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Food For Space Flight _2 2 0 4 5

When man ventures into the hostile environment eaten during the cond~n~e~ountered in space
of space, he must take with him all the things he flight .
needs to keep him alive and comfortable: food, Explorers and travelers have always had to face
clothing, shelter, even the air he breathes and the the problem of how to carry enough food for their
water he dri nks. For protection during space fl ight , journey. They had to limit the size of their load
the ast ronaut must have a spacecraft specially and also find ways to keep the food from spoiling.
designed to shelter him from the hazards of space . This problem was especially important during the
He also requires a spacesuit which can be pressur· days of travel by sailing ships on long sea voyages .
ized to protect him during extravehicular activity or Not only was it necessary that the food remain
in case of spacecraft cabin pressure failure . For edible throughout the voyage ; it also had to provid e
body energy, he must have food that is highly the nutrients needed to avoid malnutrition and
nutritious and specially prepared to be handled and vitamin deficiency diseases.
Meal with Space Food Meal Equivalent
Very early in history, man discove red th at food sol id foods on a plate or liquids in an open cup. To
would keep longer if it were dri ed an d kept in a cD'tl1 rr~et these requirements, special procedures for
dry place until ready to be eate n. Grai ns of all kin ds preparing, packaging, and storing food were devel-
could be stored for a ve ry long t ime if th ey were oped for United States manned space flights .
kept dry. Even meat and f ish and certa in frui ts
could be kept for long periods of ti me if th ey were FOODS FOR PROJECT MERCURY
cut into thin strips and dri ed in the sun or over an Although most of the early manned flights in
open f ire . Man also found th at rubbi ng th e food Project Mercury were of short duration and did not
wit h salt or soaking it in salt water helped t o pre- require storage of complete meals, the Mercury
serve the food and improve its flavor . Thus, the first astronauts tested the physiology of swallowing
" dehydrated" and "cured" food s were prepa red . so lids and liquids is a state of weightlessness.
Later, man developed ways of cook ing and stor- Tubed foods and compressed dry food mixes in
ing food in sealed conta iners, so that a wi der cube form were used for these experiments. No
variety of foods cou ld be stored or carried on problems were experienced in chewin g, drinking,
journeys. Eventual ly, he devel oped the processes and swallowing. The tubed foods were similar to
fo r refrigerating and quick-freezing, whi ch hel ped those previously developed for Air Force pilots for
to preserve t he f resh food fla vo r as well as prevent use at high altitudes . These foods consisted of
spoilage. pureed meats , vegetables , and fruits, packaged in
Howeve r, t hese modern fo rms of preserved food collapsible alum inum tubes.
products are not su it abl e for use on space fl ights. During space flights, when the space suit was
Because of weight an d spa ce limit ations in the not pressurized , the face plate was opened to allow
spacecraft, the food wh ich t he astronauts ta ke with the food to be squeezed directly from the container
th em must be very li ght we ight and req uire very into the mouth. Cubed foods were also eaten with
little storage space and no refri gerati on. Conven i- the face plate open . If the space suit was pressur-
ence in handl ing is also im portant. Mea l compo- ized, a plastic tube was attached to the metal food
nents must be eaten directly from a sealed conta iner, t ube and then inserted through an opening in the
because the condition of relative weightl essness face plate . The food was then squeezed from the
during space flight makes it impossib le to keep container, thro ugh the tube, and into the mouth

