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1-1 If
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�CHOLAR6IiIP K:J:T();b'J:'
i-.. GR.;.!ui'f ;;:;UCCJ;;J0

� _""\.}'�·" "l. t;..ili�
The semi ":'yearly scj.lOlarship ban....
quet, throv-m by the alurils ?.'-r'(' _,
\" �.M,.,.: ,I..-�i
for the
.... .i'.•
actives, was a


terrific success .

�l� nk
: ii J;V,
-1 '["I

again this s:orinQ; sel;18ster. ' -

. �- ' " .:. �"�.

. The ten acti-(res ,,'lith tilC best

�-:- '
gr&des were fe t e d to a f e a st at

"v-.L" l �
;:, '-J
c.: t . Francis Yacht Club in ball ' / , '" � _ . �:;.;'
'<� {�'

J?railCisco, by about forty... ti ve _ � ..-; .
er11<1 three bar-Gc -
� "-J(:,- , (""""'\ J
. '-. <, - /., " ;''y..�)�'J '
�. �..,
> //

-" �

bvery sel,I'ester the al1..U!llli sel-ects . .. _

the ten iTIO S t outstanding actives

glrls b O lng ("f ,-'!

in sch ol arship for t:.10 yrecGCLiaG dt:unped int o mud, \'-'fJ-=� /-,,_
seLIester, and t a .i\:e s tllem away from ,"
. )/
bravtne'y :football
players dropping into wator t-a�{s,,·

thoir stulHes for an evening of

'� _ .

I'ela:�atiol1. "'rCfwnmon making like chorus Glrls;t

Tilis 'DaHl-Uet sali] lots of rela-xa- those and many othel';s Were booths ,]
tion. T?le O'ccasion brought "00- at the first C 0.1 Circus since
betiler TelCes whol18.d. Hot s e en each
other f or SOlile �cL;18, elluthe SlilOOth- Engineers; arti sts,; and ear-
ly run, well-o iled dlIlller lasted pO:lters got together and under
frOid '7l30 )_i11. to about 11 P·ll1. the direct:l,on of Jack Dirks came
jj'lI'ater 80ph Goth read post ca rds up with the Toke ':POVJTl Pokor Par--
frOB {(la ny ...
and. .ilessae;es
lor for our booth ... It roally
en wl10
could. not COl,1e because of tL.e <1is- wasan t t that
easy and a lot o:f
tailCe 111vol ved.
. thinki:ng' and
good hard v&ork wont
ht the e:net of t�.Le banc...uet every-
into the b oo th before vre were
one au toc,raplled. two jlapkins, �;'Jilicll
ready to rakc in tho chips .. As a
1"0 suI t OUI' bootl1 was judged ono
were sei1t to Fraters Le11ilie Oor-
selltillO Gnd Bill Ho,c_�\vell, botil of of' tho· ton best booths at tho
WllOlil are :"1011 on active duty in Circus.-
.L,-QT<;:a. Jsince t,:.i.Bll -CorSGntLlO was 1'h.o par·lor representod a -fJ5a:lf.
in action.)
-" nineties bOOT> pm,"'lOl"hvithout tlllo
Tl"le actives wilo atte�lueC;_ the
banouet �
stated tLat it vJaS a great
boer ) ., Tl1.o booth was built around
an old banister salvaged f'roma .
success, and cOilldente d on T�r;.e gooo.
, �

junk pile, and by tho tiIa6 tho

location,- goou food &Ile... Good re-
vlholc thillg was pc.intod in gaw-
tJ:'eshmon ts, and the and
dy colors" it 1001:00. tho part of
:t'el10vvs�lip. a' boor or pol;:ol" parlor. Tho ob-
'1'11ose il1vi ted to tl-:..e ban(luet 'were:
j oct of tho game was to got a po-
1!'raters Bill bchnack, l!;rnest Hart-
lwr hand by throvling dat'ts at
soc Bill Ells, Fignevlton i? Gau s e , pain t ed cards. Prizes ranged f'rOY:l

