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Mathematics IGCSE Higher Tier, November 2010

4400/4H (Paper 4H)

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Question 1
a) you could key the following:
(3.7 x 2.9) ÷ 5.3 + 1.4 = 3.424528302

Or do parts separately
3.7 x 2.9 = 10.73

And then key in 10.73 ÷ 5.3 + 1.4 = 3.424528302

b) 3.42 (to 2 decimal places)

Question 2
Journey time was 1 hour 15 minutes, this is the same as 1.25 hours

speed = distance/time
so multiplying both sides by time we have
time x speed = distance

Distance = 1.25 x 248 = 310 km 0775 950 1629 Page 1

Mathematics IGCSE Higher Tier, November 2010
4400/4H (Paper 4H)

Question 3
a) to find midpoint of two points (a, b) and (c, d) we simply find the average of the x coordinates and
the average of the y coordinates to get (  ,  )


in this case the midpoint of (3, 2) and (11, 10) would be ( 
,  )=(, )= (7, 6)

b) the points ABCD will form the four corners of a square. This is because the diagonals are
perpendicular to each other and both diagonals are the same length.

C will have the same x coordinate as A and the same y coordinate as B ie (3, 10)
D will have the same x coordinate as B and the same y coordinate as A ie (11, 2) or vice versa

C (3, 10)
D (11, 2)

Question 4
a) probability of a circle or a triangle is 0.3 + 0.1 = 0.4
probabilities always add up to 1
1 – 0.4 = 0.6

probability of a square is 0.6

b) a shape with straight sides could be a triangle or a square

Pr (shape with straight sides) = pr (square) or pr (triangle)
In probability “and” means x, “or” means +

Pr (shape with straight sides) = 0.6 + 0.1 = 0.7

c)pr (circle) = 0.3

160 x 0.3 = 48 times 0775 950 1629 Page 2

Mathematics IGCSE Higher Tier, November 2010
4400/4H (Paper 4H)

Question 5
We must first change 50 euros to £ and then we can change to Sri Lankan rupees

Euro £
1 0.72
50 50 x 0.72 = £36

£ Sri Lankan rupees

1 221
36 36 x 221 = 7956

50 euros = £36 = 7956 Sri Lankan rupees

Question 6
 . .
a) V = 
= 3.9

b) 35 =  x h x 2.52
multiply both sides by 3
105 = 2 x h x 2.52
105 = 12.5 x h
12.5 x h = 105
divide both sides by 12.5

h = 8.4

c) multiply both sides by 3

3V = 2 x h x y2
divide both sides by 2 and h

= y2

y2 =

square root both sides

y = 0775 950 1629 Page 3

Mathematics IGCSE Higher Tier, November 2010
4400/4H (Paper 4H)

Question 7

a) the red tramlines help us to know that we have enlarged the shape correctly and it is in the
correct position

how to do the enlargement

point (4,6)
this point is 1 across and 2 up from the centre of enlargement so the new point will be 3 across and
6 up from the centre of enlargement at point (6,10)

point (5,6)
this point is 2 across and 2 up from the centre of enlargement so the new point will be 6 across and
6 up from the centre of enlargement at point (9,10)

point (4,8)
this point is 1 across and 4 up from the centre of enlargement so the new point will be 3 across and
12 up from the centre of enlargement at point (6,16)

b) a vector translation just picks the shape up and moves it to a new position. In this case 4 units to
the right and 8 units down.

c) Transformation from P onto R

this is another enlargement of scale factor 3. We can see where the centre of enlargement is by
putting in tramlines joining the corresponding points. We extend these tramlines until they meet
(shown as green dashed lines).

Enlargement scale factor 3, centre of enlargement (1,8) 0775 950 1629 Page 4

Mathematics IGCSE Higher Tier, November 2010
4400/4H (Paper 4H)

Question 8
map Reality
1 50,000
19.6 cm 19.6 x 50,000 = 980,000 cm

980,000 cm = 9800 m = 9.8 km

Question 9
The three lines are:
x = 1 (everywhere along this line the x coordinate is 1)
y = 2 (everywhere along this line the y coordinate is 2)
x + y = 8 (see working below)

all lines can be put as y = mx + c where m is the gradient and c is the y intercept
the gradient is the measure of the steepness and is got from difference in y coordinates divided by

difference in x coordinates. Two points on this line are (0, 8) and (8, 0) so gradient =  = -1
the y intercept is where the line crosses the y axis. This is 8.
y = -x + 8
add x to both sides

the shaded area is to the right of x = 1 so we want x  1

the shaded are is above the line y = 2 so we want y  2
the shaded area is to the lower left of the line x + y = 8 so we want x + y  8

x  1, y  2 and x + y  8

Question 10
If we join the line from C to O we have a radius to the circle.
The line CP is a tangent and meets the radius at C. This means that the angle PCO is a right angle
Angle COB will be 42⁰. This is because angles at the centre are twice the angle at the circumference.

