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Saturday evening, March 3rd
Cocktails at 6 - - - Dinner at 7 (Coc..i< iYl.c..lude.d)
<l: - ner will be the guest speaker -
Berkeley Mayor W rren Wide

. en.
0 $8. per person ---- a sumptuous roast beef dinner will be served
(/) RSVP. Wives and girl friends invited.
w THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Mark Parrish '78-'79


I would like to extend our thanks to all those Teke

f- alumni who came to the receptions for the UCLA and Stanford foot­
a:: ball games. The events were a total success as over one hundred
I- people were here on each of the two days. Undergrads and alumni

0: alike shared in the good times. Even our Little Sisters who
were here to help out had a ball. Another piece of excitement
0 during the Fall quarter was the visit by Chapter Services Direc­


iii tor, Neil Seiden. In his report to the Grand Chapter, Neil stated
W that the Chapter Advisor, Greg Joe, is doing an excellent job;
0. the Board of Control is excellent ( the best he'd seen ) ; the Alumni
0:{ Association is highly effective; and Prytanis Mark Parrish is
dependable, capable, and doing a good job. Neil also mentioned
<l: that the high scholastic standing of the House is creating a good
w rapport with the University Administration.
We are happy to announce that 14 pledges were success­
fully initiated on January 26th and their names have been added
to the scroll, bringing the Nu Chapter total to 785. As Neil
Seiden also stated in his report, "There are many good, potential
leaders in several of the associate members." Our Social calen­
Volume 79
dar has been full ever since this Winter quarter began five weeks
ago. While heavy into studies we have managed to have exchanges,
a great Little Sisters Initiation devised by frater Karl Seppala,
and a date party for Chinese New Year. We are also planning a
Winter, 1979
retreat for the weekend of March 30th at Tahoe. Anyone who knows
of a place where we can stay ( preferably for free ) please contact
Berke 1 ey,
me in the near future.
continued on next page


, ,
Page. 2 NU


Finally, I would like to invite all of our alumni to the Founders' Day
Dinner on March 3rd. Cocktails will start on that Saturday evening at 6:00 with
dinner at 7:00. Mayor Warren Widener of Berkeley will be our guest speaker for the
event. We are all looking forward to seeing you here, for it should be an enjoyable
evening. To offset our expenses we ask that each alum donate $8.00. There will be

cocktails will be served - the main dinner dish will be roast beef. A good turn­
out is expected, so please RSVP now (RSVP card enclosed).

Thanks for all of the interest you1ve shown .

Mcudz PCU1.!rM h

ALL OF THE ALUMNI ACTIVITIES last fall---the UC-UCLA Open House in October, the
Big Game Party in November, and the Teke Christmas Luncheon in December---were
well attended. Those alums present at one or more of the events included:

Carl Anderson, Dan Costello, Bill Deady, Ed Dermott, George Dove, Herm Fisher,
Dave Francis, Bob Gassin, Soph Goth, Clark Gross, Robin Harris, Bob Heath, Walt
Janssen, Don Lawrie, Bill Lewerenz, George Loftus, Fred Lusk, Griff Marshall,
Wayne Martinez, Walt Miller, Rich Millikan, Tom Morgan, Jim McCollum, Wayne
McCombs, Al Nelson, Howard Nemir, Bill Rus, Richard Schimell, Len Schlussel,
Jim Sh rk, Harry Smith, Mike Smith, Jack Swing .. Bill Thompson, Austin Walther,
earth Wilson, Pete Winkler, and Chip Wray, and many mone. who e. nam ane. unneadabfo
in the. guut book. on who naile.d to ign in.

ALUMNI DUES .. .in our next issue of NU NEWS we will be printing the names of those alumni
. .

who have sent in their dues checks.

