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TITLE FORMAT VIA IOCTL INT 21H, 440DH, FCNS 40H, 42H, 47H, 60H, and 67H

page 60,132

;FORMAT.ASM DATE: 12-15-91 © 1991 Pierre R. Desloover for Ataspec Software
;PURPOSE: Demonstrate successful MISC. MS-DOS 5.0 IOCTL Int 21H, 440DH
; functions (CL=40H, 42H, 47H, 60H, 67H) in order to FORMAT 1
; TRACK of a 1.2Mb diskette.
;Current test set up for 1.2Mb drive and disk in Drive A: or B:. To
;accommodate other drive and/or media types, this test code needs to be
;modified slightly. Also, Int 21h, 440dH, FCN 42H (FORMAT TRK & Verify)
;is hard coded to format the first TRACK: HEAD #0, CYLINDER #0.
;1. MS-DOS version 4.x and greater.
;2. Command line input arg is operand logical drive LETTER and can be
;Drive A: or B: ONLY in order to protect from accidently formatting hard
;drives C:, D:, etc. Example: FORMAT A: <CR>. (Formats media in Drive A:)
;3. MASM 5.0+, LINK to program .EXE image.



;operand logical drive# (0=default, 1=A:, 2=B:, 3=C:, etc.)

drive db ?

;test program messages

usage_msg db 13,10,'Command line usage is: FORM D:',13,10
db 'where D: is Drive letter A: or B:',13,10,10,'$'
error_40h db 13,10,'Error: IOCTL Int 21H, fcn 40H, AL= ',13,10,10,'$'
error_60h db 13,10,'Error: IOCTL Int 21H, fcn 60H, AL= ',13,10,10,'$'
error_67h db 13,10,'Error: IOCTL Int 21H, fcn 67H, AL= ',13,10,10,'$'
error_47h db 13,10,'Error: IOCTL Int 21H, fcn 47H, AL= ',13,10,10,'$'
error_42h db 13,10,'Error: IOCTL Int 21H, fcn 42H, AL= ',13,10,10,'$'
not_supp db 13,10,'Error: IOCTL Int 21H, fcn 42H, (format status) STAT=
no_errors db 13,10,'OK: no IOCTL Int 21H errors encountered',13,10,10,'$'
wrong_drive db 13,10,'Command line error: specify Drive A: or B:
;structure for Int 21H, fcn 42h
FVBLOCK db 0 ;special functions (must be zero)
dw 0 ;head (according to FORMAT, it's zero)
dw 0 ;cylinder (1st logical cylinder = 0)
;;;DW 1 ;Don't use: undocumented TRACK COUNT field,
;Format.exe sets default = 1

;Structure for Int 21H, fcn 67h

ACCESSBLOCK db 0 ;special functions (must be zero)
db ? ;disk access flag (0=access blocked by driver)

saved_access db ? ;var to save current access flag, not part of structure

;structures for Int 21H, fcn's 40H and 60H

;DPB (Device Parameter Block) for 4.x and greater
PARMBLOCK db 0 ;special functions field
db ? ;device type; device sets
dw ? ;device attributes; device sets
dw ? ;max number cylinders supported; device sets
db ? ;media type field; must set to quad or double density
; for drives that support multiple
; densities, example 1.2M drive.
_BPB db 31 dup (?) ;Bios Parameter Block structure (MS-DOS 4.0+ only,
;version 3.3 is smaller)

;*** Do not declare any vars from HERE end _BPB to TrkLayOut structure below

;The following EQUATE controls sectors/track. Change it for target media.

SECS_TRK = 15 ;media descriptor: F9H = DS, 15 sectors/track for 1.2Mb
;;;SECS_TRK = 9 ;media descriptor: FDH = DS, 9 sectors/track for 360kb

BYTES_SECT = 512 ;bytes/sector


;Start of Track Layout structure (MUST directly follow _BPB structure)

TRKLAYOUT dw SECS_TRK ;sectors per track

;Invoke trackinfo macro to build rest of fields for track layout structure.
;(Format.exe allocates and initializes dynamically.)



mov ax,@DATA
mov ds,ax ;Note: it is assumed that DS is not changed
;for the remainder of this test code.


;Extract command tail drive letter from PSP.
;If no command line arg, don't use default drive
mov al,es:[80h]
or al,al
jz usage_error ;don't allow default (0) drive, could be C:

;Perform simple parsing of command tail
mov al,es:[82h]
cmp al,'A'
jb usage_error
cmp al,'Z'
jbe have_upper
cmp al,'a'
jb usage_error
cmp al,'z'
jbe have_lower

mov dx,offset usage_msg
jmp term_test

;convert to upper
and al,0dfh

;make 1 based logical drive number
sub al,'@'

mov [drive],al

;safety check in this test program so don't format drive C:, D:, etc.
cmp al,3
jb _OK_proceed ;Drive A: or B: only
mov dx,offset wrong_drive
jmp term_test

;Issue function 60H (Get Device Parameters) to use with function 40H
;(Set Device Parameters) which is necessary prior to function 42H.
mov bx,offset PARMBLOCK
mov byte ptr [bx],00000000B ;init to zero ;this is what FORMAT does

mov bl,[drive] ;logical drive into BL

mov ch,8 ;disk category
mov cl,60h ;GET Device parms
mov dx,offset PARMBLOCK ;DS:DX
mov ax,440dh
int 21h
jnc _issue_40h

;some error happened

mov dx,offset error_60h
;convert error# in AL to one's digit ascii for display
add al,48
mov bx,dx
mov byte ptr [bx][37],al
jmp term_test