We now have a triangle COP and we know two of the angles, 90⁰ and 42⁰.
90 + 42 = 132
Angles in a triangle add up to 180⁰
180 – 132 = 48⁰

Angle APC = 48⁰ 0775 950 1629 Page 5

Mathematics IGCSE Higher Tier, November 2010
4400/4H (Paper 4H)

Question 11
a)his loss is 1350 – 1269 = $81

expressed as a percentage this is

x 100 = 6%

b) The selling price of $9519 represents 114% (100% plus the 14% profit)
we want to know what 100% was

we divide by 114 and multiply by 100

x 100 = $8350

Question 12
a) any line can be expressed in the form y = mx + c where m is the gradient and c is the intercept
the gradient is a measure of its slope and is obtained from the difference in the y coordinates
divided by the difference in the x coordinates

gradient (m) =  = -2
intercept is where the line crosses the y axis (when y = 5) c = 5

y = -2x + 5

b) a line which is parallel to L will have the same gradient (-2).

We know y = -2x + c we also know that this line passes through the point (3, 0) so using these
0 = (-2 x 3) + c
0 = -6 + c

y = -2x + 6 0775 950 1629 Page 6

Mathematics IGCSE Higher Tier, November 2010
4400/4H (Paper 4H)

Question 13
The interior angle is on a straight line with the exterior angle so the two angles will add up to 180⁰

If we let the exterior angle be x, then the interior angle will be 11x (from question)
x + 11x = 180⁰
12x = 180⁰
divide both sides by 12
x = 15⁰

The exterior angles of a regular polygon will always add up to 360⁰.

For example: 10 sided shape – each exterior angle will be 36⁰
6 sided shape – each exterior angle will be 60⁰

If the number of sides is n then

= exterior angle = 15⁰

multiply both sides by n
360 = 15 x n
15n = 360
divide both sides by 15

n = 24 sides 0775 950 1629 Page 7

Mathematics IGCSE Higher Tier, November 2010
4400/4H (Paper 4H)

Question 14

First bead Second bead

3 White

4 2 Blue

9 Red 8
4 Red
9 White

2 Blue
9 Blue 4 Red

1 Blue

The first bead is not replaced. This means that there are only 8 beads to choose from the second

b) probability (one red and one blue) = Pr (red then blue) + Pr (blue then red)


( x ) + ( x ) =  +  =  =  =  = 0775 950 1629 Page 8

Mathematics IGCSE Higher Tier, November 2010
4400/4H (Paper 4H)

Question 15
a) we can either key straight into our calculator using the x10x to get
3.6 x 1015

or 9 x 4 = 36 and 108 x 106 = 108+6 = 1014

36 x 1014 = 3.6 x 1015

b) i) xy = (7 x 5) x (10m x 10n) = 35 x 10m+n

but this is not standard form because we must have 3.5 not 35
xy = 3.5 x 10m+n+1 = 3.5 x 1012
matching the powers we have m + n + 1 = 12
subtract 1 from both sides

m + n = 11

ii)" = (7 ÷ 5) x (10m ÷ 10n) = 1.4 x 10m-n = 1.4 x 1027
comparing the powers of 10 we have

m – n = 27

we now have two simultaneous equations to solve:

m + n = 11
m – n = 27
rearrange both to make m the subject
m = 11 – n
m = 27 + n
set these two new equations equal to each other (eliminating the m)
11 - n = 27 + n
add n to both sides
11 = 27 + 2n
27 + 2n = 11
subtract 27 from both sides
2n = -16
divide by 2
n = -8
m = 11 – n = 11 - - 8 = 11 + 8 = 19

m = 19, n = -8

To check:
X = 7 x 1019 , y = 5 x 10-8
Xy = 3.5 x 1012 and " = 1.4 x 1027 0775 950 1629 Page 9

Mathematics IGCSE Higher Tier, November 2010
4400/4H (Paper 4H)

Question 16
a) P is inversely proportional to V means

we can replace the # with = as long as we introduce a constant k


we are given that P = 18 when V = 24

18 = 

multiply both sides by 24

k = 432

So P = 

b) when P = 3V

3V = 
multiply both sides by V
3V2 = 432
divide both sides by 3
V2 = 144
square root both sides

V = 12 0775 950 1629 Page 10

Mathematics IGCSE Higher Tier, November 2010
4400/4H (Paper 4H)

Question 17

frequency density = frequency ÷ class width

we can fill in the frequency density for the last three fields

Weight (w kg) Frequency Class width Frequency density

0%w1 18 note 5 1 18 note 4
1 % w  2.5 36 1.5 24 note 1
2.5 % w  4 57 1.5 38 note 2
4%w6 24 2 12 note 3

