombining it with his C.-fraction.
protein ratio approx. 1: 1 [carbohydrate determined
as equivalent glucose by orcinol method (Weimer &
Moshin, 1952), protein by micro-Kjeldahl digestion Table 3. Relative activities of Cl and C,, applied to
followed by determination of ammonia on an cotton separately, together, and in sequence
amino acid analyser]. Its molecular weight, These samples of Ci and C. were obtained by recycling
estimated from its behaviour during gel filtration, is chromatography (Fig. 6, Ci comprised fractions 13, 14, 15;
approx. 61000; it is heat-labile, losing 50% of its C. comprised fraction 29). C, (1-Oml.) and C. (0-5ml.) were
potential activity towards cotton on heating in either mixed together or diluted to 1-5ml. Each treatment
solution at pH4-5 and 1000 for about 2-5min. It is was for 1 week; when two were applied in sequence, each
homogeneous on Sephadex G-75, DEAE-Sephadex was for 1 week with thorough washing of the cotton sample
and SE-Sephadex and gives a single protein band with buffer solution (pH4-5) after the first. The activities
by disk electrophoresis at pH 6-7 (method of Davis, are expressed relative to the mixture of C1 and C., which
1964, as modified by Broome, 1963). The lack of gave a solubilization of 78%.
activity in the purified Cl-component raised the Treatment Relative activity (%)
possibility that its role when acting synergistically Ci+ C. 100
with the C.-components might be a non-specific Ci 8
protein effect. However, attempts to enhance the C, 2
activity of the mixed C.-components towards C1 then C. 15
cotton by adding serum albumin (0-7mg./ml.) C. then C1 28
The fact that the activity lost during the fractiona- Mandels, M. & Reese, E. T. (1964). In Development8 in
tion procedure described here was regained com- Industrial Mycology, vol. 5, p. 5. Washington, D.C.:
pletely on recombining the fractions in their original American Institute of Biological Sciences.
proportions (Table 2) proved that the Cl- Niwa, T., Kawamura, K. & Nisizawa, K. (1965). Proc. 5th
Symp. Cellulase and Related Enzyme8, p. 44. Osaka
component, though inactive alone, was essential University, Japan: Cellulase Association.
for extensive solubilization of cotton, but its Norkrans, B. (1950). Physiol. Plant. 3, 75.
contribution to the synergistic action of the whole Ogawa, K. & Toyama, N. (1965). Proc. 5th Symp. Cellulke
cellulase system is still not understood. and Related Enzymes, p. 85. Osaka University, Japan:
We are indebted to our colleague Mrs K. V. A. Thompson, Cellulase Association.
who supplied culture filtrates from T. viride, and to Dr N. J. Peterson, E. A. & Rowland, J. (1961). J. Chromat. 5, 330.
King of Forest Products Research Laboratory, Princes Porath, J. & Bennich, H. (1962). Arch. Biochem. Biophys.
Risborough, who examined the Cl-component by disk Suppl. 1, p. 152.
electrophoresis. We are grateful to Glaxo Laboratories Reese, E. T., Segal, L. & Tripp, V. W. (1957). Text.Res. (J.),
Ltd. for their sponsorship of this work. 27, 626.
Reese, E. T., Siu, R. G. H. & Levinson, H. S. (1950). J.
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