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January 12, 2007

Seeker After Truth


Intuitive Training in a Sufi Tradition

(Click Heart to Resonate) (2) Just because one knows “that” does not
mean they know “how”.

 Loading ... Actually, these two points are two sides of the same

by Charles Daniel Philosophers have built careers on the subtle argu-

ments of knowing that something is the case. While
Today, anyone wishing to de- the delicate logic of proving that humans basically
velop his or her intuition has don’t know anything can get you a tenured job, it’s
an interesting problem. The not much real use outside the ivory towers. Still,
problem is not lack of mate- the basic division between “that” and “how” is im-
rials, but rather the nature portant. The point is simply this: my being able to
of the information available. tell you that you need training is not the same as
Much of this material seems my knowing how to train you. Put in the simple
to follow the same pattern. language of rustic Sufism, “Telling you your pipes
That is, do this exercise, take are leaking is not the same as knowing how to fix
that class and presto you’re them.” In the case of pipes and leaks, the distinction
intuitive. Unfortunately, is clear; in intuitive training, that is not always so.
what generally happens is
that someone takes the class, There seems to be a general opinion that if someone
reads the books, or listens to can do something, then they should be able to teach
the tapes and then promptly forgets or can’t find whatever that something is. Thus, if someone per-
a way to apply what has been learned. This may forms an intuitive feat (such as solving a criminal
explain why individuals often seem to be on a ne- case) or performs well under lab conditions, it is
ver ending program of learning how to be intuitive generally assumed that he can explain how he did
without ever arriving at the point where they are it. Thus the ever popular, “How did you know that?”
intuitive. Looking at this situation can bring some Intuitives hear this all the time. The underlying as-
interesting insights. To see these, we need to back sumption is that the intuitive can
up a little and look at the situation as a whole.
(1) Tell you how they knew and
To begin with, most people interested in learning (2) You will understand the answer.
intuitive skills fail to make two very important dis-

tinctions. These are : Number (1) has led to some often humorous results.
Number (2) often gets used against the questioner.
(1) Knowing “that” and knowing “how” are Both deserve separate treatment.
two different things and
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January 12, 2007
Seeker After Truth

Intuitive Training in a Sufi Tradition

To listen to some intuitives explain how they know I’ll continue to occasionally impress my friends and
whatever their intuition tells them can be amusing. never really gain control over the process. In terms
Answers can range from “My spirit guide told me.” of my efforts to teach, the distinction is of critical
to “My sixth chakra is spinning.” Problem is, do importance.
these answers tell us anything? Well, they tell us that
some intuitives believe in spirit guides and chakras. To this, let’s look at a teaching situation where in-
However, they probably don’t tell us about what’s complete learning has taken place. For this story,
really going on. That is, the intuitives know “that” let’s assume that the teacher knows both the “that”
certain things they do give results. However, the and “how” of the subject. The student enters into his
actual operations of “how” it works escapes them. training and along the way, the teacher says things
Thus, a never ending stream of books, tapes and like “This is how you do it.”, “This is how it’s done.”,
seminars that promise to make you intuitive while and “This is a very old technique.” The student, being
doing little more than spreading confusing. If confu- a good student, notes all this down. Then comes a
sion were all this situation created, then it probably day when the teacher and the student part company
would not be worth writing about. After all, there and unfortunately, the teacher has not had time to
are entire industries (like the popular press) that teach the student how to teach. So, what happens?
live to create confusion. However, the second point The student goes out, collects some students and
about “How did you know” has a darker side. begins saying things like, “This is how you do it.”,
etc.etc. Problem is, what he says is exactly what his
This darker side has to do with power. The power teacher said to him. In today’s intellectual climate,
play is simply this. I come up with a piece of infor- it is often hard to see how this would be a problem
mation through intuitive means. Surprised, you ask but it is. In fact it is such a problem that if this is the
how I could have known. Now, obviously, I have to way a subject like intuitive skills are taught, there’s
know how what I did works, so I give you whatever a case that NO teaching is taking place. This is a
explanation suits me for today. Then (and here’s the strong claim and requires some defense.
rub) you have the audacity to say you don’t unders-
tand. Now, what am I going to do? Come up with To understand this claim, the meaning history of the
another story? What if that story doesn’t work? No, word teach has to be taken into account. According
it’s far easier to simply declare that, “You, little one, to modern usage, teaching implies conveying infor-
are not ‘evolved enough’,or ‘advanced enough’ to mation. However, earlier usage implied teaching
understand.” Then I can be secure in the knowledge or showing someone how to do something. While
that at least I understand what is so obvious. you can go to the Oxford Dictionary and look it up,
a simple reflection on history should be enough.
If this scene sounds familiar, then let’s see it for what A few hundred years ago, books were rare, hand
it really is. First, let’s grant that I have intuitive skills written, expensive, and most people couldn’t read
that I can occasionally call upon. Second, every now anyway. Besides, the struggle to stay alive consumed
and then the skills let me show off. Third, although I most people’s energy. Back then, the focus was not
can sometimes get the skills to work, they are not at on passing or your MBA exams. Passing the tests of

all reliable. Conclusion: I know that doing something those times meant staying alive and staying alive is a
makes my intuition work but I have no idea how “How To” skill. Thus, teaching a skill was originally
it works. In the sense of my individual use of my a question of showing someone how they could do
intuition, this distinction is important only in the something. This has to be done on an individual basis
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sense that if I don’t know how the process works, with the skills matched carefully to the individual.