Bob' c ol l ins , l-iark :":';1.1(:,ler, Eerm

1"lorJuy rubbc)l'> cigars' to Panda bea:r's
Fii3hC3r, -,-"hil Uerritt, Bob Heath and
(staffod of courso).
J'oh:i.1 Yourl.b"
By tho time tho circus closc--:l
. ie;ibility to attend t:,.,e banc.luet
dovm" ,Saturday, and ovory ono vv'Eis
is basod Dot,ll on high scllOlars�.Lili hoarso from barking, we had 'man-
and on i�ilprOVeL1e�l�GJ. aCC?I'_C:l�ll� to aged to mako a small profit.-
Frater .L'Illl Llerrl t, G , HY.P0j!l.lO Les CAild

Though wo didn I t make much, WG

811airma:"l of' tile scholarship co,ili,lit- had a �lot of f"Lm, and arc; looking
tee., .
:for-ward to tho ono next yoar.,
A'"'\,\ e j'\
"\ "�'CO
H () 1._'. , :•. !_:!
":X_.� that Cal h0..3 moro con,.;.
It sooms
Borl':oloy 7 .... 8323" thatf s tho phone tosts than o.ny othor schoolthat
nt.ulloer., J.Glizc_bcth B[�rr()tt Hall, I mn acquainted with, and Uu _

th a t t s' t h o place. '':011 r01..mdocl, cha;pto:r enteI'$ tllO contests, and

firll1, 5'511 tall and vory seductivo;, OUl"'� el1trios always got to the
tha t! s tho body 011 Y0l$,
• Tho n['j.�o, finals, yetvre novol" win.' Some>­
I 15l..1oss that f S i'·Jports.nt too., V!llOl1 body once said s.omothing �bo�t
boing s0cond best,� I rrioh ltd ;re­
calL c::.llfor Janot GI'othcl, .
StIeot; soothIng, soxy, L roal good mombor vrhot it tlas, thon W0
tiillo sa1.., \'1ottld havo botter o::r,:cusos.
Jan I'OpI'osontocl Eu Ob.D_ptoX' in C[lhore' 'i'J'as one c ont e s t that W0
·tho Univ.. of Galif. .. annual nCal dldw in, and it vwas a mighty
Circus (£uoonli c o nt o s t . · A gal that' important one" Brutus Epsilon,
" hQ,$ 8. \:fell dovelopod mind, tllD-t is, the greatest publ:icity 11pund
iTiPPO(L-hor tOrso o.cross tho stage that ever liit a fraterr::d-ty,
"Ii " " .....- . t" -
o� · a
"""n' ·
' l"",t'O . t.:,Jt.
'..,o .L>l·'l'"' 1 u"
'" ... ;.�'f't6r"
1.. ..- . ....... )...
i..J. .1. ,1 u __ (j lu"lrl"c: ':10'
1. �::> wal.l ,roa away Vllt'11 v110 t .
• l. e
an imp T' E) s si on on tho juc1_goa, sho IIandsomest Dog onG.ampus !L. FOI�
hustled to tho localtho[cter (one
of ) and took part in tho school
pl"'oduction of fiOf Thee T Sing, the
Gershwin hit of a couple years back.
his avmrd, Brute rocoivod o. siJ:'"
ver tag in s c r i b e d VEith ;'Brutus .
Is Th.o Handsomes,t D og on Campus I, .
isntt only tho Iland ...
Janet ViaS ver"J appropriately eo_st., somost dog but about tho big30St '1
she was a bo:t.hing boau t:/,. Tho character. His favorite t"rick ,l
expressions throY'm around the auo_....