;We will assume that the Device parameter block returned via CL=60H
;contains valid info although some info may need to be altered to
;match the actual MEDIA in target drive before CL=40H.
mov bx,offset PARMBLOCK
mov byte ptr [bx],00000101B ;set bit 2=1 and bit 0=1 ;FORMAT does this

;init various structure members accordingly for device type

mov byte ptr [bx][1],1 ;set Device type, 1=1.2Mb
;;;mov byte ptr [bx][1],0 ;set Device type, 0=360Kb

mov byte ptr [bx][6],00000000B ;set Media type, bit 0=0 (DD,1.2Mb)
;;;mov byte ptr [bx][6],00000001B ;set Media type, bit 0=1 (DD,360kb)

mov bl,[drive] ;logical drive into BL

mov ch,8 ;disk category
mov cl,40h ;SET Device parms
mov dx,offset PARMBLOCK ;DS:DX
mov ax,440dh
int 21h
jnc _issue_67h

;some error happened

mov dx,offset error_40h
;convert error# in AL to one's digit ascii for display
add al,48
mov bx,dx
mov byte ptr [bx][37],al
jmp term_test

;Accordying to FORMAT.EXE, need to get, set Disk Access flag for HARD only.
;(documented in Advanced MS-DOS Programming)
;Get disk access flag before set disk access flag so can save and restore.
COMMENT | Non functional for floppy (removable media) test
mov bx,offset ACCESSBLOCK
mov byte ptr [bx],00000000B ;special, must be zero

mov bl,[drive] ;logical drive number into BL

mov ch,8 ;disk category
mov cl,67h ;Get Access Flag
mov dx,offset ACCESSBLOCK ;DS:DX
mov ax,440dh
int 21h
jnc _issue_47h

;error happened
mov dx,offset error_67h
;convert error# in AL to one's digit ascii for display
add al,48
mov bx,dx
mov byte ptr [bx][37],al
jmp term_test

;first save returned disk access flag
mov bx,offset ACCESSBLOCK
mov al,byte ptr [bx][1]
mov [saved_access],al

;now issue set access flag

mov byte ptr [bx],00000000B ;special, must be zero
mov byte ptr [bx][1],1 ; set disk access flag non-zero

mov bl,[drive] ;logical drive number into BL

mov ch,8 ;disk category
mov cl,47h ;Set Access Flag
mov dx,offset ACCESSBLOCK ;DS:DX
mov ax,440dh
int 21h
jnc _issue_42h

;error happened
mov dx,offset error_47h
;convert error# in AL to one's digit ascii for display
add al,48
mov bx,dx
mov byte ptr [bx][37],al
jmp short term_test

;(MS-DOS 4.0 or greater) first issue with special functions=1 so can see
;if specified number of tracks and cylinders are supported by BIOS.
;(documented in Advanced MS-DOS Programming)
mov bx,offset FVBLOCK
mov byte ptr [bx],00000001B ;special, 1= format status call
mov bl,[drive] ;logical drive into BL
mov ch,8 ;disk category
mov cl,42h ;Format and Verify Track
mov dx,offset FVBLOCK ;DS:DX
mov ax,440dh
int 21h
jc _error_42h
;test returned status
mov bx,offset FVBLOCK
cmp byte ptr [bx],0 ;special functions?, 0= supported
jz format_track

;Format status says not supported or other error (consult Advanced MS-DOS
;Programming for exact meaning of values).
mov dx,offset not_supp
;convert error status# in structure to one's digit ascii for display
mov al,byte ptr [bx] ;get error status#
add al,48
mov bx,dx
mov byte ptr [bx][55],al
jmp short term_test

;attempt to format one track
mov bx,offset FVBLOCK
mov byte ptr [bx],0 ;special, must be zero (FORMAT.exe)

mov word ptr [bx][1],0 ;first HEAD (it's 0 according to FORMAT)

mov word ptr [bx][3],0 ;first CYLINDER (it's 0 according to FORMAT)
;;;MOV WORD PTR [BX][5],1 ;Don't use: undocumented track count;
set to 2 for HARD

mov bl,[drive] ;logical drive into BL

mov ch,8 ;disk category
mov cl,42h ;Format and Verify Track
mov dx,offset FVBLOCK ;DS:DX
mov ax,440dh
int 21h
jc _error_42h

mov dx,offset no_errors
jmp short term_test

;TRACK BAD in FAT if "sector not found" (or other HW errors) occurs here
;and then proceeds on to attempt to format next TRACK.)
;In this test program, all we do is report the Extended Error Value,
;and abort attempt to format the track.
mov ah,59h
xor bx,bx
int 21h

;convert error# in AL to tens and one's digit ascii for display

mov cl,48
mov bl,10
div bl
or al,al
jz _ones
add al,48
mov cl,al ;save tens digit
mov al,ah ;use remainder
add al,48
mov dx,offset error_42h
mov bx,dx
mov byte ptr [bx][36],cl ;tens digit
mov byte ptr [bx][37],al ;ones "

;display message on exit, DX has ptr to text string
mov ah,9
int 21h

COMMENT | Non functional for floppy (removable media) test

;Restore saved disk access flag via fcn 47h.
mov bx,offset ACCESSBLOCK
mov byte ptr [bx],00000000B ;special, must be zero
mov al,[saved_access]
mov byte ptr [bx][1],al ;restore to previous value

mov bl,[drive] ;logical drive number into BL

mov ch,8 ;disk category
mov cl,47h ;Set Access Flag
mov dx,offset ACCESSBLOCK ;DS:DX
mov ax,440dh
int 21h ;report error here?
;terminate test program
mov ax,4c00h
int 21h


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