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January 12, 2007
Seeker After Truth

Intuitive Training in a Sufi Tradition

After all, knowing that the wild pigs in the forest is only one set of methods used and as such would
are dangerous tells you nothing about what to do be different from individual to individual.
when ‘porkey with an attitude’ crosses your path.
This simple misunderstanding has led to some sad If I were to try to reduce this approach to a simple
results. By mistaking a real teachers statement of equation (once again, only as an illustration), I
“This is how you do it.” (Meaning you; Mr. individual would try something like, “Hold an image of your
student in front of me right now), for “This is how target steady while shutting off all internal noise
everyone for the remaining history of the universe and strike up an attitude of neutral expectation.”
is to do this.”, is to miss the original teacher’s skill Sounds simple enough until you realize each part is
at matching the task to the student. To think that the result of a specifically directed training process.
just because a technique is very old means that I’ll break each down somewhat with the qualifica-
everyone needs it, or can even use it, is to overlook tion that what I’m trying to put across is a living
the critical element of the teacher’s insight into the method that changes from individual to individual.
student’s needs and his abilities. This type of faulty
reasoning leads to people teaching the exact same In order to make a method ‘live’ the order and type
things to everyone who crosses their path regardless of experience can be mixed according to the needs of
of the student’s natural talents and abilities. That the learner. Thus, instead of starting with something
is, they spend all their time conveying information as obvious as a meditation technique, the teaching
(generally of a form of “this is what I learned”) ins- may start out with a trip to another city or ano-
tead of showing how something is done. Frankly, ther country. Learning to hold one’s expectations
there are not many situations in which such ‘how in check can be difficult at best. This is even more
to’ teachers still operate. They are still out there and the case if you don’t know what those expectations
I would like to give an illustrative outline of how are. Traveling is a time worn and tested way to find
they might approach the difficult task of teaching these out. Of course, just any traveling won’t do.
one form of intuition. For my example I will use a After all, if someone has spent his entire life being
Sufi tradition from Afghanistan. Since the men of hyper-private, then sending him to (for example)
that country lean towards action and away from Japan or Germany probably won’t do him much
idle speculation, their methods are still consistent good. However, sending this same person to Spain
with the earlier meaning of the word teach. or South America might work. The key ingredient
here is the teacher’s experience with other cultures
Before going into this explanation, a short statement and his understanding of the student.
about Sufism should be given. There are as many in-
terpretations of Sufism as there are people claiming I should add that there is often more than these two
to follow its teachings. For the most part, activities basic elements involved. A few years ago I was out of
that pass for Sufism are really activities that were the country and met people who had gone through
intended for a different time and place. However the same training as I. One of them told me his story
a few things can be said about the less hide-bound of approaching his teacher with the idea of traveling
Sufis. First, they are concerned with developing their overseas. He was asked where he wanted to go. His

perceptions. Second, there are various ways this can answer was Turkey, Israel and Afghanistan. There
be done. Third, expanded awareness and intuition was a long pause while the old teacher stared out
would include but not be totally be described by the into space. Finally, he recommended Turkey and
following illustration. That is, the approach given Israel, but strongly advised against Afghanistan.
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Our soon to be traveler gave his thanks, took his

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January 12, 2007
Seeker After Truth