for attrc�cting attontionis to

ioll.ce would haVG filled an ambi tiaus l.ay in Stl"'awborry croek vrith '
c01103e girl t s cU�:n'>y voP\J neatly,. just :his hoad above the w8,ter'�
A c oupl o of days lector" rritll a . ox...
looking. with [), V01�y bo r o d
bluo sc.tin dress clrapod c. rouncl ho.!, 'O:1"os3ion at his a.mused audionce'.
• .
pio3.santf'iguro", Jccn made til;10 in He might huvo a good roason f'br
tho finals and vlPund up :lS 8_n c.ttend­ doing this in tho hot w(;)athor, . 1
ant.� I guess tho judges VlOr0 wound but vrhen I SaYl him in tho ereol\: \
up too.. Yep" D.IVIO:yS a bridesmaiCl, one vory cold.mol"ning at 8:00.,
_but nevor [t brido.. Tho gal that won I began to vmnc101".
was vory wortll.y h0\iTOVOr, she was Brute is quito a dog thou[!h.1
kfnda ;cuto!, a.nd wo canft holp but ['argive
ITIrraodic'ctely a:ft;or tho cor:..-[:;ost, 11im' :for tho times that ho chows
Janbounc'ocl ovor to t;j�t8 softbD_-l l up an oc c'a s i ona l shoo or t oxt '
diamond to watch our lllustI'ious or ovon tho timo ho chovr ec1 u.p
s.oftballtoam compoto in intormul"cl tho cover on tho scrapbook. Lt
act i vity . Unfortuhcctoly tho c110rl'Y l e ast ho left tho pages.
andr;ray lost, maybG bocaUSE) wo did
not havo our minds on tho gumo. Oh
yes, v,e playod somo local (?) frc,t­
'o;rhity" I tl1inlr they aro cn11o;:L the
Sigma Chis.. Jo_n flipped hoI' sho(;s
. off, and procoded to warm up som.e of
tho substi tutos, sho playoc� cn tell
with ·thon.. Shot s a protty good ball
The :foroGoins rom::u"'ks nI'e purely
obsorvativo in uccturo and do not
:cqn.sti·cllto [tn indorsomont; by anybody
OXCOl:,>t those that he.we soonhor.
. !
, 1

on the 2.Qth ·of M�, a s.Q}ryh�r,n

'cralifornia, style be�ch'partY'liJas
held . ul1der· a. Centr a l Cal i-fornia'
sun' ?????? at Stinson Be·ach·in
This semester.s' socia,11seB,son 'got MarinCXOunty.. The only trQJlble
started;y.,rith s. bang with a:,tremend .. seemed to be that the Northern
. ously succes'sfulJ·: Initiation
· Dance o:a.lifornia sun CO{T;11dn' t quite see
. at the� h:ouse o·nFeb .... 2 4th .. .
. its way clear ·to break through the
The·music vms furnished by luke N,or n Ca..liforrlia fog.. ,thrr
McDan:i.els Cl.nd the bo ys really put· wi th the' aid· 0:£ vo�J.:eyball, white
out with the notes. .AI.few pre­ sand, roaring sU+,f,p beautiful.'
dance parties added\. to the gei.ty women and, ....... beer the ev'ent .was
· · the evening. The honored, init­ even enjoyed by the men present
iates �;'\ierQ J:ohn' Blackwell� Frank from Southern CalJi.for n :i a
.. #'fi#######

G€trr ig i Lowell, Oatlin, Don Ca.auson,

Boo'Coliins, Jim Ford, Bob Herrling The Pledge D.ance w 8. sth e evert final
Bud llarsholl,; George Hartin, Don of the season.. They o.ame up .�lJith
' man, Ken Oertel, Don Robie, a French Apache Dance whi ch took
Paul] Ruch, Louie Simoncicl a.nd a: ;treLlendous al:lount of -work Q.n·the
Jim ';78,ts.on .... part ,of' the pledge�. Decorations
. ##/1##11###
included a wi e oellar, sidewalk n
Eave you ever dined on green cafe ( no wine due to the Dean's
cottage cheese, green potatoes, regul:ations ) anEl an extremely
gre.en green beans, green l�ilk, and popuiar di v,e whi c11. in.cludedc so·ft
green ice crean? We did and it seat.s,· low lights an:d, " let your • .•.•

really a dde d atmos phere to the st. con'science be yo·ur guide The' •

PBtrick' S II�.y D an ce held oddly co'stumes were typically French

enough on �=8rch 'l.1fth. . on.:;ry a few wi th a' -few Haw a ii a'ns who seemed
of the boys VJ ere stilD feeDing a to have got ' ten on the wrong boat ..
bit green the next morning. The interesting women'l3 costumes
=/f�-l:#il-if#### added a, real li:ve touch of "gay

:,���,\ �m::::i�:�;�te
Paree" to the evening. All in all
it was a · treme ndous evening and
a vote of tha.nks goes out to' the
I[+{,,; �:" � '- , the "'S nake pit" dance pledge.s.
7� "� " .' -:' . ,- , " o r bet·ter knovm as
', )�:.�,,;,i '" .".--- �

the Teke "Odd" Ball.

