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Muscle/Energy Testing Yourself

Energy Testing. There's no better way to really get to know your energy field, inside and out,
than a reliable energy self-test. If you wish to find out what your energy field responds best to,
what compromises your energy and functioning, and what subconscious thoughts/
beliefs/memories sabotage your ability to grow and change, energy self-testing is the key.

Muscle Testing. In Energy Psychology, "muscle testing" is a frequent type of energy test, used
to assess or dowse energy flow through a muscle group. The muscle testing used by Energy
Psychology clinicians is a simple form of Kinesiology.

What's more, energy self-testing is easy and fun to do. My new book, "Divining Health: A
Dowsing Approach to Emotional Freedom", offers you user-friendly instruction in techniques
such as those presented below, along with a structured energy-test protocol for your own self-

Energy Testing Without Muscle. Also popular and exceedingly useful are energy-check
methods that do not test muscle energy. These methods are ideal for self-use, and are the
methods I offer my clients and use myself: (1) ideomotor test, (2) "sticky-smooth" test, (3)
pendulum dowsing. I'll introduce you to these energy self-tests and then suggest practice
activities. [If you're new to this type of activity, I suggest you do The Three Thumps and/or
Belly-Button Correction first just to boost your energy, reinforce correct polarity, and defuse
your excitement!]

1. IDEOMOTOR TEST. The term "ideomotor" suggests that an idea or thought

connects with a motor response. An ideomotor energy test demonstrates
exactly that, even if the idea/thought is subconscious rather than conscious.
An easy, useful ideomotor test is the "SWAY TEST" using your whole standing
body. Just as a tree leans to face the sun, the human body inclines naturally
toward what agrees with it. That's why the Sway Test is a great guide for
healthy supermarket shopping! Think YES, with a strong positive feeling. Wait,
and notice your body's subtle response to YES. It will naturally sway slightly
forward. Repeat this a few times for practice. Now think NO, with a yucky
negative feeling. Notice your body's response to NO. It will lean slightly back
or to the side, and do so readily and reliably with practice. That's the
ideomotor response.

Sway Test: A subtle and handy variation of the Sway Test is the "Head Nod." Try it right now if
you like. Relax, breathe, and then invite your head to indicate YES. Notice your head's natural
response to YES. It will naturally tip slightly forward as though beginning to nod, "Yes." Repeat
for practice. Then relax, breathe, and invite your head to indicate NO. Notice your head's
natural response to NO. It will naturally turn slightly to the side as though beginning a head-
shake, "No," or it will draw back a little. We'll do some "practical practice" a little further on.

2. STICKY-SMOOTH TESTS. Place the palms of your hands together and rub them against each
other a few times. Then, ask your body to use a smooth feeling to mean "Yes." Just be in
"allow" mode, letting your body relax and respond. Now, rub your hands together gently and
notice how they feel for Yes. Take your time. Practice a few times until Yes and smooth are
reliably connected. Next, ask your body to use a sticky feeling to mean "No." Let your body
respond. Rub your hands together gently and notice how they feel for No. Take your time, and
practice a few times until No and sticky are reliably connected. Now that your body has the
idea, try it with "Yum!" and "Yuck!" Your body will know to respond with smooth for Yum and
sticky for Yuck.

A useful one-handed variation on the smooth-sticky test is a finger test. Rub the pads of your
index finger and thumb lightly together to get the feel. Then, ask your body to use a smooth
feeling to mean "Yes" or "Agree" or "That's healthy/okay for me." Let your body respond. Rub
your finger and thumb together gently and notice how they feel for Yes. Take your time, and
practice a few times until "Yes" or "agree" or "okay for me" are reliably connected to smooth.
Then, ask your body to use a sticky feeling to mean "No" or "disagree" or "That's not okay for
me." Proceed as before. Practice a few times until "No" or "disagree" or "not okay" and sticky
are reliably connected. Now try the finger/thumb test with "Yum!" and "Yuck!" Your fingers will
respond with smooth for Yum and sticky for Yuck.

3. PENDULUM DOWSING TEST. Some people prefer to use a pendulum to

check or "dowse" for energy flow and related information. You'll need a
small weight on the end of a 5 or 6 inch cord or string. A lifesaver on a piece
of thread works fine. A pendant on a chain is great. In a pinch, I've used a
ring on a piece of dental floss!

Hold the string quietly between thumb and index finger - in neutral. Just as
you did with the other self-tests, think YES, with a strong positive feeling,
and watch your pendulum. It will begin to swing in a circle or forward-and-
back or side-to-side. That particular movement means Yes for your
pendulum and you. Practice a few times.

Do the same with a strong NO thought and feeling, and watch your
pendulum. It's likely to make the opposite movement. If it swung forward-
and-back for Yes, it may swing side-to-side for No. If it circled clockwise for
Yes, it may swing counter-clockwise for No.

If your response is unclear, choose one of those patterns I just mentioned, and practice those
pendulum movements while thinking/feeling Yes and No. Once your pendulum is programmed,
it will always use the same indicators unless you program it differently.

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