Sie sind auf Seite 1von 4


All Te ke's, actives

and alums, their wives
and friends'are cordia1�
1y invited to gather at
the C hapter House befo,re MaJtk. YOWl c.aiel1daM
the October 26th UCLA/
110W tlOft the6 e :two
CAL gridiron match to en­
joy &gin fizz and to see nail even.t6 ........
old friends once again.
...... OCTOBER 26th...
u The buffet table of
Pre-Game Buffet -
4-' fruits, sal.,ads, cold cuts

-0 . .
-- - ---- - -
ft"-om 10..:30 -a-.-m.

and-y.-e-freshmenfs wiT1 be C�'

� _

to Game time

Vl '

trJ. se't out from 1 0:3 0 a. m.
until game time. A large and
Q) crowd i's expected for the
> N OV E M BER 23 rd . ..

� g.ame so we plan to move
as a group up to the sta-
dium to get a good spot
for the TKE rooting sec-
Post Big
� tion.

oj..> FOllowing the game Ali Tek.e'.6, ac.:tiv �
e will be the traditional and aiwn.6, thw '

Q) front lawn keg. This , w-iv'e6 and ntUevteL6·
ro will ,g ive Te ke's and aJte -il1viled to
u.. friends another chance to gatheft at the hOM e
.. -:-
� re-assemb1e at the House
to enjoy the autumn
a ft'ernoon festivities.
60ft thue two b-ig
even.t6 .

lIJ 'and to see for the first
ro time the f ine improve-
0. ments that have been made
� on the Chapter House.
_. - - . .-.
I- ***************

November 23rd. of course, is th� day for the Big

Game between Stanford and C al. This Big Game day will
provide yet another opportunity for actives, alums, wives
and friends to gather at the ,C hapter House. A post-game
coc ktail party i s P 1anne d for that aftern 0 0 n . P 1ea se
return the enclosed RSVP card for the coc ktail party.
Volume 72
Number 1
C ommittee members responsible for .both big events
are : ·C hu c k Bac he l d y. I 77, P eter Win k 1 er I 76, P a u 1 R 0 g ers

'77, Brent'B1ae's''l �"77,'Fr�d Kessler '76 and Jeff Red1itz

, T he, me ri:;o f Tau Kappa Epsilon loo k forward to greeting
'�11 alums and fri�nds on both big days.

---- T K E-

. �
Page 2 NU N EW S F a l l , 1974


With the decline of the Gre�k fraternity system of the late sixties now but a dim
memory, the men of TKE look toward an outstanding year in a house that has moved back in­
to its rightful position of campus leadership.

TKE has always led the campus in Grade Point Average, as oLir Alumni know so well
{thanks to repeated notation in Herb Caenls column concerning our political envo1vement).
Now. we have even more to boast of. TEK E I S downstairs walls and floors - that were once
desc,ribed as being painted in "slum clearance brown," have been completely refinished and
,the resulting light-toned redwood living and dining rooms are the envy of the Greek com-
.munity.· Repairs were made on the upstairs, paint was applied and a bar was custom built .
for 'our refurbi shed basement. A truly professiona1 job was done - but without the cost
� of professionals! All the wor-k was carried out by TEKEls over the summer led by t�ark
Sehavsky 173, Dan Vasquez 176, Larry Miller 175 and Jon Weber 174.

. JKE has become a major voice on the Interfraternity Council with Mike Whelan 176 as
", rFC - As�sl stahCTrer.;;s-urer ;Henry Saunders -17T as tne TKE representati"'re-·to-the---Coun-cil and--
. . U
the IFC TreasLlrer. Three votes from one house wield a good deal of influence!

Our relations with campus sororities are excellent. Our "Little Sister" program
. has"gained quite a bit of poptilarity with the ga1s� They have found that the TKE house
. is ribW.both a friendly and attractive place for them to visit.

�_, . . Rest assure� that our most important relations are with our Alumni! We have already
"�'scheduled a CA�-UCLA Alumni 10 :30 a.m. on October 26th before the game (beer
:a'fte-r'l-he game). This newly established tradition will be continued for the Big CAL-STAN­
FOR;D. g·�ine (exc�pt that post-game we wi11 serve cocktai1s instead of brew) . Casino Night,
;F6u;ndet�'sIDay and a host of other ,i.\lumni activities are nO\,1 in the planning stages.
�. WaJGh" for our announcements concerning these events.
. - '

- ', .J.:..••� �

The summer and fall rush went \'/ell - recruiting 14 new pledges. The recruiting pro­
_ces� was somewhat more selective than in the past.