.'. \ .. ,

:,:� b ,
The dance turned out I

. ::r
. . ..
. . .
to, be a "howli
. ng" )
}"ti .:�(-A ) i!;�; ,. ..� success. Everyone
. - �, / ..... / "
' ';?"',. :! " .::
i....\ }�: -
';V9;S represented from
! ,,-'
� ..\ .
NapolEon 't'o Fr ankens �tein .. The
accented with "black" : � ,. :'��/ , :' .
...... .

llight kept everyone in a state of
� '··' =ff7f#.if1f####
mild hysteria. The date 1uncl'leons and Sunday'
1/###fhl### night dinner·s filled· out the well
The splasll of the so ci9.1 season rOM-nded social program for the
came on May 5th.. Getting off to a seblester.· Thanks go out to the
roaring ·sta.rt w:tp a Champaign Party social comIllittee headed by Dick
at Don Clauson's house in Ricr...mond, Gause and the ActivitEi!es committee
the traditional Orchid Forma.l headed by Chip VIray for their
. Blossomed into another tremendously .long hours of woi'k in co nne ct i on
successful Teke: dinner dance at the' with th e veried ·acti vities •. .
Mira Vista. Country Club.. The good
music, the ch.8.:wpagne,. and the
j ovial Tek� s.piri t combined: to
make thi s an' evening everyone,will
- 8.1wa.ys re::'leluber • .

,' :JU./.l ·J). " )1. /1.11.)/


, I-

. ("4 .

Alex. Robertson returned recently ?t �o�or stansfield received his

from a t�:tDaround the 'worl claf ter basic trainin:g at t't Ord,. Cali.f.
two year s ·sp
ent on Gu am. where he He is now s tatione d at Raritan
supervised the erect i on of Govt lV"senal at T .Ie tuchen " H.J., vlith
buildings for the Pacific Island an Orclinance ill1it •

En gineer s " Bob isc noi:'T with the

P a ci fic Is1:md :!�ngii1.eers in San 1st Lt Leonard Cor'sentino joined
Franc 5. seo. the he:;ular Army il1June 1950. ",
.Attached to 1·'a1' :'::;aste�"n Comm and 111.
Oeci1 Burrill has been an-p o inted Tokyo in October and then assigned
DeputyPet'i>d1etun .b.dll1inistl�o. tor t o 2htll neconais sance Comp::my of
'-I - ---. .. .- -

with hoacl.uarters in Jashington,


tll.e 2L Lth j)l V1S1Qn 1n ,-",01"ea. le

� '-. " , -Q 'I' r

D.C. Ho has b e en loaried to the h a s b � e:n aVlD.l"ded a cluster for his

go ve rl1.!ne nt by the Standarc1. Oil Bronze ;3tar which he or i gi na l ly
Company of Hew Jersey. tvas aw arde d in :2,'uro1')o during
,[orld \jar II.
G;eorge.,cher is east'ern
. ·ne C·
i'Ior t'
manager .r 1
roc,.:or- UJ.1..i.on
' o 0.13-1:;8. in Bill Ro ckwe ll is an o.i1'-­
Lithosrlaph C01l1pmTjT and lives in O'Po1incl O b s . er
� .
ve r. for .the 'U.S.
Chicago. l.1arine Copps in I�oreb... . Hot too
much i"s a va i lab le on Bill.
Dr. Geor::;e Hagee is practicing in -

Heno.. Geor ge is an eye specialist Lt Tom Johns on is stationed in

Alasl:(awi'€hah antiaircraft un it ..
Hu b o.r;t Elle r was a re cen t vis i to r He has been pushinG snOVl since
to Der!r:eley. d:L5oc" is chief October 1950.
appraiser for JX:quit8.ble Life
AssUrance Company, and li v s in e Private �d �itsinper is now
New York. stationeC[-t'lr-IbL'.s!rord Or di nance
Denot Qt To l e do , Ohto. He is in
Hobsrt" D,. Tobey has recently th� engineering- dep nr tme nt and is
accepted a pos i tioD. as mana��er of att'!J.ched to a technical s e r v ic e
the unclepwear division of the
Gothnm Silk Hosiery Company. Bob
Ii ves in Hevi York.
Pvt Jack Hayes rec e iv ed basic
fraining at · Ft Or<;l : , Co.lif GIld 1Nas
Don Talbot, .1i1801'1 IIQore, and Dill
t ransfe rred to Ft Bliss, Texas
DeUartinl.,.'- these· three '1' el:,: e legal'
vIi tll an. antia.ircraft unit.' At
aspiral1ts are curr,ently attending
this vn?itinghe is visiting here
H as ting I s Law School in :ian
on his way overseas.