Origin al Mercury Food Provisions Eat ing in a Space Environment

of the astronaut without opening the face plate. fruit were provided in this form . In most cases they
Special coating materials were applied to the were coated with an edible gelatin material , to
inner surface of the aluminum tubes to prevent control stickiness and greasiness and prevent
formation of hydrogen gas, which would have crumbl ing. These food items were vacuum-packed
resulted from reaction between the metal and the in a container made of a four-ply laminated plastic
acids in certain foods , such as applesauce. Preci- film to protect them from moisture, loss of flavor,
sion filling and sealing techniques were devised to oxygen invasion, and microbial spoilage.
eliminate any trapped gases which might expand
and rupture the container when the pressure in the FOODS FOR THE GEMINI PROGRAM
spacecraft cabin was reduced . A new gasketing To provide food for the Gemini Program that
material was developed to increase protection was more nearly like that eaten in an earth environ-
against leakage or spoilage during storage. Special ment, the freeze-dehydration process was used.
in-the-tube sterilization techniques were also em- Freeze-dehydration or freeze-drying is a process in
ployed to preserve the contents. which moisture is removed from a quick-frozen food
The average tube of food weighed 5% ounces, product without appreciably changing its shape,
with the aluminum tube accounting for a large pro- color, or taste. The process provides foods which
portion of this weight. The weight of the tube in can be rehydrated quickly within their own contain-
proportion to the weight of the food was considered ers and which closely resemble the freshly pre-
to be too high, but subsequent development of a pared product in taste and texture. Foods prepared
lightweight plastic container helped to overcome for freeze-drying are sliced, diced, granulated,
this problem. powdered, or liquefied to facilitate processing. After
During the later Mercury flights, bite-size foods the food has been cooked or otherwise processed,
were tested. These were solid foods processed in it is quick-frozen . The frozen food is then placed on
the form of compressed and/or dehydrated 3;4-inch drying trays which are inserted in a special vacuum
cubes which could be rehydrated by the saliva in chamber where the pressure is reduced to 1,500
the mouth as the food was chewed. Foods such as microns (about .06 inch) of mercury or less. Heat
cinnamon toast, sandwich sections, compressed is applied gradually through heating plates or coils,
cakes of various kinds, and enriched cereals with raising the temperature of the trays to 200-300° F.

Examples of Food and Hardware used on Gemini III and Gemini IV Missions

Temperatures are then gradually reduced so that 4 . Cabin atmosphere of 100 % oxygen
the temperature of the dried product does not 5. Acceleration load force of 1 to 7.25 g's (7.25
exceed 140 0 F. Under these conditions the ice ti mes the force of gravity)
crystals in the frozen product change directly from Production guides for NASA space foods estab-
a solid to a gaseous state-a process called sub- lish strict requirements regarding size and weight,
limation "' -and the vapor is withdrawn from the as well as the microbiological standards to be
vacuum chamber through a condenser tube. maintained to insure low bacterial count. The
The freeze-dried food emerges with a porous guides also require that specific weighed amounts
texture and is extremely lightweight, retaining only of the rehydratable foods must reconstitute com-
two or three percent of its original water content. In pletely with a given amount of water, at a given
practically all cases , only water is removed by the temperature , within a specified time. The reconsti-
freeze -drying process , and the essential oils and tuted product must possess a pleasing aroma and a
ot her carriers of flavor remain . The freeze -dried flavor closely resembling that of the original fresh
food is vacuum-packed in a four-ply laminated food item . Random samples are tested to assure
plastic containe:r similar to that used for the bite- that the finished product conforms to these
size food . However, in this case, the container is requi rements.
fitted with a one-way spring -activated water injec-
tion valve at one end and a folded eating tube at APOLLO PROGRAM FOODS
the other end. In this type of container, freeze-dried Experience gained during the Mercury and
food can be kept at room temperature for long Gemini missions in the preparation, handling, and
periods of time. consumption of space foods provided a valuable
To prepare the freeze -dried food for consump - background for the development of foods for the
tion , the astronaut inserts a pistol -like water probe Apollo Program. Apollo foods are similar to the
through the valve and injects a prescribed amount bite-size and rehydratable products used in the
of water into the container for rehydrating the Gemini missions , with add itional food items pro -
food . When the food is rehydrated , the astronaut vided to give the astronauts a wider variety of
cuts a plastic strip which holds down the folded preference in the selection of flight menus .
eating tube and unfolds the tube. This tube serves To increase food palatability, the Apollo space-
as a passage through which the food is squeezed craft is equipped to provide either hot or cold
from the container directly into the mouth . After water for reconstituting foods and beverages. Water
the food has been eaten, the astronaut removes a from the potable water supply can be heated to
germicide tablet from a pouch attached to the about 150 0 F. in a ten fluid ounce capacity reser-
outside of the food package, and places the germi-
Examples of Freeze-dehydrated Foods for Apollo
cide inside the package to inhibit spoilage of the
residue .
All space food is prepared and packaged to with-
stand the following conditions:
1. Temperatures ranging from about 20 0 F. to
135 0 F.
2. Pressures ranging from 19.7 psia (pounds
per square inch absolute) at 70 0 F. (the
pressure at which the spacecraft is purged
prior to launch) to approximately 1 x 10- 12
psia , near vacuum condition, at 100 0 F. (the
temperature expected in the spacecraft when
the cabin is open during extravehicular ac-
tivity and in the sunlight).
3 . Relative humidity which may vary from 30
percent to 90 percent PEACHes