Intuitive Training in a Sufi Tradition

leave and planned his trip along its original lines in After all, we are used to being given a summary of a
spite of the warning. A little before his departure, course before signing up. However, misdirecting a
it came time to go to the doctor’s office to receive student’s attention away from the real lesson has a
the required shots for travel. Although he did not straight forward purpose. It sidesteps the student’s
realize it ahead of time, the shots required for a trip efforts to ‘figure out’ exactly what’s going on (and
to Afghanistan were different from those for Turkey therefore sabotaging the entire project). Thus, while
and Israel. Still, being determined, he took the extra it appears one set of lessons is taking place, an en-
shots…and in a matter of hours was seriously ill tirely different and unsuspected agenda is being
from a reaction to the injections. Needless to say, carried out.
once he got out of the hospital, he changed his plans.
This second agenda has everything to do with how
As I mentioned earlier, learning about one’s expec- practical the learned skills will become. Generally
tations (and thus one’s conditioning) is a critical when we think of training in intuition, most of
element in this type of training. Having a student us think that means conscious intuition. In fact,
read selected text, perform tasks, and take trips all conscious intuition would seem to be the only
can be used to unmask conditioning. There is one kind there is. That is a reasonable assumption …
other method but it is prone to abuse. This technique reasonable but wrong. In fact, most of what we call
involves the teacher doing something intentionally perception takes place long before we are aware
designed to shock the student out of their old pat- of it. This is also true of intuition which could be
terns. Practitioners of Zen often use this tactic. The thought about as a type of perception. Now, if we
problem is, it’s easy for a teacher to ‘slightly fudge’ will allow that perception is a process and some of
on this tactic and use it to exert power over their that process takes place unconsciously, then the idea
students. Teachers have been known to fake eve- of training forms of unconscious intuition does not
rything form personal illness, to direct callings ‘from sound so strange. The idea only sounds strange when
God’ in order to extort money from their followers. someone tries to develop it on his own. After all,
Although this may look like a technique for exposing since this type of training requires special settings
conditioning generally it is not. and tasks, it only stands to reason that a group set-
ting makes it easier. Earlier, I mentioned that there
For the record, using shock to rattle a student is were three parts to this training. We have looked at
neither new or Eastern. Aristotle is reported to have pattern disruption, which is a part of preparing for
occasionally slapped a student right after making his intuitive information to get through more accurately.
point. Such ‘markers’ were used by him to embed Now, I would like to say a word about meditations
the memory deep in the student’s consciousness. I as used in this training system.
doubt anyone today would get away with slapping
his students around (no matter how tempting it may By itself, meditation will probably not cause a major
sometimes be). Still, Aristotle’s timing may prove an shift in one’s overall ability to access their intuition.
important hint into this technique (i.e. right after Generally, it has to be used in conjunction with other
the point is delivered and before the student gets techniques. Still, mental exercises can be useful if

a chance to mix it with his already pre-established handled in the proper fashion. In this example most
expectations and patterns). of the longer meditative techniques used are visual
in nature. Techniques using verbal formulas are
From these examples, you may see that one of the generally used as a preparation for visualization.
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elements in teaching working intuition is not always The operating assumption being that being able to
letting the student in on exactly what the point of a clearly visualize a person, place, or event automa-
lesson is. At first this may sound slightly dishonest. tically sets up a channel for information to flow

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January 12, 2007
Seeker After Truth

Intuitive Training in a Sufi Tradition

through. In order to do this effectively, it helps if the to shut down all the mental noise while holding
visualizations match the abilities and needs of the something at the center of attention. To a certain
student. Thus, a visualization may be very simple extent, one pointed meditation as outlined earlier
and consist of little more than a two dimensional will help, but by itself, it is not enough. There are,
shape visualized on a flat background. Examples of course, different exercises that can help. Wor-
of this would be geometric shapes or letters. Ano- king with dreams (and particularly lucid dreams)
ther type of meditation consists of adding a third is one example. The balance between detachment
dimension and movement to the object visualized. and willing that one has to maintain in order to
An example would be a spinning white ball on a stay in a lucid dream is very close to the neutral
black background. expectation needed. There are many other methods
but a continued list would belabor the point. It is
This process is known as the lataif. Lataif can also enough to realize that methods need to be matched
be used as a noun to mean something like ‘organ to individuals.
of subtle perception’. In any case, the techniques
associated with the lataif take on a bewildering va- There is one last point that needs to brought up in
riety as long as one looks at the surface. However, this essay and that concerns the intention of the
if you look at the actual operations being carried program outlined herein. Intuition can take many
out, common ideas appear. Regardless of the sys- different forms. In the case of Sufism, the intuition
tem used, generally visualizations that are shifted developed is often a side effect of a larger training
are involved. That is, one may carry out a series format. Thus, in addition to doing exercises like the
of visualizations or one may use the same image one above, an individual might be given the task of
and carry out a series of changes on it. In the first building a successful business, working in a charity,
case, an example would be to visualize a shape or or taking up art or music. A Sufi that cannot make
number on one side of the body and the shift and his or her way in the world is almost a contradic-
visualize different shape or number on the other tion in terms. This may sound like a contradiction
side. This could be interspersed with visualizations in a culture that equates poverty with spirituality.
of letters or colors depending on how complicated But then again, is that not just one more piece of
the teacher wants to make it. In the second case, conditioning?
an example would be visualizing a sphere clearly.
Then the sphere could be changed in size, motion,
color or even imagined to be outside (projected) out Processing your request, Please wait....
into the field of vision. In either case, the idea is to
develop the ability to hold a visualization steady Report as:
while manipulating it. In this way the intuitive can
shift his focus of attention without losing the contact Write in Words: 
created by concentrating on the original target. (Optional)

The last section of the three parts listed had to do


with holding an attitude of neutral expectation. In 

some ways, this may be the most difficult skill of all.
After all, it is the nature of the human mind to fill
in blanks. The first time someone focuses intently
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on a target with he desire for information, the ima-

gination takes that as an open invitation to create
whatever data it sees fit— thus, the need to be able

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