F:I-i anci s e o .
. .Pvt Uartin Sp,rasue joined the
p.illG:raham is emp loye d by the Arny'fn J,�.nuary. He is
LIatsonLine .
c:cccutiye office r now finisheinn- his basic tr, n in ing
training·program . Bi l l suff.eps at· Rober s!J Calif. t
thru the orde;::n of' lllctlcin3 the trip
froni the. ma i n la nd to Hawaii and
( co nt inued page S
b a ck .
Alumni and Servioe HeVia (eoRt·.,-)--
Aviation Speoa..list John Blackwell
was called· fr-orn·-the-UavM ReseFve It is with deep sorrow that we
and is nov.;. -stationed-at· the· Mon- . t el l you ot' tile de �1 t h s of four
terey Naval Auxiliary Air Station.·· fr,J..ters during the past yea.I'�.
John has been able to get up to
the house on weekends and to .3, , • Dr. S t an le y H. �;:entzer
f'ew dances. O cto b e r 6, 1950
, "
'Am. 0 .. Cole J1".
Seamen Ch.urlie S1 tts joined t:l0 �'::"':':'", ' J)y c emb er20, 1950
na vy in j uUD.r'y";'GLi'r'r'ontly s ta­ :Garle 'J • . U lsh
ti on ed 2.t :32.n Die ,'30, Charlie is :i'ebruary 2o�, �. 19r:l
:,) _

d.esti ne d to attend Yeol:wn sC}lool Fisher /"-. :cucldngham

in tho near future. LIarch 28, 19.51

Dob Jamison fr.B married in .sopt.

19.:;0, He is now \lor�dng for

C<��? ,.v
:311ell Chemice.l Co. on Q synthetic
rul:l'0er pro j ect in Torrence, Calif.

George Dove is worl:ing c:.t the Oak­

l and ,;\.rmy :;}ccse(.J.3 0. civilian)�.
�s\t(/ ./ . . r<Y
George is nov! our ii l umn i Q cl v i s o r .

;:� �
;-;;J-� lj�:�)\
. . ""-' ' I \...- \.)
D·l· au1 ,:·.:.1
• '·;"0'l.... •• 0 -_ v
or .:.1...:)
research pro j ect in Los Angeles.
'" all · �n <.O �
arrrl" 01 ..- v
1 tur""
The . . e
renaded AlPha'
Omega at tpe beginning 01' the

nay Lippencot is teachi ng grum- semester when Bill Schnaclr pin ... ·

. mar school in 3anta :�osa. nay is ned Joan Do\vnie •

pl anni n g to GO into thc :�rmy Lir ... --

Force this sunU11er o.s a Fa vigJ.. tor. Bud Jamison took us completely
by surprise on e night 17lhe11 we
B i ll : �cPh er s on is li vi ne; in Derk­ went to dinner and f'ound cigars
ele y ni th his new 'wife GYJen. He at the table announcing his pin­
is worl:ing fo I' the �3t::-� te Dept. ot' ni ng to Pat Duke an Alpha Gamma
Public nealth us 0. Jr. Sm1.itary Delta.
�ng ineer o ---
Diclr Zham kept up a nu c hap te r'
:Cd Dermott is plo.nn inc; to go to tradition when he announced his
IIastings Law S C ll o0 1 tllis :Je)t. �':;d engagement to Jane Wadswo rth the
is novl Ylo rl : i n g :J.S a rlght of YlaY night of the Orchid Formal • .