The leadership a house can exert is directly dependent upon its internal leadership.
We are very well heeled in this regard, and I take pr-ide in introducing my fellow

Vice President................Dave Hyerle 177

Ic-------"-'---�-"_- _____����-· --S·ee r-e-t-u-Y"-Y
• • -• • ; .� .-.--.-.-Je-f-f�-Re-@+:i-t-�7-+---
• -• • • • • • • --- 1---�
Treasurer..................... Joe Rea 176
Histor ........................Frank Nemec 175
Hypothetes ....................Tad Morrow 176'
Py10rtes......................Pal,ll Rodgers 177
Pledge Trainer................ Peter Winkler 176
House Manager . . Dan Vasquez 176
. . . . • . . . . . . . . . .

Athletic Director............. Paul Rodgers 177

On behalf of the men of TKE, I extend to you good wishes for a 'happy and successful
year,' and also a personal in�itatton to attend the Alumni events throughout the year.
Please make sure to visit the house. You will find,that the friendliness and relaxed at­
mosphere upon which our reputation was built combi�es well with a more stately house and
image ; better befitting TAU K APPA EPSILON.

' . I�.·

��(: �;�.- . . ' , . ..

F a l l , 1974 NU NEWS Page 3


Jon, Weber - studying
Nu C h apter was p le a s e d to r e ce i v e the fol­
Chemistry at UCSC
lo w i n g letter from Ge orge W. Wolle ry:

Brad Volpi - studying

Ap r i l 12, 1 974 Univ. of
"I w o uld lik e to ex pr ess my s i n c e r e 'ap­
p r e c i a ti on to pry�a n i s B r uce T a lm a d ge, the fr a ­
Richard U1yate - trave1-
te r s, Nu A l um n i and g u e sts, for their fi n e
ing in Europe
h osp i ta l i ty on M a rc h 6, 1974 at the FOUNDERS'
DA Y BA NQUET. 1t wa s a m os t m e m or able a nd e n­
Bruce Talmadge - study­
ing Law at Cal Western SO j oy able evening with T KE fr i e n d s.·

To all my w a rm r e ga r d s, LOVE a nd Este e m ....


:�!Sc ���L��1�����;�£��
new cook, Lula Hampton. She
.. -�-'�" ��--:- -- --:---- ..-.�l-<J,� Ge orge W. �oolery
..-�- ,

is experienced in planning Gr a n d Sistor

interesting men us and ser­
vin� satisfying and delicious
food that will be sure to
keep us going through the
HEGE M ON'S REPORT - . Pet er W inkler '7 6
year a head.

The f a l l rush w a s w i t h o u t a d o u b t a great

Assisting Lula and the
s u c ce s s . The p ledge c l a s s , w h i 1, e not filling
house hashers with serving ,
t he h o u se, i s one of t�e'bes t in recent N u�C h a p:
and clearing the dinner
table are two lovely stu­
I, ter s h i s t o r y.

dents - Janet Brown and LOri ;

The p 1 e d 9 e p r o 9 r a m' w i l l inc 1 u de n b t on1 y
McGovern. j

t he t r a d i t i on s w h i c h h a ve c h a r a c terized TKE ini­
t i a t i on in t he past, b u t a l s o a few new idea s .
The p ledges w i l l ver y s o on b e c o o k ing and serv­
ing dinners an d Singing TKE s ongs t o the a c t ives
and L i t t le S i s ters. A pledge vs a c t i ve f o o t�all
,game was held recent l y a ,ncL_C l a rk G r o,s sL , an_;,

' � " "

a c t i ve well versed in TKE l o re , w i l l gi ve a t alk

on TK E and N u h i s t o r y t o t he p 1 e dge s ' 0 the r s u r­ .

p ri ses are �lso in st ore f o r t he p ledges .


L is ted below i s t he n ew pledge r o s t ei:

G reg'Allison '78 Encino

B o b ' C a r pen ter '78 Con c o r d
J im F y fe '78 -- 'S a n t:e an d r 0
I ' Steve G o l d s m i t h '77 Conc o r d
iI J o hn K a hn '78 T i b u r on
B rian K iTn er '77 Palo A l t o
Jeff M cNea r ' 78 San Raf ael
I C a r l M u llen '76 S t o c kton
Mr. and Mrs. Loren L. Ryder Ri ck R o cke '78 Oa k 1 a n,d
on the occasion of their t, 1 i ke S m i th '76 San Francisco
50th Wedding AnIfiversary. C r a ig Sn ider '76 O a k land
See Lorenis letter on Page 4. Paul Van d a ll " 78 O rinda
P aqe 4' NU NEWS F a l l , 1974