If you haven't sent in your dues, a reminder notice is being sent along with this issue. Please join

ROBIN HARRIS '55 and family purchased ROBERT S. BEBB '44 and his wife, Sue,
Tahoe Citj Motors early last year. Son celebrated -their 30th wedding aniversary
Dan, who graduated from high school last last August. Seven of their wedding
year, is "virtually running it". Robin attendants were able to be there to help
and Donna are still teaching and counsel­ reml n1 sce, In March Bob and Sue were
ing for the Tahoe Truckee Unified School among the lucky people to see the King
District. They took 15 students on a Tut exhibit in Pasadena; in June they
trip to Europe last summer, and hope to vacationed in Arizona. Bob again made
make a similar trip to Africa this year. his company's Mil110n Dollar Club for
Robin has also been playing some piano life insurance. And Bob and Sue became
on the side in the Taho area. Their very proud grandparents for the first
daughter, Ann, is back from Alaska, along and second time in February and March of
with her fiance. The Harrises can be last year. The Bebb's address is: 1988
reached at Box 700, Tahoe City 95730. Kobara Lane, San Jose 95124.

Pa.qe 3


1 "Hi THEODORE ( TEED) HAIG '29 told us last
Gang, After a 1 these years I guess I had November whatis been happening in his
better give you my correct address. Just 1 ife: I have been reti red from the South­

moved into a new home in Roseville. ern California Gas Co. since 1969, so have
(1328 Blossom Hill Way, Roseville 95678.) forgotten all about work. I'm having a
Still selling computers for Univac in real good and busy retirement. We take a
Sacramento. Will try to make it to one trip every year---some to play golf and
of the functions in the near future." some just to look. In June 1971 we flew
to London, rented a car in France, and
drove through Europe for- 3 months.
SPENCER E. LOWDEN '26 and his wife, Law­ "This year was a,good one for me---a
rie, retired 10 years ago to Lowden Lode, little better than typical. I was in the
3 miles north of Nevada City. Spencer playoffs in our Golf Association; got in­
notes some genealogical history: through to the semifinals and took 3rd place.
maternal lines, he has four ancestors who (Last year I took 2nd place; the year be­
came over on The Mayflower in 1620, but fore I took first and went on to win the
- that the first Lowdet'L.(RLc.ha.r...dLarrtl£.e.cL President's ca .) In September I went to
about 1640. Last year Spencer's son and -- Wy·oming and got a - nice buc-k antelope. I
daughter-in-law visited Scotland and went to the High Sierra near Mammoth Lakes
filmed the Louden Castle (ca. 1100) in in October and got a nice 3-point buck
Ayrshire. The castle is a national monu­ deer. In late October I went fishing at
ment: Robert Bruce with 600 men defeated Big Bear Lake in the San Bernardino Moun­
3000 English at Louden Hill in 1307. tains and got 1 imits of nice 14-16" trout.
Spencer's addr€ss is Box 92, Alleghany "Besides all this I have a wonderful
Star Route, Nevada City 95959. wife that plays olf with me and lets me
go hunting and fishing every year. Hello
to Soph and all the rest!" Teed lives
JOHN (JACK ) DIRKS, JR '53 sent us a note at: 1547 Merriman Drive, Glendale 91202.
last fall: "I promised to write you some­
time during my 'silver' anniversary, being JAMES C. MEGAS '72 has moved to Texas
of the class of '53. Reading the names from Wisconsin. He is now Assistant
of a number of people I remember from my Professor and Coordinator, Department
days at the Teke House has inspired me to of Psychology, Pan American University,
do so. I have not been entirely out of Brownsville, TX 78520. Gail, his wife,
contact, however; about ten years ago I is employed as the Adolescent Unit
made contact with Chip Wray, Dave Francis, Psychologist at the Rio Grande State
and several others, including Jim Griffin, Center for Mental Health and Mental Re­
on several trips down to California. I tarda tion.
have been an Episcopal priest since 1961
and have been living in the state of ROBERT (BOB ) HEATH '52 says it was great
Washington since graduating from seminary to see everyone at the UC/UCLA Open House.
in 1960. I have four children, 18, 16, His son, Rick, is at Boston University,
14, and 12 respectively, one girl and and daughter, Shari, is at USC ("God for­
three boys. A might be hoped under the bid!"). Bev, his wife, is in the travel
circumstances, I also have a wife, Camilla business, and they've gone to Europe
Manzer, whose mother graduated from Cal a twice, and to Bermuda, New Orleans, and
few years back. I am now in graduate California. You can write Bob at: 36
school here at Washington State University Timber Mill Circle, Stamford, CT 06903.
in Pullman, and hope to graduate with an
MS in Psychology in February through the
Alcohol Studies Program. I plan on be­
HARRY D. RASMUSSEN '22 of 1760 San An­
coming a worker-priest work ng in the Al­
dreas Drive, Hemet 92343, took a Panama
cohol Rehabilitation Field, perhaps even
Canal trip in February 1978, went to
in the Bay Area; we do have our fingers
Lake Tahoe in July, and Hawaii in Novem­
crossed! I have enjoyed reading the alum­
ber. Harry's been playing a lot of golf,
ni news for the past 25 years!" Jack's
except on the Canal trip---too many water
address is: Box 2067 - College Station,
Pullman, WA 99163.
Page 4 NUNEWS WinteJt, 1979