agent t' o r the Division of hi.::;hv!QYs

in the St�te Dept. ( C ali f that is). Roger Herrling and Anto int t o
(Toni) Bonif'io1.d VlOre married
Roy Hot'fman B.nd Bob Blo c her are· in the St .. Clements Episcopal
worlcing to geth e r fb I' t;.le ;:)11e11 Church on rApI"il
21. They are
Oil Co in th e Geological ,':':XiJlor-
• . living in Berkeley vn�ile Rog
o.tion Dept in C'llyama, Calif • . Bob :finishes school.
graduated the sOl'lester b e f o re Roy . --

pledged and it W2.S quite a surprise Fraru( Clough, ex-member or the

to both of them thatYll1en they dis Confirmed Bachelol'> t s Club 11; takes

covered th3.t t)leY were I'ra"ters and the big step in June when he
both o.hmmi ot' Hu. and Marilyn'Jarmon� an Alpha
Gamma Delta, . are marriod on the
23 in tho Stlj'Emydius Church in
San F'rancisco. ' IIlGlankil graduates
in June and vdll probably .find
a job dovm south somewhere.

of tho le,;or, our horseshoe and

tennis teams were not up to par
with those of the past.

Perhaps tile most controversi;..

al suhject in our sports activit­
ies is the grOYJi:1[; tendency of
house E1.embers to accept bribes or
paymont for efforts,either above
or belOIT their usual standard.
Duril10' the lC.tter pal"t of our
bas�:etball seo..S011 t;:�is prob1en
arose in all its ugl:Y"'1lGss.. VIe
wore to "L) lc.y the University l ght­ �
v18ight tec.m, the Winner to galn a
spot in the final playoffs. Carl

C rdes , our monstrous conteI', VIas
absent, tr8.veling with the frosh
, . ,
crou .1..
uO .•.•,.JaS. .o ��v
Bob Dl· cl�
" '"
c rno·r'"..

our only 3ubstitute� railed to

show up fOl" the c;.:.'.me, and the
..1 e..1,.�
m ires. , ',"1
v _·:-'[1 2 t ea;,l 01' four nem,
v. _ _

lost a very c lose C;82Je to the � "

lir:r1ltneights. Humor 11.8.s It t�", 1at
Lu�lry Pierre, the notorious gam­
bler .?-nd corruptor of morals, had
aooroached Bob with an orfer of
t rj� nt�r
Doris Day records if he
The clima:;{ - On Friday, nay vlOuld throVl the [Saine.•
Bob has. rEi·­
18th, perhaps tho s�locd fused conment on this slanderous
1 iest '­
li0, but even if-it were so, the
(I , ..
ball G8Jlle to be seen around llere
house has fo rglven nlS aCLloD,
f_ 0 ..

in ye23's \Jas p 18.yed bot·neon the " � ...... ..

activos and pledGes of Tel[e. realizinG his pas8lo� �or DorlS

sorry debo.cle in which the ['cctive8 Dav, an.d his YOl...�tl1ful naivete.
triWlll.Jhed 23 to· 8 eaclod our semost­ Le i ts hope it doesn't happen 2.Gc..i n

er s�)orts program.
On Univ01;' S:L ty te21llS, l::tany
't . ' .
A :fen highlig:lt S durinG the facos froLl T .. I�.:C. can be spOT; · ea,
year Vlere the inrn'ovod bo.s�:etball Bil:'. ;"3chnacl-::- varsi ty cre\!, Dill

Bland, l10g Herling,. Al Nelson-
tenms record in bOt:tl Intrc..mural
and 7ratorni ty lec.gues and our
J .. V. crovl, Carl Corcles ... rrosh crevl,

Louie Simonsic and Bob Horrling-
" sucess in t:il.e intraraural trrcck
footbc..ll, Tom I.forgan and George
meet. A quintet COlT�·JO s o d of E'nzler,.
Loftus-lightweight baslretball,
Cowan, ::ntorf:f, IJoft·us
� �
, and C r les, J acL: Dirks-J. V .. LiumblG-dee peg,
with the aid of all-around utlllty
man Bob Dickerson, plnyed c.. full LovIoll Cntlin-Frosh track, and
schedule in tho noon lea,�ue nnd Phil.l.lerT'itt-jr. computing squad.