In April of this year, the Nu News received such a We. -hecuui nJtbm HaJtJty in'
great 1 etter from Loren thCit we wanted tQ share it with MalLc.. h. II I JteaUyhave.,':'
you 'in Our.congratulations to Loren and his wife. n' t any rie..6
w o n .6pe.ucit
, ilLife has b'een good to me. I joined Nu Chapter at i.vrteJr.. e ..6t. I e.njoy-
Berkeley in 1920 and majored in Physics and Math. I co'n- 'e.d ve.Jtymuc.. h 13 ye.aJt.6ofi
vince. d the University to,give a course in Vacuum Tube En- my .:time. tn avwng and
gineering. The wind blew the 10 students of the course - '. a dull
�__ , __ ou.r�wa"y�and_t.bey, nal1l�c:L tbe n�w ?c:j eJlc� - El ectronics. , / mome.nt.'�· Good :he.aJl.,{.ng
My wife and J wer� married in college AugustS', Tn�J :---� nt[om�yoti f{(U[J[rj� . -Nwvuj'.6
She was , an Alpha Delta Theta 'which later became Phi Mu - QW!JLe.n:t; addJte..6.6 .<4: 1760
her major was Engl ish and Philosphy. After our chil dren San AndJte.a.6 VJtive., Hemet
grew up, s,he stu<;lied Jungian psychology in England and . caUnpJtMa 92343 . , .
· then at the Jung Institute at Zurich. As a practicing
Psychologist, she has done much for her fellowmen - a JAMES P. SHERK '64
great satisfaction to both ·of us. '
I worked as a scrub' engineer for the telephone com- . I n ApJtil, Jim A)JJtote.� "My
pany, helping to install the first public address system W ine. ; Canole. and I now
used,on the University campus in" 924 -- and ,to think, it Jte..6 in Be.Jtk' ue.y at
was for my own graduatio�. Wh�n radio stations KPO, KFRC 1156 GJtizzlyPe.ctk and we.
aDd -KLH moved from 50 watts to 500 watts, I ' 'helped tune ane. hapf.>yto be.' b ac..k.
Jhem - then tuned light valves and' helped send the Hrst We. woufd;('he.aJting
wire photo picture of the Ferry Building from Sa,n Francis-
nJtom, anyon the. nJtci:teJt4·
co to New York. I am now woJtking in in:::
The motion pictures sta,rted to talk, and light valves Ve..6.tme.n;t. c..ouYL.6e.fing aM
were used to make ,the .recording on f·ilm. Guess what?, .6ale..6 , wWe. .6tili c..on.,.
Ther.e· were only 4 of us in the United, States with 1 ight- uYllUng wonking M a pi":'
valve tuning experience.
.' . -?-oiC. nOft TJta YL.6 Wb, AJ.A-::
I'latlded at Paramount, telling Marl�ne Dietrich, Urte..6. ' '''', ThcU'J.ks n0Jt:wJLk
,Gary.C09per, Claudette Colbert� John Barrymore" CJara Bow ung, 3im and ke.e.p in·'-:,
and others how to talk wi thout breaking 1 ight . valves. I n · touc..h.
- --',"'generaljra(tors and, -aclres'seg-'�aYe'l1jv-e-lTp-e:OFlle
- -;C-pn(;I-;'i'n-'� �� '�'r --���''''; --;, . � ,
t·hose days� they certainly appreciated tlie sound man! . ,-
Large s , creen Vista Visi-on was one of my picture processes

�,- '
and I introduced magnetic recording tp motion pi�t�res and
television. I guess I have learned more and more about . . ,

less and less until now, we supply almost 100% of all syn­ �. ,
. -
. .. �� � ",

chronous recorders for motion pictures and television,

plus scientific an,d instrumenta,ti.on recorders, for noise CARRObb �.�
· kdDGE '�4

abat�ment, atr research., vibrations .studies, etc. My . . '� .


Nqvember 2} 1973
first film sound recorder weighed 1] tons. I received an
Oscar,in· 1950 for my 64 pound magn�tic recorder, but the
current' NAGRA weighs only 16 pounds and our Mini-Mini Pro� , Carroll was employed'
' by the Del Monte Canning
fess·i ona1 reco' rder weighs 1· pound" l ounc� and does a bet­
Company for most of his
t�r job than the 11 tons of 1929.
years following his grad­
Yes, life has been good to me and I still go to my
(lating from Berkeley fie
.office every day.

' .�
• .

R:yde�/';-/�---/ .
Loren L.
· ' was "the manager of Del',
· !janie's eeistern iii vision.

� ;;/c;?/ ¥ /


• i

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