ROBERT (BOB) KEASBEY 155 notes that he, WILLIAM (AL) HERZOG 152 and his family
Cay, and their two girls, Karen and Tina, vacationed in Maui last summer. Willa
survived the Malibu fire. Their barn had to press Al into service as a snorkel­
burned but the house was saved. Bob and ing partner since daughters Lisa and
Cay play a lot of golf. Last May the Karen preferred the discotheque and jump­
family took a trip to New Zealand. The ing off cliffs. Alls special vacation
Keasbeys live at 30127 Cuthburt Road, was a 7-day fishing trip off Baja Cali­
Malibu 90265. fornia. He caught grouper and bass, but
of course the best one was the tuna that
got away. Alls ,address is: 1471 Cloister
FRANKLIN (FRANK) SMITH 150 had planned
Drive, Whittier 90603.
to attend the Christmas Teke luncheon,
but couldnlt make it. He and his family
(wife, Norma, and Scott, 17, Sharon, 15,
JILL IAM (BILL) GRAHAM 151 and his wife,
and Douglas, 8 ) are doing fine. The
Claire, were in Hawaii last September,
Smithsl address is: 1114 Werth Avenue,
and Guatemala and Mexico last October on
Menlo Park· 94025.
business. They and the kids (Kathy,
David, and Mark) spent Thanksgiving in
WILLIAM (BILL) HEATH 152 writes Hawaii with Clairels family. Last winter
that his daughter, Robyn, was marr­ they rented a condominium at Lake Tahoe,
ied last August. The other daugh­ and had such a good time that they plan
ter, Candy, will be graduating from to do it again this winter. The Grahamsl
Chico in June. Son Russ is at home address is: 2748 Leaning Oak Court,
Diablo Valley College. Bill and Walnut Creek 94598.
his wife Jackie live at 127 Gordon
Way, Martinea 94553.
FRED LUSK 156 still teaches high school
chemistry and flies helicopters for the
National Guard. His wife, Ann, holds two
part-time jobs and takes classes at the
local college. Their home remodeling is
nearing completion. Sons Fred III and
.,..... ;.;:
, .- -

Jim are both now in college---Cal State

�.:;;-> Fresno and Fresno City College, respec­

tively. The Lusk home is at 6086 North
:/ Wilson, Fresno 93704.

FLOYD HOWE 134 and his wife, Nina, did

a lot of traveling last year: Oregon,
along the Colorado River, Arizona, and
New England. Floyd is still secretary of
the Rotary Club, and both he and Nina are
on the planning committee of the golden
anniversary reunion of Floydls Coalinga
Union High School class of 129. Their
A ride to the top of the address is 316 Washington Street, Coalinga
Campanile still only costs 93210.
an uninflated dime.........

Your Editor is always looking for Nu Alumni newsnotes·· please out the enclosed "News"
and send along to Alumni Records Office, 2380 Ellsworth St., Berkeley, Ca. 94704. Thanks .


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