accredited t:'18TI1so1vo:::; we11 in

int8r-fra te:eni ty contosts The 1-.. t�l.elote ... of-the-ye,').r
In the
award was awarded to Bob Dickerson

recent tro..c1: Lleot, shot �)utters

for his stellar participation in
Ken Oertel and JO�l.n Young brou::;ht
five intramural sports ..
T.E.E. ri second place in that
event. Lo·nell Catlin and i.i;d UcIrur­
ray each won t Looldn� t0172.rd next
ho ir heats in the
".)otentia:L, "\'le expect tho. baslwtbaL
352 yard dash. On the other side ::'nd ot�ler
teans to rrin more glory

f or T.== .. E.
�nd i s nou a c t iv e i n s t udent affa i l
at Cal . H � h a s done we l l in � i s
r o l l o f Vic e Prexy o f t�e p le dg e
c la s s , a nd h i s 1[.'o r1;: on hou s e func t ­
ions .a � gre � t ly app r e c i at ed by a l l
G:GrL\.lD D . B Lfl. LOCI\ ... - Ii J e r O f i s 19
and hai l s f rom n e a rb y O r inda . He BDi.::mw I.Ic UUTIEAY- - Jd i s j u s t f i n i sh -
c la ims h i s ma j o r to b e Bu s • .f'... d . , . i n g hi s f ir s t s e me s t e r a t C a l , a s
an d a l s o i s o n e o f t:l.O memb e r s o f h e j u s t g r :c. du c:. t e d from IJin c o ln H i g:1-
the Fro sll c re n . J e I'1'Y d e S G l'Ve S in G an � ran c i s c o wh o re he u a s T 1'e a s
a hand f o r a j ob u e l l d o n e a s t h e o f t il e s t udent b o dy . �::; d w a s c.
p rG � i d ent o f the p l e dg e c la s s . gr e o. t ns o ot to o ur intramul' u l t ro. c l;:
t eam t>. i s Po. s t t e rm .
WILLIAM BU.HD - - B i l l , a t rn.l1 s f e r
from :3 a c l"a m en t o J.C . , c l o. ims \g • . ..� L."..lT Ir�LSOH-·-Ll ho ld s c la im t o the
:8c on a s h i s ma j o r . li§.. i s out fo r t it l e of b ein;; t l l e young e s t p l edg e ,
C r e YI , and a lr ea dy L Ibut t h i s do e s n I t
�1-3 o mnn ' on t he j r .. ' . .., .,
. . " - . . -' 'TO r r" i-lim t:'.. s h e i s
boat ,. and : claims ' .� W
"�V4�L.. 1�
..t- "",. o l e t o 0
.... �-i ve
ski ing and s a i li ng a h�rd t ime t o h i s
as hi s mu in out s i d e b i g b J'o the r , :·.�rn i e
int e r e s ;:; s . ilaJ' t s o c . Al is a
grad . o f Richmond
ROY C IAXTOH - - ::'1oy l.I i 0h , and is s t u dy in��
ha i l s f'1'0111 S an l.Ia t e .. r e - law c o u r s e s now .
He i s a m emb er of'
Alpha Phi Ome go. , 8-
(j R OD: ::HT G \ n=; T - - Bo b

n a t io n a l s e rv i c e 1a i l s , from LIerc e d ,
frc.t e rn i t y , and. vll e r e 11 e \"Ta s v e ry

wo rks p a r t t illle q c t i v e i n s tudent
twe en c l 2.. s s e s . ( I,Iu s t fft\ i r s at h i gh
b e t ry i n g t o s e t ch o o l . lIe is ano th c
r i ch young 1 ) r. \ f o ur p r e - laY! ma j o r s
but f' ines t i m e fo r
HANlC C O.j.TS , JOTITH - ... � i s f'avo r i t e s p o r t s ,
Hanl;: i s a gr a du a t e 0��o� �
ron ��
a o. o
I:Lg .::t hunt ing an(l s ai liEg .
Scho o l . H e i s a h i gh fro sh at C a l ,
and a P . E . ma j o r , s o natura l ly
G:sonGi� :'/\ ;: ? '.S - - Ge o l" g e i s ano t h e r
sport s c la im a l a rg e aElount o f �l i s s who h a v e
one o f t h e e a s t e rn b o y
sp are t i me . way . Ja I l s t r e e t
h e a d e d O a l i f o rni o..
mu s t have h e l d g r e a t in t e r e s t f o r
.L o r �l l S
CARL C O R1Y:: S - - C o. r l i s on e 0:C' the
: l iril , a s h e l S s t r l" Vlllg '
.c> , .