·Subl i mation means the change o f a solid directly to a vapor

wi t hout becoming a liqu i d . A good ex ample of sublimation is " dry ALMON A~AO
ice ·' (which is solidified carbon dioxide) changing d i rectly to carbon
d io xi de gas without pass i ng through a liquid stage.



Examples of Freeze -dehydrated Foods for Apollo

Examples of Cubed Foods for Apollo



Meal 1 Type Calories Meal 1 Type Calories
Peaches R* 98 Bacon Squares .. . __ . . . . . .. B 180
Sausage Patties . _ . .... . _ . _ R 223 Textured Ham and App lesauce R 127
Toasted Bread Cubes ... . . _ . B* 215 Apricot Cereal Cubes .. __ . .. B 171
Orange Drink (21 gms) .... _ . R 83 Chocolate Cubes . _... _ ... _ B 180
619 Cocoa (42 gms) ... _ . . . . _. . R 190
Meal 2
Corn Chowder (56 gms) R 252 Meal 2
Cheese Sandwiches .... _ . .. B 158 Chicken Salad . . .. __ _ ... _. R 237
Chocolate Cubes .. . . .... _ _ B 180 Beef Sandwiches .... _ . ' .' _. B 138
Brownies .... _ . _ . . _ . . . . B 321 Date Fruitcake . __ ... _ .... _ B 393
Cocoa (42 gms) . _ . . . . . . . . . R 190 Pineapple·Grapefru it Drink
1101 (21 gms) .... . .... _ . _ .. R 83

Meal 3
Tuna Salad ... . ... . . _ . . . .. R 214 Meal 3
Pea Soup (49 gms) . _ . . . . .. R 220 Beef Pot Roast R 119
Chocolate Pudding (70 gms) . . R 307 Potato Soup . . ... _ ... __ . . . R 220
Graham Cracker Cubes . _ . . .. B 239 Brownies ............ . . . . B 321
Pineapple-Grapefruit Drink Chocolate Pudd ing (70 gms) .. R 307
(21 gms) .. __ _...... _ . _ R 83 Grapefruit Drink (21 gms) R 83
1063 1050
Total .. _ . . . ... .. __..... . 2783 Total .... ____ .... ... . __ _ 2749

* R-RehYdratable
* B-Bite-size (6-8 cubes)

voi r, every thirty minutes , for use in preparing hot for each man for each day and for the total mission .
food. One ounce of hot water is released from the Each astronaut is furnished 1.4 pounds of food
rese rvoir through a fixed water dispenser each time per day, which provides a total intake of approxi ·
the release button is pressed. Cold water is f ur- mately 2800 calo ries. The nutrit ional content is
nis hed from a water chiller which coo ls six balanced to provide 20% protein , 62% ca rbohy·
ounces of water to 50° F. eve ry 24 minutes. The drates, and 18% fats . The caloric distri but ion is
water is drawn through the fi xed water dispenser or 17 % f rom protein, 51 % f rom carbohydrates , and
a po rtable hand-held water probe which meters 1/ 2 - 32 % from fats.
ou nce increments of cold water for d ri n ki ng or for All food and beverage pac kets fo r one meal for
preparation of cold foods and beverages. one man are placed in alumi num overwrap pack·
The menu listed be low is an example of a two- ages . Each ove rwrap has a color·coded tab to
da y food selection by an astronaut for an Apollo des ignate the mea ls selected by each ast ronaut.
mission . Crew members are also furnished items fo r persona l
A random sample of each space food item is hygiene , includ ing chew ing gum (for after mea ls) ,
an alyzed to dete rmine its exact caloric and nutrient tooth brush , wet cleansi ng cloth , dry cleans ing cloth
value , and this information is used in the prepara· and towels . Both the food and the hyg iene com ·
t ion of a balanced menu . This information also ponents are stored aboard the Apollo spacec raft in
provides a bas is fo r calcul ating the nutrient intake firep roof co nta ine rs.

