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Name: James Vincent E.

Dauz Subject: GAS Elect (cm1)

Course/Year: BSEd-Social Studies 3A Teacher: Mrs. Lourdes Dy

Assessment Task 1: Enumeration
Sex-stereotypes Sex-Role Stereotypes
1. A generalized view of traits that the men Involve assumptions regarding a person’s
and women should possessed. sexuality that reinforce a dominant views.
2. An individual should act accordingly to Society eyes each sex identity does have a
what their sex identity is to avoid criticism. designated roles for them to do, this includes
the activities, house chores, and personal
3. Sex identities does have a separated views Individual’s role in the private and public life
or an action designated for their sex identity. should reflect their sex identity, in which they
are only supposed to do the roles or activities
that reflects their sex identity.
4. It involves the physical, mental, and Failure to comply with these roles means that
emotional traits stereotyping in which it sees your sex identity or you as a person is defective
a big difference between sexes. or shows an abnormalities on your self sex
5. Sex stereotyping is the product of the These roles are based in the biological and
dominant views of the society in which they physiological built of a person, which means if
determines what or how should each sexes you are a male then it is expected that you do
act and how to perform its model in both the works that is hard, and if you are a female it
private and public places. is expected that you do the light works and
house works.
Assessment task 2: Persuasive essay

All of us were held in the womb of our mother for 9 months and experienced being born that’s why I am
writing this because in the contemporary world in which the discrimination is rampant anywhere around the
globe and the most common reason is because of one’s gender and sexuality which both influenced by the
society and affects everyone’s perception to an individual’s role and freedom to be one the most he/she want
to be one. Our minds were fed up with the idea that men are superior than women, women are in inferior
than men, man to man is gross, woman to woman is gross, and people changing their gender were devil. Yes
we have the right to think of it but if we cross along the lines it means that we are insecure and feel that our
own identity were attacked and not respected even though that each individual was equal in the God’s eye.
Therefore each one of us don’t have the right to discriminate others regarding on how they act, wear their
fashion, behave with peers, love other individual, do its task. As long as our privacy and safety in not on the
line or not been the subject to be affected by the above mentioned ;then it means we should respect them and
think only about our business as we are living in this small world in just a short period of time.

Wasting our energy to critique these people will just put ourselves into a more complicated situation in
which we felt more affected and pained compared to those people we criticize. It’s time for us to accept
every gender globally as long as they don’t pose threat to the public and to other genders in the society.
Respect begets respect, and love begets love. All of us wants these to experience that’s why we do to other
what we want them to do to you. We are no longer in the past, obsolete, toxic world of ancient times in
which social constructed ideas were followed even there’s some identity being attacked and in pain
emotionally and mentally.

We must spread positivity to anyone without regarding to the gender and sexual identity of an individual.
We are in the state of becoming a more rational being and still putting emphasis to peace and order of the
citizens. We must fight for equality and do what is needful to prevent discrimination across genders. This for
us to enable ourselves to nourish even further than we imagine; leaving all the negativity behind. We are
created as equal; therefore we must treat and love everyone as equal.

Assessment Task 3: Photo Essay
This event shows a racial discrimination, often happens when one
individual differs from majority’s race, and in this picture we can
see that they are spread a hearsay or talk about an individual about
its flaws , and then making fun out of it. This is something we
should alter that sooner we will reach the point that we are free to
accept all race in our workplace or public places without making
fun of their unique resemblance or appearance.
Language discrimination is what we can normally hear in our
neighborhood, in public places or even in business places in which
in this picture it portrays the superior blaming the worker and talk
all bad words to him as taking him as a low level kind of person in
which is very nerve trembling situation when you hear one of this
kind of scenario. We as a rational being whatever the reason for
One’s mistake you as a superior or a human must make a response
which still follows a good ethical values as an individual. We must
not take advantage of our position nor intellectual capacity to
degrade someone.
This situations shows a two person maybe a friend, in which we
can see the wife is cleaning in front of them, maybe this scene is
normal to these men. But it is not, it’s intimidating to the eye
seeing a woman cleaning and doing it’s best to clean in front of
these people who’s just talking without minding the woman. It is a
sexual role stereotyping in which the situation tells us that if you
are a woman you should be the one cleaning the house and doing
the house chores and as far as we know that the society itself
breeds an idea of this kind they see as normal in the society which
is not. We should help in the house no matter your gender or
sexuality because we are living together in the house and it’s our
responsibility to not to stererotype the house roles
This picture presents the opportunity given to the two individuals
differs in sexuality, it could be in a workplace in which unequal
salary or incentives given to both, as the society perceives that man
must be superior they offer it bigger salary compare to a woman
worker. We should not normalize this in our workplace and we
must promote equality because we do the same work, we’re
solving the same problem. We must be fair to all genders and
It is not a usual siting for us Filipino to see a family of three and the
parents are both male which is according to our social norms and
cultural beliefs an abnormal practice or doing the devils doing.
Which is we should not do as it is making our self more bad in the
eye of God, we should at least disregard them and respect their
family structure in which they regulate the love and peace, with this
we should accept them as they don’t pose a threat to us. And they
are also human who’s just doing the things with a heart.
It’s a sexual stereotyping when we encounter this scenario in
which in our culture as filipino, believe and inherited from the past
invaders of the Philippines that it is the responsibility of a man to
find a job and makes money for the family. Which is in today’s
Times It is slowly fading. Wives must not consider their husbands
as an ATM or you just need a man to feed your assets. It doesn’t
Looks good. As a wife or a part of the marriage if you don’t have
something to do in the house , then you must help your husband in
making money
The picture portrays a gender discrimination which pertains to a
It’s rampant and relevant in todays timeline in which it often
happens that people will make fun out of individuals with different
gender identity. Thinking that their existence is a curse to the world
which is a very toxic practices of men and women. As a person
who promotes equality and peace globally we should learn how to
love and accepts the uniqueness of anyone as long as they don’t
Do bad things to another.
This picture depicts a woman and lesbian couple in which kind of
rare to see. People humiliate a person when they see one because in
their beliefs it conflicts to the God’s Words in which people should
not make relationship to the person with the same sexual identity.
But in today’s society people are slowly making improvement and
starts to accepts the fact that these people also have the feeling of
loving, which is most vital of being a God created being which
inherits his will to love. Although it is contradicting to our social
and cultural norms and practices we must learn to accept them as
they are also human created by God and our equal.
A man crying is likely to be an embarrassing moment for a man, in
which is because in his mind that influenced by the society thinks
that a masculine must not cry and must be tough which is very
unfair because we are feeling the pain it either mental stress,
emotional stress, and physical strain in which we react on releasing
this pressure and it’s normal to cry disregarding the sexual
stereotyping. It's a beautiful features of man which the God gave us
to makes us more stronger and true to ourselves. Let us not make
fun of someone or anyone we see crying because we don’t know
the challenges he/she is facing and overcoming it makes them to
Fashion and appearance discrimination or judgements is toxic
which is also rampant in today’s times. Which when we spot a
person who’s appearance is unusual to the eye or doesn’t fit our
perception on how a man or woman should dressed, beautify itself
makes and poisoned our minds that they are abnormal and idiots to
not know the proper appearance of a man and woman should look
like. Let us not make this normal to discriminate and look down on
them because they do also have the same rights as ours, we must
learn that each individual is unique on perceiving art and fashion.
As long as it is not harming you, you should not get involved to it.

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