l1Uln erous C i v i l ��ngi n e e l�s " �Ie s e ems c1e 0'l" e e i n Bu s . Ad . I t s e GIns ch e s s
p r ou d o f t h e fc. c t t�10.t h e wa s ho rn
i s 0 f o.. t a 1 Yrcalme s s: .. ( H e I s go o d' t o o 1 )
and r a i s e d in th e Bay ·... re a . Car l
gradu 2. t ed from :8'r embnt H i gh vrh e J' e
JOInT ,]� I n:3U::::7... - John h 3, i 1 s f rom the
h e p a r t i c ip at e d in f'o o t ba :t 1 . He c i ty of s o hom e i s n ' t
B e rk e l ey ,
sp e n d s h i s sp a T' e t ime vlorki ng ou t
v ery f2. r avay . John ha s t a k en o v e r
f' o r t h e C a l Fre sh c r eV1- .
t h e j ob o f' p layinG; tilC) p iano in o ur
D i x i e la nd Ban d , a nd a l s o p lays the
WILL�T Dr::: �DY- - Bi lJ. is a s o phmo re t romb one in t :L1 e C a l Band . Lo o k s t o
f'rom S a c r ament o , and ano t h e r o n e
me that Ilus i c h i s i s ma in hobby l
: o u s e .•
of the C iv i l :8n g in e e r s iD. t ll e h
He i s int e r e s t e d in s p o rt s , pho t o - RUS S� � T I! Z ."..IEI- -Di clc c l a ims s �c� inc;
grapl1y , a nc1 t h e ,3 9. c ralilon t o ;::; 0 I o n s . and f.:l Ril i ng as h i s m a in int e r e s t s ,
e.xc ep t :f or , of c ou r s e , h i s n ew
I� ITII I.Ic L1Ui�PIIY- '" lie i th i s a no th e r
f i an c e p ;. TIe surp r i s ed u s a l l by
D.nnounc i n.z h i s enga g ement at th. e
o n e o f' t h e many s o u th ern C a l i r . t o
p le dg e t h e hous o . ICe i th :f o rElG r ly sp r in g :forma l . D i c� p r e v i ous ly
a t t end e d P a s ad ena C i ty C o l l e g e ,
8. t t end e d :':;an l.Ia t o o J . C •

f �.
t .
.... �
r \

}; ryt an i s - .... Don . .s�J? s el 2d i t o r - E e rm F i she r

J::;p i - ) ryt all l S - ]'ra:;;..l',: C l ouGh so c i al -- Bob �alman
=egemon B ob D i c k e r s on UIllil i and
Eyp op he t e s - :';)11i l l le rr i t t s e rv i c e - C hu c k Zellman
Gra.iliJ1a t e u s - LIarlc :..;;ne, l e r P l e d.g e s - Lov"el l C atl in
C ry s ophy l o s - :aud Jami son Act ivit i e s - G e o rge Jen s en
J:jYl o rt e s - John young sp o rt s - G e o rge Lo ftus
Ei s t o r - he rm Fi she r

Dear }!'r a t e r ,
L e f e e l tilat 'ivG h ave l o s t
c ont a c t "vi tll lilany o f you and
we w oul � l ike to r e c e iv e so�e
.ne\lS f rom you . If :i'OU will
fi l l out the fo rI;], b e l ow and
s end i t t o rile }- 2 '7 25 C hanning
1. /ay it "\v i l l a i d in pub l i sil ing
.iil0 r e e di t i o n s of i iu :d ews .
If yo u kno\l o f any p o t ont i al
ru she e s c ominG to C al p l e a s e
l e t u s kno w .
Thank you ,

..{J..;U�.';:HUS :
� : ame

Fami ly .:>tatus

l· }(el11 arl-c s

l-(�j 0l-lb�b . :

·':L e ar
Reaarl-c s

. w.le

.. . .. :. e s s

Y C ,-.:C

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