Nutritional studies conducted for NASA * showed calories for heavier subjects.
that the nutrient value of space flight food was as Nutritional studies will be conducted by the
good as the equivalent fresh food, and that under Apollo astronauts to obtain new data for deter-
simulated space flight conditions, nutrient require- mining the caloric energy requirements needed
ments were not significantly different than expected. during periods of activity in weightlessness. These
In these studies, a group of test subjects performed data will provide new guidelines for the preparation
a prescribed schedule of work, exercise, relaxation, of in-flight menus to meet the nutritional needs of
and sleep, wearing a venti lated pressure suit con- each individual.
tinuously during fourteen -day and twenty-eight-day The food products prepared for Mercury, Gemini ,
test periods. The studies indicated that approxi- and Apollo missions illustrate the evolution of food
mately 2680 calories per day were required for for use in space. Improved and more elaborate food
subjects weighing about 68 kilograms (150 systems are yet to be developed for space flights
pounds) and a proportionately greater number of which may be extended for long periods of t ime.



One-meal Overwraps with Components Apollo Meal Overwrap with Equipment

Color code designates type of meal Personal Hygiene Material


· Conducted by the Aerospace Medical Research Laboratories at

Wright· Patterson Air Force Base.

0 1
Suggested Vocabulary List
l. subl i mation 5. cube 9 . reservoi r
2. kilogram 6. laminated 10. potable
3 . dehydration 7. micron 1l. freeze -dehyd rated or
4 . germicide 8. probe freeze-d ri ed

Suggested Activities
l. Discuss the reasons for establ is hing strict the approxi mate 2800 calories needed by the
weight, volume, packaging , and nutritional astronauts per day. Encourage the ch ildren to
requirements for space food . prepare other arithmetic problems from the
2. As a class preject, have the pupils make a information given on page six .
t ime line showihg the development of food 6. One kilogram weighs 2 ~ (2.2) pounds . Let
process ing from l the prehistoric caveman era the students determine the weight of 15 kilo-
to the present space age . grams in pounds.
3. To provide fo a simulation of the eating of 7. Ask the pupils to bring to class some of the
space foods, purr e some food in a blender and fruit from commercial cereals containing freeze-
sea l the pureed rood in small plastic bags. Let dried fru it. Place the fruit in a small bowl with a
t he pupils imagi ~ e that they are taking a space small amount of water for a few minutes. Let
t rip and must eat the food as astronauts would. the pupils observe what happens to the fruit and
Show them how to clip a small hole in one to the wate r. Ask them : Is the fruit still as hard
corne r of the bag and squeeze the food into as when it was first placed into the bowl of
t he mouth. water? Let them measure the water before and I

4. Let the children check the menus on page six after the fruit is placed in the bowl. Weigh the 0 1
t o see whether the astronaut meals include t he fruit before and after rehydration.
basi c fou r food requ ire ments and the proper 8 . Assign pupils to make a report to the class
am ounts of each . on Franc is Appert and on how and why he
5. Usi ng the information on page six, write t he
deve loped the process of canning.
number of calories for each mea l for each day 9 . Assign pupils to read about Louis Pasteu r
on the blackboard . Let the children add the and report to the class on what contributions
caloric values to see whether the foods provide he made to the food processing industry.

For, -sale by t h e Superinten dent of Documen t s. U.S. Government Prin t i ng Office. Wa s h in gton. D.C. 20402 - Price
<tt u. s. GOVERNMENT PRIHTING OFFI C E : 19&8 0 - 2.90- 4 12
20 cents

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