Note 1: 36 ÷ 1.5 = 24
Note 2: 57 ÷ 1.5 = 38
Note 3: 24 ÷ 2 = 12
Note 4: the frequency density for the second category helps us to work out the scale on the
histogram. This then means that the frequency density for the first category can be read off the
histogram as 18.
Note 5: frequency ÷ 1 = 18, so frequency = 18

b) 0775 950 1629 Page 11

Mathematics IGCSE Higher Tier, November 2010
4400/4H (Paper 4H)

Question 18
As we are asked to give the answer to 3 significant figures we know that factorising is unlikely to
help here. We need to use the quadratic formula (as given in formulae sheet)


where a= 3, b= 8 and c= 2

(*+, +






or & ' 

x = -0.279 or -2.39 (both to 3 significant figures) 0775 950 1629 Page 12

Mathematics IGCSE Higher Tier, November 2010
4400/4H (Paper 4H)

Question 19
a) if we join A to D and B to C we have two triangles ADE and BCE
Angles in the same segment are equal means that angle ADE = angle CBE
Angles in the same segment are equal means that angle BAD = angle BCE
If two angles in a triangle are the same as two angles in another triangle then this means that the
third angles must also be the same as each other and we have two similar triangles

5 cm
4 cm

16 cm
We have two corresponding sides BE and DE and we are wanting to find a side on the bigger triangle

so our scale factor will be

AE = CE x
= 16 x
= 20 cm

b) i)if AE is 20 cm and EB is 4 cm then the diameter of the circle (AB) is 24 cm. This means that the
radius will be half of 24.
Radius = 12 cm

ii)if we now construct a triangle ODE where O is the centre of the circle we can see we have 3 sides
so can work out any of the angles using the Cosine Rule. OD is the radius so is 12 cm, DE we already
have, OE is 12 – 4 = 8 cm

12 cm

5 cm
8 cm E
2 2 2
If we start with a = b + c – 2bccosA where a is the side opposite the angle we want (angle
labelled as x)
add 2bccosA to both sides
a2 + 2bccosA = b2 + c2
subtract a2 from both sides
2bccosA = b2 + c2 – a2
divide both sides by 2bc
cos A = 
Take inverse cos of both sides (cos-1) 0775 950 1629 Page 13
Mathematics IGCSE Higher Tier, November 2010
4400/4H (Paper 4H)

A = cos-1(  )
now substituting A = x, a = 12, b = 5, c= 8


x = cos-1( )= cos-1( )= 133.4⁰ (to 1 decimal place)

Question 20
We have two equations and both are equal to y so we can put the two equations equal to each other
(thus eliminating the y)

x2 = 7x – 10
subtract 7x from both sides
x2 - 7x = -10
add 10 to both sides
x2 – 7x + 10 = 0
we have a quadratic to solve
we can factorise if we can find two numbers that multiply to give 10 and add to give -7
the two numbers are -2 and -5
(x – 2)(x – 5) = 0
If two numbers or brackets multiply to make 0 then either one of the brackets must equal 0
If x – 2 = 0 then x = 2
If x = 5 = 0 then x = 5

We have y = x2
so when x = 2, y = 4 or when x = 5, y = 25
we need to check both these answers by putting them into the second equation
y = (7 x 2) – 10 = 14 – 10 = 4 or y = (7 x 5) – 10 = 35 – 10 = 25

x = 2, y = 4 or x = 5, y = 25 0775 950 1629 Page 14

Mathematics IGCSE Higher Tier, November 2010
4400/4H (Paper 4H)

Question 21
/////0 = ////0
a) i) -. /////0 = b + a = a + b
-1 + 1.

/////0 = ////0
ii) 12 /////0 = -b + 3a = 3a – b
1- + -2

-3 = ////0
iii) /////0 -1 + ////0
13 = b +
12 = b +
(3a – b) = b +
a -
b =
a +

b) i)if one vector is a multiple of another vector then we know that the two lines are parallel. If the
two vectors have a point in common, in this case P then not only are the lines parallel but they are
the same line.
PRT are on the same straight line

ii) /////0 /////0 = a + b
-3 = a + b and -.

So /////0
-3 =
-. and k =

Question 22
In order to add fractions we need a common denominator, but before we do that we can probably
simplify the fraction. We need to factorise the top and usually something will cancel with the

find two numbers that multiply to give -6 but add to give 1: the two numbers are +3 and -2

x2 + x – 6 = (x + 3)(x – 2)

so we have 1 + +!

now we can see that the factor (x – 2) will cancel with the top and the bottom to give

1 + +!

Using a common denominator of (x + 4) we can put 1 as +!

, +!, !
! !
+ = =
, +!
, !
! 0775 950 1629 Page 15

Mathematics IGCSE Higher Tier, November 2010
4400/4H (Paper 4H)

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It should be noted that Chatterton Tuition is responsible for these solutions. The solutions have not
been produced nor approved by Edexcel. In addition these solutions may not necessarily constitute
the only possible solutions. 0775 950 1629 Page 16

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