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Session 8
Mis perception on Islam & Terrorist
n Fukuyama (The End Of History and The Last Man)
n à Islam dan demokrasi = don’t match
n à Islam tidak terbuka pd Sekularisme & Pluralisme
Mis perception on Islam & Terrorist
n Samuel Hutington à mayoritas negara Islam tidak demokratis :
monarki,, satu partai
monarki partai,, rezim militeristik
militeristik,, diktaktor personal atau
kombinasi diantara ciri tsb.
Mis perception on Islam & Terrorist

n “Radical ‘otherness’: How can one

be a Persian/
Persian / Arabian or
n Revolution as a high point in the
unfolding of modern subjectivity
(real nature)
n The fate of political spirituality
of modernity
The fact of political spirituality of Islam

n Pemilu Afganistan & Iran

àintervensi oleh power elites
n Faksionalisasi agama di Irak

Vice Versa

n 1 Partai dg rindentitas Islam di Huntington:

“Islam...has not been hospitable
to democracy.”
n Militer Turki àsekularisme radikal (Huntington, 1984)
Mis perception on Islam & Terrorist
Fukuyama: “Not Even Islam's Disdain
for Modernity Will Halt Progress.”

(The Wall Street Journal, 2001)

Condoleezza Rice: “Democratization or

the march of freedom in the Muslim
world is in the interest of the U.S. …
Rice, US national security adviser.
(Financial Times, September 23 2002)

Ahmad Maher: “We in the Arab (...) have

our own will and we hold firm to our rights.
Besides, we do not need anybody to give
us lessons on how to run our countri es.”
A comprehension on:
Democratic Values in the Muslim World
Islam and Democracy among Others
“Democracy--friendly” aspects of Islam

Democracy Hardware Software

n such as shura
shura.. as a for for
n ijtihad
n racial equality.
“Label” Democracy: Democracy:
n Islam’s sensitivity “Institution “Socio-
to the needs of the poor & weak
weak.. s and Political
n Respect for order.
n Islam’s sense of justice.
Procedures and
” Religious
Traditionalist Modernist Secularist
Islamists Islamists Muslims
(Deductionists) (combination) (Inductionists)

?? is Islamic if it is ?? is Islamic if it does Tell me what is good

explicitly accepted not contradict with for society, I will get
by the Qura’an and the Qura’an and you what will
Sunni and forms Sunni. support it from the
(quasi-) consensus Qura’an and Sunni.
among ‘Ulama.

They fear It is not imitation, Innovation is

imitating non- it is wisdom. better than blind
Muslims since it imitation.
is innovation.
Traditionalist Modern Islamists Secular
Islamists (combination) Muslims
(Deductionists) (Inductionists)

Ex. The declined Wassat Party in


Democracy is a practical application of


Violent Non--violent
Non Liberal Authoritarian
Ex. Islamic Ex. Muslim Brotherhood in
Ex. Al-Wafd Party Ex. Ruling NDP in
Jihad in Egypt, Egypt (developing)
in Egypt Egypt

Democracy is Democracy has Islamic Islam is a religion, democracy is politics.

disbelief elements
Classification of Muslims’ Sub-cultures in the Pooled Data

Islam as a Is Islam and Associating Definition

source of democracy democracy of
political compatible? with democracy
doctrine? (Q. 2.7) negatives? (open-
(Q. 2.8 and (Q. 2.4) ended)
2.13) (Q. 2.28)
Traditionalist (Strongly) (Strongly) (Strongly) (Very)
Islamists Agree Disagree Agree Negative

Modernist (Strongly) (Strongly) (Strongly) (Very)

Islamists Agree Agree Disagree Positive

Liberal (Strongly) Not (Strongly) (Very)

Secularists Disagree Applicable Disagree Positive

Authoritarian (Strongly) (Strongly) (Very)

Secularists Disagree Agree Negative
Concluding Remarks
n Muslims and Arabs are too
heterogeneous to be studied in a
lump--sum way of thinking.

n Not all secular Muslims are liberal

and not all Islamists are anti-
anti -

n Some do bark: some countries’

political cultures are compatible with
democracy --- search elsewhere for
why they do not democrati ze.

n Some countries’ political cultures are

clear obstacles to democratization.
Islam & Demokrasi
Indonesi a

‘Di Indonesia tidak ada konflik antara kewajiban Muslim dalam menjalankan agamanya
dengan kewajibannya sebagai warga negara dalam masyarakat yang plural
bahkan partai politik Islam berada di antara pendukung demokrasi

(Pidato SBY, Sidang Keenam World Movement for Democracy,

Democracy, Jakarta 12 April
What do we care about...?
n Fragmentation of Islamic authority in civil society
n Fragmentation of Islamist Party
n Demokratisasi yg kuat pasca Soeharto
Politik (Partai
( Partai)) Islam Era Reformasi
Pemilu Pasca
Partai Soehar to
Islam 1999 2004 2009
PBB 1,94 2,62 1,8
PKS 1,36 7,34 7,8
PPNUI 0,64 0,79 0,14
PPP 10,7 8,15 5,3
Suara 14,64 18,9 15,04
Jajak Pendapat Tentang Syariah
Pooling Universitas Maryland
Cikal--Bakal Pemikiran Politik
Islam Indonesia
‘Santri – abangan
(Clifford Geertz
Kelompok Santri menghendaki
hubungan antara negara –
Isla m

Kelompok Abangan (pemegang

tradisi kejawaan
kejawaan--dlm buku
Geertz,,) menolak adanya
hubungan antara Islam dgn
n Hebert Feith & Lance Castles memetakan Pemikiran
Politik Islam menjadi dua kutub besar yaitu Islam
Tradisionalis & Islam Modernis
n Tradisionalis à akomodisionis thd dasar negara selain Islam
krn memiliki pemahaman yg agak mirip dgn kaum abangan
n Modernis à cenderung mempertahankan adanya hubungan
antara negara - Islam
n Fenomena Islam & Politik
di Indonesia,

n domestikasi islam
n skismatik aliran
n trikotomi
n Islam cultural
n dekonfessionalisasi
Domestikasi Islam
n (Harry J. Benda) à
perebutan kekuasan antara islam & unsur
non islam
Skismatik Aliran
n Santri Vs Abangan yg berebut pengaruh di
tengah--tengah masyarakat
Trikotomi Politik
n pemikiran aktivis Islam Orba
(soeharto) yaitu
Fundament alis,
alis, Reformis &
n Fundament alis à tetap
pd isu penegakkan Syariat
Islam & menolak aturan di
luar syariat
n Reformis à menerima
semua aturan negara yg
tdk bertentangan dgn
n Akomodisionis à
berkompromi dgn segala
bentuk aturan yg
ditetapkan elit politik
Islam Kultural
n Islam Kultural
(Donald K. Emmerson
Emmerson)) à tidak
concern dgn urusan politik

àmengarahkan aktivitas yg sifatnya

Karitas (Kegitan Non
àmenghindari kekecewaan politik
àmenampakkan wajah Islam yg lbh

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